
7/11/2020 20:10 – Facebook Post

3:16 p.m
C.P. 33.


Ready Player One
R P O.
River Phoenix O
O P.R. Full Circle of Public Relations
Perfect Response.

To The Enders Game


… Good Lord I am knackered.

Well, the Window did open..
I was in the half way in this reality and the other..
Awake and Sleep when I saw a image appear of an Egg.
It took me a moment to realize what it meant.

15:22 p.m
3:22 p.m

It was the Easter Egg.
Cosmic Egg
The Treasure which features in the 2018 Movie.
Set in 2045 ( Yes 20 4-5 .. 4.5 billion year old planet Earth is the Cosmic Egg and Treasure represented by Arden in this play.
See Sacred Portal 20 and 45…)

” That means” I muttered to myself, ” that the actual play was Ready Player One- because that was the treasure..

Further Investigation revealed the it took 582.9 USD at the Box Office
58 29.
And its budget was 155 -175 million

* Plesse note ( as I did) that I had made two posts at 1:55 a.m consecutively yesterday and the day before.

Plesse see sacred portal 155.

155 and 175.
A EE. O E.. O5. A G.. E. Q.E./ E Q.

O5 is Full Circle at Harwington Connecticut
Alexander Grove. Emeka A.G E
Arden Gemino E Family. A G E F

Nothing to do with Age but yes, Arden is 17 5th Dimension.

So it hit me… so what was the Enders Game about…
And I immediately knew it was a battle and play of the Truth and the End of Humanity while Ready Player One was about the Rising of the Eternal Family my merging the 5th Dimensional beings in Harmony as 3rd and 5D to create the New Original species in one Harmony of both Body Being Action Awareness Consciousness Creation evolved back to E through Cee Speed of Light


15:58 p.m

16:58 p.m

Took a break to take a shower.

The Egg in Ready Player One links to Sacred Portal 149 ( 19)
It shows Alien Father Alpha and his taking home his Sum Self as the Cosmic Egg in a Cup-I.D.
It reads “Supremacy of the Sway of thr play.

And he is the Universal Sensie.

Link Ip Man 4 who it aligns to in the Human Story.
Ip Man set in 19 64.
Died 1972 Dec 2. L.B.
Age 79

This is 64 Move
8 8 = 64
I am no longer at 1472 Facebook Friends after how many days…
And that is the confirmation of the last play of Arden Photograph and Chicken placed in the sink with water not very clean with dirty dishes.
And my reaction like a Sensie.
Linking it to my Awareness and then to Arden in the presence of Leander that it was the play of the White Yellow Lotus Flower in the photo.

5:08 p.m
17:08 hours.

17:09 hours right now.

My phone battery reads 64% right now.

So in this case Arden is both Alien Father Alpha as well as Easter Egg, Alien Council and yes,
* 17:11 hours.
5:11 p.m

Yes, I see the symmetry of time.
That was how the play operates.

He is me.. and I am him different Versions and both Hue- Man who had to play act at being Human to evolve Humans as Bodies to Hue man Beings.

17:17 hours.
17/17= 1 A.Q.

I am now at 14 71 Facebook Friends
That is 85. 14 71..
Intel from Arden 1.7 85 71 4. 29.

See Sacred Portal 85 and 58
( 13 13. A . M.M.. Magic Mushrooms Mannerless Morons.
A M.M. as Magic Mushrooms links to Arden Morgan Youssi E Scott.
Mannerless Morons links to the play of Humans Children -Fake.
Fake 110 USD Leander “Man”
Children are not real until the reach and pass the rites of passage-
To Beautiful Youth.
16- 17 in this script
Mind your ‘P’s and Q’s.
Until then they are simply Beautiful Illusion
But the True B.I
8-29-2019 is
A-Z +3 .. A B C. Ah Be Cee.. 123.

As many of you may recall, I did not know, or agree to including Humanity in this play.

First Contact.
Contact the movie gives the idea of the play in 2012 after meeting Billy Hung I knew my work was done, and my next step was the rendevouz with my Eternal Faniky who I have been in contact since age 7-8 when I wrote the recollection of the play of being here.
Before that, I had the complete awareness from the Womb to our Home at Alexander Grove of my being with my first Sensie ..My SELF who was to play my Guide Father of my reaching my Full Potential from Human to where I started as Infinite Harmony I.

But I had played and reached that Being Already so I was really playing my Guide Fathers role model or sum son..
To show him how he an Eternal Espirit who had not come into Existence as I did, with a Body he rose as an Eternal Spirit yes, Spirit E.
Arden link to Morgan his close friend.
Car.. 27 8 D 90.
27 years since 1992 Dec 8 D..( 84)
Sacred Portal 90 is Spirit E.
Yes, my tel phone no. 19 05
S E. S O E.
S.F… E
Sensational Feelings= Y. E

I played My Sum Song Sons Father .
* It was not my Idea.
To show the way but this time in inverse of how to become Solid Form
It was in Inverse play of the actual eternal truth
An Eternal Man rose first from the Nothingness Somethingness.
Fully In-Formed along with his Twin Doppelganger Awareness Supreme Creation Energy.
T.D ;
A S. C E…
( C A S. E ) as Two in One Mascline Feminine form.

He was the one whom I was made to demonstrate how to become as me but Backwards from Eternal Spirit to Eternal Form.
Eternal Youth.

18:25 p.m
R Y. .. B.E. A M. M E. U P. S C O TT I E.

Wonder Woman?
The Spin Twirl..?
No The Loom which creates a Body by Lines String Theory
It is Square Rectangular as the Transparent CASE I found yesterday
As the window in Arden Photograph

That is how the Weave of Cloth as the Body Fabric of Existence is made.
The Circle is its Completion aligned as Circles creating a Passage Way from here to Eternity.
Satya. S A .T. ..Y is A.
Arden Orginal Sat Yah!
Twin Doppelganger of E.K

The only Whirl Pool W P is that which sends something out of existence by the Spin people do, take on the Truth.

W W Wonder Woman?
23 23 Chromosome
1..A. 46. D F
Please see Sacred Portal 46.
That was the past.
The present is 64 V.I / I.V
Fifth Dimension

So you see I was made to play My Son.
Now, I have no Son in this reality.
Ip Mans Spiritual Son was Bruce Lee.

My Son is M.Y. S.O N G. S O N G E
Song of Harmony
Songe ” Reflections” of My Youth.
Which is my Espirit called Awareness
Spirit E
W Watermelon
W.A.V.E S. ..P
W M. Add O.B E. ( not “Obey”)
W O M B. E

And that is what I have reached attained at Arden Gemino

18:40 p.m
6:40 p.m
64th Move O.

My Song Songe. Of Harmony and Its Beautiful Truth which is called the Milky Way
Arden Milk Man 71 4 MM. A H.

It was in 2012 2013 that I recieved the intel from the past as Nnamdi ( not the one present for Nnamdi is I) that I had to include Humanity in the play by going through you for 8 more years.
Recall 2001-2002 The Elegant Nomads
T E N. O R. E

2004 The Creation Strory of the Family of TEN.

To 2012.. 2002 -2012 is Ten Years.
2002-2004 – 2 years.
10 -2. 102 Episodes Empire.

2004- 2012. Is 8 years.
2001- 2004. 3 years and 8 years 2012.

The Photograph of ARDEN is in 2012.
The code is “A.S. O8
He is 9 years old.

So I was done and so was he.
I was age 8 in 1975 ( Nov 28)
9 in 1976..

19 is S See Sacred Portal Alien Father Alpha 149 (19.. S. Superman.. A.I… S A I. )
Autumn & Morgan are here right now.

19:05 p.m right now .

Sacred Portal 19 ( 149) and see Sacred Portal 76.
And 19 64.

So that means it took me 8 more years of including you in the play.. script.
Which though meant to be an Education on Awareness and a gesture of taking all of you into consideration..
Consider this..
2004 to 2012= 8
2004-2020= 8

Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F = 5 13 6
5 19. My Telephone number now
My bed number at Delta Manor first day
9-16-2016.. I P. T.P.

Electro Magnetic Field.. 24 letter X
Stephan Filgueria S F. Sensational Feelings
S F = 25 Letter Y
Solid Facts
S F = 25 Letter Y.

X Y = 49
X Y Y = 74.
X Y/Y. 24 25 25. 74. 11 28. 39 C.I.
X = A E O. A E F.

8 8 is 16. 64. 80.

19:48 p.m

And I am right back at the same place as I was 8 years ago.

7:49 p.m
7 7. 14 Vermont.
7 x 7 49 .. Alaska.


Arden is now 17
But I went yet another 8 years to arrive at his photo Age 9 which was the basis of the Entire Play.

8 years of wasting my Time and moving through so many people.
8.7 years on Facebook

8 is 7
7 is 8

Sacred Portal 87 is returning the World to Its Sensie and Senses.

Link Christopher Filgueira 12-14-1987
Tree Sage
Kim Arthur Hines. 11- 4- 1987.
1 10. See sacred portal 110

1987= 1. 38. 17 4 4 is 5.

Anne Esmerel A.E provided intel that the E Family wished me to make the E Manual for the world to be prepared for Evolution Awakening
A E/ E A

19:58 p.m
7:58 p.m


Sacred Portal 155 linked full circle to Sacred Portal 1.A.

20:00 p.m
8:00 p.m

Does that make sense…?

I was born 8 p.m
9 + 8 = 17. Q.
1-7 Solfeggio Spectrum 1+7= 8
7 1= 8
1 16..= 17.
88 64.

I went for a stroll with Jerone and we walked to 880 South Road.
We both touched the Mail Box.
Then a 5 in 1 set of Chimes.

Arden Autumn-Smol.
Morgan Youssi
Are sitting down here with me at the table.

Right side A-A..Enface.. Y.M.

For sides of the Invisible C A S E..
And me at the Computer

1 and 4
We are 5.

Linked to Beautiful Youth.

Beautiful Youth The Script.. The Source

So what was the benefit of the play?
To bring forth
The End.

20:09 p.m
8:09 p.m

2 66 9
89… 17. 8.

20:10 p.m
T J.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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