
7/15/2018 20:42 – Facebook Post

7/15/2018 20:42 – Facebook Post

The Game Of Death.

T. G.O D…

Truth… G=7…O..is the Mirror…
Can you handle seeing your Reflection Responding to you?
Acknowledging your Beautiful Truth…
And Challenging your Lie….

D is the Box.. Delta Representing Change Transformation.

6:43 p.m.

The Code of Truth is Beautiful… T= 20th Letter… 2O.. B.O..
Beautify = Perfect Symmetry… of Expression Full Circle.

* My test was 43 Years, since the age of 7-8 when I wrote the Story of the End of the World and the Restoration of it to Truth.

43 years of being tested by the G the O and the D…

O is the Magic Mirror.. It reflects you and becomes a barrier like any mirror…
It transforms into a Black Hole a portal to Extinction if it does not recognize your reflection after a certain Time, in which it gives you to adjust your Truth and View back to the Beautiful Truth you were created to be…
Thus G= 7.. the Journey 7-1.. From your Perfect Harmony of how you were created and your descent through the Rainbow Colors…
Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel…
7 6 5 ..4-1…
4 Is of course the descent onto the stage… the Square Stage, the Voice Box, of 5 Expression…
Where you are given a Voice.. Sound and a Body to enact out your Truth, The Truth on a Stage….

7 Is Vision… “Let is see in the Mirror ..World.. “B M W” What you project…in the stage 4 through Expression and being given a Body…
7 is of Course, 8..Harmony because you were created a perfect harmonious being.
The stage is given to you to act this out, in the illusion of “Non Knowing” – which by enactment you discover that you do know…
And D is Death… This is the realm of Death… which is the great illusion because Death is Transformation Change.. Truth…

So T G O D… is really B.O…G is Really H… O is really Sixth Sense… and D is really E…
That is what they Evolve back to…

B O..H..F…E…. B.F.H F.E….
Beauty is Symmetrical Perfection… which is Sixth Sense which is what Harmony is which then moves through enactment into manifest Fact and it comes through Expression .. of the Beautiful Truth…. B T…
Not the Ugly Truth… which has to be faced and destroyed..

Thus the Character created my Human imagination God Devil is naught but an illusion of Duality of their own perception…
G= H..which the Beautiful Truth..
Devil is the Ugly Truth of what manifests when not in alignment with that which is the Blue Print of Creation the Created or Material World which people call the Devil Satan… but which is really that which reflect the Ugly Truth of not being aligned with Creation Manifestation Body.. which is also Beautiful Truth… Expression.

The Key is Expression…

Link the play of Bobbybritt Hobbs “Wtf” and then the presumtion of “I rebuke you Satan”
Then link Kyle Murphy who in “Retaliation for my posting the Truth” unfriends me.
He being the first person in the Entire Play at Delta Manor of all the people in the last 22 months to unfriend me…
Look at the alignment of the Wtf expression of Bobbybritt Hobbs and that of Kyle Murphy… K M… 11 13… 24…
Link the expulsion of of the only two people in the entire scripts history of 24 year old Jace and 44 year old Billy Hung.

7:06 p.m.

Micheal Belle called Kyle Evil.. he had no right to say that, or that he was Cain of the story who slew his brother, because Kyle was in Harmony with the play of Terrible Death and that is why, I defended him.
Each person was given a role to play and no one can falsely accuse another without getting evidence and all the facts.
Full Circle.
And if you go back you will see the set up where Micheal Belle almost falsely acussed some one when my phone was lost.
If you recall, Artie was the only person present ( and the Lizard man) ..

I finished the book The Lost Symbol yesterday, 639 Pages..
You will recall that Kyle Murphy stated that his Big Brother passed away at age 39 after witnessing the portal home as Galaxy 1101 I C/
Which is 1O11 C.I… C I.. IS 39…
Which then led him to me at Delta Manor and the his own Truth revealed.

I never slept in bed 26…Z..
That play has been completed.
The Game of Terrible Death.
And Kyle is in perfect harmony of leaving.

7:26 p.m.

He is not the rep of the 7..G.. as Z..
I am …
I am representing Death as the cards showed in Greg Dollins Post.. Death the Play Boy…
7;28 p.m.
And my sister is Me… I am Noni Promise.. N P.. 4th aspect.
and 7:29 pm.. 28 is B.H…
Link Bobbybritt Hobbs B H.. Being Harmonious…
And B.I.. The Being of I…
There really is no number after 8.. 8 is Harmony Infinity…
9 is the Highest Number according to Quanma’e Lewis Jacquii which he stated yesterday when he came so close to incarnating the Challenge which Kyle moved into heedlessly…
8 is Infinity..Tell me what is Infinity… if not Harmony…
1-7= 8.. Light “Robert”
R= letter 18… And it is really A.H… R.A H…
89 is when I began taking to the Silence.
1988 is when I left Africa having completed the 11 years and 7 months I lived there…
Yes, 11 7.. Keith Grant who represented My Great Uncle- the true aspect of my Father and Self as Africa Pangea Death
Papa Mbwede… P.M…
Keith Grant..K.G.. Weight… Body.. L B weight of the Soul..
LB is “Pounds” in English… Pounds is also the British term for Money…
Ego/ Oge…
To pass through Death as my Past aspect as The End… Terrible Death your Reflection must be perfectly aligned to your Eternal Truth and I.D…

Link Isabelle Ilic and Dawn Piercy..
I D.. I P… ID IP Man…
D I.. P.I… Is Pi…
I was in bed 49 .. Keith Grant bed 53… 5 C..The bed number of Kyle Murphy…
7:39 p.m.
G..C.I… God Consciousness is I.. ID…
And the I.D is Harmonious…
And Harmonious I.D… I Delta ( Change) is that by proving your Harmony in a play in this realm of “Death.. Devil…Dionisio.. Delta… D =4.. stage Square…
Shakepeare 7 stages of Man..
Emeka’s” 8 Stages representing the Full Circle.. 1-8.. Is the Full Circle which created the Magic Mirror which no long simply reflects or transforms into a black hole leading you out of Existence, to extinction but rather it becomes the Circumpunct…
The Point of the Full Circle.. The Tunnel of Love which reveals a Light at the End of the Tunnel when you use your Naturalness, your Instinct and Intuition to guide you… by staying clean.
By the constant grooming it allows you to move through the “Not Knowing” the 33 Spinal Vertebra.. to link to the Pineal Gland…
P.G.. God Particle from the Coccyx,, Sit bones to the P.G..
C.P…G..OD… And then the light in the Tunnel .. end of the tunnel is revealed. It is the Sacred Portal.. as mentioned in Dan Browns Scolarly book of Fiction based on Fact…
Action.. not an Act… That is the law of the realm of Death…
Action is Doing which reveals the Truth of Being…

And there you find the lost word..

Where was the Lost Word found in the Book by Daniel Brown?
It was found at the base of an Obelisk of ancient Egypt…
555 feet high…buried under a spiral stairwell…
and a corner stone..
My corner stone in this truly annoying Game Of Death..
G O D..was found on E street in the Lower East Side, all documented here before you all…
Amazing Grace..
A G..
Adam Gregg..
Anthony Ghandi ( Joshua K.D)

That is the Spine… 555.. E E E… 15.. The Full Circle…
And that was the play which took place today with Artie and I today…
He who is in bed 14.. and then a quarrel which took place moments after we spoke and decided to meet…
The quarrel took place with his neighbour…
But only after I came downstairs and Artie was there.
I told him I had finished his book and he offered to give e something else to read.

7:57 p.m.

He later came down stairs to the back court yard to ask me if I were free all day, I was a little surprised by his immediate desire to give me another book.
We spoke which I will elaborate on in a moment in the next post..
We decided to meet at 10:00 a,m around that time.
I went to have breakfast and they T V was switched to Tele Mundo… the Spanish Channel…
To the World cup match between France and Croatia…
F C… 6 3…
I sat quietly, then suddenly a man appeared who looked joyous wearing the number 14 jersey..

When I spoke to Artie, out of curiosity I asked him his bed number…
14 he said..
then he mentioned the numbers 10 11…
I did not what to say… I am still in this play…?

Kyle said he had see the Curtain Close and that it was all over…
I did not believe him because I knew that that which was moving through him was not my friend, I knew who it was especially when he had insisted that It had told my age as 52 not 50…
I know the Truth better than all these people used to test me, the Play of Terrible Death… the Liar who tells the truth…

I saw it yesterday on my way here….
A person wearing a T shirt The Twisted Truth…

8:06 p.m…

B F H F E…

That is the Evolution of T.RUE.. GOD..E.. Existence it is through True Expression.. Beautiful expression which is Symmetrical Perfect..
So much so it leads to instant manifestation.. Solid Fact…

The Ball.. Circle with a Circle ..
I read the book paused without thinking and at page 618..
F R… F RANCE… Free .. my bed mate placed so close to me is Francis… the one person who was in that room last year when I was there, in the same bed…
We have never slept in that room at the same time because it is too close, and so he sleeps until 2-3 am and I come after and sleep…
France versus Croatia…
France Wins…
F C.. Full Circle.. is 1-7- 8… O…
😯 is the number on my Van Shoes with the number 1980… and 69 and the Lightening Bolt… B.L…

Instant manifestation..
I showed the evidence to Kyle yesterday..
Then I showed it to Artie today…
E M E .. K A….
I was not showing it to them .. I was showing it to the Truth in them… G..O D…

B F H F.. E…
F H F… 6 8 6… is a Full Circle of 6th Sense in Harmony…
86 was the number Arties neighbor he had quarreled with was wearing when we were discussing later after I had chosen the book…

B E…

Being Foresight Hindsight Foresight Expression…

B E…

Beautiful Expression…

The Lost Symbol.. at the base of the base of Obelisk planted in Washington D C in that Factual Book of Fiction was a Bible…
A Bible…Which means BOOK…
The missing Word Laus Deo… L A U S…. D E O…
C .. L A U S… I.D E O…

C L A… U S… E. I D.. E O…

The Book I chose from the three ( 3 C) offered me by Artie is
by C S Lewis… C S L…
C L… A U S… E.I… ( E I.. 5 9.. Back at 11 59 Facebook friends)
D..Delta… E.. Emeka is the Full Circle…

The other lost word .. REALITY….

What is REAL…And what is a R E EL…… To Reel you in…

See.. it is the Game Of Death…

G O D… 7 6 4… 8 6 5…

And that is what Artie’s Neighbor was wearing who is in bed 15…
Artie was led to me where he had lightness and laughter on his facial expression but when he interacted with his neighbor from Puerto Rico where is also from he was in such a state when I found him…
Shocked that his neighbor had been so pissed off simply because he had opened the dryer where his cloths stood…
Which almost could have destroyed our interaction and made him forget to bring the books…

The portal locations secret is contained, according to the BOOK… Dan Brown.. in the C I A Directors Vault…
The C I A Director intials are WW…
WW Dot… Com..e…

W=23 Letter… 23 23… 46…
Please see my sacred portal 46… G O D.. And First Drop F D.. ( 6 4) Which created the Ripples effect….
46 64.. 10 10…20… 2… B…

I found something on my way here…

Recall yesterday I found the Circumpunct .. ball.. as well as a Shield like Captain America Sheild… S H E I.L.D…
Yes.. Vibranium… Quanma’e Lewis play… Black Panther… Comics. Anime…
Recall it had B M W…… B M M … B W W…

MM= 26… Z.. I passed that test… of Z… Zombies.. addicted to T.V Games…Not based in Reality Actuality…
B M M… 28… Kyle mentioned that he had only 28 Vertebra…
B M W… M W… 13 23… 36…/ 63…. F C… France Croatia..
B=2… 38… See play of 38… and 83..code on my computer… 8369…

B WW… B 46… 48… See the play and portal 48…
Beautiful Death….

Now see the one set in actuality… B M W… .. Beautiful Milky Way…

But I have aligned all three 26.. 28… 7 4.. 11 28.. 39… 639 pages… C I..

8:38 p.m…

As well as 46.. 46/64… 1010.. 20.. T.. 2…B…
48.. See sacred Portal 48.. See my date of birth listed on FaceBook… 1984… Big Brother is Watching..

Isabelle Ilic 7:15 pm… recall…? Today is 7-15- 2018…
Dawn Piercy.. Phoenix Arizona….

I D/ D I…
I P… Date I arrived at Delta Manor… I P Man…
P I… 3.14 15….

Sigh.. why do I continue with this game…

And I am even wearing the T-Shirt I took from Erik Ebright in Miami.. Messenger of Death… Emeka Eric E-Bright.. E E E…

8:42 p.m.


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