
6:56 pm. Full Circle. – F: E.F.

6:56 pm. Full Circle.

F: E.F.

6:57 pm right now.


Fact. Enders Game.
The Example. Word/ World.

I- Awakening.


Today, after months, I finally got up and went to do my laundry.

I usually am so pre-occupied with solving and aligning this play theater, and End Game, that I usually only have time to throw my clothes in the bath and hand wash them.

To say that I am exhausted, would be an understatement.
It’s not that I am physically exhausted but emotionally and physiologically.

Mission Impossible 1-7 and now 8 as I, was never that difficult to solve, rather it was the mentality of humanity that made it appear Impossible.
Humanity, as the ancestors past to present made it so.

Nature did not do this, Nature is not good or evil, it simply Is.
Nature did create numbers, Humans did, nor was it a bad thing to learn to count and quantify and qualify, rather it is what was done to the idea, and what it became.

This idea of suffering, misery, effort, is what turned this most simple equation of arithmetic, mathematics, simplicity, into such a mess by complicating things.
Cause and Effect.


You might note that the entire riddle I have been solving comes down to the basic fundamentals of Logos Order- Spectrum, Rainbow. Solfeggio Sound.
1-7.= 8.

The idea of “Mission impossible” of solving the fundamental reason why we are here, became real only because the idea that Creation, Existence, being based on such a simple premise of Add and subtract, could not be accepted by a species who had emerged from the Light, and the womb, with an Eternal Knowing only to be persuaded that they had now entered a playing field of Light and Darl, Knowing and not knowing. One that had become deteriorated by fear, inherited fear, as Death.
Where do you go was added to where do we come from and why are we here.

And instead of Being and allowing everything to simply be and step, by step learning to See and become Conscious, impatience was added to Fear.
And entire societies became founded on fear, and subsequently. Self Preservation.

Mission Impossibe. M.I
13 9.

7:29 pm.

I saw Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Live, today. I simply looked at the duration of his broadcast, it was 1:39.29

13.9 is M.I. Mission Impossible.

What made it appear Impossibe was getting you the public to pay attention and listen, read the facts and see the play, so you could decide on your own.

Not this primitive and savage generational curse, of being subjective, instead of objective, and each person in their own way of playing God, or if they could not see the solution, negating another’s point of view, because they did not come up with the idea.
So many personal and subjective experiences leading to a subjective point of view.

7:26 pm.

That is the number of the dryer I realized I was using, I saw that number everywhere I went today- The Universe talking to me, seeming to reasure me, but I was not having it, I have been reading reality, the matrix within the first 2 years on my arrival here, and I know that it lied or used lies of omission, to confirm but then to prolong and drag things out, I knew we were at the end when I was a boy because I was born, and I was aware that I bring the end, I knew it consciously as far back as 2006 because I could read, and what I was reading, is the reason I sought to walk away.

7:43 pm.

I am currently at 18 43 Facebook Friends, and while at the laundry, I discovered a marked 5 USD Bill, my heart did not even sink that I was still in that play at this point in time- this world and the energy moving the Matrix as well as the Universal Simulation is Evil and Beyond, both are based on Negation of truth, even Nature here is a simulation once of truth it is transformed into a lie, of it being taken over by the consciousness of man as the lie, and its hatred of man, by the realm of nature- animals, but represented by Shamans, humans, “nature lovers” rather than simple cause and effect- the same way animals in the wild avoid contact with humans and hide, based on experience, which is the basis of Cause and Effect.

This whole End Game, makes no sense to me, what? A 20.6 years simulation of question and answer, setups which I must use the expression to resolve, which brings a response via Facebook Friends. Keeping one hostage, binding one body in a story, and taking away a person’s Free Will, the exact same way, Covid 19 is being used to control humanity and ever since 9-11-2001, eroding humanity’s right to Freedom of Speech in America, the land of the Free?
Yet all of you are on lockdown, mirroring what was done to my Life, by controlling everywhere I go, who I meet, who I live with?
Compelling me and using torture, torment, this idea of suffering embraced by you, to resolve thousands of human issues, by setting me up over and over again in a microcosm of a cage to see, if I could resolve all these issues, problems people create themselves.

7:59 pm.

Then giving me points, or Facebook friends arriving when I resolve it correctly, and yet who is the judge?
Who is the controller?
Who or what decides that I got it correct?
A preset-up, Script?

8:02 pm.

That was the number on the 5 USD.
It was written in red ink.
Do you know what the serial number is?

J 10.
M.J-43 08 1 97 8 B.
M J… I coded that yesterday.
M B.
Mackayla Burgos.

She sent it on Monday at 9:14 pm.

It was written as a quote “You better watch those people that bounce back from everything meant to destroy them. Those are the ones watched over by the old Gods and are not to be to be played with”

No one is watching over me, I d not believe in Gods, I have been fighting the very idea of this illusions and superstitions.
I know she meant well, but she could not see that she had negated me, my words, even our former interactions because she is saying that I am being protected by Gods. what kind of Gods? The ones who created this play, this idea of Misery and suffering, to prove worthy.
What gods?
I am proving everything, even that The Source and Creator began as a man.

What could I say, after 9.8/9 years on Facebook, detailing explaining over and over again with reason, logic, empirical evidence facts?

So I responded with a thumbs up and “Well Said” W.S.

I lived with her in South Whitney 3rd Floor and she is linked to John Mack.
She betrayed the work done here for her own perception of truth and John Mack who should know better, also eventually followed suit.
I care about her, but each to their own beliefs, I am not going to correct her or refresh John Mack’s memory.

Each to their own, I know that what I have expressed is crystal clear, and if she or anyone chooses to twist and translate my words, my meaning to suit their subjective beliefs, I will not even protest, I am not made to live with you anymore, and thus the mission of my being assigned to meet you and express do the work is over, and this is the End Game.
My conclusion and summary is that you have negated the truth, I was involuntarily sent to convey to you.
And since I did not send my self to you and the 5 USD, inked in red 82 as B H ( I B)
43 Door of Life.
18 43 Facebook Friends.
Nnamdi, who left this realm in 1982.
It is not about you, it’s not about John Mack or even Jeron as J.
or even Class of 1982.

Its about me, or it would not have come into my hands, it was a message to me.

Just as the Black Ink on the 20 USD from Liberty which came via Kim, with the number 220 on it in black.
All my money codes here had to come through Kim Arthur Hinds Jr because I was set up, to have no means of getting these money codes directly.
Always, it had to go through a go-between.

I was aware of the play.
And I was aware as to why I could not get an I.D of my own even a Fake ID and Lord knows I did try.
I am not even sure if that money code with the 5 USD came from Kim, but I do know that the 5 USD came directly from me.
The One dollar bill with 1OO in pencil came to me, via my changing the money sent via Kim, but exchanged by me.

And yes, I can read them and they correlate to the script I am decoding and confirmed by my environment on this E.M.F.

For example I have been reading the numeric codes since 268 East 4th street on Alberts Santana’s Micro Wave, MW.
Its like Intel, telling me and comfirming where I am in the Ender Game play, last night I read the micro wave after making my coffee, to see where I had left it after retrieving my coffee. it had been at 18 and by the end of the night, I saw that it was at 1.00 on the nose.

I knew that meant that I was at One. 1.00, the pencil 1 OO on the One USD Bill.
And today I find this one “82” H.B.
“I B+ A T E 001” Black Square Waves box.

J 10 M J. 43 08 1 97 8B.
Obviously, it is addressed to me and no one else- despite my distaste, of this being a game.

M J B/ J B M.

8:50 pm


An Enders Game so insulting to me personally, that I had to be dragged here to the USA and bound, limited restrained to play this game.

8:51 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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