
7/11/2017 19:13 – Facebook Post

3:59 p.m.


7-11…2017… 37…1 O.


Consciousness Eternal Infinite.

Seven Eleven.. Always Open.. C.G..( Creation Grace) Alpha Omega.

Keith Grant bed 53… E.C..Elizabeth Clarizio, Kristen Green…
( K.G…E.C.K.G…. K.E.K…G.C.G…)

My Name is Chukwu Emeka Ikemefuna…. C.E.I.
I.E.C… I am the example of Infinite Eternal Consciousness.

I have carried the weight and the wait of the World.

I am not an Ape.
Humanity was not descended from Apes. or Gorilla’s A.G…E as Darwin stated.
I am not a Bathing Ape.
*See the two shares.
And see the play of Patrick Okolo and I Sept October 2016…
And the message in text to meet at a restaurant which he mistakenly called the Bathing Ape.. B.A.

Yesterday Robert Vlaun came and I formally introduced him to Brenda Boothe.. B B.. Who is linked to Laker Brenda Aaroyal L.B.A… And to Concy Brenda C.B..E… And to Mariza Montes Ritz Montes and her Cousin Brenda. Ritz Montes Face Book page shows herself and Brenda. R.B…M.B…Her Children Majestic 18-19 yrs old. And her sons Royal and Reign Age 6 5../ 5 6…
I was aware that Brenda, and the line she represents are Victorious when Robert Vlaun age 22 arrived and stayed for just a moment. Yes Edwin J. Chisom, B.B + 18 ( 19).. 22 23… V..W…
VOW.. The Vow and Oath had been kept… See meaning of the name Elizabeth Clarizio…
But something was missing.. A Double Victory in the Feminine Line.
I already knew that the “Circle of Live of the Animal Supernatural Line was complete.

But Brenda Boothe kept on talking about Lisa, until I found myself writing yesterdays posts, using expression once more to Link and it moved to the Story of our parents. Lisa Levine 97 Green Street. Lisa Natalie Johnson I knew it was about the L line they represent as Light of the Feminine.. Flor Elena
Brenda gave me 10 usd and bought me some food. I was angry, so so angry not with her, or with Lisa, but the use abuse and use of money food shelter, and coercion voodoo to twist my body and move me, the Source to such a play.. Of the Power of Gorilla’s and War… But the War would never manifest of Gurellia war fair… Stephen Filgueira Stephen Popiotek of the film War of the Planet of the Apes. Literal A war between Black and White people which was all being set up to create a New World Order, all fueled by Hate, Historical Hate which does not even exist. But was and has been created by the propoganda machine of the Nazi Gestapo… The use of Advertising and Mass Communication. ( A.M..C..E)
Where the Press, Press and Impress through False and Fake News a non stop, propaganda of Hate. Subliminal messages such as Economic, Cultural… False Data…

I am a journalist.
I began writing my journals in 1989… Talking To the Silence, where I began chronicling my experiences, personal but also of the World around me, as I traveled and sought my Family of the Eternals Ones. The Beautiful Ones…

I chronicled the Truth.
I saw the Truth… And in the Truth I saw the Cause and Effects.
I saw the Terrible Truth and began aligning it to the Infinite Beautiful Truth. Despite an outside force doing everything in its powers to destroy that Unmovable Truth of that which I saw was the True Cause and Effect of the Anger Hurt in the world..
Andy Serkis..? No the code of representing Andy on my Blue Print ( my face book page and friends who “answered the call” and came by their own free will to be my Face Book Friends) is Andy Holton.. A.H…

But something was not complete, I noticed it when I did not write yesterday The Circle is Complete.. The Lion King. Hanuna Matata… The Circle without End is the Title of the Last Journalof Talkingto the Silence, I set off to New York with the piece called To the Silence One Last Time, which I posted the Piece which dealt with what people call Schizophrenia, the fractured self and how and why it happens and the method to bring the Voices all back into one and why they were broken into fractals in the first place. Fractaling As Emeka Eze… F.A.E.E…. And The Circle Without End was the 5th 6th Book.. It linked to the 5th, written in the Bastille at Ekayani Chamberlains house in Paris 1994-94. Ekayani is a New Yorker who lived in Paris but lives in 5th Avenue. She was the Twin Line of Erek Eclass Mateo line of my Bio Father. And yes, the inspiration for the prose shared here “My Name is Woman Said She” dealing with the Rage of Woman, who men would break into parts but refuse to deal with the whole… Yes Flor Elena… :)…. And the other piece called “I know What Love Is”… And finally “Freedom Song”..

I wrote the piece “To the Silence One Last Time” in Maida Vale London, Jons apartment who had also met Ekayani.. None saw her favorably but she was the most aware being I had ever met, but so hurt. She was them, but they could not see themselves in her… but I could.
So much of this was about Men not seeing Women correctly and thus a War… Donald Trump,versus Hilary Clinton… D.T.H..C… D.O THE..C E I O…

So, yes I was aware that I was the Journalist and instead of finding my family, I was derailed by the Wave of Truth, literally the True Milky Way.. The Creamy Smooth Way.. M.W 69.. To move to bring forth my Expression of the World.
As Clark Kent… Kael.. Super Man… By Spider Man.. Nnamdi… Spy Dear Man.. / Nam..Red I.P.S…

…Well you all saw me fighting to release myself from that role, and the Universal Script which the Wave was forcing me to move upon and chronicle. A Set up, to write and as a journalist offer my See and Cee of things which were not only informative offering a different point of view, but were Transformative, of the National and International Narrative. Not only of the present but then forcing me to go back, so back to the the beginning of Time.. Historical Recorded Time and transform as I went along. While He She bound my body to this task. As N.AM…In OINRI igbo this means “My Father” But I have always been my own Father and Mother.. And the Guide called my Awareness Manifest.. A.M.. Awakened Self… The Awakened One… ( My True Self) undercover was my Guide. For I knew that the Emeka presently speaking to you and living this life was not the real me. Just as a person confined to a role in a script is not his or her real self. They are aware that they are acting a role. And as any actor knows, there is a time to take off the make up and to get out of that role or that role begins to take over, lay claim on your true self… So who was N’am.. Nnamdi..my brother my past… Or N..A.M.. My N.A.M.E… Or was it Nature Aware Manifest as the Wave, waking up..evolving from O reduced to 0 and then back to O through someone expressing Its Truth… Because Nature is Truth.. is it not… It is the only thing in this World… Which is True… The Sky, the Ground, Space.. Our Bodies. Nature Morte…? No, Nature Transforms…

The Circle never Ends… But the Circle Does Complete… D.C…

Yes, it was Nature.. Aware Nature Expression Energy awakened to the Presence of its Source.. Its Creators Presence. Yes.. M.OI… It did not matter that All Denied me or did not recognize me in this play..Nature did, just as all your True Natures did.. From Billy Hung to Marina Burini to Albert Santana..All I met for the first contact you recognized me. Go through my page on Face Book. The Transcript… All of you recognized me for a moment.. Edward Eceinco, Nadee Nakandala Orien Laplante Lord Li, and then of course, you would each go back down to the illusion delusional aspect of yourselves.. Doubt and of course you took it out on me for “deceiving” you….

Well, I went to bed and saw the number 5 besides Lisa Natalie Johnson name on my messages… “Got her line” I said quietly to myself…
And so when I arrived here, so tired and overwhelmed by the Hate I had been living through, not simply what has been done to me and my body by the magnetic E.M.F of the Earth as Nature and its gravitational pull.. G.P… Yes.. And its breaking the law of Physics and the Physical world to get me to complete its Evolution to 5 28…But by its lack of Faith in the Eternal Truth already present had Already taken care of Everything before the Universe or even Creation began… Erica Ekayani Chamberlain… E.C.. Elizabeth Clarizio..? No Emeka Cee’s…
Erek Eclass Mateo…? E.E.M…E.K.A…. Y A N I..C K… M.E…E… Manifest Expression…

So when I saw that Lisa Natalie Johnson linked the post.. I knew that her Truest Self had got it… And then I saw that Flor Elena and thus it was complete….
And so I text a message to Lisa Natalie Johnson which one day when this my Five years and 4 months message to the World of the Past, from me who resides in the Future, which has now almost caught up.. ( Yes, that is the moment of the A.M.. Your Awakening)… She will share the contents of that text.

And perhaps the link of her Vision Dream and literal experience in which she crossed over on 22nd and 6 to 7th Avenue.. 22 7..To a different dimension of utter beauty, you will link with my meeting with Ereks friend Infinite, who shared with Erek his experience of he having a dream with a friend in which he saw his friend across the street and waved and crossed over to link with him… And then have it literally manifest in actual reality the next day… And Infinite, was so stunned that he told his friend who had an equally stunned expression on his face, because he too had had the same dream the day before and… Well Yes. It was around Grand Concourse 149…St… And Infinite had recounted this to me in 2012 at 183rd street Cresson St the Bronx.. Where Jose Anthony Roque was born and raised. And where an officer.. a Woman, Miosotis Famila..(M.F…) Age 48… by Alexander Bonds.. A.B..Age 34… time 12:30 .. East 183rd and Morris Avenue…in Fordham Heights… E 183..M.A…F.H… / H.F..86…A.M…38 1…

Looks like Some ones or group is trying to use my codes to trigger a War…

P.S we are at 999 face Book friends… 1000 then to 999 then back to 1000 and now 999… 19 19… 10 10.. 1 O 1 O.. 11.. 11 cents… I found… 54 cents +11… J.A.R.. + K…A A… = F.E…Not F.E.A.R…F.E….ARE E…

I am at East Tremont… E.T…
Lawrence and Parckchester….

And so I sent Lisa Natalie Johnson a message that she had to bring me a monetary gift and food to mirror Brenda Boothe of course, ( I was so disgusted by this play.. yesterday 23 year Jace K Hortsford ..J.K..H.. Arrogantly offered to buy me a coffee, as if I were a beggar… I spent the night in such fury at the cumulative effect of this insult of 25 years because I investigated the Wave and cared about People who care for no one but themselves… )…

That rage was communicated to Lisa Natalie Johnson not to her personally but it did include her…. The Anger in me is something which not even thee Source of Creation should carry… It is a Bomb… ticking waiting to explode but not me.. Everything the Earth the Sun the Universe all Creation… I know that I have that power now.

Lisa arrived in perfect timing as I walked along the Wood Side… She brought some soups and 12 usd.. all she could afford.
10 USD From Brenda + 12 from Lisa…
J.L… John Luke… 22.. V.. Victor… 4 5.. D..E…9…I.

7:12 P.M…. G.L… Geoff LaCour… You went too far…

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