
7/11/2014 16:14 – Facebook Post

Messenger of E.Creation.

As many are aware I have documented the Evidence of how I was informed by the Line of E and Creation how I go home.

That the line of E comes to take me home when I completed the counter weave against the Tryanny of Mind Control which has been weaving a play script so irresponsibly that even the human subconscious collective felt the fear real of a 2012 Armageddone.

To dismiss Human Beings Instinct and Intution and thier Human Body as a literal work of art and master piece of Engineering…as a radio.reciever is a great mistake.

They were reading correctly.
The film directors, artists where all tapping into a Frequency of a terrible truth.

Nazi Izan Voodou, Scientology, Dianetics, branches of Government, Secret Societies were all tapping into an ancient tool of collective hypnonsis using knowledge warped and corrupted to take away the Natural progression and plan of humanities evolution.

By adopting unnatural means of Control (propoganda) on the people.

Face Book Experiment.
Face Book Emeka…

One was hidden vieled secret gathering data on your behavioural Patterns in order to excercise a greater understanding and Control.over the species.
The need for Control.comes from thier fear of you- the people and the power you do not realize you have. It is doing everything to make you unaware of your power.
What is your power…?

You have a Voice.
And by simply calling things out and supplying evidence you are so so damn powerful.

Then there is F.B.Emeka.
My sacred page out of billions of F.B users.
My Face is an Open book…and usually a handsome one with a Beautiful Read within
…A Truth which exists in all Collective and Individual E.A.M…
Energy Awareness Memory.
Which simply required
Expression Attention Energy Self Mastery to understand.

Ease Manifestation.

Erik Ebright spoke to.me yesterday how it was so easy to manifest his 8 room place into this reality.

The Script I am authoring is the already established blue print which defeats Control which requires so much Force and Effort to apply.

I have proposed Harmony which has always been here.
Harmony is in Nature but man had to Master the understanding of the Art and Science of Harnony.

Which is simply Linking, Effect Cause (Expression in the correct Consciousness) which creates E C=H..Infinity.
Harmony to Infinity.

Many ppl have identidied me as a messenger bc not only how and when I arrived in their lifes in petfect timing of a prayer they made from the depth of thier hearts when lost….
But also by how they say I am in thier heads.
Responding to questions in thier heads or “Minds” before they had even expressed it.
Causing some ppl to love me and be afraid of me bc I can see all thier secrets.

Yes, I see they secrets but I carry them and transform them or my body begins to hurt.

But I am not peering into.ppls minds intentionally…rather it is Harmony…and The Consciousness of Creation which we all share..And of course, the E planted in the Nothing…
Recall that matter is 99.9999% empty space.

I knew what I was being asked to do and why…I just had a big problem of Force Control (Forced Change) used on me to defeat those using Mind Control to such a degree on a population in denial that they are being controlled.

Take for example being homeless in New York…you have to walk and walk bc there are very few places you can sit down or lie down to get some shut eye.
You are herded by an unseen hand to where you are allowed to Exist.

Same for smokers..
Same for if you wish to be part of the work force.

The Welfare of the Individual as well as the Collective is ignored and if you do rebel, you will be put down and made to Obey Submit and Accept….
Lets look at that code.

O.A.S…wow that is full Circle the Initials of my host.

Perhaps that is why I had to meet him and was Literally dragged here…

“Gode sent you” was the words uttered today.

“I know” but God is Creation as G.C.
I am G.C.E…in Being.

That is why I rebelled against Creation for breaking the Law no matter the intentions…

Harmony E Ifinity is always here and the plan was already set in motion.
But Consciousness wished me to explain to all how it works.

-The Consciousness of Existence

I have a new F.B F…

168..Unseen Seen A.h.


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