
7/14/2015 20:02 – Facebook Post

6:46 pm.

I have a new Facebook friend..

Hello and welcome Kimberly Colclasure-Hill..

My 324 Facebook friend in this Long chain of Expression on Facebook of moving through Expression on a public forum life the demonstration and exemplification of the Truth of Being, by revealing Evidence via perfect Timing of arrival of Hueman Beings undercover in Human Beings..
Proving not only were Human Brings created in perfection and that they are still “Moved” by E T Consciousness .
(Expression True Consciousness.. Echos Resonates Reverberates Echo’s Affirms Manifests Response..Moving all which is Matter the Nothing -really recalled, the O Full Circle- through Human Expression on an IPod without physical sight and Sound

And of course the evidence that we are in a Script Matrix Web (Milky Way) MW.
Universal Simulation Awareness U S A
Universal Natures Expressed
U.N. E
A Green House (A G H. 1-7-8) Nursery.
Grade School
H I School

Kimberly becomes 324 Facebook Friend
Code in Letters converted to Numbers (The Matrix)
3 24 is
C X .

Consciousness (See) X..
Conscious Being DE Vine
Cecilia B. David 1122.

Kimberly means “From the Royal Woods”

*Kieth means from the Woods.,.

Cloclasure-Hill …

Cloclasure means “Lime Chalk”. It also means
” To Loosen”

Hill means A Hill or derived from Germanic “Battle ” and in Latin “Happy Glad”..

From the Royal Woods
– (Of Pelham Park P.P..16+16..32/23… Pelham Bay Park..16+2+16=34/43..)

Come the one who is the Lime stones (Green) which chalks and then lossens unravelling everything while in constant battle on the Top of while retaining an Hilarity happiness and gladness…


If facebooks care to go back to older posts you will see the trajectory from how I first arrived in the Green House through Johnny LE Valley to meet Jerry and then helped build a Gallery together from a huge space owned by Sue

Of the great Battle on a wall mural created by Sean Bono (who I also met) there depicting a great beast fight a Child.
The Beast holding 3 Fingers C..Control of the C (See) of Being…
And a child holding 4 fingers Devi..

*A Perception of me as a great Monster perhaps Chukwu Emeka because of the dream of the Creator E being so powerful he controls everything.

And how Sue spoke of my having to find the corner stone of Existence, the dimension before man walked the Earth the Beautiful Ones the Family of 1O despite my assuring her that a Hueman Being is thier source

My subsequent being forced to leave the Green House which had become a huge success then died.
And spending 61 Days on the Streets to simulate death and on the 61st Day discover Generation X Garden.

Recall Andreas the German Scientist age 61 at The Bean 147 1st and 9th.
And the arrival of Andrese Harris Burton

Recall Sean had painted a version of my brother Nnamdis spitting image from subconscious memory which was the first thing I saw the first time I walked in his apartment…
And his founding Art Battles.
A B.
Atlantic Bedford A B…
And my Linking through him to William ( Goat O) and Erik Ebright…


And my being gifted the portrait along with my request he gift me a painiting of the Pyramids
(Khufu) and the two others….a Map!

And him telling me I had to find the cafe in the Sky…before I took to living in an elegant Alley
I literally had to take pills
Where a rage of a literal Gorilla took over me and I saw the statue in Brown Clay of a tall slim man standing on the top of the world blowing the Counch of the Awakening.

My subsequent meeting my host that day and moving into to live with him and the Espirit he housed who tested me.
While recieving non stop Evidence that I was in New York but also in a energetic time Machine and web caught in the tombs of Ancient Egypt and Atxecs Mayans ..Pyramids and tortured and tormented while creating and engaging in a 4 yr conversation and gentlemen battle.
For I had been aware the first day I arrived that this place was the end of my journey and that there was another weaving a counter weave and illusion version of Existence which I found I had to slow lossens and defeat that indomitable stance and endure tests upon tests to see if I was for real and True.

This was also the place where the first months my computer opened up to a sacred website where my Creation story the famiky of 1O..C E, and my piece, The Elegant Nomad T.E N had been uploaded on numbers signifying my birthday and year…

Meaning it was for my attention…
And it saying that it was a secret society had all human knowledge and that they had retreated into the mists because of human corruption and how they could control reality from the far.
And how they could manipulate reality and bend Naturals laws to imprison ppl in other dimension of time while still appearing to be in say, New York

And how they were looking for the O.N.E
And how they test candidates by placing them in a space of “Abandon All Hope all yee who enter here”
And that none but the One could make it out..
That the tests would drive everyone but the One to insanity and suicide

*See affirmation of Echo Truth FAct in the older posts…

And the 4 years the extra 5 year loop of the play

All that commotion in Room C that morning was all because of a connection I was being forced to make with two men..
One a younger part Igbo guy who was amazed that I was Igbo…
And Steve..
The one who had painted the Running a man of me…
I had not recognized him but he said that I looked like someone who he knew who helped build the Green House an Art Gallery in Soho…who used to do magic and Voodun.

(ha is that what they thought of my exploring my E through Creative Expression so I could see where I was in the Unseen Play )

I looked at him.

He was now in a wheel chair..
A former athlete and Bike messenger +Hermes Cabin… An artist and a musicians who had to have an amputation because of a blood clot in his leg…

He had just come from three and half years in a nurseing home..
It is was his first time out and they had put him in a shelter.

I had see Jerry once again on my way to Generation X gardens a few days ago..
That was twice in 8 years.
And Steve the first time in over 1O.

“You told me that I had to finish the painting so you could leave” he kept reminding me..

Ah the Running Man…

No he said I call it the Dancing Man.

Then he spoke, we spoke

And then I came up town to post..
To my surprise Keith showed up and kept me company for a while in his fashion ..
He would make an exceptional George Carlin Apollo theater stand up comic…
Ouch his wit…

But a guy who.I had noticed and I knew he wished to connect with me showed up…
Keith linked us…

I noticed you he said..
You have cool Energy
Cool vibe…”
His name was Anthony he was wearing all Black always when I see him..
Top to bottom in Black
He looked as if he were Ecuadorian..

I noticed he was very popular, wise though still youthful as Keith but younger ..
He is very popular and I noticed positive..
But also there was steel in him

I also noticed he wore classes which on the side read the words “Death”

There is more but you get the picture.

I am leaving the Loop..

And suddenly Fritz Venneiq sends me a text after years of silence he who came to Pelham Park led me there where my bags are here.

He sent a text of acknowledging why I kept promising an ass whopping when he gets his memory back for what he did to me..

“You are the One” he said

Sorry for not paying attention

8:O1 pm

He was born 1982..Aquarius.

This was a play of the ones who have the True ability to see beyond sight.

True E.S.P…E


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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