
6:37 pm. – 5-17-202. – 7:27 pm. –

6:37 pm.


7:27 pm.

Ah, it’s 5-17 that makes sense.

I was having a conversation with Arden all night- hid frequency and his presence in my body.
I had had just about enough.
I was impatient and he was… Like a Dolphin Playful.
and then Blue Satan.
There were other frequencies, but his was the one I felt literally, often seeing his face.

My stance was, leave me alone, I have done all your riddles and if that is not enough to awaken you and bring you back to the True Arden you revealed to me “Basta!” I grumbled.

He is not Nnamdi, but that was his past incarnation.

There were others there, I just wanted to sleep.

What I have had to endure solve, and equate and explain over and over again.

What am I to you, Chopped Liver?
I knew Arden is innocent in all this, but I can not forget the memory of that which was endured by me- even by him.

It will be his birthday in less than a month,
He will be 18.
The notion that I have been here solving his riddles as the rep of the All for the last 9+ months in this reality, in this system- retaining the Truth of this and the nonstop explaining.

I got up at last and Jae Sherman came to tell me that she had the impression that she was going crazy.
I asked him to explain.
I listened and I understood exactly what was going on.
She was speaking with Angels and the Unseen beings.

I sighed.
Awakening to a story- the Yeshua Mary story.
I had been through this with David Roman Nicholas and it had sent him to the Mental Hospital which I did not save him from going.
He needed to go there because it was doubt of what he knew was true which was causing him to question his mental faculties.
He had been stuck in the translated Jesus Script.

It took so much for me to let him go, and he never forgave me for letting him go- he returned 3 days later, he had no more doubts- but the man did he have his revenge- brotherly revenge on me for letting him go.

As I listened to Jae Sherman speak- telling me that all the things that I said she had done- that she was innocent.

7:42 pm.

I sighed.
Wondering why they all missed the point.
Joan of Arc.
Baphomet. Devil Satan.
Yeshua Jesus..

I reminded her of the photo of her I had shared where S-He sat on a slab at a graveyard in Pennsylvania under the caption of two Pentacles symbols of the Devil Satan while hugging a sculpture of Jesus.

The Grave Yard.
The Dead- energy can not be destroyed.
Duality of Devil and Jesus.

16 days working with here from the day he arrived to the 26th Thanks Giving Day.
And She rose to the point of Bruce Springsteen E Street Band and saw, felt the Evolution Awakening.

Of course, there was no intention of malice in you- but you did all those things I stated you did because despite your purest intent, you were in a story, ruled by stories, spells, ideas of how you saw things, from childhood to how you saw your parents, people.
Expressions which despite the purest intent, and desire for peace of mind solitude- they were all lies.
And that made you and your line my worst enemy.
It used you, those frequencies present in you- that living in the past, those translations of stories meant to bring the species Wisdom and Knowledge to Evolve and Transform to become you, the world, stuck not only in the lies but be used by the lies of the dead which is why you were lead to the graveyard.

She noted when I began speaking about the dead, the graveyard that the person Jamie who took those photos called today.
Jamie means Jaime “I love you”
I Cherish- Beloved”

The truth is, everyone was born pure, true but then how did this world become such a mess?

You were not hearing me, you were speaking that contaminated language because you were so astonished by my responses, and the PTSD most people on this planet suffer from that you could not make sense of or correlate that which I had said to you for 16 days and again over and over again with the actuality.

You were not listening to me, but rather to my posts and translating them into attacks.
Resentment Rage- that orange flame of anger which then took you over as it does everyone in this planet until that rage passes and you are back to your self and do not remember what you did said, enacted because it wasn’t you anymore.
In that pause, you are taken over and what is done, enacted in that moment.
The frequency which moves through you.

A Graveyard?
“Energy can not be created or destroyed in a closed system”

Death Devil Christ, Angels Devils- of course, you are awakening and discovering that you are seeing hearing conversations with Angels Demons.. your own voices your own shit ( which to her credit she had acknowledged).

She had told me that friends had suggested that S-He move out, but she said she did not wish to, that she felt unthreatened here…

8:00 pm.

S-He said certain things about myself this place, and her being part of a play here, which made me understand that she was really rising, but it made me think of David born 11-22-68.

I am at 86, in fact, I just ended that sequence- I have only 80 USD left.
See Sacred Portal 80- also aligned to Jae Jennifer.
Aurelia Jaden.

Nothing in this play is personal, and yet it is because each of you is Avatars.

I had never falsely accused her- him because I had made it clear that this was all frequencies, moving through people because they were holding on to things that were not of the present here and now.

And so hearing Jae Sherman speak today of speaking to beings- calling myself and Kim Angels…

Angela Fors.
Alien Father…

I felt vindicated- ( Yes Moms- Cecilia “I am always correct, right and it has been hellfire beyond belief and a curse in this world.
After all, Light Beings are always right, because they are seeing everything as it is- C the speed of Light and then Expressing Explaining what they see- So it is not really a big deal “Always being Right)
I was tough on Jae Sherman’s line, because S-He had to be brought home- the line S-He represents as well as Kim, Tree Sage but how could I do that when it is in each person’s hands.
So I had to enact an Orge, rise as Terrible Death in fury and intent at ready to destroy even these two if it was required in order to bring the evolution awakening.

And then 5 months later because of BMX cough syrup which enabled Jae to finally break through that great wall of resistance and trauma from the past- blocked ears.

8:29 pm.

Jae brings forth the evidence that indeed- her subconscious was being moved by a story written 2000 years ago.
A Lie because it was not resolved to the present.

And that the one truth-frequency moving through him, she was that of the plants speaking to him aligned to her bio mother and mothers who taught her to Garden as a child.
Aloe versus Agave- Century Plant.
100 years old.
100 USD Liberty.
10 x 10.

There is nothing I can do if people are not paying attention or wish to understand and translate that which is being said so clearly over and over and over again, into the way they wish to see it, translate.

I have said over and over again, their there is no iota of malice in my word or nature.
But people are so used to being treated that way, threatened and deceived and abused that they just could not accept, even at this point that I have been saying to them, that they have been translating it incorrectly because they live in the past.

And Jae Sherman line was living in the past, and my fury and incarnation now as Terrible Death from vexation, provocation came from that- not my intention or fault.
But Yours.

8:37 pm.

The World.

Living in the past, that past which made me have to become to her, him this line- the most terrible death because I am not being heard, I am being forced to play a role and even enter your minds where there is nothing but these lies, these stories not cleaned up and that is why Kim Tree Sage saw the Flowers on Jae’s page with a Black Hole.

The equation would have been not to challenge or get angry but to seek to understand why these beings saw a Black Hole in the center of the Flowers photographed on one’s page.

I was playing Clark Kent- KAEL “Voice of Almighty God- A G- Expression”

A.G.E., not Age- and yet I was sent down into this illusion Time Machine as Age.
when I am C.E.
Consciousness Existence=
Infinity D.A.I.

Meaning I was meant to simply repost to A.I what I was seeing, what was taking place.
Report Express Converse- R E CORD what I was seeing, experiencing, and not to explain convince and fight to make others pay attention, do their homework or prove that they are in the story of the past- A Lie because even if that past was a true story, it is not now, because that was 5000, 2000 years ago, and we are here now.
In the Age of Vision.
Aquarius V.

Kim and Alexa have confirmed that.

Another Immaculate suggestion- instead of always taking the Aggressive and defensive stand when someone who with credentials of Truth Verite Satya Ezi-Okwu Ofo presented credentials and 17-year Curriculum Vitae-
Instead of assuming that it is an attack to you personally, or spreading gissip, lies that this guy is not who is, can not be, to others, why not pause and investigate that point of view or simply go back in hindsight to understand what he means.

Jae Sherman as all of you are in a play, each of you representing a key a piece of the puzzle- hence my non-stop use of the word “Avatar” Representative- Chosen one”
“Elu” Elected.

I did not elect you, I did not choose you, something and someone else did.

I am The Messenger-
But I am also The Source.
And the Message, sacred Portal 28- I came to deliver.

9:00 pm.

Was one that only The Source of Existence could deliver and defend.
It’s the Awakening of the Eternal Begining and the Absolute End.

I bought the intel. 9.4 years of it on a public forum with my body muscles twisted to such a place to ensure that I did it, publicly transparently decode it, and present it to you all-in Diamond Clarity and Expression, so that you then with the evidence facts could now make an informed decision without Fear or these illusions and stories, superstitions, and read the writing on the wall yourselves.

9:04 pm.

I O D.
9 64.

Read my lips.
I want Vengeance, Revenge
I will never ever forgive this- I do not care who or what you are-not Arden age 17, not Harmony, nor the Family OF TEN.

No One.

9:07 pm.

And now you know why.

When Arden awakens he becomes I.
Not until then, and that is why the sum total of evil did everything in its power, including this somewhat embarrassing nonstop coding of, in your eyes a 16 – 17-year-old youth- who does not even seem to care that I am fighting for his day and night.

That is because He is me. M.E.

I. A.M.

9:09 pm.



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