
7/11/2014 22:26 – Facebook Post

Hello a quick update…

After the Equation of Bomonty Fotograf Bomonty (Constantinople Istanbul..C.I…)

I saw Israel Cotto..I.C almost immediately after wards.

And once we reached 1 69
(cde Nn am D.i.”Meaning “My Father I.S…here..hear”
My twin self as my younger brother who left at 13 to play Absence or Death…But who I have been in communication with through Both of us being awake and linked by the True play which was said to have existed beyond memory.

Which we established that O.I Nri Igbo of My Grandfathers world literally do, award Titles to thode who literally give evidence of conquering the wall of memory…

My Grandmother Lucy Ojugo (Dove) and my Grandfather (American Eagle) both gave proof of this and received titles of Otigbu Enyinya…(Conquer of the Elephant symbol of memory and strength) and Oji Efi..( Holding the Goat..Ewe Purity Rachel…)

To conquer both requires attention and the other purity against contamination.

Both were Titled for thier ability to sustain speaking the Truth.

This is for those new to the play of what has already been proven into Existence and then imprinted on this weave which for 28 months has been challenged by a counter weave of Evil against Live.

Of course, the true counter weave is in the hands of the Universal conscious and plan…The End of a species and the evolution of another.
But the way the End of the Human Species to.make way for the Hue men species..the original intention (O.I), goal and Pt…
Lay in the hands of the Human race.

A Grace period since 2012 the actual correct date of the erosion was delayed for two years to go to the Royal Court of Consciousness Known Existence to judge through a play on F.B.E page to observe.

This is what I have bern able to read affirm publicly by being in a sort of Energy Consciousness seclusion all my life.
Because no one I had met in my.life shared the same consciousness..Way I see and link and recall…

Until now…

Thus, while undercover in this realm I was still in communication with the Silence..or what.many call the A Void, Abyss, Hell Pit the Nothing which many replaced with zero but which is really here where I was led…A full Circle of O…Awareness Supreme A.S…

Who is not as Supreme and She thought “Rea”
There is a conscious way beyond the Consciousness of Creation…they are called the Line of E.B…
Energy Beyond.

Anyway, There was a great Battle in the Unseen world.
And I have the ability since way back (we all did) to link the Unseen to the Seen until it forms A=Answer.


I was reporting and logging all my reports under cover to the Silence if Unseen Energy Expression.
In my Journal called Talking to the Silence..later discovered in Paris by Susan Train of Vogue Conde Nast. And Allen Ginsberg A.G (Code
All ah Gode)…Beat Poets.
Edmund White E.W…(Gene Genet)
Then to Alfred Knopf…

I had already made my intention clear in 1989 to the Silence to go undercover to prove the logos and order…The Truth of Existence…

Which meant going into forgetfulness.
But I had my dialogues, my quiet and self Mastery to remind myself and go down and train myself to wake up by my consciousness begin to naturally rise…refusing the situation I was emphatically experiencing so that I could best report the person reasons for living in forgetfullness or slavery.

This was meant to.be my triumphant return from what was transformed into a black hole which took 10 longer than it should have and in which when I came to United States of America became a fast moving Matrix…

And I was dragged here when I refused to do this play bc it had become evil and because there was nothing wrong..
The Harmony codes where and are everywhere but ppl are too distracted ( which is the evil.play beyond belief…they took it that far) by fear control tyrannts bullies and double agents loyal only to themselves…

Anyway, This is the end play…
And as I walked to Spring Street…

I saw Chouaibou ( he told me the spelling of his name) and Abdel-qadeer Coubadja… Both whom I had met…supremely intelligent dudes in the Green House…
I had not seen Chouaibou in 9 yrs until yesterday.

I walked up to them Chouaibous back was to me…
Coubadja burst out in incerdulity amazement and delight…

They explained.

Chouaibou had just mentioned to Coubadja that he and I saw yesterday..The moment he said Emeka..Coubadja looked up and I was there I was.

“Howz that for Harmony!”
I declared unashamedly immodest.

I had for some reason picked up a calling card on the street which had caught my eye.
I was of a Truck carry away a Peace sign and a Heart.

I thought of my Host Garden Generation X meant to be a University for the community and the Peace Sign I had stepped over literally overcome with a Gorilla King Kong like rage and placed a rock I had been carrying for yrs inside the Ti Pi (wigwham)

…I could not believe it, I was completly taken over…I was pounding my chest in the middle of the street Roaring stopping Traffic…
That is how I met Lord A.

Chouaibou in perfect harmony spotted the Card in my hand asking to see it.
I explained what I read…He just looked at me, then led Cuoybadja and myself to where he sold prints on the weekends..

I.looked to see the sign of a Heart beside a Cat face and the Queen Elizabeth…
Covering the five boroughs..
” And,” added Coubadja
“New Jersey”

We laughed uproariusly like beautiful fools.

I knew what it really meant though.
Erik Ebright code of all 5 bouroughs in August…5/8.

Then the code of Eight rooms inviting me..

Then my new F.B.F from Brooklyn David Philipe Gil..

4 16 7.

D 4 is Page…New Page
New Era Begins.

4 P..Plan Et is 7 in Clarity.


Beloved friend of Spirits
E Bright the Joyous Goat O..

Coubadja told me his name means “Stubborn”
His is an engineer bridge building and an Avid Mountain Climber…

Chouaibou we know means the One who denied and doubted the Prophet…

And here we were the Stubborn one, the difficult one who denied the Prophet all in Harmony Laughing on Springs street like Thunder Cats.

And David just asked me the meaning of my name..

Praise Well Done!

My hosts who knows my situatiom and Status just informed me that I have Soveriegn Rights.

United States of America signed a Treaty with America.
*Not 5O anymore

Alaska and Hawaii dropped out.

48 is the code of Death.
Death of an old world that never was to be replaced by what it should have been.
The Promised Land.
Music pls…

United States of America signed a Treaty before God E.Harmony to which they created a constitution 17 86…A.G ..H.F.
68 71.. G.A. F.H.

To which they treaty was to create Fifty states in Unity and Harmony.

This was not done.

Read Black Law…
The Black and White Moors.

Thus, there is no jurisdiction especially if the Covenant was not kept.

I now understand why this play took away my British my Canadian Nigerian passports all documents and did not allow me to work inside the system.

Yet obeying to the letter my visa and entry requirements to the letter but in 2006 on my way here last of my official papers birth certificate papers of immigration were taken away…

I guess I am the Cool Cat with a Big Heart and the True Soveriegn on the Map of Chioaibou…
1 75..

Pan Ge Ah.


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