
6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m.


D.A. T.Q…

Delta AT Quantum.


A-D…. 37….C.G…


6:37 p.m.

There seems to be an embargo on people being able to grasp or accept what I am saying is really going in physically..

PHYSICALLY.. in my body…

It is aligning it self, transforming so incrementally it feels like growing pain x 1 million…

It takes everything in me to write to speak to move and concentrate on it not entangling…

I feel each muscle stretch then if my focus and breath is not focused the who thing tangles up again…

There are moment when I Feel the Shell and frame of the body that it is transforming into.. And I can not help but feel a Scientific Awe…

And Artists.. My God moment…

But then there is the Scientific exploration of the other force which pulls it back down twisted the Vertebra… And the sickening locking and unlocking of the bones and point of power or nexus of the Skeletal frame..

And the frightening realization of how twisted, one really is and how the come you are even alive.

I stand in front of the mirror naked, and I can see the deformity…

The Shoulder blade punched in, the body twisted in three quarters…

Others have but I am rarely naked in fro of anyone…

And people hardly pay attention to when I take of my Shirt ..

it is not polite to stare..

But I recall in the Gymn years ago a young man horrified turned to his elder friend pointing at my back…look at that.. that is not normal is it.. the horror and awe in his voice made me actually feel comforted because I thought I would go mad by the way it seemed as no one was aware of what I could see with my eyes.

I have normally an impressive physique…

And people I believe get distracted by the first impression of it…

I just spoke to Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

He will post some Intel which you All have to hear…

And this time I am addressing the Future and the Present.

I have a Witness….

But I will let him post the Evidence of the Portal of Existential Death is Real…. And that words manifest the Cee…

But apart from that, lets pause for a moment…

When Vivian Lavey asked what was matter with my body in the most Natural way, I felt as though this collective Spell to ignore the reality of someones structure obviously realigning Itself and of another seeking to tear it it…

Something so obvious, so clear… Or a person who voice changes completely and instead of Words Sound come out…

Sounds which resemble what it must have been before Words where formulated…

But even here and now when those sounds come out people understand the expression so well, I fell they forget to realize that it is literally alien sounding…

But it calls to mind that the idea of the Cave Man or Early Man Woman is no where correct…

These sounds are like music…

Ahu Yagtu Volga Yildiz people I taught Performance Dance Theater Aylin Sendemir Urkmez.. would recall and even tease me about the sounds which I was at first unaware that I would use to describe certain movements.. motions steps…

But these Sounds are Emotions, expressions which words like Wow, or Geez evolved to in the west…

But in the Ancient Cultures these expressions are much more expressive.. they are Emotions Sound and music…

They are the building blocks of language…before structure.. Articulation…

I would never call them Primitive but there is no doubt there are no words in it…

Yet it combines motion and sound…

One of the people who run this place asked me some weeks ago, if I was aware that when I was seeking to Release my body by Stretching the feeling of the contractions that I make Sounds…

When you are chopping wood, or running a marathon, or playing basket ball, sports tennis… we make sounds do we not…

Why is it I wondered some people see it immediately while others would rather believe it is something like an elegant form of Turrets..Insane to even compare-

It was as if a spell was cast over the World and the only person who I could actually talk about it with was Joseph Carey… J.C because he went through and goes through the same process though his is more interior, mine is an exaggerated explosion of his…

Joe met David Roman Nicholas who first showed me what happened to his own body…

Mine experience of it was so exaggerated that I was sure I was going to be on the News or in some mind Manhattan Project…people poking around..

What I found was that people who lived with me, witnessed what some one once described in a one of those rare moments when some one looked at me.. saw me…said my God just watching you I get exhausted!

These were literal life lines to me,

I would speak to my mother, mention this to my brother sister when we were in communication and it would go right over their heads..

Only my Uncle Pius showed real concern, in fact it was his primary concern…

7:37 p.m.. this number is everywhere since the New Year…

I look up and I see it everywhere.. yes I know.. 2017…37… then 10…1 O..A.O

Alpha Omega

Ariane Oates

Om-Ega Alp.ha..

Anyway, today I got to speak speak to Nenad M. Djurdjevic about it, and I got the impression that for the first time he heard me, that I am literally traveling through portal and as one New Yorker stated that my body is not really from here and can not exist here so it travels to dimensions… here but it is not from here… The frequency which is normalizes in…

Then today I spoke to Phavour Alegbe who truly asked me about my body, I do not know why… but today she really asked and in in enabled me to articulate in a greater clarity than ever before…

When people would rather pretend it not exist, or prefer to call it Schizophrenia rather than call describe it by what I am obviously doing 24-7, even in my sleep, I am aware of its unnatural position the pressure on different sides of my body which become unbearable and if I do not move it will go to sleep and literally feel as if that part of my body is temporarily Dead..

The feeling is is indescribable painful, alien…

But I was able to articulate that if I did not more and breath air into the certain areas.. And constantly stretch, that the muscles and would then set like Concrete of Plaster of Paris…

It feels like a body sculpture which has to be constantly wet or it will set and the Sculpture is not complete yet…

And so, I breath and listen to the sound of my bone clicking, my muscles getting set, then the skeletal frame taking on a bent twisted shape and which then cause my internal organs to be placed under intense pressure, Heart Bladder Stomach Colon.. the contracting or tightening of the Sphincter muscle is the one thing which helps center everything momentarily it shows me where my Center is and indicates where everything else is aligned…

But I do not have the time, the space, the luxury.. I feel the non stop stimuli of outside demands to link and my Brain just automatically races to link even when I am still it is racing as if ignoring my own state…

It feels as if one is possessed by Electricity Energy Current with a mind of its own..

And I feel that the Embargo is lifting because the T.H..E… has been solved and Nenad M. Djurdjevic will offer his evidence…

Incredible that all the rules of this reality ( Its sane aspect) from Logos 3 Balance Heart… Voice Sound.. Solfeggio…Expression Reason.. Age of Aquarius -Vision Clarity, Water….

And then Harmony of another seeing and experiencing the Expression of a person they have never met, who as Marina Burini once did, travels to investigate.

But unlike the Brave but Cowardly Marina who never went public to at least state what she had experienced….


Nenad does…

I would have loved to tell you more about the experience of my body, the understanding and the observation of it as a literal mother ship and the battles which were going on with illusions projections placed in me..

Nenads said I sounded more peaceful… less Demonic-

Its is not you….

But in a way it is and was because when you are fighting in a mythical battle with that which should be a cartoon and not real, in the middle of such such viscous battle, you can be all peace and love when people are not even aware of how they themselves come across after you have told them over and over again…

Erm.. I am in the middle of a Cosmic Battle with Illusions who had real power and could rise in my body and that some family member had agreed to a deal that before I could riddle them out and rescue a member of the Human Lines Childhood Truth and Beautiful Truth E that they could momentarily demand something of me, which I could not refuse and then momentarily become real…

Make that demand before evaporating, fading out of Existence, because Human being created them, these monsters by their fears and expressions they created when they left their Truth…

But hey who would believe me, or who would accept that I am battling their demons.. their fear by simply being in contact with them…

It is so much easier to act innocent and point the finger and forget that every day of your life, every decision you made is weighed documented in the great Library in the Sky and in the body…

Being and Body…

So much easier to say that the Demon is you and that they are pure and innocent…

And yet when I battle your Demons they reveal your secrets before they go and I have to swallow this while engaging the person in conversation- hence this document of 49 months which traces each dialogue, each meeting and my expression of what I am enduring and the usual complete disregard of Individual and collective responsibility..

Why I would bark or literally send the person through sixth sense silence to a place to learn a lesson about seeing another’s point of view that they had no considered…

This document is living, and alive, and that which will stand forever as a body of work and a reminder of those who so conviniently forget the Cause and Effect of my responses which were no longer Love Light and Namaste Brother sister… because if some one is in a cosmic battle field, tells you that he is going through agonies of Demons created by each of you and then as a species…

And you complain that someone left the toilet seat up- when this person is literally walking the streets of New York and Existential Death created by Humanity and their beliefs in hell Demons, fear rage anger, cruelty… more than in the Beautiful Truth…

And when you point out that they used these tools themselves, brush it aside…

As if it is nothing while a Demon that he knows is real, laughs and says you see, where I get my power from to become real…

And then proceeds to use the most intimate parts of your souls hurt and twist the knife there and demand something which is meant to destroy that very center…

Which manifest in your body which everyone ignores….

It makes sense and some point that this Big Brother would pause blink. stare at you again and send you off to see the mess you really created..

And even then, I find they will come back and still give themselves credit and not link that the one who sent you there cleaned up that mess and gave you the tools through constant expression to lighten and clarify your awareness did all that work.

And sent you there not to punish you, but rather to offer you a mirror to see yourself…

Existential Death is not Really Real.. except to those who are going to experience it…

You can try telling them that the it is not real.. watch what they will do to you.

Each of you has been given back the hell you gave in your denial of you not taking responsibility for your past actions and expressions…

It is still there… Yes I and the E forced me to clean it up…

But it is still there as an Illusion.. And that is what Nome Alaska code represents…

The making of your beliefs Real… for you to recognize…

And if there is not Appreciation Gratitude Exquisitely Expressed…


D.M..I.C…T.P/K…115 A.G.E…

We ( Nna and I ) have made it become real again in a twinkle of an eye..

And there you can spend time in the Museum, which comes Alive Ben Still -ER… and will never go away until you recognize and solve each one out of Existence since you were not grateful to the one forced against his will to do it for you…

Expression Actions.. E.A… Water, the Pool of reflections which goes so deep in seeing and understanding the true long term cause and effect of your not cleaning up expression to others which created a ripple effect in the Film….

That is what the Anunaki represent…

Yes they are Good as Nenad states… actually they are Gods of the Ti Note… Who see everything…

Their arrival as posted by Vivian Lavey and to be confirmed by Nenad is the manifestation of this…

That you did not get away Scot Free….

That is why Courtney McClean represents…

Short Nose McClean…

You were each smelt and you were not Clean and to forget that and to open your mouth, to express, to think for a moment that you cleaned up that which you could not see in your expression and when pointed it out reacted in a way that you have now forgotten…

But the one who cleaned it up will never forget that stench and when you seek to come near Him or Her all he can see is the memory of that stench, his being forced to clean up… And there is is again.

He does not want anything to do with you cleaned up or not…

it is the same thing to him because you did not clean up your mess someone else was made to do it which in itself is against the law of natural existence…

Just one Word…

And the Anunaki as those who destroy and give torment to those claiming to be the Good Guys…

The Annunaki are the God Guys because they are the Line of the Family of T.E.N… I.E.

And it is they who made me clean up your mess which they know I will never forgive and have found another family, the E and I have disowned them and banished them to that role of those illusions they made me clean up only to find the error…

That they whom they sacrificed me for… did not learn a damn thing.

When you open your God Damned Mouth

G.D.M…make sure you take in all points of View…

Especially the one who cleaned up your mess..

And if you refuse to acknowledge him or his existence…

but only reflect and express that glory comes to you…

Then My My My… a Surprise is in store for you…

Because after this Play there is no person no line who is safe from the wrath of the E line…

Manifest Expression..


Only I came voluntarily to Delta Manor Mental Shelter the designated place D.M.I.C…T.P/K 115 AGE…

Anamla Quayin.. A.Q… 1 17….And in 2016…

Of Deaths portal and there here, you see everything to every dimension the depth of meaning manifested of the expression of peoples cause and effect…

I dare any of you to come to this place….

I double Dare you…

To come here activated made sensitive and aware from here to Eternity and then to the other Extreme..

I dare you…

I dare you say that my experience here does not Exists…

Is not real…

Because by staying here voluntarily when I did not have to stay… I could have got of the Train with Mike Prunty…

I had already made it to Grant Street E.B.T..

But after what I understood…

I made it Real….

9:13 p.m.

I dare you… open your mouth and claim the Glory in your name…

Signed the True Mr Clean….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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