
6:52 p.m

6:52 p.m



K F. T S.


I am not sure, how much more surreal things could get.

Liberty C Liscomb has guests for Dinner to celebrate her daughter’s 14th Birthday.

Its a charming Family Affair.

Each have their friends, from Bun, to Aureila to Arden and Farell… Liberty with friends J.M.

I feel extraordinarily out of place, not able or willing to join them, to explain my condition or have some responde unexpectedly from me.

Its a normal 3 D reality, old friends and family, and though Liberty is inviting and understanding to my circumstances, I am once placed in a situation by no fault of hers, so ridiculous and absurd.

Am I expected to Morph Adapt and Lie..?

Tell them I am The Source undercover.

7:43 p.m

The Creator who is A MAN?

That even their presence here, is the Perfect Timing and in Harmony with a play which despite all evidence and facts revealed, still is shrouded in secrecy.. as if it is not even real?

Or explain my body Sacred and Holy Ascension eroded to my having to pretend that what I am enduring in my body, the effects of peoples E.M.Fields has no effect on me.

Am I meant to contunue, at this point, that what I am going through, stating, have proven is a joke, not real.

I have to hold my breath, contain my self from shouting out, screaming.. roaring.

Questions, flood my mind and being.. is this power of Supreme Malovent Evil in the World trying its best to kill me with the mentality of this world.

7:51 p.m

I met and came to every person in full transparency of who I am and what I represent.

Provided all the evidence facts..

Worked day and night in pointing out to each the facts.

I am astounded to deep silence, at the truth of what I am living and experiencing.

I can of course, rant and rave at this a set up.

But truly, what is the point?

This is the reality, I live in a visitor and guest, in someones home.

Denied of my Truth Proof and Expression of this being Evolution Awakening of Existence.

This is the fact to the very end.

7:57 p.m

So, I have reached the End of The Script.

Each has and had the Right, The Choice and Free Will to act out their choice and enactment of what is real for each of them.

My role, is to Honor the Truth of Evolution, and to sustain at all cost the 5 D, consciousness and document the C.O D E S

8:00 p.m

To Investigate and Observe, and note the choice of each World and Community, and deliver the evidence to each person.

The position, I have been placed in Ridiculous Absurd Humiliating?

R A H..

Of course, I understand.

And so, let me simply be quiet.. and look to G OD and Terrible Death, and quietly accept the Truth of this reality and my experience within it.

From.. And the intent to make me accept only one reality, which is that my reality and world does not exist.. on the 3 D World.

And complete the coding and prove that in Truth that is all that really exists.

Power Vengeance… Is what my being cries out for, as I hold deep within the truth I percieve.

The reality, and what will be this Enders Game story and conclusion has been completed today.

New York 11th State.

Persons are the E Quantum Equations.

11 is K .. A-A.

E is 5 Energy Expression

Connecticut is the 5th State.


E A-A..

From Place to Thing, to Person.


Delta Manor

Moved there 9-16-2016.

I-P.T P.

8:11 p.m.


Hells Kitchen.

8:13 p.m


Harmony Manifests

The Truth.


J.M again.

But Liberty said his name is actually Scott.

I knew a John Scott…

So let me settle for J. S.M

There can be no blame atrached to the People and the decisions they have chosen to make.

They are not moving this play, or the cause which have intentionally caused me such pain.

Rather its the World Mentality including the lies and the expression, but most of all the force which agreed and allowed such a play.

This is a Family, not a Typical American Family but rather a family coping and seeking to move forwards in this world and reality which they confront as all the others, I have been led to this reality as the only thing they see touch and comfront every day of their lifes.

8:31 p.m.

This is Humanity, and this is how each, some better than others cope with being in this World.

Yes, there are other worlds and ways of Being, but this play was never about being an E.T

It was about what is Being Human.

What is the nature of Being- how we treat each other, and the truth of how this Species became the greatest threat to everything in the planet, and even to the Nature of Being itself.

What lies beneath the surface, actions thoughts.

What is each persons perception and responde and reaction to being in this Existence which is not real.

In any circumstances would you stay constant to being a Human Being.




Harmonious ..

Constant no matter the situation and circumstances changing.

Rich Famous, change of fortunes, poor, disabled, at deaths door, provoked, given everything they want, and not all the time, then all the time..

8:43 p.m

How do they respond if given everything, what they deserve and do not, what is taken away, what they do and say..

How they respond to others..

Everything I saw, and experienced because this was done to me.

To understand the species, their truth collective and individual, I had to go beyond their Word expression

To their Intentions Thoughts which nearly all of them viel.

* John came and sat down besides me, I was uncomfortable because in state and my bodies intensity, I had no idea how I or my body or being would respond.

He spoke of Bulgaria where he had lived for 5 years, and then he had spoken about his favorite place in the World and

He spoke of a The White Brotherhood- ( no not kind) but people who come together in a dance of Circles

* See the meaning of the name Kolo

Slav Dance.

Bulgaria Slav

Which orginated from India.

He then told me that his favorite city was

Varanasi India..

V.I ..

He told me how it was something he had understood about himself, in that place, that it is scary but wonderful .

Because everything was revealed.

Nothing was hidden.

Nothing to fear of the Dark

All Beauty, horror, uglines all was, is revealed.

That is Truth.

V I. Is 6

India is Intuition.

Ardent has Supreme Intuition.

10:42… 10:43 p.m

Articulation Intuition Eloquence.

Being Human is what this was all about.

What is a Human?

Who are these species chosen as the vessels to house the Highest Frequency in Existence Supreme.

Show me an example of Human Being, they asked, and what they will evolve to.

Show us what it is to be Human so we can understand if it aligns to our truth

And there was no example of a Human Being any longer, all had forgotten how to simply Be.

I hate being manipulated or lied to or decieved.

I hate having to explain what is already known and plain to see.

I loathe the explanating of what is obvious

10:51 p.m

I despise having to prove over and over again that they know what they do.

Because all truth is Transparent,

Clear and the True have nothing to hide..

I do not have to go undercover into their minds, and confirm the unbelievable things I read and then watch them deny it.

I hate posting about Arden.

I hate that I have had to post everything I have understood and made me naked.

I just wished to Be.

I just want my beloved line to be.

And the right to privacy

10:58 p.m

What kind of monstrous abomination sets up a play with me-a son and mother in the same house writing all so that She can read and thus be influenced by what she reads.

So, yes A Human Being is Decency, Transparent and Clear..

The water is so clear, so transparent, there is no possibility of murky waters, some evil.and sinister moving beneath it, waiting to use your intel against you.

Lay trap..

And wait to use it against.

When I am the one who had set up the play to see the truth that you,.he, her, they are setting me up…

11-06 a.m.

Set up after set up, to be sure…

That it was always a trap.

That is why some people stop talking all together when they observe what you have done with the most sacred expression.

I.have seen an Evil, which.goes beyond anything.. something so impossible ..

And it is the Set Up of this Play..

11:11 p.m.

Something which no one should never ever, ever, ever dare Trust.

That which is never truly itself.

Because it never was…

Of Course.

Evil defined as Real

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