
6:49 pm. – Sixth Sense-Sensei i

6:49 pm.

Sixth Sense-Sensei is now a Fact.

I went to get some air, navigating through its contortion while talking and grumbling with Arden and Infinite Father, as well as the equation of my bio father and the Legend of his being of Amawbia – Mau Mau Juju.
Yes, Mau-rice.
-how they led the “mau, mau” riots in Kenya, of men transforming it Tigers, Leopards- Black Panthers- now proven a fact and all true.

*”The Mau Mau Uprising, also known as the Mau Mau Rebellion, the Kenya Emergency, and the Mau Mau Revolt, was a war in the British Kenya Colony between the Kenya Land and Freedom Army, also known as the Mau Mau, and the British authorities. Wikipedia
Start date: 1952
End date: 1960″

19 52 A.I. E.B.
19 60. S.J. A.F- Jerone Satya Supreme Lang-uage.

*”The Leopard Men
In ancient Egypt, the leopard was esteemed as an aspect of divinity and associated with the god Osiris, the judge of the dead. For many African tribes, the leopard is a powerful totem animal that is believed to guide the spirits of the dead to rest.

For many centuries a leopard cult has existed in West Africa, particularly in Nigeria and Sierra Leone, wherein its members kill as does the leopard, by slashing, gashing, and mauling their human prey with steel claws and knives. Later, during gory ceremonies, they drink the blood and eat the flesh of human victims. Those initiates who aspire to become members of the cult must return from a night’s foray with a bottle of their victim’s blood and drink it in the presence of the assembled members. The cultists believe that a magical elixir known as borfima, which they brew from their victim’s intestines, grants them superhuman powers and enables them to transform themselves into leopards.”

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Leopard at the Door

After six years exiled in England, Rachel has returned to Kenya and the farm where she spent her childhood, only to find the home she has longed for in the grip of change. Her father’s new companion—a strange, intolerant woman—has taken over the household, and the political climate in the country is growing more unsettled by the day. Looming over them all is the threat of Mau Mau—a secret society intent on uniting the Africans and overthrowing the whites.”

There is more data on this, but its is enough.

The compassion I feel for Jae Cats, P.A.N, locked up night and day and only allowed to come out rarely and when she is in a good mood, I am aware she also locks them up to punish me, by believing that when I mention them here on this format and their plight, that I should be punished by being deprived of their company.

I can the time she has left them run, free, whether she is in or out-and when out she padlocks them in.

It was not about me, but the truth of their nature and use and abuse of it to satisfy her own needs and… smh.

Do you recall the play with A.S P.C. A- Arden with Flora and Angel F.A. and how it caused a vase to be broken yielding 3 roses and a leaf which aligned to Esteban M.F, calling me to say that the thinks Alexa Vertefeuille was of the 5th Element?

Verte-E-Feuille- Means “Grean Leaf”
Flora Restaraunt. 55.
Flora- Pearl.
Angel – Alaska. Both age 8.

That is what brought me back to this posting, all of this swirling through my head as I wrestled my body to behave, but aware exactly why it sought my attention…
I complained, angry, irritated…. “you have kept me here to this point?!”

I checked my wallet, I did not require anything, just a destination point to walk.

I had 8 USD in my wallet… I could not help myself from smiling as I thought of Holly and Molly… and then Liberty C and Alexa V.

I already knew who was the 13th Disciple of Christ in your stories and Truth Life.
Aiesha Magdalena.

I fund myself, where else?
C-Town 1544.
I spent $ 7.91.

gaieté, gaîté, réjouissance.


*”1 : a manner of walking or moving on foot. 2 : a sequence of foot movements (such as a walk, trot, pace, or canter) by which a horse or a dog moves forward.”

There you are!
That which has done to my movement, the way I walk… my body’s orientation.

Orien Laplante was a very special Facebook friend almost Father but of the Elf and Fairy Realm.
See Pelham Park when I was about to spend over a month in the most outer wilderness forest after Fritz Venneiq left at the end of July, I stayed there alone from August to September leaving as October drew nigh.
He is always beloved to me for his contribution to this play leading me eventually to Father Supreme.

G.A.I. T. E.

*”6 days ago — gaîté. noun. merriment [noun] fun and laughter. There was a great deal of merriment at the party. jolliness, jollity [noun].”

Not sexual orientation but rather Being Happy is Natural and now you know what being Unnatural really is and looks like.
Natural = True.
Unnatural -False.

Naturalness even in Nature always is Spantenous and brinhs Joy.
The other?
See the movie Pinnochio but this version is more like I.T or Chuky- a nightmare that is a lie.
Unnatural, calculating for self-satisfaction. A Computer Abacus has to have Logic and a program that has a purpose.

7-19 USD?

Alexa Vertefeuille is that not your equation you posted of Ganesh & Shiva..?

7,19 USD.

7+19= 26.

And B.F… I. H.

7:35 pm.


When I was a B.O.Y…BOY. BOI.

7:36 pm.


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