
6:32 pm,

6:32 pm,

From Elaine Benedic.


Yes the Billy Hung play yesterday… Popes Benedict…

John Paul ..Benedict Francis…

She has 131 Facebook.. I noted that I was at 131 text messages with Billy yesterday and now at 153….

ZTE Phone…

ETZ Phone Home…

ETZ is a Chinese Company and was on the News Paper on the 26th th with Donald Trump…

Meanwhile I was on the computer day before yesterday and yesterday 26th and 27th in a play where with Donald L Turner…

D..L.T… ( Link Delta .. Lorenzo Tripoli.. L T/ T L… 12 20/ 2012…The year I met Billy Hung and embarked on a Journey through Liz’s portal with Rav Singh.. I left Albert Sanatana at 268 on July 4th… Independence Day..

I thought it was about my ID and the I.D of the Family being released… It was but it took 6 years to reach the full circle with my having to go where ever I was led by the Music Wave including this Mental Health Homeless Men shelter… – Each time I had the chance to leave, but that meant giving up of the Equation of the Evolution of the Species back to the Eternals through this play of revealing the Eternal Truth…

And the Evolving condition of my body did not help…

Donald L Turner was in a play whose expression and experience he recounted to me and then Randall Michael Wiltz… aligned perfectly with what I was going through with a person called Peter who worked on the Weekend staff representing Ex Military and Ex Convict beings in the play… of their evolving from the habit of Power…

That made me aware of that he was being activated and that I had to pay attention…

It was about the abuse of power of Staff in this world… and why.

Control through Fear and the manipulation of the media and air waves..

Fucking with Peoples Minds.. Head.. Ophoids and prescription pills..

Inscription in the Army..

The Poor – Prison or Army..

The Aristocrats – Serve….Service..

And those who created that systems of the Con… of Death and Mind Manipulation …

SS Gestapo…

Army and Ex Cons…


Army of E… in the Cells Beans…

Energy .. proving Energy is Harmony based in Truth.

The next day it was about Jupiter Ascending which he put on.

And commented to Bean, that what if Alien were controlling Humanity..

The way he spoke about it was very intelligent and not fear based but as a curious mind wondering if everything down here was a play..

Which served a higher purpose and that what if God is really and Extra Terrestrial and that has a family of Extra Terrestrials..

In the version on the movie, Jupiter Ascending JA. they were harvesting humans, but in his own perspective it was the idea which inspired him to link all the knowledge he had read about from Historical evidence of Alien space ships, to Christian and other religious beliefs…

Somehow we might have lost the true story and created a version which got lost he said. What if we forgot or started to mix it all up and became all this… after all, this ideas all over the film and Tv is comming from somewhere…

I watched Beans response.. His eyes went so wide…

At first refusing to even contemplate the possibility but a moment later he was rocking back and forth in laughter with his finger to his lips n a sign as Shhh!!! as he laughed quietly as if that which he suspected ( from watching so many movies) was being uttered….

I knew then that my Phone my Govt Phone which had shut off after only 8 days of service… shit off my internet connection was linked to the E.T.Z.. The code I have been proving.

– in the movie they Aliens were harvesting Humans..

In the true version i am living as the E.T, I am harvesting the original seed planted in Humanity as the vessel for the E, to learn and understand the nature of the Truth of their I.D.. which is that not only was their Source Hueman.. ( not Human ) but also the fact of their origins and that Truth .. is Love.. the same thing.

T.L.. L T… and they had to come into this realm of a story created for them called Time to experience not only what it Is to be Human, and chose to evolve back to Hue Man by linking True Nature with Eternal Truth.. N T.. E T… TT EN…..And why Hueman is the S… Stephan Oscar Laurel.. Sophia Ophelia Lauren… the S O L… The one crowned Existence and Being which all beings in Existence could exist with without loosing any of their original selves…

Meaning the one which all came and emerged from… and understand why…

And most of all their Origins… the one mystery which only the First Being their Source, could explain…

And so the harvesting is of my Family.. The Eternals who have risen through the Nature of Matter to merge into one with the E through Expression Energy, Energy Spirit ( Music) Energy Physical ( Manifestation)…. E E E S E P…. E E

Jenny was just here, she is Jace Horsford girlfriend, who links to my Jenny who I met at Albert Santans home, his brothers Daughter born 5-28… which as you might have realized is Todays Date and is called the Love Frequency…

This is what I texted Billy the moment I woke up after the hideous play with Quanma’e Lewis and Kyle Murphy yesterday…

Why did I care, when none of this was real, none of them were real and those scheduled to rise would rise, why did I care about proving this was a play and not the real world.

Granted it was a bad idea this Script not did I ever agree to play such an insulting role… This is not my script.

But I could understand the point of the Script…

It was making me reveal Love.. What Love, I did not intend to and when I first came into this world, I had no idea what Love was which people kept speaking off…

But by 1994 in Paris, chez Erica Ekayani Chamberlains at Rue Oberkampf, I realized I knew What Love Is… and that the people of this planet did not know what it was, not really … they felt it but could not define it … they could describe the feelings… some even called it chemical .. which is not a lie, since the Universe which is made outr of Love.. C.. Consciousness C speed of Light… Clarity…is made out of Elementals and Ethereals- Energy in motion…

I realized that I knew what Love is.. but they did not.

1994… Good Grief… That would mean in my spontaneous text to Billy Hung today at 10:50 am…

*8:05 p.m right now…

And I will share his response which was brilliant proving this is a script…’

…Good Grief that means that I have been proving I know what Love is since 1994 by standing on the Truth that this world is not the Real world..

Jason Mraz was what Billy Hung shared in relation to a post which he was used as All of you, for me to solve of a Play set up by the E.T..To bring the Z end of this Zombie Human play …

Life is Wonderful… L I W…

J.A.. Jupiter Ascending .. J A… SON… ( Me still in the role of the Son..grumble…. Harvey Boyd ..H Boy -D) to raise the Song..Kirtan Locket ( bed 3-019… C O S…INE… C S.. Creator Supreme)

M.R… A-Z… / Z A… RM… D B 4 B… 18/19…

I E..D B… R ..O S..E O… S … EOS Means Dawn… Dawn Piercy

Time of the video 4:13 ..mins.. D M… Dawn Marie…

*This are the anchors i use to keep my aware that it is a play…

The Facts… such as Guy Pearce does in the film Mementum

*Leonard (Guy Pearce) is tracking down the man who raped and murdered his wife. The difficulty, however, of locating his wife’s killer is compounded by the fact that he suffers from a rare, untreatable form of memory loss. Although he can recall details of life before his accident, Leonard cannot remember what happened fifteen minutes ago, where he’s going, or why.

Release date: March 16, 2001 (USA)

Director: Christopher Nolan

Screenplay: Christopher Nolan

Budget: 9 million USD

Awards: Independent Spirit Award…

Grossed 39.7 million…

9 .. 39.7…. I.. C I…G…

15 Mins… ago… 15… is O… Full Circle…

Everyone can remember full circle… see the play with Kyle Murphy Billy Hung 15 15… ..It is a choice to not remember or tell the full circle of the point.. or to write it down…

So see the ZTE… Code..?

E T..Z… I knew that it was about Jace Horsford.. J K H… Not the person but passing through the E he represents, so I asked him to load some amount on my phone.. Z T E…

He said if he 15 was enough… then he quoted 15 mins…

And I knew it was about our meeting…

Jace means Healer

Code Excellent Healer… E H… ( 58… 1158 Face Book fiends)..1159 was the sacred portal 59 is The End of the Story of this World Z…

China taking over America.. and the new Dominant force in the World…A Pipe Dream, just as America never controlled the Worlds Economy.. a group in this reality did… 58 is me going home..

but obviously I was made to make sure that the world I leave behind is okay that the bodies indented with the E imprint, the ones who stay behind to finish their evolution of E after the E Source takes back all my Fractals

Fractaling As Emeka Eze…

That they have the tools to do it themselves as I did..

Meanwhile I take with me my original family who never sought to be separate from me, because they had no doubt or question in the Eternal Beginning.. E B..

That I ROSE as the Source because this Family of E T. witnessed before my Son rose as the Sum Total embodied as Nature Nothingness.. Because there existed Sumthing before Nothing… but only those who could See… E… S E E ….C E E…./ C S… Kirtan locket… K L…11 12… 23… W… Double V..VV… E … My true one first family…

This is Nnamdi’s play evolved now to Emmanuel Kerema through Babalola Tobi Emmanuel. Chinedum Emma Nnamani…

He is what you call God… The Music.. Wave…

I am the Source of the Music… Expression and my Song.. E S..

Brought forth the Chorus.. Choir Echo…

Narcissus E C H O…

Jace Horsford stated he would meet me at 6:30…

that linked to 63.. D.T… Donald Trump.. Donald Turner…D Leyton Turner..

And could not charge my phone up,

He got a new Job about to be confirmed and was making a BQ..Barbeque…

Yes, P W Q B/ B Q W P… Still on the wrong side isn’t he..? chuckle..view .. of how he sees… But he is being moved by the E…

He of course, did not obey the E in him to the letter as mot of you do not…( you chose to listen to that which you call the devil.. the one which moves you out of impeccabilty with your word, because it caters to your selfish side… that which is self centered in the worst meaning of Self and Centered.. Distorted Ego… WALLET…

No, he did not invite me.. Sigh…

The moment he finally arrived I was buying a coffee Chris gave it to me for 54 cents.. I knew he was making a gesture and offeredme a free starcucks cup of plastic given away for free..

The number today .. which this whole play was about .. not using the China ZTE Spy phone having defeated that Virtual play of China… chi..Na.. and Chi Nese… Na is an OINri Igbo words and Nese is Turkish.. ‘Na meaning Home.. or And… Nese who was the Head of the Famed Turkish Modelling agency I was part of and Choreographer Nese Erberk.. N E in 1997….Means People named Nese include: Neslihan. Neslihan is a Turkish feminine given name and may refer to: Nihal. Nihal /’ni?hæl/ is a given name of Arabic origin, meaning; joyous, or successful.

I know the Na means Home… AND ET…/ TE.. DNA… 7th Note and Bean Dna Mitochondria CELL… C M.. Govt Phone… NUMBER… 1 347 313 6778…. 13 47 31 36 77 8… Code is completed… 77 was my Coffee at the Arab Bodega…

77 is the code of this Starbucks…

77 Sacred Portal…

77 14… 5…

My coffee was is 6 73… My youngest brother Oboom! Boom! born 5-20-1973… E T…Age 44…

Billy Hung is 44 and he is more like my brother line.. they linked.

So is Jace Horsford…

Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis lies in my bed… 4-004… He will lie in my B ED..

And I ended up with 29 usd last night… as well as coffee 621..

8:53 p,m.. Kyle Murphy room 5C.. Bed 26.. Z… will do my journey since they know better than the Creator and dared go so far… the line they represent in the planet…

I have more to say about this…

But I will speak about this later… Not about Jacquii the Black Revolutionists who betrays the Eternal Truth for a White Idea of Supremacy who kept seeking to One Up me to quoye J.Q…


Good luck to that line of Black and white… no kin of mine …

8:58 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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