
6:57 p.m.

6:57 p.m.

@ 1.57 p.m. I received a message from Roger Attaway.

With the code from Roger… 54 14 474 260…

5- 4 14 474 260…. 5 41 44 74 26 O…

*Recall the sequence of numbers which Kassim Hudson gave me last night… Father born 1926… 26…

A-Z… ( Sali Adekunle)…

He was met his Love and Twin self at age 15 letter O..

*Roger Attaway do you hear me…? R A W…

7:27 p.m.. right now.

He was married to her at age 27 and she 25….

She passed 14 years ago… He 4 years ago…

4 14…

I am sitting besides Randall Michael at Starbucks.. I am sitting to his left. I arrived here, to find him here, the space I was sitting now was occupied by a Woman- elderly who seemed to have some Mental problems. She was wearing a black cap with the skull and bones in diamante on it…

I moved to a seat where another woman sat and had gotten up also she reminded me of Death..

And finally i moved besides R AND All to be able to access the outlet.

I found a receipt on the seat…

The price is 21.74… U.( B A) G D…

amount given was 40.00 usd.. D .O O O…

the change was 18.26 usd.. R (AH) Z.. ( B F.. Best Friend 8..H)

the time of the purchase was 4:10 p.m.. 41…

the date 9-10-2018… 9 10… I Jay…9 1O..

716 Lydig Ave… 7 16… 16 7… P..Perfection G..

Ten Items… T E N… The Elegant Nomads…

7:42 p.m.

Thus the 74/47 code is linked as well as the 41…4:10 p.m.

Thus the MT.C.N.. Code is complete and aligns…

Let me remind you that Roger Attaway is born 1-27-1960..

Jace Horsford coffee at starbucks was 270…

27 is 9 9 9… 3-9’s…C.I… / I C…

And was proven to not be linked to Chris Inabnitt.. C I.

through a similar play which was not expressed in the natural and elegance of the play with Roger Attaway.. R A… R D A…

My initials are C.I… E.I… Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna…C.I.. Kolo…

Emeka Ikemefuna …. E I… Kolo…

Kolo means Prince, Manly Warrior.. Circle Round…

P.M W.. C R…/ R.C… Robert Currin bed 4-015 now occupied by Kasim Hudson… K H….

7:54 p.m…. 5-4/ 4-5… April 5th…1969 England. 75 4.. 4 57…

27 State is Miami Florida…

27 is the Resurrection of A-Z…Beginning to End Linear…

Link Silas Adekunle Robotics… A.I… Matrix Trilogy…

But 1-27 represents A Full Circle which has no end..

END..Instead it is transformation of DNA..(AND) To DNE…

David Nnamdi Emeka…

Dawn Nadee Nakandala Esther…

To DNE.. the evolution of Dne back to Dne, transformation of the Body from Awareness Atomic.. Africa… back to Energy Eternal Expression.

Wendy Stefanelli…

Roger Attaway R A… M .S EE S…

63811… was the code I was on my way here on a car…

And a person with P.N.C on his shirt…

Perfection Naturalness Conscious Considerate Cares… to Cee others point of view…

63..Kasien Thompson 11-29 63…K.T.

8 11… H K… . Kassin Hudson.. Roger Attaway..

That is the way of Beauty…

1-27- 19… 6O… Sixth sense Full Circle then will manifest and land the Facts… ‘Feelings Sensational… F S..

Wendy wanted to you to CEE me…

Peter Pan or Rama…

My Beautiful View despite all that was denied me which you all took for granted…

The Beautiful Truth of Life…

Which despite my entire life being forced in servitude and slavery to you all and your illusion of Need or needing me to help you See when I have proven the Eternal Truth in you…

Complete… and Beautiful….

It is done…

Release me from this Hellish Existence.. of your Needs…

I AM DE S IR… E… H… O M E… I.D…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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