
7/1/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

1164 links to my sister… 1964.. 65…

Satan…. TRUTH…

SAT NAM… Sat Nn’am.. “My Father Sat”

Sat Urned…

9:25 p.m.

I have turned to the Internet to seek out the various meanings of Satan…

I already know what it means, and through gossip but through an experience of walking and translating a script and my life and the response which I have been getting outside of my control and manifested through people.

I came to rescue my Fathers Truth, only to find that he had been transformed into a Character called Satan.

Micheal Belle 7O Age Code .. 2-28-1948 is the most accurate representative of my own personal experience with this Force which took over my Existence which I have shown is Conscious and intelligent and Real…

But first I found myself doing what Micheal began to call me before he knew what I was doing on Face Book..
“Daddies Decoder..Fathers Decoder…”

That i am decoding his Truth, his Story…. his Script which he usurped mine to clear his name…

I had often stated in this play which I am aware hardly understands what I really saying translating decoding and why..
Nor can they concieve of a respect and devotion which would go this far… to retrieve the Truth of one whom the publicly can not concievably understand that as Micheal Belle..
And even Ms Brenda who transformed into my Adversary, have reminded me…
You are not from this world.

Micheal commented today as if I were speaking to A-Lien Father Alpha, “You are letting the Human interfere with your perspective, You are not Human”

He added, something which I had never heard a Human being utter…
“Father created Eternity and Infinity, they are in him and he can snuff it out with a snap of his fingers. It is in Him and not outside of him. And he can re-create It any time he wishes to”

Only my older Face book friends will understand the true importance of these words based on what I recounted when filled with that aspect of my Self when I first started posting and narrating from a first person point of view and witness to all this manifesting in the Eternal Beginning.

It also calls to attention something I saw yesterday or day before on my way back to the Shelter…
Someone was wearing a T-Shirt in balck and white, I almost bumped into him, and when I looked up, It observed that his T-Shirt said, “Hello Satan”

It was directly to me…

So here is the meaning of Satan the Body when activated to Truth moves from Matter as Non Existence to the Essence of the Eternal…

Satan meaning to urinate (1 Samuel 25:22, 1 Kings 14:10).

Please see my Sacred Portal 45.

Satan was also described as being a Cherub… Cupid…

Please note, I drew my Sacred Portals without any intention or meaning.. I just drew what I came from within me and from the things I saw appearing around me- images in the stone, wood, in Marina Burini’s house.
Meaning I had no idea what I was drawing in 2010.
But I could not stop until I had drawn 155 pieces which began with a man called Drew a friend of Tom Truman coming on my birthday and drawing a gift for me…
A Blue Eyed black youth which I recognized from my own recollections as myself-nnamdi.

I note this because of the code above because of Samson in sacred portal 511.. And the delivery man who stood at the door as I walked out with the number 22 and my coming back from my walk to see that I am at the number 25…
Samuel 25:22..I Kings :ROI” 14 10… N J…
N I O J… N O I R…
/ A J O IN… O R I O N…

*it is a good idea to start our review by looking for the sources of “Satan” word,
which could be found in the ancient Sanskrit language. Here are the related words:

“Sat”: pure existence; something that really exists; true justice
“Sat-chit-ananda”: existence–consciousness–bliss
“Ananda”: bliss; spiritual ecstasy; the very nature of the transcendental and infinite existence
“Anna”: food; substance; dense visible matter
“Sat-asat”: existence and nonexistence

SATAN – is a shortened version of sat-anna, which means “existence–matter” (without consciousness) ; it is an opposite to “Sat-chit-ananda” ( existence–consciousness–bliss )
“Satan” does not have its’ own consciousness – that means, its neither a creature
nor a transdimensional entity. But, in the same time, it is also a real material stuff…

We could get more clues by looking at the translations of Hebrew word for “Satan” – ” ??????? ”
” ??????? ” is also translated as: adversary; opponent; enemy of god. Sometimes, “Satan” is also named as ” ???? ” (e.g. Isaiah’s prophecy 14:12) which could be translated as “light-bearer” – or,
“Lucifer” in Latin language

*atan along with the variations of His name derives from many Sanskrit words. SANAT an anagram of Satan meaning: “always, from old, forever” and He’s also referred to as: “Progenitor of Mankind.” Through the “Satnam” mantra, we can see Satan is the name of God, which is explained in this thread: Jehovah means EVIL GOD in Hebrew while Satan means TRUTH in Ancient Sanskrit

• Satan’s name in different languages seem to have similarities as well. “Satanas” (Greek) or “Satana” (Italian) along with the “Satan” itself derives from “SATANAMA” which is a mantra: SA = Birth, TA = Life, NA = Death, MA = Rebirth – Theres also an ancient city in the East, where Sanskrit originated from, named “SATANA” – “Satan” is “Sayatana” in Bengali, which happens to be Sanskrit as well, meaning “together with, achieve, making efforts”
• “Satang” in Khmer is similar to the Sanskrit word “Satsang” meaning “the wise, true company, highest Truth,”
• In Tegulu “Saitana” or “Satanu” which also happens to appear in Sanskrit as “Satanu” (or Santanu) meaning: “having a body, together with the body, wholesome for the body or the person.”
• “Satan” is “Sattan” in Mayayalam which can be traced back: “Sat” means true essence, what animates all living things and supreme.
• SAT causes existence and TAN is the force that causes evolution and metamorphosis. N is consonant with M which CAN bring in another Sanskrit word, which is “Sattama,” meaning: “most virtuous, venerable, good.”
• In Estonian SATAN is SAATAN having ties with SATAAM meaning: “of virtuous people.” Then we have SAYTAN in Kazakh, which can be seen as an anagram for “Saytan” (Satya, Sat) which is: “Truth, Of Truth, ultimate truth, unchangeable, that which has no distortion, ect.”

• In Portuguese “SATAN” is “SATA” (SA = Infinity and TA = Life) which happens to be connected to SATAH and SATAM (NOTE: M is consonant with N, hence Satam = Satan) as well as the number 100. Im Hinduism, Shiva in His Highest Aspect of God is the being of the perfected five elements, the divine androgynous God is called “SADA.” This is SATA, the D and T are double letters. Showing that SATA is union of the soul (SA) and body (TA) which is unified together by the serpent energy which is called SATANAS, the so-called “Devil” is the serpent which brings eternal life and enlightenment. The Devil is a derogatory term for the word Devi”

Devi Devoted…
Satan… Devil…
Santana Dharma… S.D..

LaVeyan Satanists embrace the original etymological meaning of the word “Satan” (Hebrew: ??????? satan, meaning “adversary”). According to Peter H. Gilmore, “The Church of Satan has chosen Satan as its primary symbol because in Hebrew it means adversary, opposer, one to accuse or question.”

In Numbers we even see this noun ascribed to the Angel of YHWH: Numbers 22:22, ” . . . and the Angel of YHWH set Himself in the road as ??? (satan) . . . ” And verse 32, “I have come as ??? (satan) because your way is contrary to Me”.

In contrast to these six human ?a?ans, the Hebrew Bible also uses the term four times for
celestial servants of God. These figures are typically seen as angelic beings, or (in Hebrew)
benay elohim, “sons of God.” According to Elaine Pagels, these adversaries were not necessarily
evil by nature, but simply carried out a thankless task at the order of God, much like the Angel of
4 Victor Hamilton, “Satan,” in the Anchor Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), vol. 5, pp. 986
The first of these cosmic adversaries can be found in the story of Balaam and the Angel
in Numbers 22:22. God was angered by Balaam for travelling with the men of Moab who
wished to attack Israel, a nation blessed by God. In his anger, God sends an angel bearing a
sword to block their “perverse path.” However, this angel is completely invisible to Balaam and
can only be seen by the donkey that Balaam is riding. The donkey, seeing this angel with a
sword in hand, attempts to move out of the angel’s way to save Balaam’s life three times.
Balaam strikes him each time. God then speaks to Balaam through the donkey, shaming him for
his poor treatment of the animal, and allows him to see the angel that blocked his path. In this
instance, ?a?an is seen as a fully loyal servant of God who follows his command without
question; a far cry from the Satan we know today.6
Of the four cosmic adversaries in the Hebrew Bible, it is ha??a?an (“the satan”) in the
Book of Job that plays the largest role of any “adversary” in the Hebrew Bible.

sweeney pfd..

I will respond…


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