
6:55 p.m.

6:55 p.m.

From Angela Dawn….

I am going to have to ask you to BLOCK me from seeing your posts. Your mind play is such a REALITY to me and it makes me feel uneasy…nervous… in some way that IDONOTENJOY. Please spare my feelings for your word play is so addictive that even since unfollowing… I find myself on your page to c. I am forever grateful….????

Sent from Messenger…

The Answer Angela Dawn is No.

I do not block anyone, that has been my modus operandi since 2012, where I do not block anyone.

I allow anyone to become my Facebook friend, all were and are welcome to my page. And all are free to leave anytime they wished.

My Job, its rules and the law of the play of the Twins Delight and Desire, what you might call the I in the illusion of duality as…

7:04 p.m right… Ah, that illustrates that perfectly. as does this article on the cover of the New York Times, which I will pause to vent for just a moment at how I was manipulated to come here once more and I knew even before I arrived that it was about Jace Horsford…

and that I would see Peter Nyarkô… P.N ( My Bio uncles name is Pius Nduka and he I call Mer Man… Not man from Atlantis, but a mer man. The difference is that Atlantis as represented by the Sea and current geography of the world is an Ocean which contains Salt which does not support life as Man.

Only Fresh Water, Filtered, unsalted is of Life for at least Humans, and Mammals except…

*Indeed, a study of California sea lions showed that, on a diet of fish, these animals can live without drinking fresh water at all. Some species of seals and sea lions apparently do drink seawater at least occasionally, as do common dolphins and sea otters, but the practice is very rare in some other species.

Leo is the 17 years old sitting in front of Jace Horsford right now.

Leo means Lion.

And we know that man can not live without water for more than 3 days…

3 days…

Trinity Tre… Etc… 333.. 3 6 9…. 333 9…666- 18…. 999…27…

I…R….B.G…. I Bed 4-018…18=R… 27 is 2 7…B.G.. or A – Z-A…

All of which have been played out in this Play

3 days was the dead line and that was on Monday the 5th….

2-5…B.E… B E A U T E….B E A U T Y….

I called my Uncle yesterday the 6th… his number is 011 234 805 652 1606….

O.K….W.D…( B C D…I had 23 usd in my wallet), H.O.E…HE…( Jace was called a Hoe by Leo- he had a dream where he was ploughing a young Woman named Christina- which means Follower of Christ There was a red and black snake in his vision whom he used to play with but after the sex act which included his member lodged between the young womans buttocks…

Yes.. Anus… That he was bitten by this red and black snakes.

The color my mother and father worse in Harmony of my 9th birthday.. or was it 10th… Both actually.

He was bitten twice.

He is currently dressed like a Farmer, a Share Cropper.. not a Slave. ( there is no such thing since no one can enslave your E-Spirit of Expression… No one can despite the illusion I was forced to live and participate in of that possibility made real so that I would prove and solve it out of Existence.

The coffee cup he is drinking from has the number 52… E.B which is the code which I was representing as both 25/ 52…

And when we completed a Two hour conversation of my giving the Evidence of the continued meddling of the Dead Spirits, Ideas, Mentality he told me that he heard an expression which said that I was passing the Torch…

He kept on bringing up the Book of Eli…

I noted that Eli was the only who came into the room today and turned the light on…

I turned it off but noted that….

Peter Nyarkô noted that his friend had asked a question aloud to his hearing Am I going to stay here forever? and then he turned to Peter or his mom and asked Will you stay here forever

It turns out that Peters friend is 3 years old, a little chap he always speaks about and shows me videos of him…

3 years old…

3 days with water….

Fresh Water is Transparent and reflects Blue the 5th color.

Red is the color of Blood and is the first Wave Length to Emerge from the Transparent Light… Blue is scattered and Red Emerges…

Super Blue Blood Moon…. 7:33 p.m.

I answered the question of the child by responding to the arrival of the Kingdom of God- that biblical reference Yeshua Christ spoke about when speaking about his Fathers Kingdom and it being here in this World but Unseen by people because it is a Different Vibration Wave Frequency…

It is not of the Sea.. It is of the River and the Streams…

R S… And that is the truth of Mer Man… represented by me and not my Uncle who did not remember or recognize that he was speaking to a person even my mother, whom he had seen the day before had reminded him that I might be the Christ, because of my consistency of my expression and her knowledge of my visions and awareness even before I realized that the Man I kept seeing on my wall for 3 days was Christ…

My own reflection….

Mathew 18:3….. ( Link Joe and Mathew Kennedy)

Link Bed 18… And Tre… 3… Who speaks that way….

Matthew 18:3 And he said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and …


Truly I tell you, He said, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Berean Literal Bible … and said, Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

A Mer-Man is from the Stream and River… Stream of Consciousness.. A River Runs through us…

*Jace Horsford noted that Peter Nyarkô looks like Tupac.. and Peter then showed his screen saver with an image of Tupac…

I link him to my brother Nnamdi… tupac/ CAP. U.T.

TU PAC.. Paque means Easter… Nnamdi was born on Easter and passed on Easter… Almost 48 years ago…

Aqua Man…

Man did not rise from the Ocean..

He rose from the Expression of Transparency…

A Flow of Expression of Naturalness which manifested as Joy Bliss.. J.B.

And the First Note which descended into this physical realm as Red.. Blood Brother hood was the Wine of Intoxication and Ecstasy….

Fresh Water is really the C.. Christ.. The Anointed.

Yes Hue’s Ah.. Christ.. The Anointed.

The Chosen ones are the Eternal Ones who rose Energetical Complete in the Eternal Beginning.

They are the Evolved Species and the Family of E… Moi…

They are the Origin and the Destination and they did not ever know Death or the Sea…

They rose as Eternal Beings and this was a play to manifest them bodies which aligned in perfection as Matter… Energy Matter E.M…Made Solid by the Musk and the Perfume … Scent of both as aspects of Being Scent ( Sent) an the Musk

*Musk is a class of aromatic substances commonly used as base notes in perfumery. They include glandular secretions from animals such as the musk deer, numerous plants emitting similar fragrances, and artificial substances with similar odors. … The deer gland was thought to resemble a scrotum.

Please see sacred portal 79.. The Two aspects as Being and Body.. really Ethereal and Elemental Expression… Energy Eternal going down into the Story through the Portal Anus Vagina…Back Door and then Twin Door…

New York Times Today… 7th…

Launch Tells Space X, It can reach for the Stars

The Photo…The Falcon Heavy at launch, top, on Tuesday in Florida, and the two boosters above, that landed in near synchrony at Cape Canaveral. ( CC)

By Kenneth Chang….e…. K.C.

Kennedy Space Center, Fla- from the same space pad which NASA, Launched Rockets that carried astronauts to the Moon, a big new American rocket arced into space in Tuesday. But this time NASA was not involved.

The Rocket. Falcon Heavy ( F.H 68/ 86) was built by Space X, the company founded and run by the billionaire Elon Musk.

Yes Tuesday was the 6… 2-6

Yes, I found the Albert Santana’s Generation X Garden in 8-26-2006…

Yes X is the 24th Letter…

Yes, I am in Room 4B… 4 2../ 2 4…

Yes Jace Horsford is 24…

Yes X is Not a Female chromosome… there is only Y.

Yes, X is TEN in Roman Numerals…

Yes 2+4-6….Sixth Sense.. Fact… Francis Frick Francis Fenz…

Fiction to Fact… F F.. 66…12 3…

Yes see sacred portal 123..Transparency Rocket Fuel…Supremacy….

The Rocket carried a playful payload; Mr Musks Red Roadster, an electric sports car built by his other company Tesla…

( Nikolai Tesla… T.N.. 20 14… 34… C D…7…Color Purple Violet.. Peter is 22… P.V…)

..Strapped inside is a mannequin in a Space X jumpsuit..

The Success gives Space X, momentum to begin developing even larger rockets, which would help fulfill Mr Musk’s dreaming of sending people to Mars. To do that he has described a new Generation rocket called B.F.R…’

Do you notice B.F.R… 2 6 18… Is similar to the sequence of the Fast Radio Bursts F B R… Recorded consistently emitting signals from 3 Billion light years away… 3 to the Power of 9..

Just as Billionaire has 9′ Zero’s..

I prefer the term..Full Circles…

B.F…Best Friend Harmony is that not my code…


And was that not the date yesterday… 2-6…18… The very day it was launched…?

B F R…


Beau-Ti Francis… Robert…

Francis Robert Beau-Te!… Te.. Ti.. 7th Note…

Hmm is someone using my codes… spying on me…

Or are we in a parallel universe… .P.U…

I met Rob Barr at University Place… There is no longer a Parallel Universe as you can see I have linked them back to One…1.

Elon Musk Perfume Sent…E M P S…

/S.P. M.E….M E … S.A.M.E….

Robert Vlaun just arrived as Jace Horsford made the most extraordinary comment and epiphany of realization…

Could Creator be that powerful to anthropomorphically manifest Himself and appear as a Human here is Starbucks…

And I added. When that challenge was accepted, not by I but by my Sons Twins… Those who demanded if the Creator was powerful enough to appear in Human form, devised a plan so foul to trap him forever in a role and story so foul at which even he could never rise because he had been tricked into coming as a Human…

I sighed… But they did not realize that the Original form of the Source is Hue Man and that was already his original intention…

Jace Horsford began pulsating vibrating shaking with he said…

My whole being is pulsating he said again and again…

8:44 p.m.

H D D… Harmony Delight Desire…. 16… Peter Nyarkô

Dawn Piercy… D.P… 20…T… D P T…. 24… X… TEN… 6… Fact.

World is Bracing as Era of Easy Money is Ending…

Business Day…. B.D… 24…( Room 4 B… D.B…Bed 18.. R..D B R O… D… Brotherly Love.. Philadelphia Eagles…


Take A Breath

( Code E.T…A.B…./ BAT..E…MAN)

Umeano my Mothers Maternal Name is Umeano.. it means the Four Divine Breath… F D B….

Ume… means Breath…

I am Umeano… and UME… And Breath… and Sacred Portal 69…

I Gave Breath…Breathe.. Fresh Air… F.A.

And now, I take it away….

Book of Eli… Torch being passed to the line of Jace Leo Peter… and now Robert… J..L.P…. J.L.P..R….

J.L.P.V…has already been played out… J+L.. 10 +12.. 22… Peter is 22 and Robert then arrived .. he is 22…


See also the the following Headlines…

Art Section..

Wagners Tale of Fools and Blood…

Fools of the link of Blood… insane… all betrayed family and those of the same Spirit…

Blood is Red Water is Transparent Blue Blood… Eternally Loyal..

I am here alone…

An Unlikely Super Dance Team…

The Lift, Eli Manning gave Odell Beckham…. E M..O B…

Two Tales Harmonize

A Deft Debut Novel…

A Thirst for Wisdom of the Body, and Quenching It

8:59 p.m.

The Song I’ll Rise Up

Andra Day….

Andre… Andrew Day….

Cassandra Monique Andra Batie (born December 30, 1984), known professionally as Andra Day, is an American singer and songwriter from San Diego, California. Her debut album, Cheers to the Fall, was released in 2015 and peaked at number 48 on the US Billboard 200 chart.’

Cassandra Monique… CM… A B… 12-30 1984…

9:04 p.m.



I passed through the portal of Cassandra my case manager who took me to 11-22 Brooklyn…

A.B…L.C.O…1984… 33…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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