
7/13/2015 14:41 – Facebook Post

1:O1 pm.




“Europe is on the Road to Bankruptcy”

Kierkegaard refuted Hegel’s World Spirit for not taking in the perspective of the Individual.

I did not come to New York to suffer, nor did I live this life in New York in the 21st Century, nor go to a Shelter because of Need.

I went to these venues because it is where the path and trail of the thread of the equation, riddle and story…And my literal Body and Being led me while I had to link the two I and I as Eye and Eye..
Two Eyes on two tealms…Both Energetic.
Both seen through Cause and effect
One Visible and the other Invisible…

Thus, I had to move through the True representative wave lengths of ROYG…
To reach B.I.V.
Being Invisible Visible..

And thus, ROYG is the way I.V..meaning the non Existent 1-4 Dimension or School in which Beings of Light 1-8 (A.H) learn to Be…Human which is really spelt H.U.E M.A N…
Natures A.M…E U ( Esther Uzoma meaning “The Morning Star of the Beautiful Way), Harmony.

Thus, Humans are but ” Shadows in the Cave” until they reach Being I.V…I Vie..I V.I.E..
I Live.
Not I Exist..
That is Self Evident already.

To live is to Be Harmonious.
Being Human.
2 8.

And thus I have been linking the BB to 22..4…V..to.become (4+5=9)
and Body and Being to merge into one by my constant Expression of True Nature.
T.N (14-2O..34/43..77…14..49 Bed 49 at the Shelter…which then moves to 4+9= 13…M.
Melendez Benjamin in Bed 5O…then to 1+3= 4
.. Represented in my invited to be a guest with Lady Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell…
M moves to D and in perfect Harmony the invitation was offered.

And after checking my equations graciously accepted.

Of course, I am fully aware that of what I am doing and where I an going…
I am going home but was made to take the long way home.
26 years consciously and my entire life in Earth….
In complete Isolation when I am the Lover of Life…the Boogie the Lightness behind the Light.

I balked at this journey not ony because I came here to celebrate but after recalling my Existence before I was born in this life of a mission of which I wrote a book at age 8 of the Evolution and Awakening of the World.
Where there would be terrible destruction also…
The little book illustrated garnered a great deal of attention but what was fascinating and disturbing was that what I wrote became manifestly true.
In that people kept entering my life to “Train me” for the mission which even while attending University in Nigeria I had been told it was to be in the United States…
It was about opening a Yale Lock..
Which of course made link.it to Ivy League University and the Philosopher Locke.
It was 1987…I was in my last year of a 5 and 1/2 professional.degree….
My Trainer a Young Prince from Onistha (who looked like Prince the Singer) was relentless in his training.
I resented the training but I could not walk away from this young man who was preparing me because he knew me as I knew him from.another realm.

I knew he was training me to break a Lock of Philosophical Thought of two world views Africa and the West East…
To bring about a resolution to AWE H..
Awe of Harmony…
But which is really A.W.E..H.E….

I rebelled again a mission because I had memory of Everything being completed before Being Body Manifested..
Victorious Manifestation was already achieved before Human Body or Being or Even the E line rose much less Creation.

There was nothing to do!

Even I knew that.

Then on finally arriving in London and going to Art School.at St Martins College of Art…I began to investigate human perception since most people around me found my way of Being “Wonderfully Strange”
My long lean Body Graceful but “Alien”
And my way of Linking I and I, Eye and Eye
Wonderous and Beautiful.
Which concerned me and thus, the attention I kept recieving everywhere I went began to concern me.
I questioned my way of Being and found that people lived it but they called me strange and a otherworldly and that I was not from this world…
Romantic ideas of me when my way of Being was more in Harmony with True Nature of this Physical Material realm than Thiers.

So I began to interview them.in my Journals which was my Talking to.the Silence
My seeking to figure out the way people see and came to be and adopt a disturbing individual world view
1:43 pm

I was alarmed with what I understood and went deeper into my own world…Cringing from this other way of percieving when I could still zee thier Truths..Thier Beautiful Truths.

Why did they not fight for it.

Why did the bow to rage and the Experiences the perceptions of thier Life’s.had given them.

My life even as a boy was so dramatic and after living in there continents by age 12, and enduring British Canadian and then Nigerian and Igbo NRI cultures as well.as experiences which had my Harvard educated American based aunt seeking to send psychologists to determine if there had been damage to me..
It was she who urged me to write and like the Young Prince who was my namesake, she began to Train me on western Humankind Experiences…literally…
Sigh all I really wished to do was Dance and Create Beauty and Films…
These are my best talents ..
Writing I did not like…

I wished to be outside making love to.everything which could say Yes! And possessed Beauty .
I am Lucifer Fathers Brother Son.
Venus Erik Ebright..EE..

All this missions talked bored me to…

For 4O months I have given non stop evidence of the Truth affirmed by Nenad M. Djurdjevic and many people in New York who are not testifying to what they and we witnessed because they are afraid if being ridiculed or Ostracized by this society…

You have gotta be kidding..
I thought, you want to be accepted by this Perception of The world as Anger and Rage Expressed constantly because people could not figure out their lives was a riddle, a Play for thier own Evolution?
That they were so literal retarded and spoilt by the Self Entitlement notion (Yes even when society taught self abnegation and rejection of the Individual) that they could not fight for the Truth which through my experience each one recognized.
All Truth is Manifest and so if you Exists..Have a Body and a Being you are made of Truth and True Expression…
The notion of Humans not being able to recognize truth is such a whopping lie..that I will not even speak of it

The 4O months is of course a journey through
ROYG….to Green Point and finally to.your Freedom not mine..
Free Being
Through aligning constant Expression V to I…
Move the Being Invisible (B.I) to the Body Visible and in I…
In the 6th Age called I..the Individual…
Who uses Reason Senses
Ravindra Singh
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions…
RS…RD RS…Road to R.IS.E through

The Easy route I recall doing in the Begining was Natural Harmony Expression
Helene Ngono…Orgasm Bright O Benjamin! Sex Exchange First Light.
Forte Lauderde Mi Ami…

But this Time around Instead of Art..
In had to.use the very very long way…
Philosophy Science Arithmetic Math.
P.S. .
Pamela Stefaniotis
All Crowned with Laurels not please stop.
2:O8 P.M.

A.M.. Alpha Manifestation.

Notice since George P.ROC the code keeps aligning to A.M.
Albert Marcus
April Marie Malone..

I have been publicly solving a riddle aa a Scientists a riddle I already know the answer to because I know what it is all about but it is the language of Empirical Reasonable Science Methodology which requires personal individual experience which I am found myself being made to put my entire life and existence under a microscope but use that process where I am the Guinea Pig to a Truth I already know but which demands of me in this incarnation to prove it, live it in a human consciousness dominated by Jealousy Rage and Competition…

Where people delight in watching you suffer..
Where they are so subtle in thier cruelty indifference and lies..
Expression and use of words and actions so decietful.that it is the one secret reason young people commit suicide and give up on this life because the Adults are so content in thier arrogant Hypocrisy that they do not realize the Youth and the Children..and the E can see right through thier “Viels of Self Delusion”

It is not the Viels which disturb us..
It is what the Viel is Covering…

Thus my equations is the Science of a man as a Scientists of everything and everyone as the Individual and the past Romance Novel Ideal O …OINRI

Being Married to the present by my casually Linking it into Being Manifest…

2:22 PM..
*Good got the 2:22 Being Victorious Equation.

I never knew it would take so long or make me experience and witnessed how far people have come in separating themselves from Being in thier Bodies (Hearts) …

The view from here from Green House to 4th street to The steets to the Shelter has been so appalling that when I went to 9th Street The Bean and Jenisia hugged me tightly.

2:26 pm.

“What is wrong” I asked

“Nothing anymore now that you are here ” she said.

I was touched yet surprised even after all these years of people saying things like that but not having money to buy food or sustain my own self or have a telephone or Internet or a working computer to solve a riddle that has nothing to do with me …Me.
I solved my Riddles by age 25-6…

Just saw a text from Ayiyorwoth Natasha 2:23 pm.

Jenisia told me that at The Bean on 9 Street number 147 1St Ave.
See sacred portal 147..
That the sewage system broke and that the basement is full of Shit Excrement.

Shitty Expression to Emmy 147.

When I leave this Green point this is what I will remember of this journeyvfrom Agusta Georgia (Tiger Woods) – leaving April 2, 2OO5, the day the pope John Passed to Hells Kitchen to the Green House to 4th Street to the Streets the Subways to the Shelter Green Point…
Is It Stank of Shitty Expression.
But a Lotus Santana
Alberto ” Intelligent Noble Bright ”
Santana -Sanskrit Meaning “Constant stream on awareness of Everything ..A Brooke to Stream to a Rived to an Cee to an Ocean and Blue World of Saphire Blue Open Space A N NA.. grace and Favor did land on Being Victorious Exemplified..
And E Rose well
First Consciousness F+C is I.

Nikolai Tessla.
Victory of the people of I.E
The Human Beings
Who Care DO..
They Be….

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