
7/12/2014 1:11 – Facebook Post


The World does Not Need Me…

Nor my Family.

They Needed to learn how to Read.
Link not Think

This Done we my Family rest.

We will not be enslaved by ppls illusion of Need.

They Needed to Learn how to Read…

The Unseen Seen Et Link it to A.


.Which is 1A..Ahtom Manifestation
Energy Transforming to Atom…

Like Erik Ebright..equation of using the correct Consciousness to.manifest his House…just like that.
One moment a Dream impossible

Then Bing! Epiphany…House.

Why I can’t do that..?

I have..I have a Palace Home here big enough for my Family of E still about to incarnate in you.

But I am not allowed to go home until the Weave is Complete…

But we are almost there cause they know I am Done with this Evil play in keeping all of you in the Dark…as well as keeping my I.D in the Dark.

But some one (like Li who did) should have figured it out by now.

After all I figured out who all of you were even while deep undercover in forgetfulness…

This is the Age of Aquarius..

Li of Panda Fame posted five images telling all who I am.


G night

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