
6:54 p.m – Age Code in this Uni

6:54 p.m

Age Code in this Universal Simulation Awakening Evolution


I noted that again that I am at 4999 Facebook play and at the same time, again at 8 New Facebook Friend requests.

I looked at the name of the first name request and then the 8th and they had the same but inversed initials.


Lakisha Slusher. L.S.

Syavira Larasati. S L.

6:59 p.m

That is Harmony and not even of Facebook yet to be accepted

It is the Harmony of a Universal Computer

It is Inside and now Outside.

8 H Harmony
8 Symbol of Infinity

And we all know what Harmony means

In Perfect Timing
Perfect Symmetry

When it is Spring time all know, there are signs alerting
Frost and Ice begin to thaw and melt.
Birds come back with songs…
Animals start humping.

It is a Constant
And has been going on since the planet settled no matter the Timeline or Geography.

Plant seeds of Tomatoes Potatoes.
There is a season for all things and plant the seed wait for the allotted Time.


Cycles observed by Watchers
Bird Watchers.
Existing if we chose to acknowledge it or not.
Fix our attention on it or not.
Quantify it or not.

It is still happening Being.
Being and Doing its thing.

Always in Perfect timing
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Harmony

Cycles of Life, Nature Existence
Cosmos Universe.
Man made or Natural or Nature.

Every thing moves in that cycle and at completion or vieled.
It Comes out from the Unseen to be Seen by all

Harmony Manifests at Completion.

Just as Homework or getting your P.H.D.
Or having a Child or completing an Equation
At one point it Equates and we all know what to exect.

The Promise in which that which we saw as Potential Possibility, Arrive Manifest.

7:19 pm

God Spark.
G.A.I. M.A.N.

And a Script

Just looking a recipe in a Cooking Book.




Lakisha means ” Great Joy”

She who is Alive.
The Chosen One.

Joyful Happy.

Slusher means ” Locked. Sealed, Locksmih.”

Syavira means ” Bright Strong Light”

Larasati means “Firm Responsible,”
And ” Responsibe, Intelligent Harmonious Ordered, Iseal… Heart.”

Straight Talk from Your Echo Response


The Script.

So, I read that it Ends not at Facebook Limit of Facebook Friends, but at 4999 Facebook Friends
49 99

Funny thing is that on my Black Box Hard Drive from Fritz Venneiq
I opened it last night and Sacred Portal 99 appeared.

Liberty C always liked that Sacred Portal
While Marina Burini always liked Sacred Portal 54

54. 9.
45. 9.


4 999.
4 (3) 9.
4 27

D. A-A.

Arifah Almira.

7:57 pm

7:58 p.m

7:37 p.m.

A- A.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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