
7/15/2020 22:15 – Facebook Post

6:39 p.m.
F C.I….


Just finished making dinner, asked Arden if he was hungry and he said yes.

He has dashed of somewhere….

Yes Arden and I are the only ones left in the house….
E A…
A. E..

Of course, Ferrill his brother is down the road, his father is near by and he has his friends- Two of whom came by.

He has nothing to be afraid of in me, I have never physically hurt anyone in my life intentionally and Lord knows this play and my 6′ 5″ well built physique has been provoked intentionally and by people astounded in this reality that I do not use my frame to my advantage.

It is the Spirits.. that have good reason to be afraid, when I leave peoples homes and the force behind me replies and responds as Judgement.
Even that is based on the play of those who are true or false.
I have lived in the Spirit world my entire life, not allowed to land.
In this reality it means living in ones mind- not necessarily ones head.

No, I am aware that Arden was used as I was, and I am deeply horrified, by it, but as you can see it was a play.
He is still and will always be the line of the Eternally beloved as his brother Ferill and Aurelia represents.

Did you not see the play today?

Look what I posted…
Look what I woke up saying aloud, causing Arden a bit of a fright, but still courageous to make a point of the my speaking up by putting the music up- I spoke above it because I wished him to know, to remember the truth of why even now only two of us where here present despite yesterdays play which yes, could push a man over the edge with hurt and rage…
What? I am not meant to have feelings… ?
Feel hurt emotions rage at injustice, lash out when justified?
-Apparently in this role I am not.
I must be loving and gentle and the idea of what Humanity has created as God- one who comforts, does all the work and takes on all the blame and cleans up the mess…. of ages.
I never claimed to be God and certainly not humanities unrealistic version of it.

But did you see the set up?
I woke up around 11, not really looking at the time, but suddenly as a Man- I spoke up about the truth of why I am here…
Which I stated transparently from Delta Manor to my arrival here.

It was set up, because even after I went upstairs to assure Arden that I will be quiet, I open my phone and see Liberty C Liscomb photo of Jeron holding the same flower as Arden in the Photo.
Confirming the truth of my expression Jay-M.es Bond OO7.. license to kill.
Really the true original Black Panther –
The Beautiful Assassin and here she was confirming it sent by Jen Fox…
Meaning just as the last 27 years… 19 years, I was set up even today to code post the equation unraveling still in me which went back to that First Eternal play where my Younger Self rose and did not ASK… What was on his mind.

A similar play which took place for months yesterday ending me urging Arden to ask me once again.
But this time he did and it brought a resolution to him, a reminder of all i had stated to him and all he had stated.

How can I begin to imagine what that feels like….
To know that there is a force of Memory which can take over my thoughts body and being, and use then against me over and over again, invisible yet clearly making me prove a truth which never manifested of the Two who are One fighting.. a what if… IF?
96…I Fact.. there is no what if… not as 96 or even 69.. F.I. E.
There is only 6+9.. 9=6= 15 15.. O O.
“O O” On the white mail box.

7:O4 p.m.
G O D.. I recognize no authority called God, not Human beings who pretend that they are Almighty and the last word in all things. Such a thing does not exist- except in Human Imaginations always linked with fear- or why would create such a concept?
Allah God Jah Goddess with power over you is it not because of fear of the unknown, fear of being unsafe.

But are not babies fearless… Children true Children fearless and if a child is a lie, filled with fear it is because some adult monster has infected them intentionally or unintentionally with that condition.
Mainly by not allowing its own voice and opinion to be heard, not allowed to ask questions ( not question) but ask question ( question in you head and then formulate the question you wish to ask)
Not question a persons truth which has caused you to become light, to see clearly, which makes you rise…
Why would you question something which causes you to become what you always knew you were inside and recognize because it resonates?

I can go on about this, but I will not because it is all documented on my page.
But imagine, a force in a Matrix like Ed Harris who has a power of not to simply play God but to have the power to influence and everyone to obey its will.
Good or Evil.

And here I am being forced to battle with that illusion to defeat it by proving Harmony is the key and then defining what Harmony is for those who were meant to figure it out themselves that Harmony brings Peace… Peace of Mind E.M.F.
Imagine the power to keep you in an argument- trapped cornered force to prove over and over again that which is already Self Evident, but that this force can take over your body and direct your being to a battle which you prove in its own set up, but corners you saying again.
Do it again. repeat, do it again, each time changing the rules, the settings, over and over again for 27 years.
That play took place even with Liberty C Liscomb “No more explaining, no more proving… I am tired of arguing proving explaining it is living hell, torture for my body and for not speaking any longer, you are set up blames and your writings taken out of context your, texts messages used to frame you, shown to people without you being aware.
But i was because i saw it, recognized it in Arden refusal to respond to my E-mails, by the time my I got my phone, I called and sent a text only once, I already knew why.
I have lived in this world, it is very common and I have lived in 64 homes… Humanity unfortunately are not very original.

But Individuals rare.. if you can find them are.

* i just asked Arden a question… You know i would never ever physically hurt you right: he looked at me as if perplexed by the question.. ‘I know” he quietly replied.
“Except if we are wrestling!” I shouted.

Ferrill and his friend are here.. I only mention this…
Because E A =F.
And I haven”t seen him for a while or said hi…

So, here is the evidence- obviously a force called god cleaned up is moving through Liberty C Liscomb and not Arden- the force which was moving through him was Alien Father and the force moving through Ferril.. ah he is that 6th sense the nearest idea of God which is correct. 6th sense Naturalness.. Feeling.

So you see, what happened today, it was not from Arden Nnamdi was it- it was something called God or playing God – a conditional force.
It is not Jeron because as Arden and Ferrill they are like me.. or the E.. But not quite, because they were blocked by this power of God, the same power that blocked and cornered me, never satisfied with the answer, the set ups, the one who simply can not imagine loosing.. who must always win.
And this is the great Evil which took on form, not as one person but as an idea which infected the world.
Harmony is the code of GOD… Hence my phone number from arranged by Liberty C Liscomb but observe 860 ( 14 72= 86 O… 8O4 H O D.. 7 is 8.. H O D… 1905 S O E.. Spirit of Existence.
Sacred Portal 90..
86 6 864 19 6..5… H F F ( 8 12 83 code Erek Ebright placed on my computer in 2016…83 69…H C Harwington Connecticut 69= 15 Letter O Full Circle…)
8 64 Harmony O 8 The photo of Arden age 9 and here we are still in Harmony at age 17 after such a horrid play which I had to prove through such a machiavallian play, Art of War 2 Betrayal, that it was not and could never be the real him.
My 64th move… 88= 64 8 64 8 10.. H.J.. Harmony Jeron…- ( Aurelia…)
19 6 5.. S F E… Solid Fact E…B..
Even with the illusion lie of me born 1965…it equals 30
Watermelon bag of 30).

7:43 p.m.

Do you see it, non stop for 19 years…in my body in my voice but not my being and 86 4 only because I am still in the idea of the Astral Plane.. called the 4th dimension.
Green Note Fa.. G F… 76 5 Horseshoe Hollow.
14 76 facebook friends..
Do you see why this idea had to be defeated and all humans so attached to that Idea must go to.. And instead, I am made to fight for those who have held onto that Idea out of Habit, because they enjoy the power…
“I will put the fear of God in you”
Are children afraid of thier parents because they see their parents playing this aberration of Human Philosophy called God..
The God Spell…
G S… Seth Goldfarb S G in the story S.G/ G S from conversation and post does not seem to agree.
Gospel according to… who…?

Age of reason demands Empirical Evidence .. Solid Facts which means solid prove in their own life’s experience before they can accept things as Truth.
And yet one has to wonder at the Maze and Matrix Web and labyrinth i was set up in, how it in the end targeted only Liberty to get the information night and day outside of me, and she has not denied the experience of it as real but just having been placed in my shoes, no longer she says knows what its real or not real true and not true because she is getting only the Facts through me and echoed back through her sight activated by me to see it each day as reflected back.
Why is the volume so low… why is it so quiet, why is what I am obviously doing set up so that people it already knows will forget, and eventually crucify me again and again 64 times in 19 years..
And from the time i was born, why do you think they wanted to publish my life story when i was only 25 in Paris..
What I had grown accustom to surmounting ( but no, I knew it was real and bizarre, which is why i began to write it down)
Talking To The Silence.. TTTS…= 79.
Sacred portal 79…
link Jesse Macias Orejuela
Link the two dolls double VV and a Tiger.
Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence the story of Two men who are one.

What other thing could I do but arrive as the Beautiful Assassin and rip it out of Existence.. While being forced to prove it out of existence through this long long script of 8.7 years – to explain it out, prove you are in Matrix but not the true one- but a Web of Woman as Woe of Man..
Born of woman and attached to that Idea…
What can you do when people have made that choice despite all the evidence, despite the power to make your truth be made so quiet that it creates doubt and forgetfulness that the obvious source of the expression is you.. A Man.

Then here I am forced to come to the 64th Portal and a play so terrible so evil of my body as muscle memory and Strings Tendons being moved by wind breath to make the strangest forces and stories and histories of humanity as evil vile and cruel rising daily in me..

8;05 p.m.

Liberty C Liscomb is not here, i am alone here with Arden, I made plans for the day before it was started for me…
Do you know how many people asked me to leave their homes, because this play they were witnessing was that intense.
And they are not the ones living it, occupied by it.
They are just witness to it the Facts and that it is real..

19 Years… 27… 27 8 D 90… do you know what it feels like, to watch the people who brought this Bad Idea into existence in the Machine web called non existence mind- ask me to leave when they are the source of this great evil, feeding it with belief or embodiment of self righteousness feeding and spinning the truth and telling people.. gossiping to others who do not investigate as is the reasonable way of a human being but immediately believe it and support the person who invited you into their homes… for what reason.. Gain.. certainly not to help me but gain from a unfortunate situation they created in the first place.

Look… just wanted to post about how I was ready to take a nice vacation- one i always imagined as a youth with my play boy like nature, hedonistic and pleasure and adventure loving, that after completing my mission- One I remind you I knew as far as 7-8 years old when i wrote it and about 17 months old when my epsirit made me aware and made me pee in my bio Fathers Food- not as an insult but to challenge his use of Anger rage to dominate all with Bullying and Fear… Urine is a disinfectant clean cleanse your thoughts .. was what it was saying.
And so when I saw Morgan return from Vermont with Arden I immediately noticed that his body and aura was spic and span clean as I had never seen it before.
But it is i who cleaned it using the codes…

I always saw myself, walking in a beach like St Tropes or Cannes ( where Marina Burini is from) or some beautiful beach back to my Hotel after the mission complete but a beach in my world.
Beach street was where the shelter was, Delta manor…
The one in Green Point was on Guinness Avenue…
It means ‘Son of the Chosen one”

Tell me how many people take time to read, and have time to read and link my posts, forcing me to not only code, but explain again and again each time a new face book friend comes.. because who is Emeka and as Leander and Arden seem to recite.. It is only opinion and when Arden calls me an Ass hole, his mother says “Yes that is right!”.. commending him.
And it is from these people, who pay me nothing but food drink and weed if i am lucky, nothing to ensure my independence, my freedom and liberty… despite the value the worth I bring to thier lifes, book emanual codes, laughter being a character who is meant to be the Happy moaning Servant and slave to the improvement of their life”s.

What can do this.. what can force this onto a person existence, force him to a last portal by offering no other way, because even if he walks away, his body is not free .. or his being of this play.

Such as this morning and the that play…
Control.. Body Mind Being awareness Focus on that which has been proven again and again…
This is not my True man show.. its a code Edd Harris… E H
5 8 Sacred Portal 58
5 and 8..
Yesterday after Arden went to bed, I decided that it was too late to use the computer, since he was on it late and hardly uses it.
I knew I was being manipulated, I came and saw two pieces of paper strategically placed on the floor where I could not help but see…
I turned them.. It had sacred portal 5 which most know, I had immediately identified as the view from the Deck as this place.

“And so the Goddess of Birth Bliss and Ecstasy
Bliss and Orgasm parts the see, the Water Fall..
Our Lady of the Woods Brooke Shields”

Which is i know is Ardens Version for he ( His true and Eternal Version ) and I in Sacred Portal 9 .. The Two Males and the 9 Elemental Goddess… E G.. 57.. sacred portal 57 where he and I..

So here is Sacred Portal 5 and 8… “Love Links Desire Nwamu The child ( Jeron- Arden) The Regal Renaissance Restoration”

Christopher Gemino… 5-8- 77 age code 43..
Me in 2010-11..
C G 3 7 Sacred Portal 3 and 7… 37 Sophia Oscar Lauren.

58 Edd Harris… This is not my Trueman show..
This is a evil making me prove through non stop expression the truth of E Expression =Harmony.

Which brings me to Arden question about something I said after I had washed the dishes… the same day i had called him a code :Mannerless moron… but he did not ask of that, he asked why he felt that he should say thank-you when, i made it clear that he had not asked me to do it..
I spoke of the play and Ip man which i had been moved to watch that day as proof that at the 64 portal here I was brought into her and to the world to act as Universal sensie.
I reminded him that not once in 10 months had i asked him to have manners, he had not really done anything wrong but the meat he had placed in the area he was about to cook was filled with dirty dishes including the water dirtied by some one else it turned out who had placed it there ( I had thought that it was not like him) but I spoke of how, i had cleaned it and then noticed how he had immediately come down.
That house is full of cons, its is almost like a play to get out of chores and other things i discovered, but i did not call him out i had asked him questions, then said that the mess was cleaned up and even if I did not ask him to do it, that manners made it cool to say thank-you.
“But why should you expect a thank you when you were not asked to do it, it is as if you were asking for a reward to do what you naturally felt like doing”
I smiled .. Yes it is true, but for as long as i can remember i have been constant in proving that we are in a play – from the moment I set foot in this house – a play of which you Liberty had also made you aware, and that all of you, especially himself was in this play of perfection at which competitors sought to bring him down.
And I reminded him that he said that everything was about the details and that the whole reason there was war was because of the inability for people to communicate… Converse.
Courtesy .. Consideration of anothers point of View.
It is the cause of War.. this minor thing and it is something we had talked about months ago.
i had not added then, but i had spoken about how Humanity where being groomed to become universal ambassadors to every part of Universal Existence after the Evolution Awakening and that it was the respect of others, consideration of others point of view which allowed that to take place and qualified you as a human fit to incarnate the Beautiful one.
Sure i did not have to do the dishes..
Nor , as he once plaintively ask me , why did i care for his family so much…
That is Beautiful pride, the consideration that you are going to make food, we are going to eat that food..
I also do it all the time, not to show people but because it is a habit I formed and like….
I could have left it, you came down and saw it cooking would not be pleasurable…
And then I added by the way it was also linked to the play.. i could have easily assumed you came down stairs because the dishes you heard me clean up the dishes..
“why would i do that: he said.
I did not hasten to explain that i had experienced that with his family and with him of recent over and over again but with him I sensed no con, just a certain reasoning.
But if it is not done. it can breed resentment and every one not carrying and the house a mess, with one person who likes cleanliness or two overwhelmed with it and thus give up too…

He understood and nodded, that he understood.
Clarity is communication, if you do not accept that this is what I have proven is real, and took your photograph and presented it to teh world and did you not say that you had no iota of doubt this was the Evolution Awakening… “he nodded” then said Yes he di.
And so, it that moment you agreed of your own free will then it meant I could and can address you in the terms of that reality of the truth of what this is…
But before your consent, or any ones consent.. No.

I told him of all the hundreds of people I had met that he like John Mack and Tree Sage.. but he so much more, how I would have loved to share the intel with him.
Liberty had been a pleasure to do it with because she get it.. he I.Q But her 3d Matrix Illusion see and perception made it tedious because she would forget and I would have to repeat and and repeat until i literally wanted to kill myself of run.

… Sigh… did you see that..?
I am aware of what just happened, I just explained a play on Facebook with Arden which i did not have to, it already took place privately between the two of us, before i came down stairs and said to his mother, i just had a conversation with Arden which began with me telling him that he could tell his mother that i will leave in the alloted time, but not because she said so, but that it was already coded as time, right to Stephan Filgueria ( Esteban Miguel Filgueira) contacting me July 4th at 9:28 pm – completed exchange 9:29 p.m.
4-7-2020… 4 7 11 28 39… C I…
9 29 was that I had to complete the play of 8-29 TO 9-29 full Circle…He was rep 9:28… I Man… while I 9-29 A Man..
He was represnting the People who are 6th sense.

That is when I recognized I was about to leave 900 South Road…
And 11 Year old is not a man it is the Human Children but not one who has reached Independence.

I never have to argue with Arden, I speak he listens if he does not agree I see it in his face and eyes and response but it is so rare, because i make it clear as I reminded him the yesterday, but yes that is when i went down and all hell broke loose.

Why on earth, am i writing this?
Its 9:19 p.m and all I had intended to do to day was make some plans and calls about how i would leave and excuse me”Fuck this play”

Why am i explaining to you as if I was Teachers Pet of the Alien Father Alpha and my Brother Beloved who was head of the Universal Simulation Awareness Earth School what I had said to the Human him.
Let them speak for themselves, speak up on Facebook give their own accounts, let them use thier own voices, and if they can not speak up then forever hold your piece..
But Arden had told me about my being a Word Smith and that it was a power that I had and that I was the only one who was beyond his mothers. That perhaps my ego was so great because I had that power…
I do not wish to go on with this.. but in the end I reminded him Macro Micro.. and that he understood me the most perfectly of all the people.. brilliant 3D Mind people-
I listen to what you say carefully, he said.
It was tue. he respected my words as I respect what he says..
But to keep it brief I said there is no great thing in being a word smith- here they use it to complicate things and prove superiority and to entangle you. I became a words smith because of my ardent passion as I found myself in a story where I had to show and point out to people I was being led to force to meet, that this was the end of the world.

I was and am like Him, I reminded him, we can talk but like quiet… To Explain like this.. he joined me, “Is Torture for us and torment.

It is about simplicity .. A B C.. i reminded him. The idea is to convey to deliver the message so the person can understand and not to show off and proove superiority.

I should be suspicous, that he is alone upstairs in the house and i am down here, transcribing his words and the true play which took place privately with him…
It was annoying at first and i kept my patience with all his accussations and very cruel words to me, defending things he had forgotten we had discussed, but even then i found myself not doing what Emeka would do, arch my eye brows, snort and walk away and that would be the end .. forever unless you made true amends..
That is the true Emeka. But with him… yes… sigh….
His mother had it too but all was mind…
He.. well and he spoke about the connection with her..

I stayed because i truly like, love him not because of our connection but for who he is that depasses the differnece of how we were raised.

9:35 p.m,

I C E…

oh I see.. do you recall that play with Liberty C Liscomb and the interruption Gap… ?
And this…

I C E.. We wpoke upstairs for about 15 20 miniutes and these furious youth calling me names, looking down at me with leander, sayng things to me… was suddenly the person I knew… then reason true…
Yes, i see why i was moved to share this.. it is true, we are connected
Levi at 8 even though I am saying no… I do not wish it or desire it after yesterdays play…and the last 10 months.. Each to his own i say .. i do not need this insults which most men of my Ilk would kill murder, and walk away never to adress or see such persons again indiffernt to what is thie fate even after i leave…
I do not respect this.. the connection of his inner self reaching and linkingh me to explain that which took place upstairs so others could benefit from my expression and the truth that Simplicity and Remembering is Respect Solid Facts and the basis for the play and that is why my 27 28 Years… No Talking To The silence was1989…. 31 Years… 31 6- 33 I was speak to my SELF.. Not myself…And it led me to him…

..and that is what the ASK play was about, in the post before this..
But you can’t rise in a 17 year old Youth, whose house I am in who is a different person when we are not alone…

Sigh.. i know what this is about,.. my last post was liked byt someone called Abdullah A.. A-A 27
Phone stopped at 9-27 p,m yesterday..
Abdullag means Servant of God… i despise such concepts..
Servant Slave to God… An hey was that what i was just coding and funing about .. this God so powerful that he could do what was done to me- control the matrix becauser the arabians ( and Hundus invented – HA!.. My Ass they did!- Zero.

9:49 p,m

Zero a Very Dangerous Idea… a Black Hole and used as the foundation of the matrix and all numberic systems used in the modern world.
I knew that was how the lie illusion was controlling the Machine Matrix, just as the Great Spider spinner of tales… ( ity actually almost self hypnotizes itself to believe)
Thus as as Long as Zero is not proven out of existence, the matrix an d web holds…
Look I have solved that so many times, obviously not to It this Illusion and Alien Fathers Liking .. Zero is the foundation for numbers and the numbering system,
I am at the Basement.. and each night and morning I go to to the lowest foundation of the house where the furnace is..
There is no such thing as a Zero… In nature.. the blue print.
Arden is on the fifth even sixth landing from the 2 level basement..
from my room the 5th from the landing where Chris his father and Ferril have their tool shed and the fire wood Thomas did… the 6th.

There is no one who can tear a Hole… ah Ass Hole… A.H.. really?
smh but the Source of Everything only he has that power to make Zero a nothing a rip tear in the fabirc of existence real..
Not a ripple in Time…
Tear you a new Ass hole..

9;58 p.m.

Sacred portal 22.

My Victorious One and only.


I am Oge ( Age)
My VArse A R S E hole…Anus Wreck Tummy First and Last, Alpha and Omegam The true one first and last of Awakening

See sacred portal 76 it has two 22 ..
See Sacred Portal 110…

10:10 p.m.
it makes 118

See Sacred Portal
“Revealing The Truth
Ofo Truth and Authority of The Author and The Creator”

10:13 p.m…

J M.

Did you just see where all this just led to…

Its all Evil.. Filth using feaces shit and large intestines…

10;15 p.m..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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