
6:37 PM

6:37 pm




Hello I have a new Facebook Friend

Welcome Obiajulu Igwe Okolo..

To this End play of my being compelled by the Illusion played by my Bio Father as Maurice…

Meaning Dark or Moor..Blackness

And my brother Nnamdi as Jonn…

In which the two representatives Expression vied for Supremacy of the unification of the Black and White race…

Sky people And Earth People

Afro and Caucasian

A C..13

By proving they are one family by my being compelled to lecture and explain to the world how this physical world of thought Illusion of Caucasian Supremacy and Spirit Lie of the Afro Supremacy is a lie…

By proving them not only One race of past and future… None really present..

By my demonstrating the True way to Speak to the Past and the Future who are all One Espirit Energy Expression of Existence Holograme..

Which is by addressing their Elemental and Ethereal Espirit which I have demonstrated before the entire world

6:46 pm

While crossing the Spirit world of both the Seen world and the Unseen world as Oku Muo Hell of the Spirit world and Hell of the world of Thoughts..

The English names given by missionaries to colonial regimes was a spell…

A spell of word and name meanings not aligned to the True C of Love, which a parent names a child..

Which because of that love ends up being thier True Espirits naming the Child and thus, giving the Child True Identity and a path which to help guide them through thier purpose in life…

In the colonial times you could not get ahead without adopting a Christian name after being baptized in the Church.

Most are aware of that horror story and I would simply ask you to reference the recent post of Conscious O’best…

On the King of Belgium’s letter to missionaries shared on my page..

To rescue my Brother Nnamdi Truth and all the Line of O’Kolo..



I had to rescue my bio Fathers Truth..

The Vet Surgeon and man Classified as Animal Homo by Charles Darwin etc…

My Father as the Animal Doctors served a function in proving Animals are Harmonious and thus Humans not being any other than Harmonious Beings Aware Consciousness Is Beauty…Nature Naturalness means that there is no place where Humans acting anything other than Harmonious…

Simply can not Exist..

And to be Harmonious One must see the others CHI..


C Harmonious Identity..

Cee despite the Illusions another’s True Harmony and Express it Beautiful while fighting to restore that persons Truth by fighting the veil of the Illusion they present to get to the Truth person…

It’s like a sculptor fashioning from Rock

Micheal DAngelo

See my share of Rain…man

Just as I have proven my bio Fathers Truth and aligned it to His True self my brother Nnamdi Oboom…


I am Doctor NO.

Who Knows when I am faced with a lie..


Because I already know who you are..

I remember.

Here is the Evidence..

As I showed Jonn Blackwell the photo I shared of Chibuzor Okolo..who I have never met ( no ones fault)

I solved the riddle of a play which brought out AdOgu…..which is code A Dog U?

Or Ad Ogu After Death Ogu war and Medicine poison or cure…?

The pocreeding post of Dogs representing Good manners standing in line – Obedience and a subsequent play where she removed herself from the play, thus representing Non Existence

As a Dog. Who do not create war or Poisonus Expression and she brought forth no cure..

Just war..

Affirmed my Bio Fathers presence but Chibuzor which means The C.H.I is the Way…See Espirit Naturalness- knew both my brothers and Publicly acknowledged Nnamdi as the True Okolo Espirit..

Nnamdi of course is me..

But he did not know that because he has never met me..

My youngest brother Oboom is born 73 married to a Japanese Lady whose father I loved despite meeting him for a few days..

I recognized him.as an Elf…from the Espirit realm just as he recognized me.

I had made him a promise which I never told my Beloved brother who did not or could not accept my life and the sacrifice of our being in each others lives because of this play..

My bio Father representative of Brilliance and Rage, has an Igbo name…his True Name

Obiekwe Ikegbunam…


Obiekwe is the also the middle name of Nnamdi..

It means the Heart Agree HA…or is consoled..

I saw both thier Espirits and unified both their Truths and Expressions to one..

Obiajulu means I am consoled…the heart is appeased

Igwe means King in OI Nri Igbo..

Okolo means Round or Sphere in Slave but also Prince as testified by Benin Scolars from the Edo language (Onitsha)

*See Ancient war between the OI Nri and the Ancient Benin Empire over control of the U.F.O secret weapon, an ORB..(BRO..ther-s…who are Espirits who always meet)..

A father a prince held hostage, in ransom…for the power of a Jewel..

A Kings Ransome..

Father from Amawbia which literally means The Visitors T.V

Mother Grandmother Nnamdi..

Engwu Agidi


Enugwu Ukwu


See the character called O Kolo -Erike in the book NRI Warriors of Peace and how he met the messenger from the Source called Anyawu..Bright Eyes..


See Erik Ebright

And recent share of Akil Davis..A D…14

A D.N…Umeano…

Okolo also.means Warrior Princely man..comely man…

Thus, here in the reply..

Maurice is not my name but J.O.Y…

Jonn is

Obiekwe is

Nnamdi is

Nnonyelum is..


O Oboom me your mother… and you..

‘My Heart is consoled. You have unravelled my Truth, King is the Prince of perfect Symmetry, the one who was held at impossible kingly Ransome and Experience Tortured and Brutalized to reveal the power of the Dark Crystal D C..

Not realizing the Black Kabba Stone of Mecca is in your eyes…

The power to bring Eternal Darkness as well Eternal life…

O. I .O…

I C.U..B..E






Life and Death


P.S O’Kolo also means Voice

As all know I do not believe in Blood as Family but Energy Espirit so welcome the True Espirit of O’Kolo…

Family Espirit..

For I have heard from none when I was seen as Nothing but a voice in the Wilderness..

I recognize each person’s Harmony..

But I have been alone and will remain so until my family of E not blood led me Home.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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