
6:59 pm – Fact: Sacred Portal 59

6:59 pm
Fact: Sacred Portal 59.


Fact – It is the End of your world story, no matter how many veils, illusions, and layers placed on it by the Idea you created of Dimensions, to Deceive, Give an Illusion of Hope, it does not change the Facts.
And your governments and secret societies who already know, as well as you too should have come clean and let you know, but they did not- because they were using a code of “Ignorance is Bliss” ( I.I.B)

7:04 pm.


26 Z.

B.F. H.

But they should have informed Ignorance is Harmony Bliss and now as represented by my Sacred Portal 44. Ref 1544 C-Town on the E.M.F Universal Simulation Board Game of this world as Mind and U.S.A
Sacred Portal O 44 is 4/4= 1.
1 Awareness
F.D. Delta

Now at least you are aware, and with Aware -Awakened Facts in you.

At least if they had told you with intelligence and used their spying on me, and my page as well as Body, you would have at least had the intel, to make your own informed choice as to how you would respond, and if there was anything each of you Individual or as Groups, could do, once you had the information,

But considering this realm’s mentality and your leader and authority figures Open and secret Hatred and Despisin of you, of course, they would not.

So it was left to me, sent and dragged here to the United States- O A.M.E.R-I.C.-A, the one many call True God.
Awareness- Expressing to Self, I was dragged here for that task, To be fair, to you, since you Leaders, Governments, Press, secret societies and even Family and Friends would not.

I understood why he dragged me here to Code the End into Manifestation, while letting you know the Full Monty, F.M, of the situation, that you have the choice, that you can not change this reality from Ending and Extinction but you could change yourself, the Frequency you were on.

I will never ever forgive him, but I understand and understood his point of view.

Why I Love him, Him Her because he became the Hypocrite Himself, Herself…

* Liberty C will understand this statement more than most because I was dragged herewith given a choice, the one thing he offered as a gift to all of you.
But it was not his gift to give, since I was the one whom S.HE used my body and Blueprint to do all the work, play the so-called Voice of God. Kael.
Actually K.A.E.L. C.E Harmony.

But it true, that if he had told me

7:21 pm


There is no way I would have come, and as it was, I sussed it out long before, all by myself.

But still it, he, She usurped my fundamental right to Choice- Hence Hypocrisy – Innocent, Pure.
9-19-2016 The day I was stunned when told I was being transferred to Delta Manor.
Oh, as you can go back and Time Travel on that date on my page to that date by sitting on your ass, excuse me, Arse-Buttocks, and read for yourself.

Patrick Okolo P.O.

Appeared from out of the blue while I was seated on Manhattan Avenue Star Bucks and got in touch with me at his 3rd and final try.
I had not seen him in 28 years,(28) and then Dean Dunkwu quickly got in touch with me from London, while Patrick Okolo worked as an Associate Professor at John Hopkins University, and lived just across the Bridge from me while I was at Green Point Assessment Shelter, McGuiness Ave, which by the way means “The Chosen One” and I was on Bed 007 and a few weeks before I had found a toy P.P.K. Golden Gun. ( G.G. 7 7- Gods Gift, yes, from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr).

I am not stupid, I am wake and was awake for the entire 20.11, 15-day story, coding it, writing it down, while navigating the Obstacles as I was undercover as Krshna and Ganesh.

Kieth Grant on Bed 53, the very day I first entered the Assessment Shelter in Green Point Ave, the same area I had first entered the Shelter in 2001-2002, from Brooklyn, For Green, ( F.G- 6 7) where I wrote The Elegant Nomad for Manny Baron, ( yes the Baron and Bar On, in the film Dune as well as in my own production, The Story Of Colors. T.S. O. C. K.E.T. – R.O.C. K. E. T)
Fir Diana Sawyer Interview possibility lined up. D.S. I. P.

7:45 pm

Do you understand what they are doing to me, even now as I type?

Just look at the time code. 7 & 45.
74 -5

Your planet is 4.5 Billion years old 9 Zeros is I

Nnamdi was born on April 5th, 1969 in Oldham London England.

Now how do you write it only with numbers, both in Europe and here?

7:49 pm.

I was given bed 49, Kieth Grant was given Bed 53.

He gave me M.D Sanitizer while I was on Bed 49, Immediately after entering the shelter from 268 East 4th street, immediately after a Spanish Director ( S.D) completed filming his short film ( S.F) called Black Cock ( B.C.) which is depicted on Sacred Portal 49, Existential Death, (ED 54) Death Ray. D.R. ( D.R. I.V. E) while I was living with Al opposite 269 The Family Shelter.

John Mack has 49 Mutual Facebook friends, And I love, truly John Mack.

49 is Flip – Batman- Bats- “Flying Rats” F.R. S.TARS O.N- TAR Z.A.N is 94. I.D.

D.I in O.I.Nri Igbo means “IS” and “Husband”
I.D. is a short-form Identification Document. I.D.

I was always awake and aware, I was documenting it, solving it, decoding it, and translating it into being all this time, while only now are you becoming aware.

But when I was moved on that day, 9-16-2016, and I was encouraged by this man at the assessment shelter who looked and had the energy of my bio father, I was asking his energy,
would you dare…

8:04 pm

Stephen Esteban Migueria S. E.M.F was born on 8-16- 19 84, we connected on Facebook, (One’s True I.D, is One’s Face and Energy Expression)

Why is E.M.F no longer my Facebook friend? I love him dearly as you can see, and yet for him I made an exception and Kicked him out of my Facebook friends, and completed the equation script with Liberty C to Ferrill, Arden Aurelia, Leander, Jeron, Azure.

And that is was Liberty Liscomb who gave me the Silver Tunning Fork, See Sacred Portal 22 coded F.T.H.Z.
24 10.

While Stephens initials are E.M.F which makes 24.


34 = 7-12…= 19 84= 103 = J.C Joseph Campbell, and then 13 M. M.A C… K.
Liberty Liscomb. Car License Plate Number,
L.L= 12 12-1= 25. Y
Evidence AY Arden – A.F.K. G= 25. Y, Youth.

L.C.L. = 24+3= 27. 25 +3= 28.

I was born 11 28- 65.66. 67. 68. 69-71- 72. 27 -73/37
My sister 7-28-64/65


and G.B.H.

4+4 also equals 8. but 1-8.
A.H. A.I. Ms Manners, aka Hell Fire.

My Mother Was Always a Better Driver than my Bio Father.

Ask Kim Arthur Hinds Jr why he had an accident driving “Ms. Daisy.”

I do not believe that those are sunflowers painted on the wall here. “And from my Rotten Body, Flowers shall grow in them & I am in them & That is Eternity” signed the bottom, “CRACK”

No, I always saw them as Daisys and yes, Kim the Sun Flower.

8:29 pm

Ha… pretty cool huh? The time stamp.


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