
6:42 pm – So what is the meanin

6:42 pm

So what is the meaning of Existence?

6:43 pm.

What is the Meaning of Life?

It has to start with what is become the Meaning of Your Existence, Your, life, first.

What does it read? What has it become, at this moment in Time?

Is it survival, preservation, feeling Safe?

I have told you my story, The Story of my memories/

I have pointed out how I am the True Real Solid Elon Musk.
And that this is a Parallel Universe. P.U.
And that I am P.U.R.E.

But that I do not see through the same lens as you. P.U is /U.P to me.

Universal Perfection.
and for you it is P.C. Personal Computer as you negotiate, make yes, no decisions each day to ensure… what exactly.

You Die, I don’t.
I Go Home.
Because never for a moment did I get dupped by the Beautiful Illusion transformed into A Nightmare.
Or that it was real.

And so this Beautiful Illusion called Death never had any power over me, because it was my Brother Lovers Nnamdi David incarnating that role.In Order my Sister Self, Harmony to Evolve to Completion of the Sacred, and not Divine Feminine.
S.F.= 25 Y. E.S… Pegasus Fuel Station. 5:19. E.S. E.O.S- Dawn.
Via E.S.P.
Not D.F. 4.6 is already occupied as is 24 E.M.F. 12 12 24? 1 24= 25.
By a Man,
Who rose first.
And by the One, then Two initial principles which caused all things to Emerge from Possibility and Potential, ( P.P. 16 16. 88 88 1-16’s, 4-8’s)
E and A.
Represented by now 18 Arden and 53/35 years Emeka,
E-A and now A-E
allowed Line rep by Aurelia Gemino to rise.
51- E-A. became 5-6. A-E as 15. A.E- O.
5-6/ 6-5.
To rise as 1. A
From the Black Hole? 5-66-5?
S.P 66?

No, The One who became Two.
15 20= 35. C.E.

7:04 pm.
G.O.D- E.

E.M.E.K.A= 35.

Emeka means “Praise”
Well Done!
She Emerges from the Meeting and Harmony of E and A. aligned to One Perfection forward Backward.

From the two proving to be One.
And S.H.E Rises from that point proven True- Something New.
Brand New.

Did you notice how Laura Walsh sent me the Universal Simulation post of Elon Musck “We should have listened to Elon Musk.
E.M. E. K.A. 11 1
It was as if she was awake in the 5th Dimension while undercover with no Memmory… here, and yet the E in her so activated that she knew Elon Musk in this altered Catbon- based universe is actually me, and yet in this realm could not put the two and two together.

Same with her sending me the post about Elon Musk.6.6 billion World Hunger Plan for the U.N.

I am sitting right now in front of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door ( now 47 mutual Facebook Friends. 47-11-28).
its code number is 66 and it is in white pain, not black as in Black Hole.

Or that I lived for 4 years in a U.N model of the U.N.

How could she not see that she is calling out the ‘Hey here is the real Elon R Musk.
M.R.E as Arden called me.
From The Circle of the Sea”

Liberty C could see, Cee, but was always being distracted by thoughts, words, needs, emotions, mind, worry… not feeling safe.
Cause and Effect…

So why is it that Laura Walsh can not see the obvious.
She sent me a message today at 3:49 pm.

I just coded 3.14. 7+7, she sent 7×7= 49. D.I.
I am actually done with D.I.E.
Thanatos Qavatos
Done with 4 x9 is 36. C.F.

But in truth, I was always at 4+9= 13.M. and A.C. Mack.
94-I.D-M 13. Delta Manor Dark Matter.
I.D. M.-A.C…K.

I came out of the play of Delta Manor, but I was still there, in Dark Matter, D.M= 13+4= 17. Q. A.G.
Dark Energy. D.E 45.

Dark Matter Energy. D.M.E.
4-Delta. M.E Manifest Energy.

4 13= Expression= 17. E is 5.

Her last message to me, was at 5:17 pm,
Emeka you are Quantum and have solved the Equation.

But what we conversed about and what she asked me about my state, was so in contrast and confict with the true intel, that I could crown her Lady Maya, Choas and Confusion, Mata Hari, if I could not read and see just the numbers and her perfect timing to read the truth, see beyond the veil.
And of course, her record which all of you and Alicia Norris could read.
If only they had paid attention to that which is really important.
But no one can doubt, that all 3 did,

A.L.L. expressing to me as the rep of E. and Y. G.H…I.

And yet look at the Viel of Language they used, the Mentality ad Language of this world as non-existence 3.D.
Chaos, Confusion in Communication, making what was obviously crystal, diamond crystal clear, to me or anyone paying attention to the intel they send, but then on listening to their concerns and expression, it became as if they were negating their own expression and truth.

And then they as what is holding up the awakening, who is doing this to my body, the horror of being held, pulled tugged, and why I say, I am done, I now only wish to go home, away from this carelessness, to not even pause and reflect at what they have sent me as intel confirming what I already know, and which was for them and A.L.L.

When it was because of them, I had to go and live in an Alley, spend 61 days, on the street, live with Albert Santana, teaching the A.B.C’s and Anger Temper Management, and Responsibility of one’s expression which the All tried to deny, terrified of Consequences, that they were aware as they did those things that they would have to clean up, but then would throw a tantrum when asked to do just that.

All three of the C. A.L.L.are Mothers, who brought children into the World.

I didn’t, at least not through a story.

7:42 pm.
Where woman has the notion that she created Life.
Sort of the Lilith story of resentment still trailing of why did Man come first- Adam instead of here, and who is the Eve. E.V.E.
Sariel and Arch Angel Samuel- Nuke, in the Wilderness surrounding the Garden of Eden.

She wished to be Adam, to Top him, ride him, drain him of his semen.
Succubus and Vampires in the Wilderness.
Vampires, as Arden stated he fought and dueled with , often dying, and are he was in death, the blackness, that he had been killed, but knowing that at a certain point, that he would get up, that it was a real dream, and that the werewolf was simply his own Mind Heart projection of Death.
A werewolf.

I am born the day of the Wolf.
Who is the Father of The Afghan Hound and Dog.

X Men, Were wolves.

Out of those stories, possibilities, potential in the wilderness- monsters, why is only one based on Truth- Facts.

And why was Lilith never allowed to be the Top?

In the Akkadian language of Assyria and Babylonia, the terms lili and l?l?tu mean spirits. Some uses of l?l?tu are listed in the Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD, 1956, L.190), in Wolfram von Soden’s Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (AHw, p. 553), and Reallexikon der Assyriologie (RLA, p. 47).[14]

The Sumerian female demons lili have no etymological relation to Akkadian lilu, “evening”.[15]

Archibald Sayce (1882)[16] considered that Hebrew lilit (or lilith) ????? and the earlier Akkadian l?l?tu are derived from Proto-Semitic. Charles Fossey (1902) has this literally translating to “female night being/demon”, although cuneiform inscriptions from Mesopotamia exist where L?l?t and L?l?tu refers to disease-bearing wind spirits.[17]

Mesopotamian mythology
Main article: Lilu (mythology)
The spirit in the tree in the Gilgamesh cycle
Samuel Noah Kramer (1932, published 1938)[18] translated ki-sikil-lil-la-ke as “Lilith” in Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh dated c. 600 BC. Tablet XII is not part of the Epic of Gilgamesh, but is a later Assyrian Akkadian translation of the latter part of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh.[19] The ki-sikil-lil-la-ke is associated with a serpent and a zu bird.[b] In Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld, a huluppu tree grows in Inanna’s garden in Uruk, whose wood she plans to use to build a new throne. After ten years of growth, she comes to harvest it and finds a serpent living at its base, a Zu bird raising young in its crown, and that a ki-sikil-lil-la-ke made a house in its trunk. Gilgamesh is said to have killed the snake, and then the zu bird flew away to the mountains with its young, while the ki-sikil-lil-la-ke fearfully destroys its house and runs for the forest.[20][21] Identification of ki-sikil-lil-la-ke as Lilith is stated in Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (1999).[22] According to a new source from late antiquity, Lilith appears in a Mandaic magic story where she is considered to represent the branches of a tree with other demonic figures that form other parts of the tree, though this may also include multiple “Liliths”.[23]

Suggested translations for the Tablet XII spirit in the tree include ki-sikil as “sacred place”, lil as “spirit”, and lil-la-ke as “water spirit”,[24] but also simply “owl”, given that the lil is building a home in the trunk of the tree.[25]

A connection between the Gilgamesh ki-sikil-lil-la-ke and the Jewish Lilith was rejected on textual grounds by Sergio Ribichini (1978).[26]

The bird-footed woman in the Burney Relief
Main article: Burney Relief

Burney Relief, Babylon (1800–1750 BC)
Kramer’s translation of the Gilgamesh fragment was used by Henri Frankfort (1937)[27] and Emil Kraeling (1937)[28] to support identification of a woman with wings and bird-feet in the disputed Burney Relief as related to Lilith. Frankfort and Kraeling identified the figure in the relief with Lilith.[29] Modern research has identified the figure as one of the main goddesses of the Mesopotamian pantheons, most probably Ereshkigal.[30]”

The simple answer would be Greed
And that she was still of animal Nature and was not yet complete.


7:59 am.

L moved to C.
Samuel was her Lover,
Uncle Samuel was my mother’s Lover, but her husband was Maurice.

Samuel means “Name of God” Truth.
Evolution from the Animal Nature.
Name of God is MAN.

Nnamdi./ I.D. A. M.AN. N-E.V O L V E D. To Completion O. F. Fact.

And then, only then is New Man, New Orginal Species Deemed worthy at Eternal Harmony to Inherit the Super Powers held by Samuel and Lith? Cecilia- David-Beloved as the X Factor, Super Powers as the Gift Present Held st the Graduation Evolution of Man-Kind.

8:06 pm.


8:07 pm.


15 A.E= O. O.F.

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