
6:43 pm F:D.C… 64 C Jonn Blackwell…

6:43 pm


64 C

Jonn Blackwell (Haun Delguidce HD..48) is code 64..

He is currently working on the Windows at 54 South Mountain RDDR..

S,M..Sophie Mavride..Ma-Donna (Mary Myrrh=Beloved) Rides…

R ID..E..AH..Identify E…

Thus, the Windows are the Eyes of a House (Body or Temple which allows you to See Cee

F.D.C..Equation solved and linked…

conclusion Jonn Blackwell Cees and Sees which has already been well established…he Cees Fact..C.F

Donna O’Sullivan Feels and that is how she Cees..F.C..



When the Cross Cee with Feelings to Fact…

*Not Cross Swords…

the X creates an Antenna..

See sacred portal 28


Full Circle of Six Sense…

Jonn’s middle name is Charles…Carolina..

Donna’s is Ruth…Patrica…A Companion Friend, C.F- A Vision of Beauty so Patrician and Noble

C.F=I (3+6=9..Nikolai Tessla)

C F=V…

OF I.V-IE…life am alive Nnamdi

ROYGBIV…=I.V..Indigo Violet C of Children’s Consciousness


OF I.V=5….5=E

OF I, 5th Dimension.


OF Examples…

417 Face Book Friend..

In the 4th Dimension called Nature (Nnamdi- My Father IS, Alive and present!- Emmanuel E)-there will be a Quantum leap of its Transformation from Dimension Grace O…GO..

To the Japanese meaning of Go which means the number Five

Transformation revelation 4 Nnamdi Natures reveals the Spectacle Spectacular-(Link the Film- Moulin Rouge (Meaning Red WindMill) M.R-RM..Rm..Room to

Room E of the Fifth Dimension…

N To E…


See sacred portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness


Quantum and Qualitative Change of Lifes True meaning..

By a Quantified Expression by myself in my own personal Essay of What is the meaning of Live…

And my Response:

-Beauty which Echo’s Reverberates Responds in its own voice Affirmation yes, yes yes!

Harmony Expanding Eternal and infinitely from the Core being in the Big Apple Torus…

My three New Face Book friends name meaning will give us the last affirmation of the perfection of symmetry of the equation which manifests this 417 code…Of a sudden Quantum leap called Universal Evolution.

Please note that it was been established that this play though written by the Pen- O-Pen-IS..Orgasm..C-men..

That by the play of my arrival at the shelter, occupying bed number 49- with my bed mate neighbor named initial Paul E.N…P.E.N Established through the play as representing Proton Electron Neutron…as well as Palacio Elizabeth Nnamdi…(Rep by Jonns Mothers name and Nnamdi whom I represent) linked to Paul Attriedes (P.A) of D-UNE…

SP..I.C.E…-Weed, Herb- Pot Magic Mushrooms…

That this play is occurring through the sub atomic expression and language of Physical and Theories created by Humanity which I am Aligning Physical Space P.S- To Physics-Science..as I make my was to the Palace of which God-Harmony is satisfied where I meet myself present and alive…in being apart from me

Thus Maryza Ferreira..M.F.

Simrranjot Kaur….S.K.

Harriet Imagoro…H.I…

Names meaning and initials will form the logical end of the Equation of todays three part play…

MF is code Mother Father- Masculine Feminine…

*See Sacred Portal 54…

S.K…add EE as the 55 portal of the Past India Radar Krishna Redha Krist-Nna

S.E.E.K….Seek..Se=men E.K..

H.I..Harmony Infinity H.I…

to say Hi to Harmony Infinity..E…

Mother-Father (69) Seek to See E.K, of the Supreme Existence of the C of men, Harmony Infinity and Welcome him to His-Story..

The realm of the 5th Dimension I created naturally through my natural inner expression in the beginning, and once more again in the END

Mary we know comes from the Egyptian word Myrrh Beloved or Love it is also one of the perfumes supplied by the three Magie…

*Recall that the Magi which is where the word Magic is derived from,were Zoroastrians (ZORO…The Mask of Zorrow..Aster means Stars- from Persia…

Casper Melchior and Balthazar …C.M.B…

Conscious Manifest Beings…

Casper represented Old Age since he was old…C..of Time…He gave the Gift of Gold..which represents Wealth of the Earth…he was King of Tarsus*Home of the Apostle Paul and Hellenized by Alexander the Great..

It is in Turkey where I lived..

Casper is represented by Kasper Lomholdt Serup and Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…

Melchior who represented Middle Age comes from Arabia Frankincense ( Frank in cense..sense) Frank means Free man- Freedom in C.E..N..Supreme E….and was used in Prayers as a pleasing perfume in which prayers of Priest could travel…

Balthazar which I represent especially with my arrival in New York and my being drawn to Balthazar on 😯 Spring Street New York, where I walked to and sat on that bench almost consistently while in Manhattan since they first few weeks I arrived in New York till I came to 18 Mountain View..

Balthazar represented Youth… the Twenties and he brought Mhyrr Mary… the Sweet and valuable perfume, used to symbolize death…through Pain and Suffering…A precious Perfume called Love is what one must have to pass through the portal of Death…Myrrh…Mira-Mirror..Mirth….

Love brings his Death…and Resurrection…


Balthazar is Black…From Africa, OINRI…Not Ethiopia..

Gifts Gold…Wealth of Earth Yellow as the Sun..

Frankincense…The Frank…1985…Freedom Song…

Myrrh..is the Drink, mixed with wine given to Yeshua, to numb the pain, which he refused… And I thoroughly understand through my own experience of Pain Suffering and cru-c.i-fiction…

The Pain and Suffering has to be experienced as is, to measure the amount Truth…


Code a Treasure gained from solving this equation and riddle is

Consciousness Manifests Being…Grace of the S-un Shine ray of E, the F.M Frequency Masculine Feminine..FM Band.


Ferreira (Ferre Fer Ira..Iron is coming) means A Blacksmith… a Forger.. To forge a way a path.. The Mr and Mr Smith…

See Myth of Aphrodite and Hephaestus also see Companion Best Friend Agape Between Alexander the Great and his friend also bearing that name..Hephaestus…

Hephaestus God of Crafts as well as weapons, metal Work and Fire…

Was as Athena to man but as a masculine version..

He is said to have married Aphrodite Charis of the youngest of the 3 Graces…

Alexander Hephaestus A.H…

Alexander means Defender of Man..Aphrodite for he is a Lover of Beauty,Harmony, Virility Sensuality Sex…

and Hephaestus is the H as the one constant which never left His-Her side life time incarnation to Eternal Incarnation..

Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera…


Mary Za…Za means to speak, respond answer Z=1-26..+1…

Z-A…Beauty Alexander who is Aphrodite Venus Eros


The name Simrranjo comes from the Sanskrit word

it means the Gift of God.The acts of Remembrance, Reminiscence…Recollections. The Epiphany. Which leads to the realization of the Highest purpose

Pool of the sources Reflections…Complete…Ping! Orgasm!

*As I am writing this, Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula just texted me out of the Blue inquiring about the story book I wrote at age 8 of the Awakening…I mention quite a few times that I gave it to my Aunt Ieasha when I was a boy and I am not sure if you kept it…Though I have a feeling that she would not throw it away…

She kept on reminding me of my mission until she passed away…

Some one else recently asked me for it..

Though the relevance of it escapes me… since I am manifesting its truth but expanded to this 4O years of Do! Writing and expanding upon that story and Recollections

*Fractaling As Emeka Eze.. F.A…E.E

Cynthia Eze C.E

Emyxcel Kingsley Chukwuemeka Okezie…E.K…C.O..

Kaur means Prince and Prince and Kunwar to the name Singh… Dina Singh…Kinar.. meaning Thread, dust or Sun Beam…

Prince of Existence….the thread of a Sun Beam who weaves with Dust (Adam) dead Skin- the Earth, and Star Dust Epiphanies fractals…

Harriet means Keeper of the Hearth… Keeper and Guardian of the fame of Home…Lord of the Manor…Home Ruler…Lord of the H- Earth…Heart-H..

Harmony 2015…35..8…T.O (B.O..A to E) C.E…Harmony Infinity H.I.

Imagoro… Means Knowing brought…Pain and Suffering Enslavement and my Death as the Immortal Soldier.. Constantly to be reborn and murdered and born again…Through Raising his hopes then dashing his Truth and true expectations..not assumptions.

Goro means the Fifth Son in Japanese who represents Enlightenment…

Or Knowing as F.O.I (Foi Faith…Father Of Infinity), that Myrrh I tasted was the bitter mixture of the wine of my joyful expression being spiced by my father self Nnamdi, to become the Sea of rebellion against the most bitter See and view, which made me the forger of the path of the C of Love, building weapons out of the Elementals and a Craft from the Woods and love from the sea of the Black Smiths Cee of reflections which brought forth my Recollections, the recollection of my True and highest purpose which as a Prince of Existence was to solve the equation to rescue my Princess, my C of Beautiful Pride and My Father Self from the Cell of Forgetfulness.

And bring forth the Epiphany of Remembrance Memory in the Dark Black fort of Death. From the highest peak of Existence and Human Consciousness…

To relate the truth of my see of Somewhere Over the Rain- Bow is Vision Real of First creation lying undercover here present in the dark black matter- illusion of worry and anxiety, to instead draw the curtains in the Dark Room to reveal the True Picture….

A Room with a view..

Cinema Para-dis-co…

A Moving Awakening picture

of a World resolved of conflict and Strife..

Which welcome the Joy us song linked to a Divine Ze-us and H-Era of the incarnation of the Beautiful ones here present and with the landing of you…

By A.A.H..

Alexander Aphrodite Hephaestus He-Ra-H..

right here in the seat and heart of the Western world and their intellectual Superiority, Snobbery of being the greatest Minds (And point of View in the world)- Nazi propaganda acted out right here in this world…

Adolph Hitler..Hiel Hitler….A.H.H.H…A 3(H)…A 38…11 24…A X E..

But I noticed that Jonn Blackwell whom is the truest Mirror within… has 118 Facebook friends…Aligned to my equation Alexander =Aphrodite (Venus) Hephaestus..A,A,H… Harmony can only truly be One for it is the One constant..

And that Donna O’Sullivan has 277 facebook friends ..

B.GG…Being 2-77..B=14-5…49..13…4….B.GG=N=E.M.D…

D..MEN..GG BE…Ti.Vie…Vi OL ( Orien Laplante) E.T..



417…to 48..

Haun Delguidce..


Beautiful Death

the Source of those Recollection..

obviously E..ME..


Emeka Defines HI-Story…

The Home Ruler who is the Keeper of the Hearth and the flame of Remembrance of the Way Home is to right here..

the Present Gift of the Lord C.E,,

Seated in the throne of his Hearth, Heart-h, Harmonious Earth…the Planet E..his

Universal Naturally Expressed..

Unified Universe

as the World at One…

1O:1O pm..

1O-11 pm..as of this moment..

20..21…”,https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156162385685162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10156162385685162%3Atop_level_post_id.10156162385685162%3Atl_objid.10156162385685162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10156162385685162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1420099200%3A1451635199%3A5282247755814516633&__tn__=%2As%2As-R,https://e-manual.world/old/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/EmekaKoloLogo.jpg,6;43 pm
6898,10/26/2015 17:18,4:47 pm…. ( D.D.G..Meaning that the D=4

Original Facebook Post:
The planet is World-Earth- God>Click Here

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