
6:39 p.m.

6:39 p.m.


4-11-18… 2018


Delta Kolo R.M.

Divine Kolo Randall..

See the play of Randall Michael arriving as my 110 facebook friend followed by Kate Renee.

Now according the Rules of the is Script which I have become familiar with, when the person representing the Reflection of a meaning which I have reached is not present, it means that the meaning aligns only one way to myself.

If the person stays and I can tag them when their name and code comes up, it means that they too are the reflection or possible incarnation of that meaning also.

So Kate Renee meaning Purities Rebirth- aligns to me.

*( please I have never sought to call attention to myself, nor did I ever wish to, and I have also been aware from the onset what that would mean in this reality, and how people would respond.

And so, also questioned the reasoning of such a play which made it seem as if I was the biggest fat head, but the script is E.T and thus, it is simply reflecting what the person or persons literally have created as a projection of Pure Ego- True Ego which would mean the perfect projection of the meaning and embodiment of the Reflection Word Meaning .Name…

(link Adam naming the things)

Link for example Randall Michael Wiltz.. do you see his initials?

R W M.. or R M W…

It links perfectly to the equation.. and now he is present in Body, and Being- aligned here at Metropolitan Woods…

He sits mainly on the Wood side and I on the Metropolitan.

He is also represent at Delta.

Lead there by a Wave of this play, summoned by the choices he made to not give up what he calls his Soul,or what I call our True Nature.

Slim, youthful, handsome, Erudite, a graduate of N.Y.U, from a good family, who worked on the Top Echelons of Co-operate America for 15 years.

And left it all, when he could not stomach any longer the Silly games of power and the raping of each others souls, the tearing people down, all that stuff and forcing people to compromise their True Natures.

Why, he said to me recently On earth would I let someone take away my Self. my very Soul .. who I am for a pay check?

7:04 p.m.

G O D.

We are here to do a job and the stupidity interfering with the organization and efficiency of what we are all meant to be working for. He was incredulous at the absurdity of people believing he would allow someone to strip his Truth and take away his fundamental principles.

He is a Lawyer… Sheesh..

He told me how he world Roar…( Believe me, I could see it his laughing eyes.. steel.. quiet steel)

Tony the Tiger…

What Big Igbo Anthony former wrestler represents in Physical form, Randall possess in Spirit and in greater form and it would quietly tickle me to see them sitting side by side or at the two extremes of the back row…. Perfect, I would chuckle…

And he told me how he had to leave before he truly cursed some out.

A curse which I had no doubt would manifest from this athletic stylish man, who does not even bat an eye lid that he truly stands out in a mental health homeless shelter where he looks so much at ease as he would be in the snazziest offices or hotels…

I had merely stared at him, in fascination, the fascination of a perfect reflection of my own existence when I was in this world working. From my time in the world of Dance, Fashion, Film Music, Literature, Co-operate world of Advertising, Creative Director, T.V.. every job I had it was the same thing…

I had merely stared at him, in fascination, the fascination of a perfect reflection of my own existence when I was in this world working. From my time in the world of Dance, Fashion, Film Music, Literature, Lecturer, Co-operate world of Advertising, Creative Director, LT.V.. every job I had it was the same thing…

At one point, i would be told or put i the situation where I was made or asked to compromise my principles, my very truth.

Why it was necessary? i asked time,.. and each time I walked away. Until my champions who were so sure I was going to be rich and famous began to walk away, give up on me..

And soon Punish Me

I, of course was aware that I was undercover and that there was another play going on.

It is unusual to have a chance to move through so many professions, at such a young age.

I had moved a great deal, but it was Istanbul Turkey, which in the late 90’s was exploding with a Youthful energy after Attatruk and the stringent limitation on the people were finally relaxed….

And so it was market young and incredibly thirsty for innovations and new things, from all over and I find my skin complexion an actual advantage rather that the illusion of an impediment which people find in Europe but which I never really had a problem with…

I suppose it came from what I recognized in Randall Michael which caused me to gape…

He is an Individual…

And I knew that I had been given so many opportunities because I was being moved by a wave.. a supernatural wave 17 page C.V ( A lot of it was the many many productions I had staged and projects which I had created from international magazines in Turkey)

But all by the age 33, when I was finally summoned to New York and all the Wealth, even potential millions of dollars which I had gained all disappeared, after the International Festival of Sharing was canceled at the last moment and then the Earth Quake and then the finally hammer, the collapse of the Turkish Banks…

3 33 is in my page right now, it is linked to my latest face book friend Ashraf Ghanchi.. A.G…

which is why I brought it up…

But you understand, how the play works..

R M W…B… Present in Body Inside and Outside.. I O..

Delta Manor and Starbucks, which he came through his own Volition.

And then his Nature…Naturalness..and his Awareness linked to the Environment… And this is while I was reading Umberto Eco’s

In the Name of the Rose…

Then the Play with Edward whom he had linked with, and naturally detached from…Edward Eceinco.

I knew that Edward his friend at the time was in Harmony with the play when he noted Rahul, so I stopped playing Big Brother unseen by him…

I realized that he is Nnamdi David Father line.. I could relax, he was of the E Harmony once I realized his room..

(But I still Trust no one, because of the nature of the Script and no one can blame me…)

And then the play with Rahul, Prometheus, then Book of Eli…

I am stating all this so you the public can understand what becomes fact and how this Script – Maze Matrix Labyrinth works because there are many of you will have to pass through the same test… Hence this book on my page.

So you can also understand how I am linking and Solving Father Son Brother…

*( Not Holy Ghost… Present! as in Remembrance Memory brings the so called dearly departed the cherished the Myrrh back…the anointed) riddles of Mind University… Sing I Conscious.. M U S I C.

Until it becomes Fact… By using both Hindsight and Foresight while in the Present moment…

Hindsight comes first because though you are aware with Foresight that you are being set up, as was the case last last night with Alexis and Theo with the play with my case manager Nicole…It can only be looked at after completion of the play which completed today when I was meant to meet with Alexis and Teo but it was called off ( I had so choice words to say to Alex’s, despite my being aware that it was a set up. I spent the entire night sorting through my raging emotions even after gaining the clarity of the play by solving and resolving it while posting it. I was still shocked as in electric shock..and stunned.

* Recall the the day before I had completed the Beast and the Bully equation.. and each time through a most vulnerable moment…

And recall my fatigue of 18 months non stop 17 years non stop and all that I am carrying and linking and the things done to me in realms which I can not tell you….

So I spent the entire night and then all day today meditating resolving and calming the sea of my indignation fury .. and finally resolution that I really wanted nothing more to do with this…

I did not care if it was the Evolution of the Species, or even that I really am the Original Creator… In fact, I am made aware of that fact constantly by the Script while being treated like trash in my own creation while solving it and defending my father who rage for Humanity went so much further than I could possibly every imagine and that Woman had allowed herself in fury even further still…

Which is why when I solved the equation of Satan Devil coming from the Woe-man rage, and thus the manifestor and sustainer of Evil Beyond.

I did not care if it was the Evolution of the Species, or even that I really am the Original Creator… In fact, I am made aware of that fact constantly by the Script while being treated like trash in my own creation while solving it and defending my father who rage for Humanity went so much further than I could possibly every imagine and that Woman had allowed herself fury even further still…

So.. when I finally came here resolved to end this…

I saw Dawn Piercy had messaged me at 14:25 p.m .( 2:25 p.m.)

N Y… B Y…

That she was sending me the code… Money Gram..

I had just arrived here to see Peter Nyarkô sitting with a School Paper, with the Title Natures Perfect Package

N.P ( Peter Nyarkô P.N..)

N P P… 14 16 16… 46… I did not wish to recognize it…

I am done.. the only place available to sit was besides him.. he scooted over,

Besides him was a pretty girl with perhaps Hindu background, witha Unicorn on her computer… SP 58…And her boyfriend who Peter said he could get some smoke .. if I had 10 usd…

Peter had done a little con, but I decided not to call him out.. the Universal Script will teach the little devil Respect.. chuckle…

It was in perfect harmony, and as I was texting Dawn Piercy saying no more, that I will not subject her .. or myself to such a play, that I really am the Original Creator and to subject she the last and the one loyal to the full play to such a play instead of blessings… I said no…

But as I was writing this at 17:59 pm she sent the code…

Peter Nyarkô said he was too sick to go, I knew he had unitntentionally broken the harmony by putting his own needs before mine and the play, and the harmony set up…

I knew that he is in danger…

46 is Sacred Portal The Creator peering down from Cloud 9 spilling his seed the First Drops, ( F D… 6 4.. Link Micheal Belle… Warrior Power… the link to Elvis Dre… who channels father perfectly…

It is me as my Expression NN AM.. DI..

S.P 59 is the Terrible End..

8:44 p.m.

Peter Nyarkô does not listen…

And Jace Horsford too stubborn and disrespectful of the presence before them.

It is not me who will chatisize them, it is the One who sent me, who I will never forgive this role and this Script.

8:46 p.m,

Anyway, so when I saw that Theo, I had linked with him at the Arab Bodega, just I had done with Alexis some weeks, months previously..

Theo is T=20… To bring the Truth Home…

Alexis was the Awareness…

But Teo who recognized the whole truth, of my what really happened in Delta Manor and spoke up, reacted observed Alexis betray the truth which was all set up as a test….

to bring T home… through the portal of Jace Horsford 20 usd.. Which he made me work like a lowly dog for and through insults to my being and his non stop forgetting…

There is no fury as the invoked amongst the so called blessed one.. gifted.

I had observed how we sat.. Teo myself E, and Alexis Standing…

T E A…. Master…

A.. E T… Awareness Eternal Truth…

So when I saw Kate Renee was no longer present, I saw the code…

Who is the Purity Reborn.. P.R…

We Rule The World E L I T E…

That is the code on the persons bag I just saw directly in my line of Vision….

It is to me- because it just responded to a reflection I had…

It is not the Elite… who rule the world..

It is the E LIT..E… I awakened the E line undercover in the Human Naturals…

That is what it is saying…

Beside him is a man who moved in front of me with Mountain ranges… the Sierra..

Link Alex Sierra and M.L.K..Speech The I have Dream Speech but made real by I.Emeka…

Henri came and sat besides me… Thus the order of Logos was Unicorn girl with her boyfriend, Peter Emeka Henri…

P.E.H… Planet Earth Harmony… Peace On Earth Harmony has now been attained but will Manifest here from the Astral Plane Energy Movement.. to the Physical Material and Peoples Awareness…in the moment of Perfect Timing.

My coffee at the Arab Bodega was 27….A-Z-A…Resurrection..

My Coffee now is 670…

The code sent by Dawn Piercy 12 usd.. Completion.

I am at 1113 Facebook Friends.. A A A M.

A Taxi outside has the code AAA 454… I had 4 usd last night Stevan the Grizzly Caucasian Vet bought 2 rollies from me so I had 5 and then I gave 1 usd back to Lorenzo it had the number 12-L on it…

Money Gram Code sent by Dawn Piercy…12 usd


79 15 24 119…

See Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence.

15… Jolly Green Giant comes Down the Mountain.. Gift from Robert Vlaun on Friday.. 15 usd.

S.P 24.. Link Jace Horsford age 24..

21:24 right now.. 21:25 p.m.. now…

See sacred Portal 119…I hid my bleeding heart and placed my best foot forwards A A I…

7 91 52 41 19…G.. A.I…EB DA. S…

GAI.Happiness Emeka Being DA Supreme.. D A.S.. Alex Sierra…

7 915..G..I O….24 X…A S….

GIO.. That means G IO… Is Spirit E..S.P 90…G.I.O Means God.. X is T E N…The Elegant Nomad.. Roman Numerals..A.S.. Awareness Supreme,,

Ashraf Ghanchi A G.. 1-7.. ( Link Allen Ginsberg)

The name Ashraf is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Ashraf is: Most noble. Superior. More honorable.

Ghanchi means…

Kshatriya (Devanagari: ????????; from Sanskrit k?atra, rule, authority) is one of the four varna (social orders) of the Hindu society. The Sanskrit term k?atriya? is used in the context of Vedic society wherein members organised themselves into four classes: kshatriya, brahmin, vaishya and shudra.[1] Traditionally, the kshatriya constituted the ruling and military elite. Their role was to protect society by fighting in wartime and governing in peacetime.

The Most Honorable, Most Noble and Superior Rule and Authority – of the Ruling Elite in War Time and Peace..’

9:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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