
6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m.


Reginald age 26 is sitting to my extreme left.

Rahul age 32 is sitting to my immediate left.. he is watching Ragnarok….

I am sitting at Starbucks. waiting for Flip J Hendrixs.

I woke up from a nap and for some reason I called him.

I say for some reason because I had left a text earlier stating that it was getting just too frustrating getting to meet up with him the second time to complete the work and the 25.00 usd equation.

I had always known that this was a simulation, from as far back as I remember, and in Istanbul, when Nnamdi appeared before me, I knew that it was not him, nor was it real.

I knew it was a hologram, which is one of the reasons I refused the summons to come to New York- to compete.

the idea that something would resort to deception and go as far as to use my bond with my brother, ( then my mother and aunt Ieasha, the later whom I had thought had moved, and had not been able to get in touch with her for 8 years, and the latter who was murdered in the U.S), but me on alert.

And then there was the messenger Durek Verrett.

And an earlier visit from Jon Jason Lee, who insisted on coming to see me in Istanbul.

6:43 p.m.

I realized just how tired I really was, an am.

I had been fighting against an entire world- but not only that it was a set, a simulation and maze made so realistic, sadistic and cruel, that I had begun to question whether I was doing this to myself.

But the Glitch, in my body, the currents moving through my body, causing this last 17 years of ticks which gradually moved to full body torture- a pulling and tugging me out of alignment.

Changing my spinal column, twisting me my body, to such awful positions, that I questioned how is it that I am alive and can still function.

There was no doubt that that is real.

Or the sounds rising from my being, roars, a strange alien language….

Despite my rational mind knowing that this is impossible in this age of man.

I am living it.

And there is nothing anyone can say or do to take that truth away.

Besides, by some miracle, or trick. messengers out of the blue as I walked the streets of New York, would come to me and tell me that my body is caught in between two realities.

That I was being the anomaly, the singularity…

That I was from a different dimension, and that I was going through this physical torture because I was not of this frequency.

They told me things out of the blue- brief intel then they disappeared.

But these messengers arrived always at the point when I was going to Switch off the truth of this forever.

It was not that I doubted what I had already known was true, but what I questioned was the power, the power it had to do this.

And what about the established Eternal Harmony and the laws.

And it had gone too far…

I left a message to Flip J Hendrixs that I was done.

I was a grown man, a brilliant Artist and Scientist who after 17 years in New York, competing and moving through a Maze a Test so vile, so evil, sadistic and cruel…

25 years after Paris and my being a model at the agency called Speciment- who wished to see if they could make me a Top model.. A Specimen…

-It was on Rue Du Antoine in Paris.

and one of the owners was a black man from the islands called Christian who I also met here in New York- and from which another play took place with Erek Eclass Mateo, and Jamel White took place involving a man, a multi millionaire of African Descent who wanted to put me and Naomi Simms on the cover of the New York Times.. ( an ambition he had stated he would manifest through a very erudite business plan)- but instead ended up with him stealing my design he had commissioned… A Collection of garments for the generation of the future- he never paid for them.

PHe also was intent on finding the Self Portraits I had created in Paris- Willing to send people to retrieve them.

I refused to give him the address.

I was aware of what he was, I did not trust him, or his intentions because I was awake, much more awake that I am now.

And I noted that is where I rose, rose , morphed in the offices he had hired.

I rose one night, ascending, morphing..I recall how I the office space became nothing but a background like a Green Screen.

Two people were in the room where I had been working on these designs.

Erek Eclass Mateo and Nexus..

I rose as I had never risen before, I saw the universe stretched out before me, and I walked though Space and as I walked the Awareness Memory of everything exploded in me, my body elongated and Erek and Nexus became so quiet, each morphing into something which revealed their true natures.

I stood in that room but I was not simply there, I was everywhere and I recalled Everything in clarity and the power beyond words which pulsated within me.

The knowing of my I.D.

It was another dimension of reality in which from that far place I perceived Erek and Nexus.. from far away…

The Room was filled with light and another person in the office, a beautiful young woman came in from next door…

There was such a hush such a quiet…

It was another world…

I rose and rose … and I did not come down for days…

I walked with Erek after on the streets and he too rose..

an different being spoke through him- he was tall impossible tall…

It was Erek The Red..

Ah brother back in this realm, time to destroy the miserable creatures

I entered the metro- subway – light was everywhere people parted stared as if in a trance,everything seemed as if in slow motion.

People were pointing at me, staring mouths open… A woman said You were in my dreams

Another.. in awe.. I know who you are

Everything was drenched in a misty light, like dew…

That was 2002.


That office was also the place I received the news of my bio fathers Death.

Erek insisted that I stay in a room in the office for a night to mourn him.

I felt nothing to mourn, there was no grief in me… as if the very idea of death which Erek believed in was not real.

Christian Rue Fabourg St Antoine..

Christian Anthony… C.A.

3 1…

There were too many coincidences to be called coincidences…

No I knew it was a Universal Simulation Awareness Test…

I also knew that the Ancestors had been meddling through the Astral Plane.

I woke up- stimulated by my body and by two men, Lorenzo and a security guard.

I had not realized that all were Holograms or Avatar Descendants- and that I had been passing through set up, scenarios for the last 17 months as well as the last 17 years..

Tests, tests… sadistic cruel evil.. mean.

Made that base more by the meddling of the Ancestral Spirits, the Dead..

And the architect of this Matrix Web.

7:22 a,m

*That was the time I woke up today…

7:22 p.m right now.

And so I sent a message to Flip J Hendrixs I told him that I was not pissed of with him or Peter Nyarkô, that Humans should have never been used as portals…

I ended with I Be well little Brother..I am done.

I noticed the time was 4:43…p.m.

That is sacred portal 43…Door of Life…

4and E=CM4/3…

He responded at 4:46 p.m… he was on his way from work…

I had 1:51 usd in my wallet.

I bought a coffee at the Arab Bodega.. the number 26.

I arrived here and the New York Times was placed besides me as if for me to read.

I did not what to do, I did not feel like reading, I did not feel like posting, I did not feel like waiting.. or insulted unintentionally by a young man 22 years my junior, who the script directed me to ask him for two payments of 25.,00 usd for intel so priceless…

Eventually I went up and asked Yasmine to give me a refill, she did so without batting an eye lid.

Erik Kirk and Yasmine are here behind the counter…

E.K…Y… She served me a coffee with the number 43..

today is 3-4-2018….

Flip J Hendrixs has still not shown up.

Ok here is the evidence.. I just contacted Peter Nyarkô telling him that something is wrong that Flip J Hendrixs has not arrived and that by Law, I am meant to cut him out for breaking the law of impeccability and recognition…

But something did not add up, the moment I completed the message, Flip J Hendrixs contacted me Bad Big Brother at 7:44 p.m…

Oh yes, he knows I am his brother… literally he is the E line beginning embodied! And this A.I.. Simulation is meddling!

Arab Bodega 26… Sophia the A,I…

My Sophia is Natural Woman linked to Dawn Piercy Kemi Sara line.. Flip is from a family of all female including his twin…

Rahul d’Silva has left and 17 year Leo has replaced him.

26 year old Reginald is still seated on my extreme left..

But the End as Ragnarok has left .. Death Terrible Death…

And has been replaced by 17 year old Leo.. L.E.O…

Death as Transformation…

8:06 p.m.


R.L.E… RR… R O L E… R I L E…

8:07 p.m…


1087 Facebook friends…

O.K.. Let me see if I can explain the unbelievable play which took place…

Reginald Rahul… R R…R O Y-G, B .. I V..R… A Full Circle…

Reginald is 26… Z.. and B.F..2 6=8… I.Harmony… he is wearing a T-Shirt ONLYNY

Rahul is 32… He was watching Ragnarok…

Yasmine watched Black Panther.

*The person sitting on the corner to my right, another man who has that beautiful blackness who had once said to me Did I know that there are aliens amongst us, Extra Terrestrials He had looked up at me and said Have you seen the movie the Black Panther.. you really must go and see it

32 is sacred portal Eros Kallee ( Kali whom Geoff Lacour pays hommage to.. You recall that Geoff Lacour, is the one who truly saw me, and is who Flip J Hendrixs looks like…I was with him when he graduated from Sarah Lawrence university but attended with him at Hunters college.

I worked with him on his ceramics project- which I suggested we create Serpents.. We made two Serpents Gold and Silver and placed them in the trees at the Sarah Lawrence campus and he photographed them.

He in turn came and stayed with me at Hells Kitchen flying from St Barths- and saw the Art Science installation I had created to fight the Voodun from West Africa in the War of Worlds between the Spirit World and the Western world of materialism.

Yes, that play witnessed by Axel Love and Michael Frazer…

which Michael was directed to give me the Lord of the Druids E.T Sacred Dagger and symbol of Authority by the Olemec line he channels…

Sacred Portal 32.. E.K… 3 2.. C.B.. Chadwick Boseman.

E.K.. Eric Killmonger

*( Michael B Jordan.. M.J… 13 10 23..

23/ 32… 5 5= 5/5= 1… 5 x5.. 25…

Flip J Hendrixs born 25.

I am wearing the Cap given to me at Delta Manor Christmas 2016.. 25th DEC..511/ 115 O.A.)

Flip has a twin but she is female…

Black Panther name is T’Challa… T; C H..A LL A…

Emeka E T C H… E T C I ..H… A LL A.H…

Sharon and Peter are Cousins…in the E-Spirit world.. next door neighbors…

Just as T Challa and Erik are…

But I am Flip recognized each other and acknowledge that we are brothers…

Emeka Nnamdi….Peter is Nnonyelum.. Puma- I saw him morph into her face before my eyes…

CB.. 3 rings and 2 others… the three rings as Death Destruction.. on the other hand was Tiger and Eagle…. E.T… 5-20 -73.. Which links him to Oboom. my youngest brother 44…

Micheal B Jordan.. M B J… 13 2 10… 35.. C.E… 8

Chadwick Aaron Boseman.. 3 1 2… 6…

86… Sacred Portal 86.. Victor L.O.E..

I am not a Kill Monger or a VILLAIN… D- E.V.I…LL..A IN E

Michael Bakari Jordan is an American actor. He is known for his film roles as shooting victim Oscar Grant in the drama Fruitvale Station, amateur boxer Adonis Creed in the Rocky sequel film Creed, and … Wikipedia

Born: February 9, 1987 (age 31)…

Chadwick Aaron Boseman is an American actor. He is known for portraying Jackie Robinson in 42, James Brown in Get on Up, Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Thurgood Marshall in Marshall. Wikipedia

Born: November 29, 1977 (age 41)..

Do you see… ?

Feb .. 2-9-1987…31…See sacred Portal 31.

Nov. 11-29-1977…41…See sacred Portal 41.

11 29.. 29 +29= 58… 5+8 USD= 13.. M +11 USD.. 11 13… 1313 26… 11 represents Dopplelgangers.. Twins.

Bringer of the End… Ragnarok… Terrible Death.. T.D- 20 4..24.. S,P 104..

And bringer of Beautiful Death as Transformation 17 Letter Q.. Quantum Quintessential.. 7-17-1984, Jamel S.. Jamel White.

J J.. S W…10 10… 19 23…2…10 5. 6… 2 6….8.

New Face book friend Laura Graham

L.G…Geoff Lacour.. G.L.

12 7.. 19.. 10… 1 O.. A O.

7 12.. 19 10.. 1O.. A O.



9:04 p.m

9;05 p.m



Destruction Creation… D.C.

3-4-2018… C.D.. Compact Disc.. Song T R ..U E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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