
7/11/2014 18:16 – Facebook Post

Welcome David Philipe Gil… My 169 F.B.F

Your harmony to the Beautiful Script of Truth I have been following and reading since I was 8 is beautiful….astounding as my 168 F.B.F.

Yesterday, I mention that the code on my phone was at 69… which was the code to reach…

David means the Beloved,
Phillipe means Friend of Horses which in code Horses represent the spirit of man… the wind which carries us… Stream of Consciousness, and Being…
Gil means “Bright Promise Joy…Small Goat (Line of me, the Beautiful Devils)

Thus, the full meaning adding to this end weave from 168 F.B.F
Best Friend in Being… is The Beloved friend of the horses- the Spirit and consciousness and expression- the Energy Bright, full of promise (fullfilled) of JOY… The little Billy Goat… the Beautiful Devil… ha!”

Welcome old chap… just read the back post anyone, they will bring you up to speed and with a Harmony such as yours, you will instantly choose the right posts to weave…

love light and laughter


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