
6:47 p.m.

6:47 p.m.






(AO is J)

A Force of Nature

G.O.D. Energy.

This is what greeted me as I practically stumbled out of 147 the Bean, incredulity filling me after having spent the last 2 hours speaking to a German man from Berlin named Andreas…

After speaking with Andrese Harris Burton…

Who expressed how how breaking reading some of my posts, and if there is anything she could do to help.

I know what is happening because I can read and link…

God is Literally in me…

I feel my literal bone structure changing, it feels as though my entire Bio-cellular structure is changing.

I saw Dina Singh post of having not eaten for three days…the code time was 6:16…

And I already knew why she had been made to fast.

And recieved 1O USD from the church and a 1:6O. Burger.

I already knew her harmony was and is aligned, but I am awfully tired of this role of writing which began at age 23 and this awareness of another force in me since age 22…

I saw all the codes but I chose to ignore them..

I am exhausted by this role.

I could not even call my mother to wish her Happy Mothers Day..

*Though it is I who is H.M.D…

I do not wish to continue in this role, my entire being rebels against it.

I play Existence and Existence is Freedom.

Yet here I am playing the Scribe of my Brother Father/Mother Sister in a play which I can no longer accept as putting someone through such an ordeal.

After speaking with Andrese, I came back inside to see an well kept older man sitting near me.

I could immediately tell that he wished to speak to me.

I instead addressed myself to Dina and suddenly I was speaking about the those who were being used by Nature God to raise awareness of the events already manifested in this weave, which the moment I am released, will manifest.

C.O.Blaxley was the stimuli and I knew it was what humans call God speaking through him, using him as a Stimuli to me.

After speaking the German Tourists a former Scientists began to speak to me

From A H .B.

To Billy Hung…B.H

To me, representing the Being Supreme B.S…

We had moved from 25 Euros 26:45 USD.


All played out yesterday with Yonathan Yohannes…

Zeina David Emeka Yonathan ChukwuEmeka


Y.C was played out also today…

Today was about Time…

22:45 when Alfie Ndubuisi Nze texted me at Wall St area…

Yonathan is 22…

Born 6:22-92.

I kept seeing that number even on my IPhone screen as a teleprompter to let me know about the play were were entering in..

622 1992 is when I wrote in 1992- A Pause to Reflect…


A Point is R…?

R is 18th letter…

A H..


Not the est, as East but

Est-her e…Uzoma..

Establishing the Beautiful Way

Rest..A H.

And so, I listened to Andrese giving evidence of his Harmony Andreas Andrew means Manly..see share of Manly Hall..M.H.

But it is what he spoke about which was what he (Nature GOD) sought to convey..

He spoke about being a Scientists for Siemens the German counter part for General Electric ( G E yes, 7 5 code the realm of Nature outside) for 3O yrs.

And that how people have the totally wrong understanding of Science and the Scientists.

We study nature then we steal and then manipulate it to our will.

We care about money,getting our research out there or approved.

Science has no true respect for Nature God…

He scoffed at how people would hear the word Science and place all thier faith in it.

The Scientist has no great respect for humanity or human nature.

Not intentionally, we just see the human body as Nature as a machine. We manipulate nature to Fix the machine without understanding it.

I spoke about this in detail I assured him but to build a bridge between two forms of knowledge I had used the Pure Scientific Methodology

But then he then began to speak of the Medicine Man…

The Dibia.

The True power he stated.

He spoke of how afraid the White man was of his ability to see and move thier very being

How they used Energy to truly raise the truth of Magic.

He was aware of bad one but he brushed them aside.

No, I am speaking about the Dibias, the Healers. He was speaking about what Esther Uzoma had once called me.

Many had called me..Dibia..

Witch Doctor..

He said here is the real magic of Nature.

There is True power…

But it had to be explained, I stated to remove that fear….and threat the White Race felt for Juju

But that is the magic, that mystery of Life he exclaimed, the Caucasian has to pass all things through mind thereby distorting the truth of that which can not be grasped by Mind

*It has to be grasped by Being…

By its living Being….

This play, leaving me on the streets for 14 yrs, rising in my body, 26 years to A-Z and now

Andrese Andrea

Axel Anderson was how I came down.

N God had heard my quiet rage expressed to Andrese about Nature God placing so much Trust in the Truth of the people and not in the E line, that IT had changed the play of the E line rising to take me home to giving human truth a chance to prove themselves over the illusion of thier False Egos…


7:5O pm…

Andreas just came back…

He gestured me to continue posting but told me a quick story by the German philosopher Kierkegaard…

I will tell it quickly..because it is relevant evennas I am incredulous that Nature God is seeking to justify these 14 yrs making me roam all over New York to investigate a Truth of Humanity which he did not take my word for..

I who saw them from within and how I knew placing this play in thier hands was the worst thing it could have done

That they would betray thier Truth…

Only the E Harmony moves them and I have proven this and wish to leave them and this play with the E line.

No humans..

Anyway, here is the story he told me of the difference between Wife’s Love and Romantic Love…

He tells the story a scholar of Arabic writing (Yes a code to my Arabic Ancestors) where the dot placed can change the entire meaning of a Script.

His wife calls him for lunch…

But after three tries, she finds he does not respond..

So finally she goes to find him, hunched over in deep concentration.

Finally he looks up and tells her that he has found a dot on the manuscript he has which entirely changes the meaning of this document

The wife looks at the dot and says ,_

Oh no, that is speck of dust and blows it away…


In a parallel Universe No wife, he discovers the dot and writes a great dissertation, becomes famous rich.

Young beautiful girls swarm to him and he finds a lover, the kind who will never blow that speck of dust away…


Do you see…

One love is grounded so practical it becomes as an Ostrich a Penguin. Birds who can never fly…

Safe near the Ground planted anchored.

While Romantic Love as in David Roman TI C..

(TI is,,the 7th note G.O.D) it is built on perhaps an assumption, which one can not really say is a lie based on what it becomes..

It becomes and allows one to reach thier true potential…

It allows one to FLY…

Imagination Fly..




Dark Matter..

D.M.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

I Cee…




Sacred portal 73…

8:O9….the masculine feminine Hue man rises

The Woman as Human anchors its self on the Earth.

The Birds as opposed to.the Birds who come and nest in the trees…

We all require to eventually land..

But which is more important the Freedom of Eternity or the Safe anchor of Time…

Time is not Anchored in physical nature of that which is tied down.

Nor is Rest..

It is anchored in Being Free..

The problem of Landing is not a problem for the amazing thing about Eternity all possibilities exist with imagination.

Flying carpets, floating palaces, 747 Jet planes…

No I understand the Riddle…

And the question.

I will never give physical nature its point by this hideous play of my wandering the streets looking for my portal to land. .

I am not looking for my portal to land..

I am knowing that I have a portal where I can BE. Be myself..

Land in my Being not on Earth as solid physical matter. .

I chose Romantic Love over Practical Love any day.

For in Romantic Love exist Everything All possibilities but in Practical Love it is limited by conditions…Tied down that is not love if it takes away the ability for a being to fly then it is not love

Andreas son is called Yohannes

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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