
7/13/2017 17:43 – Facebook Post

7/13/2017 17:43 – Facebook Post

Confidence…. Victorious…

Over the Spirit of Jealousy.. Envy, Cruelty…Horror.

“Stop yourself from going too far…. ”

Jealousy from Insecurity.

And entire Population infected by the Virus of Jealousy, the Insecurity of feeling that you are not good enough, that you are born in Sin. That you Lack something,
And on discovering those, who walk tall, stand tall with confidence. Admiration and Jealousy battles with each other, yet in this world story Jealousy wins. Brining its awful spawn, Malice, Cruelty, Hate, Rage…Evil and the list goes on and on.

For the first time, I truly almost wept, even as I sit here in the Starbucks, my discovery that, I have finally got to the bottom of all this, and that it is about Jealousy… Jealousy!
All that has been done to me my entire life, all that was done to the Beautiful Ones- the Story of First Contact which I wrote about over and over again here on this page. Of the Beautiful One arriving this realm, then the Beautiful ones who were the Future of the Species called the Humans. How we came undercover to inspire them to Evolve to us. That they, you are Us as potential if you chose correctly. That you are the Body of the Beings.. B.B… And that you as the Body, was just an illusion,a Beautiful Illusion of that which can not be divided into the Body and Being, because they can not be divided.
The are V.. Victorious already Linked.
That the Body was just a story, a Library ( not a Tomb), a Space Suit.. Michaël Trahé… See meaning of Trahe..”Raiment.. Garment. He is my 1000 and now 1002 Face Book Friend.

I told the story of how I.E as Light, Radiant Light came first into the Potential to make rise the E Line. And how the E line did Rise and then had to understand the Story of how all the E came to be. And thus aquire a body of Solid Self Evident Facts.By experiencing like a the Matrix, a story in which they would play characters which would move through the illusion of Darkness to simply align with their Beautiful Truth by Experiencing aligning, interfacing the Truth of you Above as well as Below. Inside with Outside.

I spoke about First Contact. David Philip Gil testified to it, and that story is in contemporary history.
…The Experience of Discernment. Of meeting the illusions, the shadows of yourselves, experiencing all possibilities and choosing that which is your truth, your beautiful truth, by recognizing yourselves.

The overwhelming desire to weep today, was not because of the Virus of Jealousy, it was the realization that my entire life, and existence had been challenged by a “Spirit used as the Tester” rather than the Beautiful Truths expression.
Which was never a test.

Recall at Lisa Levine studio? Maha Rose.. M.R… Where I with the help of Lisa and Luke Simon, created a gathering and I spoke to the gathering, telling people the true test was a riddle.. “Can you tell me why you are Beautiful, Can you tell us why you are Beautiful?”
It was and is the most simple and elegant test and question.
That is the riddle of Existence, the ability to be able to understand why you are Beautiful. Beautiful in my Eyes, in our Eyes.
Could you see yourselves how we saw you?

Not insecure and afraid.. lost in that illusion of darkness.
But rather how you navigated it, how you sing, how you laugh, how graceful your bodies move… How you dance, race, jump. soar… How you are able to defeat hurt and wipe your tears and rise. How you create amazing structures, how you are in sports, and when you play in teams. And how you support each other roar and groan at matches and tournaments. You and the crowd in one.

How you achieve, how you are heroic, invent the most amazing things, how you Love so fiercely, protect that which you love. How you are vulnerable and fragile, strong and heroic.
Determined, mischievous, little rascals. How you create Laughter and inspire tears. how you smile.. Ah! How you smile
… How could you not see that?

5:11 p.m…

How Beautiful you are?
I saw this, everywhere I went, and I fell in love with that beautiful truth in you over and over and over again. Even though aware of that lie of you.
That part of you so insecure, who would lash out, in disbelief at the light at which I looked at you. Because I could see you.
So beautiful.
I came down not because I fell, not because I felt I was your servant, or rag… Or that I was better than you, or to teach you anything. I did not come down and back from the Light because of the darkness, the blackness said I must come back and “help” humanity. I did not even do it for Love… I did it because I wished to remind you of your truth. Because I saw that there was so much of the illusion, the lie about you. I came to simply remind you.
And even when you tortured me Darkness Blackness, I still followed the Wave. Even when the path became more and more horrific, I still went along with it, I went because I knew your Beautiful Truth and I felt and knew in my hearts of hearts that nothing could conquer that beautiful truth in you. I did not hope, or believe.. I knew.

And yet, you have done the impossible, you have proven me wrong.
I observed through the journey, right to B.R.C Assessment Shelter and then to Delta Manor, and through out my life, my beauty was being stripped from me, my skin, my face, my hair, my gifts, my talents, everything which were those things which I had cultivated, that Confidence which comes from Knowing and Knowledge of the Beautiful Truth. That it was being stripped from me, in every moment each day, with each interaction the same hate and rage.
And yet, from the moment I was a child I consecrated my life to Beauty, to sharing the source of my confidence; to elegantly and politely, reminding you… how I saw you.. We saw you. I chose Fashion because I felt if you could start with your outer appearance you could begin to remember. I chose dance, theater, architecture, Drama Theater, Sports, to as gracefully and tactfully remind you of why you are Beautiful.
Even these codes, even my battle in all the unseen realms was to remind you of these indestructible truths.

Until, I realized that the choice you had made, had been made.. You as Darkness, Rage, Anger.. the Lie.. You chose the Lie. Just as you chose Donald Trump… Always the Lie.

3:08 p.m.

See Sacred Portal 38.

4:16 p.m…
Dawn Piercy..

7-13-1 O…. G.M.A..O…/ O..A.M..G.

13-7-1 O… M.G.A.O…/ O.A.G..M…

A.G is the code of the Rainbow Spectrum and of Allen Ginsberg and George Andreo the writer who called Random House and Alfred Knopf to publish my Journals,in 1993, after I returned from my journey to the Light, and the darkness brought me back. Susan Train of Conde Naste Vogue was the person who contacted Edmund White after reading so extracts from my journals, Talking To The Silence.

A-G…E… Lisa Natalie Johnson has left on the 13th, today to begin a new phase of her life, after fulfilling her role. She was meant to leave on 7-6…instead she left on the 13th, I am sure, relieved to leave me and this play behind.
Just as I am sure Elizabeth Clarizio was glad to leave this play. just as Nenad M. Djurdjevic was.

Brenda Booth is right besides me, the only one left who has been helping me eat, drink coffee… with Ms Lilian age 74.

Lisa was born 1-1-71… The Code has always been 7-1…not 1-7. Meaning Violet to Red… Blue to Violet.. Blue to Red.

I understand why they are tired of this play, Abe comments that just watching me work makes him tired.
And yet, they do not see that I work from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed, and even in my sleep.

They are tired, but imagine doing this for 25 years.
Imagine doing this for 48-49 years, your entire life.

7-13-1 O…. 7 is Violet.. V..M=1000…1A.. O… V. M.A.O…A..
A.O. A.M..V..Victorious…

Sigh, Alpha Omega Awakening Victorious of the 5th Dimension.

I loved you so much, because you were me, and I love me. Until I realized that you had chosen the Lie. And so I fought to restore the E, the Eternal in you. Despite the Rage of Death as the Ravager and the Destroyer, That Jealous God, you invented , as a mirror of yourselves and what you had become. And chosen to sustain. Darkness, Fear.. Insecurity and the terrible terrible monstrous cruelty to the Beautiful Ones. The Truth you buried and refused to belief that was in you. Or Trust that I was telling the Truth. And so you, as the Darkness the Blackness of hate that this insecurity had driven you to become. This Rage, this Hate, such a terrible hate.. So indescribable, so horrific I said must bedestroyed for it is eating up the Beautiful Truth that this World.. The Eternal Realm coming into manifestation here is not for such as you.

Who felt that such a test, to move me from the Top of your perceived idea of Success.. Wealth Position Beauty Power in the Material World, in Canada, in Nigeria, in London, in Spain, in Paris, in Istanbul and finally in New York, where each time you thought you had dragged me down.. This Confident Arrogant Beautiful Example of you. To homelessness, missing teeth, thinned hair, white, body broken skin cracked… That how the might have fallen.. The Confident Emeka… The Confident Ones. But it was not for that reason that I came down for, I came to prove to you, that you are Beautiful and that you are Loved.. Where Loved.. Safe and IN me Secure, your Beautiful Truth. And nothing you could do to me could destroy that truth.

Until now, the Beautiful Truth of all of you I have rescued full Circle, to Brenda, to Lisa, to the Original Circle is Complete… The Circle of E True Life, the L-Ion K.I.N.G…

The Rest.. I cut out. 5:43 p.m

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