
7/15/2015 22:30 – Facebook Post

9:21 pm.

Today is the 15th…
Aligned to the letter O..
I am posting from Generation X Gardens.

On the 19 I leave to Visit Family line of 1O the Family line of Full Splendor undercover in forgetfulness but who have proven Natural Memory .
They chose the date 19..
1+9= 1O..
I Full Circle of First Contact.
The Black and Brown well…
(Which had nothing to do with skin pigment)

Yesterday night after receiving the text from Micheal O’Donnell to offer Aid in finding me housing..
A Victory not only of the True Human Espirit Nnamdi…
But of the E.T. play of which I am meant to leave from the 268 loop of 4th street which sits opposite a Shelter 2-69..
” Kieth is 1969 and showed me the codes on his phone of 169 1O8..
His Espirit affirming his E.T I.D and also 1O8 as the sacred number of the End of the Flower of Life as the Universal.Matrix…

In the E.T play I leave the loop via the Ritz Carlton Hotel code Robert Charles Cole (Robert Freeman Black..see the play with him while I walked the Illusion of the Void to the Wall…whole being forced to simulate going down to the subatomic level by sleeping on a subway car 6 for 31 days before moving to.the Bellvue Intake Center where I met Emeka And Tutu…
Then Emeka Keith (Paul the Red head)
Then Paul E.N (Proton Electron Neutron ..O Pen I S…locker code 119 M.
Anungh Sangha (The Family)

The Shelter was this consciousness version of the Ritz Carlton as the rendeevouz point for their contempt for the E T C Consciousnes present undercover in this world.
We transformed it into its Truth.
Writ Z..
The Command of the End of the Zombie..
And the system of the Damned U.S A.M…
After 14 years of Evidence of its intentional.Creation as a loop.and a black hole for the Illusion of Fear created by the New world order.

*The New World Order is Harmony
E Harmony
Evolution Harmonious
Through Expression Awareness
Electrified by Truth investigated affirmed powered by E motion.

After the Rendevouz at the Ritz face book friends will recall I posted over the years the plan I had read through the E T Transmission of my family of E within and outside present in bon stop daily posts for 4O months of uninterrupted conversation while navigating the horrors done to the Truth of out Existence as being here real and present denied by the United Nations but also.by the majority of humans I was led to live with in New York and who invited me in..

I am meant to leave through the Ritz to Upstate a estate while the world awakens then move to my home estate of the Royal Expression called the line of the I.E.. The Examples to Cloud 9.

This has been affirmed but in the Harmonious. being Play of H.B.
The portal to the Clean True Humans Consciousnes represented here by Lady Donna O’Sullivan and Lord Jonn Blackwell…

18 Mountain View
1-8 is Light Harmony C…
There is no 2-7 Colors or refractions of Light
Light is Transparent …not White or Black…Those are both illusions…


Today is the 15.
15 years Micheal O’Donnell lines of Father searched for the Truth..
Father (Teacher is the Guide)
The Boy is the (Guide.
Father Boy.
Face Book.
Immediately after reading the text of his offer I went to sleep to be woken up that I was being transferred to a permenant Shelter..

I was willing to go but had 4 USD in my wallet a d had no idea where they would take me.
I was not bothered I am in a play
All that was required was I pay attention though somewhat bored and awed by the seemingly fathonmless cruelty indifference to me and the E Truth.
But I had Spoken to Steve that evening that my mission in the shelter was complete.
He cried out when they announced I was being transfereed.
I knew the play.
I had 4 USD Keith was not around I have no phone..
I knew I had to Call 4th street Alberto..
I did
He was available the next day.
I stated my Case to.Rich the person who worked there and who had intervened during the fracas the night before where Steve was revealed as the one who made an image of me on the wall the Running Man..M.R.-RM .C..
But turned out to.be the Eternal Dancers
*See my Illustrations called the E.T Families I.D
I Dance…
I had met Rich the same day on the street at the MacDonald..
I knew I knew his energy so I acknowledged him.and told me his name.

Rich said I might be going to a Hotel…if I was lucky..
The Palace as stated by the former occupant of bed 46, Robert who had passed through this place 4 times to get a chance to go the Palace..
A Shelter in New York…

You recall the Name of Jonn Blackwell s Father means Palace…Father line of Jonn and Donna is Micheal and Sophia..
Father Daughter
Nonyelum Nnamdi..
Krystal Crystal Palace
Cloud 9.

I was told I would still transfer…
I was indifferent but knew I was being told to.chose a Story ..
Which one a permanent Shelter… The System.
Or trust in Humanity once more and the play that 18 Mountain View are Family after so.much human betrayal.
I chose because there was no choice.

A few minutes later I waited in the Common room.
Saw a man from out Room C.
Shidi..he looked like a Swami a Mystic from India..
Far too thin..
He was Guyanese the same as Ravindra Singh who.had taken me on a Road trip.to.Igbo.Landing Georgia and Forte Lauderdale and Miami Florida..apt 511..E K.
Whose mother was called Lakshmi.. Abundance..

Then I heard the name Emmanuel called out..
I looked up…
Emmanuel I heard a young lady call out.
“it is I” said a beautiful coal.black man
Two coal black men were besides me…
Beauty which I could see but.. They were from the Blackwell…
They were undercover.

I knew what it meant a reminder to.me “Harmony God is Present”

The Play.

A few moments later one of the supervisor said that I could stay the night and that they would put me back.in the system as long as In wrote where I was going to…
This was greeted by surprise..

The next day I spoke to.Steve and the peace re established with Benjamin Melendez…
Who is destined for greatness if finds balance…

And As I.left I was greeted by the longest member of the room who had changed rooms.
He surprised me by his seeming gratitude and happiness to see me..
“I changed my room I am.now in Room E.
Rumi…its is so.much better a great view and I have bigger bed with a corner.. My sister invited me to a party so I said Hell yeah…
And when I got back..
I.was in Room E.!!”

I smiled

I.got the message from the E line in him..
He had occupied bed 45… DE./54..ED..
Who had the Deed.
Who was the landlord of Eath 4,6,Billion years old..
( 9 zeros versus 9 Full Circles)..

In deed it was a contest as to who made Creation D or E..Nature or E..

This was what this was all.about..
All this competition!

To find the one who Authored Harmony
Unverse Evolutiin .. Creation Existence.. Eternity..

Which is why Fritz Venneiq sent me a text yesterday profusely apologizing and saying
“You are the One”

I demanded a Code number from him to get the essential Truth right to his Source…N..
He sent me 3O 97..

See Sacred Portal.3O.
See sacred portal 97…


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