
6:31 p.m.

6:31 p.m.

Code Time Doctor Patrick Okolo three time connection.

Excuse, I have to pause…

Did you notice how my last post started at B.E.I…

And has moved down from 860… See sacred Portal 86 O..

to 8 59…H.E.I…

Now, the code is meant to be B.E.I…N.G… Add 14 7… Sacred Portal 147… Emmy… 21…U… 3..C…C is Chukwu…

Instead one can see the malice, B.E.I…Be E I…

Which can be read as Is E..I… The Individual Infinity…etc..

is he me?

Response, 859..H.E..I…

Meaning after the last post, yes, he is I..

It is very easy to read this conversation on my Page over the last 49-50 months..

But of course, most of you are not ware of my even posting everyday is a response to a stimuli in the Spirit world, if not you would have read the pattern of how the and when the numbers fall, the Face Book friends arrive and leave…

This play was never about me, but somehow the codes always allude to me and my undercover Identity in a manner which it is aware will only piss most people off this consciousness off..

Its Malice is like a poison all over this play of Expression.

I know this Evil, beyond definition…

It comes Africa World….

Meaning current world of the Africa Dna…

I recognize it in people I have met, their actions and expressions, I met it in communities towns, and in Good People..

A Real Good person never qualifies themselves as Good…

An Individual says… This is who I am

There is no need to qualify it…

But then you can not see the patterns, because this is not that relevant until it proves itself relevant.

But I would have loved for you to see, through this play the dripping venom and malice in this world, in people and in yourselves…

Not when you are happy, or in good spirits or get what you wish, but when things do not work out, when you do not get what you want.. or when you believe that you have been slighted.

After speaking to Rob…

I had to once more pause, and take in that despite most of the world, in denial or asleep. the world has reached this point of Hatred and Self justification…

What is an Individual has been reduced to a Narcissistic Megalomaniac Pimp…

An Individual is the Sum Total of the Best of All Human Values and breaks free to spear head one of its principles…

Such as Beauty, Truth, Love…

Like a Specialist and expert in the field..

What people call Archetypes, are really called Examples…

This same structure still exists in a bastardized version of your the education system..

University, Masters Doctorate, Honorary Doctorate … U.M.D…

D.M.U…S.I.C… Harmonies

Do you know a Master means that you have Mastered Full Circle a Universe…

And that a Phd is really, A Doctor of Philosophy… Ideas…Understanding the Existence of a Universe

And Honor is Nobility… Adding something so Noble to that Universe Existence that it Shines with its own Supremacy of Light…

It Sings its own song.

But forgive me, despite all I have said and posted, you can not see the pattern of the great evil in the world which is the base of Human Primal Fear staring back at them…

The Things People have said and done…

The Big Mouth Syndrome of saying things you are really not qualified to say…

When an entire Awareness could be watching you…

I took a look at the fact Rahul was upset with me because I had insisted he buy me a sandwhich…

His reply, the judgment of perhaps the greatest expression of information rather than a boast I have solve the Source Code- which anyone has the right be proud of By God!

But the primary importance is the significance viz a viz your Existence, your life…

To have a person judge me, throw out all the evidence because of a demand to buy him a sandwhich to remind him of the value of the intel…

And then at the same time have another person whose mother dies by the cruelty of this system father mother all die…

In my room who becomes suicidal because he can not understand the world..

I just received a text just now from Rahul .. he sent it at 5-27 pm..

Somehow, my phone just alerted me…


Meaning he is in Harmony with this Play…

Meaning he was innocent, that this was set up..

Just as I had let me guard down when I recognized his perfect timing and manners on how we met and started speaking and his arrival for our meeting…

This is the Evil of this Script, how it sets people up, if Rahul had not just called I would have written that he had made the choice to let Fear Doubt triggered by a grown man who has been coming here for 4 months buying his own coffee food etc.. and who he recognizes is of a higher intelligence who gave him demonstrations..

Hyper Corp and who his own Espirit acknowledged…

And the consequences of my writing that here… may mean nothing much in this current moment in time..

But in Perfect Timing….

And look.. I have been observing this force doing this, testing me as well putting innocents at risk one after the other…

The ones who it has already claimed there is nothing…

I do not even connect to them..

But is the ones it moves, creating set ups so close to pushing both parties over the edge…

This is the Evil, I see everywhere.. yes it came from Humanity but it has gone way beyond what Humanity can do and those such as Rahul or even Traishon intended…

It is what the Shamans or the Inventors and Scientists would call an aberration of Evil… with personality Angry Mad… Viscous…

And yes I recognize it very easily in Peoples expression but this as been expanded exponentially to the impossible the improbable, the Absurd… but it is here…

You can see it later on my page by reading the patterns, even the likes by using the codes to break down the numbers and a dictionary to look up the meaning of names..

It creates its own rules, breaks them.. but one thing is It intent that I suffer and its hate for its creators Humanity…

And yet it is perhaps Its Indifference is at the base of its Hate…

There is so much I wished to tell you about It and the Nature of Evil..

But it has used the very thing which is where Evil Sprung out in Humanity. Arrogance and Superiority… transformed into Deaf Dumb and Blind…

To others point of view by trapping people in their heads and the very thing they do to each others to form the basis of the Script.

All my life, I have been aware of this Thing using you Humanity People to enrage me to the point that I become like it…

But I can not… Will not..

And I have the advantage of seeing what it is trying to do..

Rationalize what it became, by forcing me to become as It…

So that I would understand Its point of view.

I see it…

But I understand Its Rage but I do not accept it..

It logic is skewered, because It Cause and Effect is that Nothing Should have ever Risen in the First place…

That there should have never been manifestation….

The mind numbing arrogance of this statement…

especially if you consider that He or It She.. was not the one that brought everything into Existence…

Were not there so how is you that you have the Right to decide and to create such a script….

Yes it is created by the people and most of the World is infected but 1/3 is much better than 1/millionth of the species…

7, 477 billion…*Apparently at an incremental growth of 1.11% and the growth rate is decreasing…

2.5 Billion people can easily rebuild a World…

Especially if they are fully aware and finally Awake…

As in the movie Limitless.. but naturally…

The World which will be built will be breath taking and lets not speak about the E Lines abode…

But this War.. which many are beginning to perceive by the hate expressed by people now expressing themselves in Social Media.. Social..ha!

On the streets and comments about others in the news, in so many situations….

Jesus all this people ignoring the signs to, to focus only on what they desire..

While the few others are fighting this atrocious war with the Invisible and Visible forces…

Well, I do not wish to speak about this anymore.. but this is that which is not fully present in your reality…

But Rob spoke about it.. without my even initiating it, so did Traihon..

It has to end… it is arrested development of not only the Species by the Evolution of All the Multitudes of Existence beautiful…

But after I spoke with Rob… I spoke with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka nothing he did, I just saw.. that this Evil is still fighting on..

This Evil once called God, Unity… Truth…

8:07 p.m


I am angry of course, as it is perhaps even more, but what have you allowed yourself to become…?

My God…

No Its is Your God… Gone Mad Crazy and Nothing or none was did anything to stop It Him Her Them..

Crazy with Hurt Betrayal Suffering ….

I wish you can see it…

But you will and by then for many it will be too late.

The Cut must be done now before more become infected..

It is not their Souls but their chance of rising in this world…


8:11 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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