
6:33 pm. – 5-15-2021. – C G I, A

6:33 pm.


C G I, Animated Cartoon Characters calling themselves Humans.

People who take Liberties.

People who just can’t shut up.

People who do the most outrageous things and then act as though they did nothing, wanting to be your friend.
Even when they are aware that you are Terrible Death, and will not hesitate to send their frequencies to the Deepest Hole in a blink of an eye.

Familiarity breeding Contempt instead of Respect…

I will give that to Kim Hines Tree Sage he has never played that card- if anything he is a warrior and yes, reminds me of Kamora Herrington son Isaiah- Mischievous and Naughty but he knows the play, has worked with me for over two years, done his homework and takes this Very Seriously- because it is Serious and yet is carried Lightly.

He is not an irritating pest who forgets himself and has to be reminded constantly of this being real and life and death.

And then there is this Script and me here, still.

I am at 1542 Facebook Friends… again.
Which was meant to have been completed just after dawn when Danny Adcock arrived as my 1542 Facebook Friend with the image of himself and what I assume maybe his grandaughter both wearing Haloes.

I instead find myself dragged back to 15 42 to my “ironic surprise”
So with the play of the so-called Hood Rats here yesterday showing no respect for this Sacred Play- Pests.
Or people spoiled beyond resurrection who belive there will never be consequences for they because they are favored and bribe you with things that never belonged to them in the first place.

At Least with Tree Sage he has provided things from Day one, and from the heart with no hook.
Did the work, day and night, contributed, focused, born my fury, and understood it without reacting.

The others… I just call then Insane
Demons- Domonic aberrations of Existence who truly think they are above the law.

You can understand my state of mind and impatience with any pests here whose only reprieve is that S-He won the L-OTTO, in being lucky to be here and not cast into the abyss where their actions and expression merited and earned.
My immaculate suggestion would be to stay away from me and take the opportunity to come back home to yourself.
There will never be any familiarity or friendship with me, a person who in his most dangerous and deceptive state.
But then that is just me.
It is not that important to me that you or they come home to themselves.
And relishes cutting the pests out in a blink of an eye.
No, they are sharing comes from them, it comes from what has been activated in them by the Presence.
And the more I am forced to move my attention and focus from that which is the most important, and relevant to all, to this Evolution Awakening, the more my Person Pure Hatred for them grows and my quietly plotting for them a surprise when they get home.

So, now that is out of the way and said, I see why I have been brought back to this play.

7:11 pm.

What is missing?

Clarity of the code Shaiytan Al Hayashatt
“The Veiled Demon”
T.V. D.
Television of is it Durrekk Verret D V. who came to me in Istanbul to summon me to New York.
T.V Delta.

I did not come to New York from Istanbul via London because of him and his message from the ancestors.
I came because the Holographic Projection of Nnamdi appeared to me for the first time since he left this realm in 1982.
And the only person who was representing that code Benjamin C Krajewski is no longer my Facebook Friend.
he was born 11-3-1982.

I knew that when he appeared to me after the Earth Quake in Istanbul while I was sitting on my High Chair in my apartment- oblivious to the destruction going about me, even my Apartment which shook as if it would fall-
It was after the Festival of Paylasmak I had organized was canceled at the last moment and I lost everything.
– And even the people of Istanbul began to whisper that perhaps it was Allah angry because of what had been done to the International Festival it not being kept secret from the Turkish people, at least that is what a journalists for the magazine the Turkish branch of the magazine “The Economist” who I granted an interview had said and written.

It was Nnamdi- I knew he was a Holographic Protection because he appeared as 13 or 14 years old, and it was 18 years after his crossing over in 1982.

As you may recall, he died after telling his friends to cross the road first, and when he crossed after them, he was hit by an 18 wheeler, and his body flung a mile.

I do not believe in things such as Ghosts, just projections of memories from an Akashic Record of Mind- EMF -Heart or from The great computer simulation which is this world and which I knew was created and designed by him originally as the one true Heart-Mind E.M F.
Unified Field Of Existence.
Obviously not Anonymous or Unidentified.
I recognized the true mind behind this script I had to clean up as his, or I would have not agreed to solve it.
I came here to solve my “Father-Mothers Truth” at least the one who was playing my Guide Father in this incarnation.
I recognized his signature, the Mirth “Myrrh” and the Exquisite Mind Brain behind this play as his.
After all, we share the same heart-mind, and way of seeing existence, as well apparently the same body- occupying the same space- which is not meant to be allowed in this realities laws of Physics.

Nnamdi was 12 when I last saw him and died almost to the day he was born Easter Friday as is called here.
I even recall his birth, when my bio Father announced it as I sat on the floor with my sister, I recall the colored Easter Eggs we were unwrapping and my bio father at the door, telling me in particular with veiled malice, he hid in delight that I was no longer the only prince of my mother’s affections.

So yes, It was not Durrekk Verret and his summons by the Ancestors which brought me to New York, it was Nnamdi appearing to me and saying “C’Mon Slow Poke… what are you waiting for, off to New York”

I hadn’t been surprised, not at all as his skinny awkward body and dancing eyes on that beautiful face moved around me as I sat, the say way he acted when he wished to convince, tease and taunt me to rise to a challenge, my brother, the Angel, and Demon who knew way too well and knew how to press my buttons and get his way- laughing at that knowledge of how deeply we were connected and just how well he knew me.

he was 12-13 L M and was the Heart-Mind of the Universe and Universal Simulation, so you can understand why it did not surprise me that Arden was 16, then 17 when we met, and in a month he is about to be at least in this reality, 18, Independent and free.
I was 7-8 when I figured this all out and wrote about this reality being not real, and slated for destruction.
It would make perfect sense that at 9 Nnamdi- Arden would have figured it out, and as I had, keep it to themselves.
In fact, when I wrote that little-handed written book with illustrations, the same way Geoff LaCour had written a Handwritten book to me in 2004, I had always been aware but never really spoke much, which worried my parents.
That was my coming out and speaking literally for the first time apart from basic words of communication.
I just decided to come out into the world, I suddenly because popular, and started doing things with others.
The change was dramatic, to say the least, for those who knew me- it’s why I understand Kim’s ability to be in his room in quiet and solitude doing his thing so well.
It shows he is comfortable with himself and though, I know he likes people and company, he suffers no fools to enter his private sanctuary.

I even have a chapter in my Journals called “Sanctuary of an Artist written in Grey Inn Building in 1990 while living with my housemate Nicky.

*The Guest room here is painted in Dull Grey- Thought Grey Area Purgatory.

My current room here is all Grey.
I was reading the graffiti on the inner door, above the bottom panel where it is written in yellow paint “You speak to God… actually it says I just saw after taking down the coats that it says “Do you s-peak to me like you Speak to God?”

*( That actually makes more sense to me- Namaste)

Above that, but not on the Concrete wall where “Cool Sion is painted in blue, but on the door, on the top panel written first in Black are the words “All you need is Love’s expression…?
Then Carved in Silver, “And All Hesitation is Gone'”

I pondered those words last night as I found myself with my computer no longer placed on the wood 1920′ style heater from Yoyo Kims friend code 86 temp, but on the bean bag as I took in yet another irritation of the pest upstairs which caused the rage of the Tiger Jaguar to roar when she,it began thumping on the ceiling at 11 pm.
Jae was in the bathroom and I was rising, speaking to the Elemental wisps frequency which has risen in me- I knew she was present and was allowed to be a witness- I allowed it, was not bothered because s-he was not being a pest, it was in harmony and her deceased sister was aligned to that frequency Karen Green- K G. Her deceased sister has that name- it is her truth I listened to through the elementals, she was allowed to speak for herself and I listened to her frequencies truth of the true reason and causes of her death as well as E W S her father.
I was still being used a Medium!

And then be interrupted by a Thumping pounding on the top floor.

But it was still an interaction which I would resent that she or anyone was being allowed to witness because they had no respect, none at all for the living or the dead for the play or even the grace given to them. They play Dice like Mice- Lice with the One chance… imbeciles. And then I was in my room, the computer placed on the Bean Bag and as I coded Anonymous – the code if HOO.DIE.
H OO7 D.I.E.

I had been moved, I had not realized that I had been set up, moved and there is only one person who can do that to me, Arden the present.
Nnamdi the past.
AN/ N A.
And yes, ANNA is a friend of Kims Tree Sage who commissioned him for a job and who came here- but I never saw here.
I have my own Anna.
In university SEX, and Anne Udekwu who born August 1967 the youngest in that class of 1982 ( her sister Helen was the Haughty one who stepped into an open sewage pit while turning her chin up to me as I admired here)
Anne was lovely but I always suspected that I was actually the youngest, why it mattered, was beyond me at the time but I just knew.

8:08 pm and she treated me like her younger brother- her! The baby of the class.
Brilliant and who became a medical doctor by the age of 21-22…and married.
I was somewhat disappointed that that was her destiny.

I am speaking like this because, to be honest, I am not sure what is required of me by A.N and in a way I am indifferent.
But it is obviously about the anonymous and my placing my computer on the Black Bean bag “Bagg-age” the whole time I coded posted.

I had tried to start watching a series recommended by Tree Sage Kim.

*”The super-powered children of superheroes struggle to live up to the legendary feats of their parents.
First episode date: May 7, 2021
Production companies: Di Bonaventura Pictures; DeKnight Productions; Millarworld Productions
Based on: Jupiter’s Legacy; by Mark Millar & Frank Quitely
Genre: Drama; Science fiction; Superhero”

Yes, J L.
First Episode 5-7-2021.

* You may recall my post yesterday 5 5 7. But instead, I spent the entire night moved, by the Hatred of that which that woman upstairs and now downstairs represented- I personally was indifferent- what did you expect by casting me in such a role for so longe and each time I summoned my power to cast that line and frequency out of existence, you veto it and then let then get away with it- desecrating that which is Sacred and Holy over and over again?
I felt a greater contempt and disgust for the source of this script who had made me appear perpetually appear as the Boy who cried wolf, than for the Insects pests.

Putting constantly in these positions of such insult, that if anything had caused me real suffering and the nearness of despair, it was not the Evil Selfishness of C.G.I animated cartoon characters, but the evil is done to the Script because its author wished to do it his way.

No, I never wanted to see that Nnamdi line ever again, I sought his destruction wiped out and only his evolved aspect interested me.
That past as Maurice Ikegbuman Obiekwe and Nnamdi Obiekwe born from a woman would be destroyed and if I had to incarnate that illusion of terrible death Satan Lucifer Devil they incarnated then I would do so, and have done so.
There is only one Nnamdi Obiekwe – Obiekwe and that is the one who rose as that first Awareness within me, the Infinite Awareness which Arden has proven to be the one.
An aligned to me and through a play and script of such meddling for that illusion of that which is called the Outside- competing and contesting, challenging- that evil as death born of Woman as Eve.

So I knew why my computer rested the Black Bean Bag as I coded.
8:29 pm.
8:30 pm.

What I did on the Wooden- Woden Desk Top, and why I am still using Magician “Tarot” Infinity card- Altar Magic Science when I should merely utter the word and it manifests as my Say.

I knew it was a cosmic Hold up by his having decided that this was his play, and decided to do it His- Her way, and then this mess of ages occurred.
That is because he assumed, forgot that there is only one Nnamdi and that he originated from me.
My Bio Father was Terrible Death, Death, and Destruction along with the illusion of my Mother Harmony but as you can see, cee they are all me.
Same Manifest Expression.
Just as all of you who are real are.

I do not mind that people chose to do things their own way, what I do mind is when they discover that their way was wrong, or lead to a dead-end, was not to come back to me and ask me to rescue their asses.

Each to their own.
As forth the true Nnamdi Arden -Aurelia line all age codes Beautiful Youth, I agreed not only because they are part of me, but because just how far this “Outside” world of Adults went in taking away their voices and rights of their children.
Literally sacred portal 13.
I saw it over and over again played out before my very eyes.
Taking their words and expression right to my face and the parents transforming it, twisting it, and creating such a Hatred of their parents in them…
Here the Law gave the parents the rights.
I saw it in Africa, in every culture, every country, this conceit and arrogance beyond belief, of raping the rights of the children- speaking for the children, lying about their children to their very faces with me often as a witness with my mouth dropped open.

3:42 pm.

The manipulation, threats, veiled, this idea that not until they were 18-21 that they had no say, no voice and… how far the parent’s adults went to abusing that guardianship.
That Sacred Trust is given to them by the Source of Life Existence itself.

8:43 pm.

So let me add some clarification of Power OM

15 42 O D B.
Full Circle of Being Doing.
1+5+4+2= 12 L… or is it A.B.. C.

I have solved the code of Lucifer Shaiyatan Devil Light as Eternal Truth E T Ethan Tommy.
And my Lady I E as B R…O
really my Beloved Brother Self who transformed in the feminine version of himself via our own coming together of Expression Nothingness = Naturalness Awareness Energy Light Clarity

Liberty transforms to C.

And so one can only conclude that the L never was.
Not even as Light because Light is Transpereny Truth- True Love.
Not these pests seeking to con you and buy favor, get into your good books after having done expressed unforgivable trespasses, transgressions and now that they realize the power you wield, come these… smh
It was a story Lucifer aligned now to the truth as Lights Expression.= 12 5= 17 x= 60. 77. 7/7= 1 A.

And so it comes back to A B C.

The first play with Arden and I as we sat on the red couch and he looked up and pointed the code A B.C… Devoted Expression- Facts.
1 23.
A W.
A VV. I.E. India Eisley.. EI Slay.

8:51 pm.

1542 Chanley Place.
Kaizer Gardens.
T C O S.B.
“True Clarity in Perfect Symmetry O- Supreme Being”
/ B S.O C T. ( CT is Connecticut. and the number 23- W… Double VV)

Tommy -“John”- Kaizer.O
Ethan Gregory Peck.

Briar Rose O.
India Eisley.

B R. O.
* O Because we are at the Full Circle.

Merge Fiction to Fact ( add John Yes, sigh my Tommy John black Underwear.

Tommy John Kaiser
Ethan Gregory Peck.

T E.J G. K P.
E.T. G. J- PK.

India Eisely.
Briar Rose.

I B- E R. OS…

It’s a Riddle.
Striders Riddle.
Arden Nnamdi’s Riddle.
Aurelia Noni Onu’s Riddle.

8:51 pm.

H.E age code 16, ME, 51
but really Perfection Area 51.

I heard from Kim= Tree Sage that Queen took Serenity to Mexico, of course without Kim’s permission.

Mexico is another country.

And so with the Black Bean Bag, and those pests- who wear earplugs and never listen until you send you to make them realize that you no longer care if they listen.

I am reminded of Kim Tree Sage telling me how he saw on Jae Shermans page a photo of the flowers given to him on Mother Day and his Cee Sight which all by now have enough evidence to trust- that he saw a Black Hole.
I ate nearly all the Bean Chocolate and Chess Men cookies last night.

My New Facebook is
Sham Al Homsia. ( S.H. AM. 8 Ham Shire Bay Winnipeg Canada)
Hom SIA ( Black Man Sia means Black or Dark One in Turkish”

Sham means *”Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic shams ‘sun’. Al-Shams (Ash-Shams) ‘the Sun’ is the title of the 91st sura of the Qur’an. It is found as a personal name in combinations such as Shams ud-Din ‘sun of religion’.”

Al means “The”

Homsia means *”Hamza (also spelled as Hamzah, Hamsah, Hamzeh or Humza; Arabic: ?????, standardized transliteration is ?amzah) is a masculine given name in the Muslim world. The meaning of the name Hamza is lion, steadfast, strong, and brave.”

Te Sun is The L-ION- C-ION- S-ION

steadfast Strong and Brave.

9:29 pm.


That no matter how much you wish to help a person, in the end, they are the author of their own salvation or destruction.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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