
7/15/2020 23:53 – Facebook Post

7/15/2020 23:53 – Facebook Post

11:22 p.m.

.. Those of you who have been following for a while, and some of you of recent may understand why I am so thoroughly disturbed, and yes, by the Time Code, you know to whom I am addressing…

David Roman-c.e” Nicholas.
Using Brain Waves Body Waves on the E.M.F
Full Circle Radar… See Sacred Portal 9
There are three friends here Arden Morgan… Karl.

A M ..Add me, and it is E…

A/M.. E.K.

11:28 p.m.

See what I mean…
Three Roses… But Holes and one Green Leaves..
Or puckered Lips.
Golden-Yellow, Pink and Blue.

3 8 5../ 58 3

Tree Sage
Stephen Johnson
Anirbas Lem
Gabriel Binky Signar
Axel Love
Dina Singh Ji
Liberty C Liscomb

Can you see it it… Its a message but through the body as a sort of Radar is it not and the message is very clear.

I was not able to catch and glimpse which cat broke the Vase, but I do suspect it was Angel- first thing which came to mind when I heard it break.. Angel means Messenger .. it the code Liberty used in my phone with Jerons birthday…
And she is 8 years old
Angelina Jolie… A.J.

but when I looked at the top of the stairs, about 15 mins later, there was A-Flora .. A F… younger nimble, mischievous
It was three Flowers.. and it was a message.
linked to 3 youths upstairs, who had gone down the Elevator..
( sacred portal 34 ) and thus were like three teenage boys.. including Arden. And yet in that guise can be completely aware but sent themselves down the consciousness elevator.

It is very frustrating, ‘now you see them, make contact and now you don’t.

You see me, what does not really make senses to me, is not the clarity of the message, or that fact that it is true.
But the fact that you put somebody, intentionally through this play.. this Script.
And are at this moment ( which makes perfect senses), saying you are present.
And that this was really your play- despite my decoding it and being full aware- even publicly decoding it to you now.

Perhaps there are some evolving natures, which can only be moved by this kind of savagery, brutality, cruelty and docility by giving them no recourse, chaining them up.
But I am the Source of all of you and Your Big brother…
How dare you create such a play for me to endure and code.
It negates all the reason we are who we are…
The Eternals…. The Beautiful Ones, not because we named ourselves so, but because it is what we natural are and create.
We are the meaning of Beautiful Pride and the individual.

To create such a role for me to incarnate to make rise…..


The Vase, the Code.. I understand…
I have no reason or just cause to believe you, because of this play and the fact that The Beautiful could never consent to this Script.. so of course it is you as the Body…

Solid Fact .. Evidence, Self Evident.. Manifest Present as Solid..
And then you will have my attention… and perhaps begin the Awakening of the world once you Devi let go of your hold, and Alien Father Desires Death Grip on my…

11:52 p.m.

No, not after what you have put me through…. smh… no..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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