
7/16/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

8:05 p.m

1385 Metropolitan Woods Avenue… Bronx.


85… H E..
7-16-2018… G P…T R… U E… B R O…E

H E God Particle… Its True… The B R O .. E… / E O. R B…


8:42 p.m.. 8:43 p.m.

It had come to my attention that I was brought here to New York to give my Conclusion on an Investigation to my “Father Brothers” instigation at the Truth of his Creation.

My Conclusion:is that Creation .. Existence was created Beautiful Perfect…
B P… Blue Planet…
As the ist and 5th Color… A.E../ E A…
Represented in this play by Anthony Emeka Kolo and then Emeka Artie ( Aturo T.. )

And that there presence of the E .A… Eternal Awareness was always present in Humanity..
But that Humanity chose to ignore that part of themselves.
And to feed their baser nature which they decpetively called the Animal Nature.
All Animal are moved by Harmony so the idea and notion that Human is of Divine and Animal Nature is incorrect.

Animals nature is of Harmony nature and they are moved by Sixth Sense.
And the True the Divine Spirit nature is Eternal and moved by Expression…
This Expression Harmony…
Expression Infinity…
Awareness is Harmonious.. A.H.. Link Arthur Hur.. A.H.
Expression is Awareness…
Awareness is Existence.

Free will and Choice is a gift, it i the gift of the Creator, the Source so is Discernment.

People chose out of Free will, feed that that which is base, and beastial and not of Existence.
Awareness is Existence ..
Awareness is Eternal
The E which I have proven Exists in all of the people who came with free will and choice to my page, too take part in this Experiment and Challenge, all came in perfect harmony to a summons of a play which they were not aware of.
Which means the E as the God Particle is alive and well in all Humanity proven in a public play which lasted 6.7 Years.

8:57 p.m.

On 7-11-2018 Dawn Piercy posted an image of a Being walking in the Clouds.
Given the background of intel, the back story of that date Seven Eleven from a play which began at B R C Assessment shelter in 2015, linked to bed 49 occupied by myself and the other by Keith Grant…
*Link Dette Grant.. D G… 4 7… 11.. 28…. 39… C I… 12..L. 3 C..
And then to Greg Dollins and Adam Dollins.. G D.. 7 4.. 11 28 39… C I… To Dan Browns “The Lost Symbol” 639 pages…
To A D… 1 4…
And then the two brothers names combined.. to form G A ..D D…
And myself in Augusta Georgia, and finding myself bound for New York on the very day that Pope John Paul Died
April 2nd, 2005…
4 2… 25…
Which linked to Axel Love ( Axel Anderson.. A.L.. A A ) who I met the very day I arrived at the Bean Cafe- which was then called Cafe Kudos.. on 13th…
Linked to Artie T.. Who owned the Book the Lost Symbol and The Screwtape Letters…
Who looks like a younger version of Axel Love at who at 58 came from a very Christian and wealthy family but who turned to a life of debauchery and depravity and then came back, sincerely to “God” – which I could see by how he is so clean and guided from the first day he arrived…
Who did the same investigation exhaustive into the nature of the country he so loved, but which exactly life Albert Santana my former host who Axel was linked to also- did research to find the Awful Truth which caused him to loose all faith in Humanity and pray, and even be moved by an force I call Alien Father as Destruction to plant an equation of World Destruction under a peace sign.

Until I was led to his home in 2006 where he, and with the authority of that dark force in him I called the Black Hole, to test me to such a point…
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions met him and he told her how he had tested me and allowed himself to use that force to test me in a way which He ( the force in him ) said no Human Being had ever passed or survived that test…
*Please recall that is the place where I the web site of the Secret Society opened up the first few days I was there with the message that I was in place where none had ever risen from…
It was also the venue where my former host his gifted mother of his children and others saw me entombed in a krypt.
And as Osirus so brutalized, and as enduring the wrath of the furies…
The List goes on.. please go back on my page, the last part stages of that were all documented.

I passed his tests without changing into Evil Rage and after that the host A Santana become fertile and though swearing not to ever have children had two sons…

Thus, there was no excuse for facebook friends to not take the appearance of the Being walking in the Clouds seriously, considering all the data and back ground added given to right up to the that date 711 which aligned to that logical conclusion…

Recall that Billy Hung was linked to Albert Santana- through a person called Rav Singh and Billy Hung was to me, the darkness and Light of Al Santana.. that force of destruction. And I met him through telephone at A.Santana house and met him in person on the 5-7-2012…
And that A Santana had the code 2012 all over him as well as the tatoo on his stomach One Spirit.. “O.S” and spoke of memories of Aliens experimenting with him and how he arrived on Earth.
Link Billy Hung who had just arrived from a place called Alien Landing.. A.L..
Axel Love A.L..
Artie Aturo T… A T… L A.. S T… * The Lost Symbol… The Screwtape Letters… add A.. I am E-A..
At Last E…

B.L.E U… P L A N E T…

/ T E N… A..L.. P… U E.. L B… Luc Besson… L B… LUCY…

Yes Isabelle Ilic…

A.T.. L A S T … E…

The book Artie gave me to read has a marker on Chapter 15… ( Letter O).. Yes the play with him bed 14 and his nieghbor 15… Wearing a jersey 86…)
Chapter 15.. page 75… yes, Billy Hung 5-7-2018 6 years to the day I met him; and his coming to Delta Manor with 400 Usd then sending me the text 6:29 pm and 6:31p.m… Linking to Brenda 6-29-61.. Abyss.. and to Kyle Murphy who kept on insisting on wishing to meet Billy.. yes money…
They really think I am stupid…

The Marker is from the Moma.. date 03/13/2018…
C M..Clement Michael Clement Michael…
Given by Bellvue Recovery Clinic code acess 1000 63 7 93…

“Trajal Harrel. “Used, Abused and Hung Out to Dry 2013 copyright 2016… ( 20 13… 33… 20 16.. 36 .. 6 9 .. 15… Chapter 15)

5-7/ to page 75… Full Circle Chaper 15…

The Cleaning of the mess of the Line of Axel Love A.L..
Who is an adherent of “A Course In Miracles…”
A C I M….

Brooke Elizabeth Banwer
Susan Otelia Nelson

Everyone Used abused and Hung me out to Dry…
I am perfectly aware of that I documented it all..
But I was also here to bring forth the Truth of My Fathers Creation…
Not mine… ‘
My creation is the E…
The Eternal Originals…
T E O…

New York Times
Sports Monday…


France 4
Croatia 2.

On my page right now 2 message and 42 Likes… 2 42…
2 42.. B DB…
See sacred Portal 42.. Buddha..Lotus in one Eye and Flower…

See Room 4 B… Bed 08…

See Death of Pope John Paul and the beginning of the last leg of my journey in April 2nd, 2005, From Augusta Georgia. A.G..

Link Greg Dollins and Adam Dollins… G A.. D..D..

44 is on the corner of my bed….

B. P… 2 16.

Beautiful Pride.

B,.L..E U… P L A N E T…

/T E N… A L.P…..U E L.B

U.E..L.B..Laughing Budhha…

Video Shared by Solo Dolo and spotted by Lisa “Standalone” “Baker…

Solo Dolo.. S.D.. Santana Dharma…
Lisa Baker .. B L.

‘God’ Appears To Walk Across Sky Between Clouds In Alabama


9:42 p.m.

I D.B..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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