
7/13/2020 23:30 – Facebook Post

8:23 p.m.

H W… H Double V.

So, with the conclusion of the last post, I am still at E.G..
Not the Enders Game per sey but in the play of my going home with my I and I.
and hence the whole Universe-Planet Evolving to Awakening and then to Sacred Portal 59.

And yes, this last part is the completing the end of the Book and story of the World destroyed.
The book of the Bodies not aligned to the Truth.
I could sit here, and tell you the reason and proof of why the delay.

Please see the code 17 29 55 which appeared on my page after Arden and his 3 4 friends appeared, and I had to change my Facebook Password to E Family 3 .. E F C.

And then link it to 1.7 85 71 4 29 which Arden gave me as the code weight.

Notice something… 1.7 85 71 4 29 from Arden. weight.
17 29 55 when he came down with the 3 friends making them 4 in one…5 including me.

Do you see the commonality in that which Arden gave me as a code ( age 17) and that which appeared when he came down and I had to change my Facebook Password.

17 85 71 4 29
17 55 29…

The commonality is 17 ( 71) and 29.

What stands out is 85 H E.. And 4… D.
As well as 55..

Sacred Portal 85 Is ” Devi Devoted anoints Supreme Devi Devoted Supreme Existence ( S E) De Mystifying the True C of Consciousness As Father of Infinity.”

Who is Spirit E …? My tell is 19 05 S E..
Ardens close friend Morgan car is 27 8 D 90..
Name code Meaning S E ..A Spirit E.. Alexander -Arden..
Sacred Portal 90 is Spirit of Existence “Me Moi Oui”

D is David… 4… 44 DD is Devi Devoted.
In my personal blue print at the Delta Manor Shelter.. I was on bed 4-016 and David Dawn D D was bed 4-017… Yes 17 and I am still here in the 4th Dimension David Ardens World play.

Morgan Youssi
Fred Autumn Smol, Fred Robert I all met through Arden.

DD is 44 Arden Morgan Being and Body.. DD 44 = 1.. A.. Then 8 Being and Body merged into one.. A..
it was always in One.. but this is A.S Arts -Science of O8
As the photograph showed.

I was on bed 4-016. 44= 8 ADD… 4 Squared in 16.

Thus 85 4 AS Letter D is linked to Arden Morgan…
Art Science Arden -Autumn Smol.
AF K G= Y.. Youssi means Joseph “ADD.. increase”
A.F 1 6 to Fred…
Arden Tess as Beautiful.. A T

* I see… I am being moved to link his E family as well as his Bio Family.
So 85 once completed link to 85/58… 4th Dimension the Body Vehicle once become aligned in one… 4D..DD..=1=8.
That was done recently with the Photo play of O8.

85 AND 58= 13 13… MM Magic Mushrooms code given by M Y.. MM62= 8.
MM- 26 My Best Friend= 8 Harmony proven by the Harmony in Arden as Eternal to his self present as a Youth .. A Man.

Now see the play of 17 29 55.

see Sacred Portal 55.
it reads..”The Long Prolonged wait Weight is over
Land & Cee

Le Cue..
Its true!
John Thomas..
Long Well!


Its depicts the back of a Universal Sensie who back and Hair and whiskers form A Rhino… Blue rhino Gas…A Hippo… HIP H I PP O,
And a Beettle
There are 5 boys and one girl…
Link Lord Ye-Li and friends Hung Yeh.

So, Who is Spirit E and who is Devi Devoted..
Who is the one who Demystified the c of Consciousness if Arden and i are the same person but different versions?

And the same goes for sacred portal 33..
The equation which I literally posted as my 3rd post last night at how the Body rises and as C Speed of Light and travels to back to Eternal Eden via Eternal Memory Manifestly Explained.. the Man u-Script.
It rises as the True Body made out of Energy which can not be held back or down by Matter Time Mass… Milky Way.. because it is not of matter as mass but the very same C as speed of light which in came into creation as and now returns via baby to Eternal Youth..
A MAN ( 1 13 1 14= 29) Through the 13 Gate back to itself as Feelings Sensational ..- F S..= Y… B E… 25 is y as well as B E.
Jeron yes is E Born 2-25-2019.

Sacred Portal 33 is the Time Arden Fred and Liberty C Liscomb and co went to Virgina the 20th state.
Then Arden and Morgan to Vermont the 14 State.
See sacred portal 20..Lad-Y echo…and 14 Evolution of Consciousness Star E’

“And so did D come to E to arouse and awaken me from the most terrible dream.

F T M T D….
F=6…. T is 20. MM 62 Code Morgan Youssi… 6 20… 26 B F Harmony already in Arden as he and i as I…
T.M= 33… T M T… 53… D…. 57…. E G…. Add the F Ferrill sixth sense it is 63….

Who is D and who is E?

Its is obvious that we E and A Are the same person but I came as Alexander Grove a place and he came as Arden Gemino a person..
but before we were Alexander the Ardent Passionate Defenders of Man… we were E… E K E K… 16 16 1 32= 5..
1 5. A E as well as E A…. Spirit E Awareness S E A Linked to the Body of truth… which knows…
The D then must be the Body .. at Delta…
and it Harmony it comes and recognizes instantly at first sight F S.
Itself .. and then checks..

Yes we are both E Embodied Exemplification Explained..
9;35 p.m.
I C E.

But i am the one who Expressed Explained Activated and Confirmed his C.. Defined Determined he is E Frequency.
Yes he had it always inside on him but I activated him and proved itm even to the already aware him.
Awakening and Arousing him My Self from 6-12-2003 ( A Coma so call a trance a spell,a nap a pause… Sleep)

I activated myself in the Eternal Beginning and even in this world as a baby to 7-8 years old and retained when there was no one but me as me.
And then I came here, and recognized him by a Photograph while he recognized me at First Sight.
F S… = 25…

A ..D..D is the 8 is the one who is meant to have come to me.. He did come to me via dream sleep astral projection but I came to him Embodied in Flesh and complete and activated the Being when it is he the the Spirit E Awareness as D at Delta Green S E A..D..
S EE D. Grown into the Body who in this 3D 5D Play at 8 who with full Awareness comes to me and returns the favor I did for him in his story as the Square Root when tis I am the one meant to be added the one who brought the Knowledge as of E..

H E.. D.. H E A D H E E D E N

9:49 p.m.

Arden is E
and is also as I Spirit E Aware.
I from Delta came to him as David Beloved and came to him.
And then he came to me in my room in the astral plane.
D is via Morgan the Body rep 27 8 D 90.
Spirit Energy Awake as the Body.
So D Is the universal Body awakened from Sleep and thus the Body as Time.
Thus, D is the Universal Body of truth as The Victorious People..
David “Roman-O.V… O 5″ who come to I and I
4th Dimension The Body.. T D 20 4 24 who come to me the one who lived and lives like a Spirit rising through my body and Arden’s Body and being aligned to one.

Recall his room is no longer on the 4th landing, it is now on the 5th.

10:11 p.m
So it is through Him that the E Family as Bodies Aware in the 4TH dimension Astral plane who comes to me, but in this house, as the body the 4th floor is occupied by Liberty and Aureilia… Jeron.
The Universal Body DD Has been aligned to One. AS 8
5 8
Tis they now Awake and Aware through this Story having been proven true who come to me and Arden rising through Arden and all the E Family bodies Awake and Aware…
And they are Y chromosome Male…
All of Beautiful Youth…

So 1.7 85 ( 85 58) 7.1…4 29 to Morgan as Car Body 27 8 D 29.
4 29 as D the letter is the 90 Spirit manifested and aligned to the Body and its Source Being was completed.
To 17 29 55… 4 in one ( add F -Red being also Arden to my F being Ferrill F F .. 66 1 3 A C.. E… 8 Recall that the last time i saw Arden he was wearing red.

So what is causing the delay… La of sixth sense being female…?
The X… Is male and the Y is male.
23 23 Chromosomes. 23 23 = 46.
23 Pairs… Arden born 2003.
23 is W Watermelon.

see Sacred Portal 46.
The Creator on the top Floor 5.. or Cloud 9 C.I.. 39.

We can understand that yes, the Body as D Link to A.M comes to me as well as him, but this long prolonged wait and weight of the people..Victorious people coming to E is the Body…

10:29 p.m
Jay A man..
Jeron sat on that seat 8-29-2019 is he a Man.? I call him Dwarf.. D Warf…Delta Landing of the Body rising now activated by Spirit E…
played by both of us, but really me.
See my telephone number.

It is pretty inconceivable what i am saying right now, and goes back to the reason of Terrible Terrible Deaths response and our resounding NO.
Is that Woman Mothers line in this world, are preventing the Spirit E Activated in the Body to completion from rising.
I see it in Ardens play where he is compelled as all the children here to acknowledge the authority supreme of his mother rather than that of the one he has acknowledged and his own Harmony and on every level recognizes me as the Source right to his saying that he not only does not mind my posting him on Facebook to my presenting him to the world but to acknowledgment me quietly to his friends.

And why do they have this power to challenge the Source they recognized publicly?
Is it not because nothing has changed, nor is a play which make them reliquinsh their power and this creates a duality where the people find themselves playing both sides of the fence, gaining from both sides.. becoming opportunistic.

Oh Arden is in Perfect Harmony because I am observing through him the play of the P.C… When the actual code is C.P C C…
the Chevrolet.
Consciousness Perfection Creation C=Speed of Light. SOL.. he on the 5th Floor.

Its an idea, the power and play and sway of Woman Mothers have on their dependents forcing them to choose a side in an absurd expression of Source Their Creator .. Their Eternal Family versus the Family they found themselves born into.
How could they be made to even make that kind of choice when there is no choice … they choose but they have to play a character, even act as though they deny the source, but because there is no change in the environment and obviously expressed disrespect and challenge to my authority here and all over the world in actions words threats deeds…
Which family are you going to be loyal too?

I know the one i was loyal to, but i also knew why I had to go undercover and was treated so badly for staying true to the E family and the E Truth that I was cursed left to die,on the streets, osctracrized and even then I had my will power and evidence facts which they respected as long as it served them.
But continued loyalty to the E made so many after gaining so much force me to leave.

I was given no money and i am aware that I was meant to be paid, but the greedy nature of Humanity is a bottomless pit, and unless enforced no one has ever paid me, or full acknowledged the worth of what I have done for them as a man, and a man of worth and who brought them the truth.
True, the One whose world i entered could have made sure that i had wealth.. but then he knew, I would never do this work.
Not its way… 64 homes in 19 years… 27 years….8 at Delta 90…

I often wonder which one is more evil and cruel.. The People whose prayers I was forced to answer, or the one who sent me into this play…
Alien Council as the illusion of Black and White..
While Alien Father could only stay in the realm of Thought until i clarified all the grey areas and moved all back to transparent light and freeing him- all from his prison at 7 and 4… and move him to 8 O 4.. 8O5 And still me still battling at 😯 6…
14 72 Facebook Friends… 14 72 Pairs… =86.
1 4 7 2= 14… Vermont is the A.M 14 State.
Liberty C Liscomb is going to pick up 14 year old Aurelia from Virginia..
Vermont is the 14th state… N – 14 sacred portal 14… Star E is Arden…

So you see my point…?
The reason for the delay…
No Change in the Environment and thus nothing has changed and just as I am forced to endure not being myself, as the man as the source, as my literally being and Spirit E made me prove leading straight to Arden in this absurd vile evil challenge..
Still, my body is screaming to rise, but nothing has changed and those who wish to come out from undercover are threatened unseen, with remarks, knowing that their every move wherever they are is being watched monitored forcing them to a role almost of hypocrisy and lies, as they are interrogated and set up again and again to deny the source they recognize by acting out more and more deeply the denial they are forced to play out to satisfy the Woman Woe Man man and woman mother as the lie.

Here at 900 South Road, I see all this as Theater, a micro version of what took place and has been happening all over the world.

Why is there still no change in environment, in the setting circumstances… how is it that there is still no respect for who i am, represent even my work…?
Why am I even as a man still forced to live in others homes, dependent for food, weed, wisdom Knowledge.
The Universe Creation responds to me.. publicly infront of all of you.
I have 3 missing front teeth, many more.. body …s.m.h brought education, knowledge wisdom answered the riddles of an maze and labyrinth with the response moving through not only you but through a computer, T.V.. film Radio… past present future and have proven Harmony… To infinity forced on the filthy Facebook play and aligned everything to perfection symmetry meaning…
And yet I live still dependent like someones bitch and slave … coding for a 17 year old whose out playing while i sit down doing all his homework, coding his life friends family….?

What is the greater evil… tell me..
Those who gain from this, that which set this up or those who do the see, no evil hear no evil…
Those who say nothing as long as they gain…
This is what Arden was forced to play out.. but he is me, so how can he be doing that to him self…?
When all his codes life.. everything align to me..

What can do this you ask…?

Profits and cheats and takes advantage.. but worse still
delay the awakening and gradually seek to undermine and take away the spirit of its Heroes… because nothing has reall changed the environment and setting of such a play.

I of course, know the answer…

Do You…. ? Is there some one else responsible and is to blame… an Ed Harris born 11 28- 39 C.I

” O 39%” Intel Tree Sage

Am I to blame… is Arden to blame… ?
Blame and Responsibility is on my Hands because I was carried by a wave of your prayers…
“Manu in Paris… 1992.. The World needs you Emeka dont go…”
The voice in the darkness in my coma.. The need you to show them the way…”

11:22 p.m.
David Roman Nicholas…D R 4 18 and N is 14.

This is what the first posts today began with… 18 4… R D And 4 18… Roman is ROMAN C.E.. A novel by E.K..
Talking To The Silence… and a usurper heard…?
D.N= 18…. R O A MAN C E…
D R N= 22 + 14.. 36 18 18…
1 36 ..
1 9..
10 J… There is only one J
one Balance…
E i am David Jay Brown… D J B… O O 7 Liscence to Kill
Death Ray. D R… 22.. V Victor ..S P 86

Enough said…

11:27 p.m

11;29 pm right now..
11: 30 p/m

“The word chromosome (/?kro?m??so?m, -?zo?m/[7][8]) comes from the Greek ????? (chroma, “colour”) and ???? (soma, “body”), describing their strong staining by particular dyes.[9] The term was coined by the German scientist von Waldeyer-Hartz,[10] referring to the term chromatin, which was itself introduced by Walther Flemming, who discovered cell division.”

Some of the early karyological terms have become outdated.[11][12] For example, Chromatin (Flemming 1880) and Chromosom (Waldeyer 1888), both ascribe color to a non-colored state.[13] ”

Chromosomes are 46/ 64 VI/ IV.. 10 10…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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