
7/11/2018 10:05 – Facebook Post

7/11/2018 10:05 – Facebook Post

8:57 p.m.


1155 Face Book Friends..


Isabelle Ilic Merci pour votre Intel ( et intelligence) et pour le faire partager avec moi en text and publicment…

I had better stop writing in French, I am bit rusty….

And thank you Anthony Bienke for your acknowledgment, it makes me feel that I am finally beginning to be seen in this world.

I am reading this “Fluffy” Fiction “the Lost Synbol By Dan Brown which as you know, has manifested as the Mirror summation of the work my Family-( the Eternla aspect of you) had compelled me to prove.

*I am not from here, I have never accepted this reality as real because it simply is not.
Though I had no idea that I would be dragged to New York summoned
* See the Durek Verrett play and recounting of how I was summoned to come to New York.
To prove this as a Fact.

In the book it states that the questions of which have haunted Mankind has been answered..

Does anyone answer our Prayers,
Where do we come from
Why are we here….

I have answered all these questions and recieved the confirmation.
The playing field unlike many authors was not my imagination and speculation but literally the Word and my life used ( without my permission) to prove memories I had which I had kept to myself ( nor secret just private, after all I was now in this world)
as I have recounted numerous times over the years while literally “In It”-
How “They” accessed my subconsciouss memories, and forced it out of me, through a stream of expression which lasted 17 years and 6.6 years on my page I have already explained.
I could not stop myself from posting or being aware..

And I vigourously protested this circumstances and conditons of the play – which was meant to reflect the Human Mentality and whay it had to evolve and how it was a stage of a process and not its completion.

– You the Public have been part of the process and witnessed the proceeding of the play and the Examination and interrogation.
( even though most of you are not aware, are not paying attention and have no idea why you are here as my Face boo friends, and why you continue to stay here some of you since the very begining… but you are connected to the play and everything taking place in your lives is connected to every post I write)

I called it a Script and a Play because it was written and programmed and set up for me to answer what felt like a panel of ascended beings questions with me defending my Thesis of the Evolution of Universe Existence not just Humans who were kept in the sleeping state and represented the lowest vibration of all the Frequencies in Existence, and yet who were the chosen as the vessel for all the Conscous Frequencies and Bieng in Existence of all Universes…
I was chosen in a play with other candidates to represent why Humanity should be .. and how, they were qualified to be the ambassadors of the Universe Supreme…
Sounds abit Star Treky?

It was done on purpose, the Universal Simulation created by the one i call my Son who was cast in this last evolutionart play as my Father Mother ( F M.. Frequency… Fact Manifest frequency wave) used recognizable plat forms and blue prints which Humans use ( but distorted most of them to beyond recognition)

The simple fact was all these Dramatic Plays were all simply a Play … a Play created for fun, which is one of the names of Mother Supreme ( again a role there is no such thing as Mother and Father in the Eternals we are all Equals and one Family of Individualas with distinct personalities who exist on te same Eternal Frequency. Meaning that though we are distinct and Individual, we are also able to play each other, and we move on the exact same frequency. And our play- invilved moving in and out of the Wave, in and out of True Existence. Our adventure into Non Existence is the play of Evolving adding to the wave of the E adding and adding until we reached the point of unifying all the Dimensions and possibilies of being In Existence which can align and link J O I N… the E..
IONS…Not Zion… H I ON E.S….

I have answered all these question in a play set up in New York and a Playing Field which is the Word
I did not live in my imagination and I was forced by the Script to make the last stage of the process transparant for the lasy 6.6 years.

There are questions about you reality which are so obvious the blue print and lay out of your cities.
Which is why I was directed to earn my first degree in Urban amd Regional Planning and minor in Architecture…

See the layout of your cities for Petes Sake…
And your monuments…

“This image of George Washington as the god Zeus is shown to the right. The statue of the First President of America was sculpted by Horatio Greenough
. The statue of George Washington / Zues weights 12,000 kg and was originally installed in Rotunda of the Capitol.”

1,200 usd Billy Hung ( can nort believe he is still here as a Facebook Book Friend after such a play… but i that is the play and proves that this is play becauseon the ordianry level I would not allow him to even access my page after what he acted out.. but it is a play… which realy has pissed me off and had taken advantage of me by giving people the assumption that they had power and could get away with murder which as I man in this reality I would never allow or even had anything to do with such people even if I liked them… We choose our friends ourselves do we not? sigh…
but it is a Script and each role was cast and a person sent to fullfill it.
My Family are Beautiful i every manner…
This is not a play of my family but of matter evolving from Zero as Non Existence to the Full Circle where only the E who were the Original ones who rose as the O.E were made to prove thier supremacy as the only expressions who are real and exist.
Which this Script also is about…
Ah yes so many a level…
A very simple play rendered so compllex by “Father” Playing Universal Mind…

I have answered all the questions in a 6.6 years script.

I am ready to stop psoting..

I am broke and tired of being broke when Father made arrangements to make sure I had all I required from sent through you- but which also became the play of greed power and selfishness which disqualified many lines from rising…
Only thing about that script was that I was the one placed at a constant disadvantage and an irritation and meant to be distraction from the equations I was presenting and the questiosn I was summoned into Existence to answer..

I wanted to make films, I have drawing manuscripts, so much art and other works I had prepared to present to teh world but Father chose for me to present it this way…

I am tired exhausted…

And today I wish to stop posting…

And I want out of this shelter…
and out of this character… this role…

But I have answered all the questions…

HIS-HER.. THEIR… ( YOUR) WAY… Not my way…
but with my voice.. my way….

10:05 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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