
7/11/2019 23:28 – Facebook Post

10:17 p.m

J.. Quantum

7-11… C I. Confirmed

@ 1302 Facebook Friends

M A C. ( K) O.B.

M A C. K O B

I have met three of Jesse Macias Friends
David just now..

K. L.A.D

Life And Death.

12 1 4..


Zion is his 17 yr old brilliant but adjusting to this reality, son.

Jesse codes are 17 everywhere.

5 17..

Aligned to Alexa Vertefeuille
Her looking back in Hindsight and seeing the dates and codes 5 17 ..May 17th everywhere.

Ya just have to go back and look.
Ya have to look back
“LOT’S Wife”


Laura Walsh

Add Jesse and the three friends ( all of Beauty and lightness in them)

J L A D = 27..

Yes the T-shirt he gifted me, after I moved here on the 27th.

That makes

J.M. John Mack
T S. Tree Sage
J M. Jesse Macias

3 Gentle men warriors and a Lady Warrior
Who as reflected by Ugogbe Nwanyi

That all 4 are the Same Line..
S A M E. K K ..

11 11. In 1 with
As well as Stephen Johnson
S J.
Sacred Journey.
B I.

I knew there was a play concerning Jesse when I realized that I had 39 USD in my Wallet

What I have left is 16 U.S.D..

88 Tree. T M. 88… 16.
Plan E.T
P. LA. N E T / T E N. ALP. Mountains
Highest Point
Harmonies Perfection
H P computer
Esteban Miguel Filgueira born 8 16

42 Meaning of Existence
Doing Being until Fact
S S..
66. 3
1919 1. 11. (2)
3 2
3 1

See Alexa Vertefeuille and her Intel on 1863..

See sacred Portal 63
First Contact with the Aqua Man
Atlantis Man and SHEBA..
Water and Land

The Atlantean is the E.T..
Sheba is his Hue Man Reflection on as Matter..
SKY. and Water Reflect each other
They are One
South Whitney
E Spirit realm
Every thing . .. Energy
Particle and Wave

63 First Contact

9. With I. Self

10:42 p.m

I am seriously trying to keep my temper and fury in check, 18 years of this work so intense, so cruel..

My body linked to the Earth and its Evolution and to competing “Heaven and Earth
SKY and Sea’s Script

S S. 19 19. U sd. 38. at Harford Connecticut 83 69..

19 ×3
57. E G
The World created from Solgegio note of “Sol to Note of Ti”
S T/ T S
Susan Train ( Vogue Magazine Paris 1993
Tree Sage 2018-19… 25- 26 years
A-Y.. A-Z

SKY Ocean Sea

S O S…
SKY Oak Speaker my host in 2002 Park Slope.

A I D… E

Alexander/ Akexa Ian David Eric..

You clearly did not require my Aid..
Or Help.
There was “As message in a Bottle”
( A.M. I. A.B .. Virgo )

Aquarius Water Bearer..
The Body

See Virgo based in the Greek mythology of the Maiden
The last of the Olympic Gods to leave earth in the Silver Age.

Aria D.N E!

Alexander Grove..

She us the Daughter of Astratus and Eos..

* Yes me, at bed 4-019…
Eos meaning Dawn.

David Dawn bed 4-017 and then Francis Frick..
She is also associated with the Goddess Dike..
Justice Purity Innocence Equality

Dike Wisdom D W. D V.V

Ekwe Dike. E D .

I am an so angry inside, that I paid attention to my life, and this is the reward given to me, 29 years..
18 years
7.7 years of saying the same thing over and over again.
Forced to repeat myself for your benefit in a Universal Simulation Awareness Script which I deny… and will always do so, and nullify, because none of this work was done of my own free will..
And to a realm of Human Children as Adults transformed into Evil Selfish Indifferent cruelty simply beyond belief.

11:07 p.m

Tell me who calls to see how I am doing, living except the Two Men and Jesse who I stay with and Stephen and Sarah
S S. 19 19. Giving me an allowance
( which though appreciated)
I am worth much more as even a simply ordinary man.

This play has made sure to make sure that I am insulted morning night and afternoon for still despite what is being done to me, and the creatures most of which I would never chosen tonsoeqk to much less, sacrifice my Existence to help..

Oh.. the anger grows in me daily to have such a vengeance and make the force of the lie in you and the one who moved me into this play and Script to pay and never have one moment peace as it and they are made to suffer and pay with every breath they take.

There is Nothing which can cool these fury in me and the balls, the fall to close every portal except to complete this Play..

A V..

Aquarius Vision
Virgo Aware… last to leave..

Astral means Star .. Starry Night Sky..

See how much work this is?
Always leading to linking weaving
A trap a lure…
Evil Selfish
So I weave until I have my Vengeance..
And belief me I will.

I have Proven I am the T.K.O of everything
John MacDonald confirmed

A V.
V A..

1 22= 23

10 13


See Sacred Portal 23..
Double V.
U U. 42
V V. 44


Scared Portal 86.



11:20 p.m
K.T / T K.O.

11:21 p.m right now

Never believed possible that such a play could take place and for a Man ..
The Source
Be pushed to such rage
And still treated like a Slave.

11:22 p.m

By The One Truth, I will rise and negate this entire play..
And make the source of it and it’s deniers who made me do this work ..pay.

I.made that V.O.W..

Every day U wake up still in Pain of being held back in this play.

If this is what it took to bring in these new story and Species…
It was never worth the trouble in the first place.

11:26 p.m

I do not rise with love but with Death Devastation Disease and the True meaning of Pure Hate.

This went to far…
Too far…
I am still here, posting solving your riddles..?
How can this be..

11:28 p.m

5 11


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