
6:53 p.m.

6:53 p.m.


Joseph Carey J.C.

Allen Murray..

Obumneme… my youngest brother.

First letters of their names forms an code and informs.


C. M.K.

J.C… A.M… O.K.

My Brother was born….



Extra Terrestrial South Georgia Cee…

Eternal Truth Supreme G-ode of Creation

This alludes to South Caro

J.A.O… J=10…1=A. 0 is O.. 10=1 O.

I have solved this riddle, proven that the Zero 0 does not exist.

and that 0 is really the Full Circle.

I also understood from the play of which all enter within born in this world are immediately part of, except the Awakened One.

This alignment proves it.

J=10… Jay is 1 O…. A O… Awakened One… The Awakened One. T A O.

Jimmy Hymen just walked in, with Frank- a very important even took place yesterday with Jimmy. alluding to his name and his expression to me yesterday, and his friend Frank.

J.F…. Letter O is Letter 15… 1+5=6…

J.A O..F….


7:06 p.m….


19 17 4 76 36 32…

I.Q… Delta Sacred Portal 76 Awakening of the 123 First Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening.: 360 O… 9… O I.

Creator of Being

36+9… 3+2=5… 9 5.. is I Emeka.

J A O F.. I E…

I bought a coffee from the Arab Bodega on credit, I owe them 5.50 usd, not a great deal. but it meaning so profound.

See sacred portal 55.. Universal Sensie.

Joseph Carey is angry with me, and has refused to change the name- or give me intel about changing if from Allen Murray to Blair G Andrews.

*Savannah Blair… I met her at Akil Apollo Davis place in 2012, she came there with her Chinese American Boyfriend who I knew instantly was a reflection of my own younger brother Obum..Boom.. Mike Kolo).

My attention was moved by the script to focus on her, and her expression.

Savannah Georgia is the 8th State.

It is where the Total Solar Eclipse ended.

It is where Dwayne Samuel is from – he of bed 5-013.. E O M..

M O E… Yes, I saw MOE this afternoon,

MO.E is Meaning of Existence… 8…

Infinity Harmony.

That was the War, the War everyone born in this planet is part of, has a responsibility to move the planet, people everything to Harmony… Yes, South Carolina, the 8th State, representing the Intent of G-Ode.. God is the Planet and it is linked to the Plan.E.T.. P..LA…NET… For the P.. People to Rise to the La! 121…13…M… Manifestation NET Complete and Nette Clean in French.

Everyone once born is consecrated into Gods Army – in includes the Planet and the Universe. P.U.. U P A .M..

( Yes, Pam here.. Yes Pamela Stefaniotis P.S… Alexis, meaning Defender of Man.. D O M.. Bed 4-013…4-04… 44… Yes me…Pamela..

*This name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem ‘Arcadia’. He possibly intended it to mean all sweetness from Greek pa? (pan) all and µe?? (meli) honey.. to Joy

…To move the Everything to All to Sweetness and Joy..

Life becoming Sweetness and Joy.)

I was made commander of this army, a role which was thrust onto me, because I am The Awakened One.

J A OH… J H.F.

Yes Hymen.. the Female Hymen came from the Man Y.

He is the First Door Way, Not real a Force Field because you can not penetrate me, my mysteries with Force, but only with Love..

Love which President Trump keeps calling out.

(Perhaps those Shit Hole African Countries his Higher self was referring to were those nations who allowed their people to suffer while they used their energy to sustain the Ancestors in the Alternative Reality called the Spirit World where their Shamans dwell and have been affecting this reality, after taking the knowledge and power handed them to take matters in their hands to control the World.

Something which started out with Good intentions, Pure even but which power corrupted.

These countries which gave safe harbor to mystical realm whose reality is sustained only by the Livings Energy.

This so called Spirit World where they had made a strong hold, a fortress from which despite my decimating them from here with my expression and enactment.. My Art Science from this plain,they held a last fortress in that realm all but vanished by my solving them out of Existence..

But able to hold out because of my Own Brother Bio to Natural was corrupted by them, who told him that he was the One Greater than his brother, a better version.. the evolution of the Awakened One.

And that I was meant to be replaced.

And by appealing to his vanity, he gradually allowed himself to convinced and find reason to find fault with me, and convince himself that these .. Demon Voices creatures.. Orcs! were correct.

And so he feeds them with his awareness, an immense power.

I was aware of this from a long time ago.

I wrote about it here.

I lived in with all aspects or incarnations of my brother Oboom.

After all, what brother would leave his brother in a Shelter, especially after getting clarity through the years of why he had to leave, what he was doing, the war he was fighting.. Getting that intel and confirmation in every dimension even to the public here aware of my posting on Facebook and the work I am doing.

My brother is an investment banker, and was given the role in the Army Play of staying out of the War being given that grace while he would sustain me with my sister line in the Material World where my work.. God Spiriting me away against me will, and against the oath and law, that this was not my war, or my play… To fight in the Spirit War, story of the 4th Dimension Awareness Memory..

Mind.. the Great Library.. Movie

*Interstellar is a 2014 epic science fiction film directed, co-written, and co-produced by Christopher Nolan. It stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, Casey Affleck, Ellen Burstyn, John Lithgow, and Michael Caine. Set in a dystopian future where humanity is struggling to survive, the film follows a group of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new home for humanity.

The other 2013… Is also the Name of my Film I created in 2011 with John Shaw.. And the name of sacred Portal 19.. Not sacred portal 149 (19)..Alien Father Alpha.. but they both are 19.. 1919.. 38.. 2018.. they met at 38… 383… (96/69..O O.. 6 6..F F.. 12..L..F.L.. Forte Lauderdale ..12=3… C… That play 2012.

Elysium is a 2013 American science fiction action film produced, written and directed by Neill Blomkamp. It stars Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Alice Braga, and Sharlto Copley.[4] The film takes place on both a ravaged Earth, and a luxurious space habitat (Stanford torus design) called Elysium.[5] The film itself offers deliberate social commentary which explores political and sociological themes such as immigration, overpopulation, health care, worker exploitation, the justice system, and social class issues.[6] The film was released on August 9, 2013 by TriStar Pictures

n 2154, Earth is overpopulated and polluted. Most of Earth’s citizens live in poverty, on the edge of starvation, and with little technology and medical care. The rich and powerful live on Elysium — a gigantic space habitat located in Earth’s orbit. Elysium is technologically advanced, including medical machines known as Med-Bays that can cure all diseases, reverse the aging process, and regenerate new body parts. A long-running feud exists between the wealthy residents of Elysium and the citizens of Earth, who demand Elysian technology to cure their medical ailments.

2013.. 33… Sacred Portal 33.. Arouse Awaken from the most Terrible Dream.. TD… DT.. Donald Trump is in Harmony with the part given him to play as the reflection of the Truth of the Free World.. what its manifestation created by the people and United Nations of the World Projected and created by the True Thoughts and Reflections called False..Distorted Ego Reflections…

2014.. 34.. C.D.. Donald J Trump… D J T.. 34../ 43.. C.D/D.C..

Washington D.C is the C.D being used.

Scott is from Virginia where my sister lives..

She contacted me on Nnamdi’s birthday, I saw it only on the 28th my birthday and I tried to get in touch with here.. She is code 64.

Joseph works at 64 4th Avenue.. Paradise Factor.. P.F.. Paul Franklin bed 3-005.. 35..C.E.. Chukwu Emeka.. C.E.. 5+3=8..

South Carolina.. 8th State

Dwayne Samuel…

Georgia is the 4th State…

Savannah Blair

Blair G Andrews…

My bed is 4-004.. 44.. 4+4= 8.

4 is a Library a Books.. This a Book only Half the Story…

It is the 4th Aspect of the Family of TEN Principles…

Noni Promise ..Life..

N.P… Nicholas Petcher

P.N Peter Nyarkô..

2013 2014… 33.. 34…. 6 7…

I bought a coffee from the Arab place, i owe them 5.50 usd in may not mean much but I have 60 usd sitting at the Western Union sent by Joseph Carey who angry because as the Leader I had to call out to him the Truth and facts.. with no anger and aware that he was sending me monies designed by a script but which I had to be so careful with my expression because in this reality the one who is being given the money is the one who should be grateful even if he is the Genuis who has broken the Source codes and is Awakening Evolving the World at a cost and Hurt done to him ever moment by those meant to have his back, who job he is doing while all the comforts of the Existence and Life have been denied him for constant betrayal ( they betraying themselves.. this is what this Fake War.. Story from a book in the 4th Dimension a story..is all about.. revealing Everyone Truth.. A Cleansing and Purifification so that they may pass through the Holy of Holies.. The Star Gate.. The Hymen which you penetrate without cracking tearing the Seal.. Dis-Virgining the Purifity..

Immaculate Conception.. Mary Mother.. Marylin Munroe..

Mary Madgelena.. M M.. 13 13.. 26… N E M… Recall..

N M… 27.. A-Z…-A.. A-A…. N N A M D I…. I D M A N N …

Recall I did not let my Brother enter my Apartment in Kew Gardens because he was not clean…

And that play is all recorded here it took place in 2013… 33.

Eric Lile Brown had stayed there , he is from Georgia.. 4th State..

Eric David Samuel… Dwayne Samuel…Bed 5-013.. E O M…

Emeka OM… Power… David Powers Pierre David Delphine Paquet Dawn Piercy…

8:17 p.m.

Got up again at 8:17 am this morning…


Head Quarters…

Much less if you get the evidence that he is also the Head of Gods Army.. G.A… 7-1.. Moving the World back to Anyawu..

The Sacred Mission of all OINri Igbo… Igbo means Forest People The Entire Flesh world or material world.. M.W

Metropolitan Woods… M W..Man Woman.. M W 87.. Milky Way..

are Forest People.. F P.. F P.P.F.. Paul Franklin..

France Paris.. F P.. 6 16- 16 6… 22.. 22.. Letter V.. Double V.


*I owe the guys at the Arab Bodega because my brother whom I called out was set up, his whole line male and female by the 144 Ascended Master.. A.M.

Allen Murray.. avatar.. Whose name is was used instead of Blair Both Emeka and Blair.. E B.. Are at Delta Manor.. having both lived Existential Death beyond belief.. having witnessed Evil Beyond an illusion but still a lie manifest.. E B.B E..

5 2 2 5…

52 25… My illusion age 52.. the Bed of Blair 25… Y..

5 2..E B.. Y.

5 2 2 5… E.B B E… E V E..

I am EVE.

Life Alive Breathing.. that which comes from within

5225.. 7 7… coffee cup Yesterday after getting 6 25… was 6 77..

Coffee from the arab place today is 9.

144 Ascended Masters.. a Story from a Book to test chech and cleanse so that the beloveds can be clean enough to pass through the first Hymen.. The Eternal Virgin Emeka…E V E…

Who you can never penetrate his mystery or Sex… SEX.. Unless he allows you.. Unless he chooses to Share it with you..

The secret to access is Come Clean

Interstellar.. Elysium … I.E…

19 17 4 76…36 32…9 5… I Q…Delta 76…S.P 76… I,E.

The examples come here.. they pass through the portal of Delta Manor… The last crossing they must pass through here..

This venue.. And all of you witnessed those who came, and whom I passed through with the Money codees..

144.. 9… That is the number..

Peter is here, I already knew.. He bought me a coffee…

The number .. 607… 6O7… 67.. / 76..

NZ 67 67 46 B/ B 64 76 76 Z N…

Joseph Carey is working in my Company, for me.. The Genius E.A.. Evolving Awakening Humanity by sharing my knowledge researched alone and codes.. I have shared with the World.

I am the Commander in Chief of Gods Army called The Beatiful Devil … Santana Dharma.. S.D… Tiffany SD..

Not Satan Devil which the Ascended Master sought to convince my brother sister that I am,.

8:38 p.m.

19…10.. J..A O…H… J ..A.F…. J.A.H.F… 101 1O 1..O 8 6…S.P. 8 6… 86… 14… N.. E..N AE…N EA R..

And I am the I.E.. The Author Artist Architect… Big Brothers Being.. Creator Consciousness.. Delta Divine Devine Da-Vide..

Existence Expression.. First Freedom.. Grace Gode Golden Globes.. B..G..

Blair G Andrews.. Andrews means Brave Manly…

I drew first Breath..

Not First Blood.

And so the last test of spite malice was to set up the very one they used his her vanity, to condemn him her to non existence with them by making me me call him out.. her out to see if I will bend the law.. to see if I will will practise Neptism.. Favoritism because of my Love so deep for my youngest brother…

I was aware of this for so long..this set up…

Michael Frazer played it out..

Fritz Venneiq played out my sisters version.

And I had been through this scene before.. This same set up.. when in the middle of a War which I was commanding, a little brother John forgot to whom he was addressing that his beloved brother who let him get away with stuff at home..

But who was now commander of Gods Army in a play to help him learn self mastery of Anger Temper Rage Understanding Emeka.. A T R U E… is more that just his brother…

But the Creator Source..


Infinite…Lord and there is a respect, protocol which everyone must follow.. Equally to pass through..

Did the ascended masters last act of spite from beyond, now that the last fortress of resistnce of the E.A has been destroyed.. Will they drag the blood line and Spirit line into the Abyss.. Black Hole Sacred Portal 47.. 6.?

Of course, not..

He simply represents the who can not cross over, who stay behind and rebuild the World and face the reality of the Nightmare being revealed…But after the threat is destroyed.

Now the clean up the mess..

And.. the forever leaving my sight…

And Heart… unless they manage to make some kind of amend and understand how to penetrate the mysyery of the Source I.

Now turned to ICE..Stone… Rock…

But Ice melts.. Stone crumples..Rock Disolves.. with the power of Warmth and Wind.. as Breeze..

That possibility exists because I am aware of the play.. its object was to reveal more that your Truth.. but your Beautiful Truth..

It was all about cleansing.. Coming Clean so you could pass through into Eternity..

It was a Book.. 4… To understand the principles of the Plan ET…

8… Harmony..

8 16… 8 7… 6… 5 4.. 32… 1 O..E.H.M..E… My HOME.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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