
6;4O pm….

6;4O pm….

F: D.O.


I have a new Facebook friend who happens to have 959 Facebook Friends…

( 959 I.E.I…Please note that the J.a.d.e, Elephant which I purchased at Go Antiques through Daniel Maman..D.M, and which is the possession of Joseph Carey, along with the manuscript of Woman rising to to Lady and Man, to gentleman is valued at 950;00 usd..I.E)…

I state this because the meaning of the name of my 355 Facebook Friend aligns to the play just acted out in Kingston, New York, where I went with Donna to get the Family transferred to my new H.P Computer…

*Please See sacred portal 55…

time now 6:55 pm

Thus, I am in Harmony.

*And i just saw that Amy Mc Tear (of Micheal Ponte.. A.M.), just liked my post sacred portal 49 Existential Death..ED…54…

see code M.T… Marina Tom… Marina Burini Tom Benzian

A M.T… A Mountain.

A Mountain V.I.E.W…Double VV

So we know that she is in Harmony…

The person we went to see to fix the computer was called David, but we met up with a person called Matt..( Maat and Matt Lewis code)…

David Matt.. D.M…

Dawn Marie

Daniel Maman

Donna Marina… D.M.. The list goes on…



Queen Helene

Helen Ze Habesha…

The portal number to the davids place was 321…C.U…C.B.U…

We saw many things, and the Echo Bay E.B=52…

Responded by everything in the Universe World conspiring to show Donna the play, because showed it Praise and Appreciation p.a, by Paying attention to it…

No fear..


and as we drove to Kings Ton-E…. I saw the word 4 then five times…

We saw the four images which I have asked her to share with you as evidence…

The first- the Back of a persons whose showed an epic battle between a Star angel of Light and what could be described as a Luciferian Darkness..

The forces of Light and Dark…L.A.D..IE..(Y)

A Movie of course which took place inside and outside of humanity as the battle within themselves between the creative force which is transparent and brings to light and that which negates and sends to Death..

Creative Destructive C.D of duality

Which is really the D.C… Devotion Consciousness..

By aligning that story of the illusion of the great conflict of Adam and Eve, man and woman. Sacred Portal 84-48… we brought forth Balance and the manifestation of Sacred Portal 55..EE..

Erik Ebright…

to E.H…E.K…

The return of the Beautiful Ones on the back of the Japanese Sensie Nature =Satori….

Through the Dimsension of the Raging Bull..shitter Anger

The insect the Bugs,


2. The Crucifiction of the Light Bulbs.. L.B..

The True Light Beings.. the Beings of Love…

*See the play of the Angel and Devil…A.D..

by the destroyers..

3.The Dreamer as Nnamdi Nature Essence (Satori) the Lad, taking pictures of the Guardians of the Crossing, the Journeys of the Messiahs Who are the Guardians of the Gate of the crossing over..

Meaning they are the Test you must take before crossing into the Queen of Existential Death Maat…


And 4 is the Dream Weavers… D.W..D.O.W, the true Dow Jones…

Law of O.N.E..J..Balance…

Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones..

We went to a Greek place which was all about Mount Olympus…

Donna O’Sullivan Dreek name is Dionionsia Diana…Anastatia ArtemisAthena..

Ana Leonardo Caixas….Ana…



Mount olympus..

there were images of Boudrum in Turkey

where on an Island called Karada, I sought to do the 9 Day International festival of sharing (Paylasmak) in the summer of 1999…16 years ago..16=P


We ended up at Wall Street in Kingston (The First and Original Capital of New York, when founded and named by the Dutch… code Facebook Friend Bob Amsterdam now transformed into

Bob Bert Hans


2 2 8…

Wall Street, end of the True Man Show… Echo we went to the edge of the play..

and yesterday the edge of the abyss is where I am speaking from…

Its cross roads were Fair street… sacred portal 9 the Fair OH…

and Front Street…

Back is done ( The Past)

Now lets face the Front…. the Future Present.

The Tests of the S-H.E..B.A is complete and everyone has been cast in their roles of the Awakening and after by what each of them chose to act out undercover when I was sent undercover to each home to make first contact and the welcome that was given to the N.E.W.S, I had come such a long way to deliver to each…

even to Mount Olympus and the Valley of Death… Transformation.

Furthest Northern Axis

and most Southern axis..

Aligned to one view balanced out in the presence..

Hello Arisa Onyekachi.. A.O

Code alignment to Facebook Friend Orobello Agata…. O.A.


Arisa means Original Meaning of Home… Family…Gathering with Loved ones who you art at ease and comfortable with…

it also Sand and Sex…

Marina Burini comes from The island of Monaco..

a tax free haven, Princess Grace..

Princess Ebai

Princess Ndidi Adogu…

Princess E.N.A…E NA in OINRI Igbo means

E…The E line (and Their rep…Emeka) goes home…

Onyekachi…means Who is greater than the Creator

A rise A o..

To the Alpha Omega- to the realm of Home- the E family, the realm of Sand and Sex, for it has been proven that there is no one greater than the Creator…


This is the transmission message I have received and decoded, now the Echo respond would be the affirmation from outside of me to the source of this play, that my decoding was correct and that it is for It to affirm this as a Fact, that after 26 years of travelling and 48-47 years in this play, that it is time to go home..

p.s Existential Deaths is a Lady who decides and my I.E affirms and executes..

The Blade..



7;53 pm..

see sacred portal 53…

p.s at mother earth I saw a person who looked exactly like the beloved John Shaw, brother of Tom True Man…:)


Elyssian Fields..

and we saw a code Golden Puppy..Golden retriever…

and I told Donna about Dawn Marie Golden Retriever…Jake…

E.K..A.J…Alexander Jay..

one last think, the photos Donna took came from a tatoo place called INK INC.. really cool owner, who spoke of a 3 hour Power outtage yesterday which prevented the computer from being taken there yesterday…

he said it was at station 2o9…29…

the code for the computer with Migration Transfer M.T…(Exodus-T..Movement of Jah People Bob Marley B.M) came to 354 usd..which is the exact number of facebook friends I had at that time..

Arisa name also means is Reza… which means Acceptance, Satisfied Contentment..C.A.S..E Won in the court of Geoffery La Cour….


Reza and Blue Jay, are the couple in Cornelia Funke’s novel who cross into a parrallel universe with thier daughter Maggie..

My mother had an elder sister who died when she was a child called Maggie which changed her role as 2nd born to Ada…the first.

Jay means Victorious…and swift.. and to American Indians Warrior

for the last three days, each time I go to Jonn and Donnas deck, I observe a lone Blue Jay… B.J…

I am B.J…And met Jonn Blackwell J.B..

my wife is Reza and my daughter is Maggie..at least in that triology..novel where they can speak and ink things into existence and even send people out of existence with a phrase..

For example Be Gone..all Liars Deniars of the Truth and facts presented by Emeka..the rep of the E

Blue Jay is thus Alexander Jay




A J C..E..B.E….

8;12 PM…Completion of Harmony

8;13 pm..


Harmonies Manifestation..

8;14 H.N

Harmony Naturalness…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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