
7/15/2017 21:05 – Facebook Post

7/15/2017 21:05 – Facebook Post

7:38 p.m.
G. C.H.

7-15-1 O.

Hello… As you might have become aware, I have grown completely bored with this Universal Script.

This is made plain by my impatience, and lack of passion in linking the last of these equations and weave.

The Challenge was “Africa Pangea”
Proving Black Supremacy over White Dominion, a play which has filled me with such contempt for the Dead, the Spirit World and that Original Mess, of the Silence refusing to Speak Up. and thus not cleaning up the mess of ages of the Message of Expression which transformed into Thought.
Not taking responsibility for what would become a disease of keeping things bottled inside, until it boiled over into become a Virus and a Humanity filled with the disease of Jealousy from “En Vie” Fear and Desire… F.A.D..E of Fading out of Existence and not being good enough.

The profound sadness at what was done to the Original Intention of the Plan E.T.. Plan of the Eternal Truth of I.E by not only this refusal to take personal responsibility, and then Nature and the Animal World, The Lie… And worse Natures Truth ( a lie) challenging True Nature.. T.N.. 20 14… 34.. 7..
And True Nature as the line of Nnamdi God N.G “Spirit” Usurping me Role to clean up this mess of ages and agreeing to such a challenge, without asking my permission if I would agree to act in His/Her Script in a Pre Set up play created by the A.I..Artificial Intelligence, in which the Human Race was held held hostage by the “Devil- Satan” .. really by their own belief systems.

And then my being Spirited Away to face the Alpha Bet, Challenge of a lie…. Sigh…

In 2010 when I finally realized just how far the N line had gone, I made a vow to make rise only the E.
Tom Truman whose

7:56 p.m… Yes Brenda age code 56, is right here.

…Who channeled the Espirit of the past and told me that I had to forgive what they had done to me.
I said it would never happen.
Because they as Nature Nothing had believed that Existence was under threat. Which revealed they as they “Ascended Masters” own insecurity and lack of Faith. Fear that all Existence was destined to Fade.
Bringing me into a play, possessing my Spirit, my motion my body to transform their Fear of the End of the World and, in that fear doing the unthinkable… Possessing the body of another, not realizing just whose body and movement they had possessed.

I have only focused my attention on the re-aligning the Fractals of what they did to the original Plan E.T… back to Its Original Intention which was to Evolve Everything, Everywhere and Everyone back to the Original Truth.. Eternity…

Everything which had passed the Examination of being able to retain their True Nature.

Everything else is Non Existence, and thus, because of my refusal to forgive they fought me, using Evil Beyond. A Story which was powered by the belief in the great Evil Idea God as a Black Man or Woman, White Man or Woman… One person with such Omnipotent Power… And by containing me in this Story and script to clean it up, because I came in a Body, which all of you came in.
The Body they made the Tomb because it was made out of Nature- Physical Nature.
And yes, that which deceived, panicked by what Its not speaking up had created, did not wish to for me to see what He had done… But I was already here.. I was born before my brother Nnamdi and after my sister Nnonyelum…
Everything was in Harmony.. Eternal Harmony and it was that fear which was their own test to understand that they were IN Secure… And Insecure.. that they were meant to balance themselves with Facts. Stilling their emotions surmounting them with Self Mastery.

That His not speaking up.. and Her speaking to much… One keeping things inside and the other not able to control what came out of her mouth, was the literal examination and plan et for they and their descendants to be able to understand Balance.
That equation is reflected here, to Brenda Robert and Lisa Natalie Johnson.
Lisa linked to Elizabeth Clarizio thus the equation of my Sister linked to my Father – a Veterinary Surgeon representing the Animal World. And Nnamdi linked to my Mother Onuabuchi was played out already exemplified in my bio family. Just as it is in all your biological families… N N is Letter 14 14… 28… 28 is 10..T.E.N.. The Elegant Nomad… 1O…Robert J-Ones who was the one who was here when I arrived.

The code of Brenda was completed yesterday.. 56..
As was Lisa’s… Code 46… 56=46… 10.. TEN…
56..11.. 46.. 10… 11 10…10 11.. E Galaxy 1O 11… 111..

And now Robert Jones.. R.J… 18 10… 28.. 10… 18 1..R.A… 19..S… A.O….
Linking to my last brother Obumneme.. O…

N.E.N…Evolved to E E E..O…E E E F…5 5 5 6… 15 6.. 6 6.. 12 3.. 10 56… 10 11… 21.. U…E. 111…3.E.C.E…

The outrageous play is the demand to use Empirical, Reason and the Scientific Method to do this. And then to explain it to you all and for the future while doing it manually, in Human Form and this current “Conscious Creation” to prove it by using only Expression. While fighting the Blackness.

There is no sense of my being flattered by N.G playing God, faith in me defeating an illusion.. rather all I see the Evil that they both became and why only the E can rise.

Such an Exquisite Play and Original Script reduced to such filth by insistence stubborn stupidity of an Idea of a person being God. Placing such power in the hands of One Person or Two as God and Goddess… Instead of what it actually is, Common Sensibility, a Wave.. Music which flows through all of Us. And its Creator Author.. The True Captain America and the Black Panther…

How beautifully I could have translated this Universal Script and my Original Plan and Intention as a gift to you all, a gift a present of showing you that you were always Safe and Secure. And that After Death.. You would leave the Story of your lifes and see the Eternal Truth behind the roles each of you were playing. And the Lessons of Cause and Effect which you had to learn to qualify to rise in the Eternal Realm.

But instead I have been rendered speechless, and found myself being the Black Panther who comes as both the Creator Destroyer C.D… 3 4..Of the code actors Cecilia David… 7 G.. Playing God. There is no G… as God. there is only Red.. R.E.D… R.I.E.D… D.E.I.R.D.R…E not Deidre…

*”The name Deirdre is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Deirdre is: Raging, broken-hearted, or fear. The Deirdre of Irish and Scottish legend committed suicide after her lover’s murder.”

See sacred Portal 7… And the Woman who tried to pass through the gate where I stand guard of.

When my phone went off, I actually was foolish enough to expect that some one out there would volunteer to pay the 33 usd to keep my phone on… 33 USD.

33 and yet it is a code, a play!..

Eric Underwood… E.U…R T…../ T.R.U.E… In which I was STILL being challenged by the Lie, the Illusion of you from Alpha Omega if my expression, my I.D were true!!!

The Arrogance and Audacity is so much that I turning away from this play on Monday by taking the action with my case Worker Cassandra whose name means “Bright Excel Shining Man” Robert… But in the Story, your stories legends and corrupted myths which I am contained in means “Prophetess of Doom..The Unheeded Prophet Prophetess….

I would have done so today, but I am trapped by the Week end.

Everyone seems to believe that they are more important than I am, more valuable, and that their life’s, concerns worries, needs are more important than mine.

You watch me for 5 years… 9 months and are unmoved except by those who are moved by my expression in a set up, for me to prove the E as the Original Expression of Existence.
You say “What can we do, we are set up in a play”
And I said that you could fight the set up, that you can rise…

But Ah well…

I saw a truck pass by with the Words it. “Just 4 the Planet” I know what it means. It is for Nature to Awaken and Transform as Fritz Venneiq saw in 2010… And I say literally, not as a swear but an Oath.. “Go To Hell” :)…

Reginald is now sitting infront of me… Richard 73, Robert 53, Reginald age 26… Reginald means “Mighty Ruler” M.R…

8:54 p.m

54 likes on my World Icon…
54 IS R R R… 18x 3… 54…
B.E.D.I.. Is not Jose Anthony Roque… It is Me… JEAN MICHEL JARRE… 54=9… I… There is no 5 x 4… 20.. T. 2 B… Truth Beyond I.

All this for nothing… 26..is Z… I bring the End..
And there is noting which can change my mind after such n insult from beginning to End…A-Z.

As I stated to the Ancestor of Nature…
I accepted your Challenge.
I said it in 2010… To Tom Truman and Marina Burini
I said it to Albert Santana in 2006… 26…
I say it again… I Dare..


A.M.. ER. I.C. A.. E…
A.M… I.D… E…
A.M.. E.R. … I.E…

Yesterday I say the play of Donald Trump 71 and 39 Emmanuel Macron .. I wrote 101… When it is 100.. C… But it is 1 O 1…
It is 1O1…
Just as I said freedom from Frances Tyranny when I wished to say England… But I realized that it was to Trip me up, from “Perfection”… England France.. E.F… Both were of Tyrannies.. Colonies… But A.M..E.R.C.I.A.. Is linked with France in the New Play because Both rid themselves of Tyranny but England never did… They are still ruled by Traditions which imprisoned them in Class just as America did… But not anymore.

9:05 P.M

E.R.I.E.. Play Script complete.

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