
7/12/2019 21:36 – Facebook Post

Cyberlord Anyiam
Ugogbe Nwanyi
Eluwa Amara

Leland Johnson
Darius Sñîpër
Joey Pizzolongo

That’s my 6 last Facebook Friends

And In am at 1306 Facebook Friends.

13O6. 19. S.
13 66
/ 613..

* I noted the times John Mack sent me texts today.. 5 11… 6:13 and 6:59 p.m, the last one.. 7:35… .and 7:37 p.m

7:42 p.m right now.

*All these time slots are important because it has meaning..

6 13 is where we are at now..
F M..Band.
Father Mother.. sacred portal 54.

The time is 7:44 p.m right now

John MacDonald lives at 44 Brookelawn.
With Ian Patrick Stewart, Andrey Klebanov
All in the business of water…

“Arch Angel Michael Santana!”
Who is as God..?

Expression Air Water Energy… Devotion.

E. A. W E D
It’s a message from Father Mother..

Masculine Feminine
Sacred Portal 54
E D M..
The 5th Dimension Earth.
4.5.4… billion years old.

I was at 1300 Facebook Friends and now, I am at 6.

King Edward VIII
King George.. HI.

E G 8 6
Ender Game.

Kings Speech
Kim Serenity
Sarah Kaizer
Kings Temple
Knights Templar

Lota George Odabi knew my younger brothers.. and Nnamdi.
L G O..


7-12- O

They are representing the E 8 line of Harmony.
Not E H…
E 8… a number which must evolve to a letter.

7:54 p.m
The New Earth.

J A I.
See meaning of the name Jai..
Jai Italiaander

Jai means “Victorious” V
Add M.E. Manifest Expression Manu Emanuel.

J.A I. M.E

Jaime McKenzie in the series Outlander
Meaning ” Outsidsider”

And it means ” I Love ”


Igbo Landing

Infinite Limitless..

And so I have to do this post for the line rising in the World through them.
Moving 77. 44. To
5 8
E 8
And 1/3 to E.H… Dun

8:00 p.m

By demonstrating to John line as Truth
And Tree Sage as True Story..

Kim saw 64 and 46 he text me, and had chills go through him.
And since expression ( Embodied and Activated is Quantum Rocket Fuel)
I.am being moved to express, explain decode..
To move Kim to 10 10. ..20. 2 2 O
22 6. 8

And J A I. To J A I. M.E.
( / E M I. A J)

Observe the last 6 Facebook Friends name codes by taking the first letters of each person’s name and last name..

8:06 p.m

Sacred Portal 86. ” Victor Light of Exisrence”

* Sacred Portal 97 is the Brain Cranium Light of the World


The first 3

C U E. A.N A

L. D.J. J S.P

Ana means “Land Ground” in O I N R I. Igbo.

L is 12. Dee Jay…

John is my Sacred Portal..

Kim Arthur Hines..

John Kennedy ( My Line proved it a while back..
John and Robert Kennedy…

Brandon Kennedy
Kennedy Black

( B.K/ K.B)

Pride and Prometheus
By John K..)

J K. 1011
E Galaxy

8:14 p.m right now

Yes… I want out! Of this play work and human portals.

So that is why I am obeying John Nnamdis play
Johnny New man.. born 7 11..
J N. 10 14. 24.
Rep Esteban Miguel Filgueira
B D F.
Being 46 OOO3 A.M.
Linked to Jesse MaciasJesse
And his white Q car

C U E… Take your Cue and Ground.. Land…
L D. Life and Deaths
Dee Jay..
Disc Jockey..
( Disc thrower. Christian Thrower
Kentucky Derby. K D 11 4. Kim.and John
Grant Moor .. Keith Grant. Dette Grant. K.D G.G
11 4 7 7.
3. 12. 39. 28. 11. 4 7… 7. 7-8.
Triple Crown
Egyptian Pharoah & Justify…
2015. 2018…
E P. J..
/ J.P. Joey P.

The two Jockeys were
Ahmed Zayat… A-Z. Aka Ephraim David Zayat
E D Z…..Emeka David brings Z. The End.

Mike Smith at age 52..E B

Michael A. Smith. Mas..

Owner is Big Money Mike Smith.. B M M S

This Ahmed Mike..
A M.
E M..

8:35 p.m

Do you see what I am doing?

This is My Sons play.
My little Brother Jon
1989/ 1999 London
His Father loved Jaguars and Jonn was a Tiger
10 10..

And now to Tree Sage T = 20
K A H = 20…

John Thomas
30 30

33. 6
36 36
72. 9


Do you see the way the game is played?

How Art Science Magic-
Manifest Solid Facts

And why I was imprisoned in a Cell..
Protein Building Block cell.

In.a Micro Macro Evolution Play.
Powering the Earth Universe on Cue
C. Universe E
C is speed of Light, Earth- Saturn.
Stephen Esteban..
S E. E..E

You need to know who John MacDonald is.
You all know Tree Sage.
Kim Arthur Hines pretty well by now..

And from Sacred Portal 9
Fair Oh and Prince…

And 999. 27. 3 ( 9)
But most of you have no idea who John is or Jesse..
Or even Alexa Vertefeuille

And if he can do what I just did with the post.

You have Kim Arthur Hines who can read and write in the Story Telling mode and alignment of the Numbers to letters.

But there is none whose Awarenesss and Perfect Timing as John Mack and his line…
which Kim line is racing to…

Most people wonder if I am who I am purported to be, why would I be in such a humiliating position.
Father my Son now risen to equal arisen in J M and J N. And K.AH! Never intended me to suffer such a fate, he truly thought that you his descendants as bodies of Truth would respect his messenger as long as I exemplified, embodied his Truth simply by my Being Doing and my carrying myself with my natural beautiful pride.
He chose me as his ambassador and representative.
He never imagined that while I was out fighting in the spirit realm ..for you, solving the riddles of your dead that you would not rise up as John Mack did..
For yes, he is a literal Descendant Avatar Messenger of Father Emmanuel
Nnamdi Tree
Nikolai Teska
Nnamdi Kolo..
Christopher Filgueira.

But John is…
There is none so far who had come close to his perfect timing, Awareness Being
Expression Eloquence but Kim
And Alexa Vertefeuille i ntel
And Brenden Velez now so strangely quiet..

He She never dreamed in a Trillion years that even after Evidence Proof Reason-able, Evidence Truth…

P R. E.T. F.

That people would deny perfection.

He felt you were as He.. Namaste ..
But most of you are not.. are you.
Most still live, lie and dwell in fear.
Even of a Brown man as the Source.

Your Source


And David aka Devi Nna.. Ana wished to make sure I was hidden.. that I play one of these characters in the Human Children’s story..
How they nearly all come deep undercover as Prophets Messiahs Seers ..sorcerers Magicians Wizards..

But most of all, as a Spy Jaymes Bond
The Elegant Nomad, whom all secret agencies etc were after me, and my famiky…
( His Family actually.. Line of Christ Jesus Mary Mohammed Aisha..
Solomon Sheba.
S S. 19 19. 38.

I even had one of our first passionate arguments with David Roman Nicholas in 2002/2003 who had visions of the Govt shutting us down , swat teams a Revolution

That’s a Story I finally Thundered roared
We are E and this is the end of all those stories and characters we had to play.

We are here as Eternal who move Every thing.
How can you be a play when this is the Evolution Awakening..
The uniting with out Eternal Family for the first time since this Creation play began 13.8 and 4.5 Billion. Yrs ago.

David is John..
The Dee Jay..
Di Jay
Married to the A V Y E…
And he owned this play and to keep me safe
Rme..( Drama Queens… They so love Drama and to Play that they get carried away…)

Well David was not convinced while John Eric was.. to a point…
David wanted hide me, protect me because of what I represented
The New Story
John Eric wanted me to be his Heroic warrior brother …

9:22 p.m
Royal and Jesse.
R J/ J R…

And I was caught in middle of David and John

So yes, that is why I was made anonymous
But Nnamdi was not having it..
Nnamdi as the Past David the future and John..always more as I than my Eric David
( J E D I. )
Beautiful Present
Yes, my Beautiful Pride
My Beautiful Truth David
My Beautiful Past
And so the Past rose and… sigh well.

9:27 p.m right now

My E line arrives thriugh Jons portal the arguments over

Past Present Future all present in one Pt.
Perfect Timing
The Point which John has proven

9:30 p.m

I C. F.

Hear him…
Let him Be.

Let him speak and show you how he had Equaled my Point.

But In have already gone beyond even percfeftion..
So even for the E line.. there will always be mote to learn under stand Discovered
Adventures… more avenues to explore
But not more New species.

No more stories in a Green House

Only True Life
Actuality Moments which can stretch out to infinity.

So bored of this play of Time


9:35 p.m


9:36 p.m


And why, I am introducing John MacDonald and his line male female, black white..all cultures all hues into the World.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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