
6:50 pm – Fantasy- Science Fict

6:50 pm

Fantasy- Science Fiction Future -Tomorrow. War Present, To Fact Solid – Ian Banks.
8:06 pm Edit.

8:07 pm.

I B I.S. Be I.

So there you go, I scored a point.
I move up to 3395 Facebook Friends.

Mission Impossible?
Impossible Burger Lunch Pack. Prisca Langevin, Duncan, Jon, all one person.

I heard in my inner hearing as I walked out of Burger King, the amazement and murmuring of what you call the Unseen,

I have been watching again, the Netflix series “Cursed”

Yes, I knew and was aware, recall Sir Pius and the Bishop who told my uncle that something had been buried in the earth in my bio father Home Town near Nnamdi’s grave.
Such a terrible curse tat my uncle and my mother who would not talk about what thew, both saw it in a vision a dream, on the same day- he in Enugu and she in Nsukka the same day.
The Voodoo that even Tori, of that Australian Viking group, confessed what he and his family- with Mother did?

No, I was aware, what bothered me was why it was actually manifesting and insisting to me that it was, is real.


I know Stephen Johnson and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr will recall the code and number 95. I.E.
950.00 USD Child support a month to get Serenity, Unity & Peace, back in your lives.

Latrena Morris. L.M.

I saw immediately Latrine- Toilet.

So who did they treat like a toilet?
Toi L.E.T?

Latrena LA T.R. E.N A.

*”The name Katrina is primarily a female name of German origin that means Pure. German form of Catherine.”

Hurricane Katrina.


Let me quickly respond to this, do you recall my rising from my “Coma- Comma” in Dec 1992 to 93 and Catherine and Frederick and the two children Catherine has, Valentine and Clement.
* And, please recall Arden and Fred and how they went to New York together and took Bun- Leander Gemino with them then they and Arden and Fred ate humongous Steaks?

I had entitled that chapter Moon Goddess. But it was not her specifically, any way you can read the play that happened with her and she had made Fred break the door down, and she had thought that I was dead.
Recall how she and Fred took me to their house right beside the Pierre Lachaise, graveyard, famous by the people buried there…

You may also recall she literally raped me when I was still so weak ad wished to go back to the Light Fantastic I experienced.

Now do you recall my talking about, The Entrepot and The Casbhar nightclub and bar where Stephen Gascoigne my flatmate arranged for me on the Faborg St Antione, Philip was the owner, and when I was hired took one look at me and moved to my protests, I loved working with Stephan…

And recollect, that the last person who escorted me to 268 East 4th street, met Albert Santana and Kissed me on the lips. Philip Shalin ( Slain I coded it as ) was my Facebook friend for a while earlier on. P.S. Philip Shlai and his friend Jaime- my Bio sister. Philip stayed with me far longer in the alley than even young Agusta. He told me that he kept seeing himself with now legs and as a P.O.W. Veteran, and I can not tell you of a play so ill – sick as in diseased that took place on 80 Spring street with an Army Veteran so angry with me for no reason, and who masturbated in front of me in an alleyway behind Spring street. Our Kiss was not passionate as that one depicted, it was tender and true- its was to comfort me, Love.

* Yes, Stephen Johnson and Bill Lord, but I liked what Bill Lord said especially.

.. Saying to my look on my face, “I promise you will understand one day soon”

Link Philip and Ferril Gemino its his God Father or Family member, I coded it all so I will not do so again.
Recall Phillip father of Alexander The Great and Philip Hephaestus and the meaning of the name Philip meaning “Friend of Horses”

Ferrill= 80 8O. now 86.

Ferrell 76.
67/ 76 Full Circle 2020
Leap Year by 4 in 1.
Ferrill Arden, Aurelia, and Bun- Leander Gemino.

Father and Son embracing kissing Sacred portal 57. 57/75.
But not like that in public and not of this worlds meaning of father and son.

Well, Phillip, is the one who decided to create a Festival of Venice the likes that Paris had ever seen.
And his girlfriend is also special to me, who had told Philip about me because worked as the director of the entrepot.

God this is taking longer to express and recount in continued clarity E…

Well, the Festival of Venice was a roaring success, I had invited others and especially Catherine and Fred. Valentine & Clement. V.C was too young, but Catherine told me that she had gone to use the bathroom and as she entered, someone pushed her forward, took her skirt over her head, and raped her head in the Toilet water of the bowl while the whole club was boogying.

*”The name Katrina is a girl’s name of German origin meaning “pure”. The hurricane blew this one out of the realm of possibility.”


But are you… as the Avatar?

Are you sure you have no Blind Spots or something you have forgotten?
Such as you are now in a different realm, a world different from what you were used to.

Morris *”As an English or Scottish surname, Morris may have originated as Maurice, an Old French personal name derived from the Latin Mauritius, a given name itself derived from the Old French more (Latin maurus), meaning “moorish” or “dark, swarthy.” In this respect, it was often a nickname given to someone with dark skin.Jan 22, 2020″

Dark Skin. D.S.

Complexion Cream Ambi. A.M.B.I, A.

7:39 pm.

G – C.I.

7 is C.I.

Sacred Portal 7. Eros.

7:40 pm

7-4 – G.D.
7- 46.

7:41 pm

G – D.A.

You can check the sacred portals.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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