
6:29 p.m

6:29 p.m


6:39 p.m.


Dear Lords… I was just set up…

There is no secret that, I am ascending…

I have known this for a while, but the process was changed, degenerated into the semblance of Ticks, and long flowing movements- which mimicked beautiful ethereal beings…

This is of course, not how I usually rise.

Yes, I have risen before, perhaps not to this height..

but I have… and it is with Ease…. E.A.S.E…E…

Because everything in Existence Creation where created with the attributes of me the Source… or God…

No, I do not call myself God…

Let me tell you about how I was set up…

I was invited by Prince Panther for x Mas Dinner…

I could have called others, even family….

But just as I knew I was telling the truth and allowed myself to be lured into a Trap and Delta Manor..

I was unafraid of the Truth, the Fact that I did not lie…

And my Family is Here…

I had told her, that I was not so sure, but that I expected to be home by X Mass, Christmas, Yule…

But after the response from the Clarity so clear indicated on this page of ‘This Demonstration of Evolved Being Hood-

-Transposed into Okwu Minoo and Apaadi in Youruba…

Apaa Di bia… The Bag of the Eyo OINri- Medicine Man….

*See sacred portal 112 A…Return of the Prodigal Son..P.S

As aligned to Sacred Portal 112 B, Krsna Christ.. K.C…Tell me the Meaning of Existence.. Demands the Goddess Bliss Sacred Portal 44… Yes.. Marina Burini @ DC…43… Washington D.c.. Aligned to her partners.. code Brazil Iraq… Stunning Beauties she recounts which Leapt out of my Sacred Portal Drawings I did 6 years ago inher House which began on my Birthday.. 11-28… Yes,

Ola Ly…11: 28- 1982….Yes, 28 Years to the Day I left My Mother- in Nigeria- where she has been Bond since I left…

And yes 24 Years since I visited Home and the last portal the ORB of Light…

Experienced by Kerwyn Vincent…K V.. 11 22… David Cecilia.. D.C.

Yes, today is the 24th…

Apa Di… In the Testicles of the Husband…

The Balls… is more the correct equation…

The One who carries the Two True ‘Oval Offices

The Scrotal Sack…

The One who creates the Seed of Life…

Se men…. and the Egg… Ovum…

But after this last spirit play of the Africa World…

A.W… I felt and feel no awe… just a disgust that goes beyond words but is enough to bring forth an extermination of that entire Dna Gene Pool.. And a choice and chance was given to make rise your true Dne….

My Two new face Book Friends are

Isa Bruner

Ola Ly

It should have been 8 31 Face Book Friends…

The Time 6:31…Elevated to 6=8…

By two… Balls… in One Bag…

8 31.. but instead we are at 830…

Too Tiring…

And when I woke up today, the exhaustion of sleeping in such a space, the loud loud snoring of David Dawn, and the draining espirit of that place ( if you see it as real), made me state that this is just no longer worth the effort…

If all meaning and clarity of purpose and manifestation can be made to become so unclear, when it is so clear…

But the Response.. and an Entire Universe which employs Lies and Deceit.. Self Deceit and Self Projection to power its Existence…

I could hardly move today, the fatigue… and the Insult… That this IS my Experience.. This Spirit World… can go this Far…

My mind shies away from what I have understood…

But when I decided to accept the invitation, a sort of quiet defiance and very quiet statement to E.I.. To Every One…

That I no longer belief a Word you say…

Despite my Voice Expression Codes, Harmony O.E.Equation being true- responded by my very eyes…

Do you know whose birthday it is today?

Becky Tajinhz 19…S…

Victoy Vicky… 21…U.

19 21…. 21 19… From the Future…. U.S.. Universe Supreme…

The Largest Galaxy in the Known Universe… K.U..K.W.U…

21+19= 40… 40 U.S.D in my wallet…. 4O..My bed.. 4016…56…

Se sacred portal 56…

See sacred portal 40…

But See 19 and 21…

And their Initials… B.T..V V…

Beautiful Truth Double V….

22 22..8 Berry Becky Berry Becky…

which is really 55…10…T.E.N…

Isa I.S..A Belle… I.D..C…Isabelle Demetria Case….

I.S.A…!… I..Stella Antley…

Isa means Beautiful…

Bruner means ‘Spring and Well…S A W… S.W

Ola means Ancestor.. First Ancestor… Adam Manu…Steven…

Relic.. Holy..Blessed… A.R…F…A.R..C….H.B…Defender of Humanity… Doh…The First Note…

830 Face Book Friends..


… I knew that if they were coming, that I would not be allowed to go to Prince Panthers family home… Bless Her

And something did come up..

Just something came up with Marina Burini in D.C to send a gift code today…

I felt nothing because the spirit play was so evil, so viscous spiteful and cruel are the thoughts in the Human Mind.. and its sum total..

Which is the Pit they threw me in…

Thoughts! Mind of Men Women Animals.. the Sum total..

And yes, I was aware of Everything and each experience.. at Speeds slowed down outside of time…

The amount of times, they sabotaged that which ‘Should Be’ and replaced it what ‘It can not possibly be- and it played out.. manifested into a play which was turned into My Existence.. which I could not escape from…

So I decided to rest… Indifferent.. not really… excited?

Definitely not.. that has gone….

Just that not interested anymore… in falling for these traps and lies in the Hell of Okwu Mmuo…Apaadi…



7:31 p.m

While the world watched…commented…

Did it ever occur to you that I might at this point be telling the Truth…

That I am the Source… Of Everything…?

Bu of course, the Source of Everything would not enter into Non Existence, to rescue the Truth of His Seed and help restore Humanity and their sense of Pride in what they can accomplish, by his coming as an ordinary man..

Agreeing for everything to be stripped from him, living on a streets, Alleys, Forests, Sleeping on Trains and living in a Shelter for 2 months and B.R.C..or 3 months at Delta Manor….

2-3… Yes, I have been made painfully aware of that..

Not can he be a Gentleman, a Boy. a Friend, a Lover..

No other role but to Serve those who celebrate.. Easter Christmas Hannuka..

Stella.. Means Star…

Esther…Mean Star….

E.S… Esther Uzoma, Esther Ufomadu, Stella Antley Stella Offorka

All mean Star…. E.S.. 5 19…24…Todays Date….

E.S.E.S….24-24…48…12 3…. 24/24= 1….


4 Stars E.S… in One… 5…1…

So, I found myself in my room alone, but instead of seizing the opportunity to sleep…

My body.. my greatest Torment.. Hectate…

See meaning of the name Kathleen Beard… K.B…11 2…

See sacred Portal 112… A.B…112+112…224…V.D…B.X…

B.O.X… But what Box..

I am in a Room.. with a View.. Two… One by me 4016… 56..11 1

and the other by 4019…59…14..5O… Of being at Home…

N.E.O…Watching the Evolution Awakening Fact manifest all around the World..

But look where the room your Response generated in the Universal Simulation…

Your Minds…

That this is where I really belong…

A Mental Health Shelter.. where I had to Humbled by moving me from a room of relative comfort the first day.. shown it so that I would be aware, that this is what I have earned.. even in the Shelter System..

but this is what they would give me instead…

7:47 p.m..

To be taken down a peg or two… to a Dormitory…

To be…

Well enough…

So you see, I just had to get up from that room. and those ‘Characters set up by the Spirits..

With all the knowing of who I am, what I have given, what has been taken away.. to be broke once more ( intentionally created) to celebrate X Mass alone….

Yes I took it all in…

7:49 p,m…

See sacred portal 49.. Existential Death…. E.D.. 45…

I am sitting once more at Star Bucks, not surprised that the draining energy has left my body…

Posting from here… Toilet code 1 45 O…

Wondering, despite all this Evidence Facts…

You are so sure that I am a Lie… Crazy.. Mentally Deficient…

Deserving of this…

I wished to buy some tobacco, American Spirits…

just in case… as I walked back, I crossed the Road to see E.L… from the Shelter…

Reflecting me.. in the Awareness of the 4th Dimension to 1…

El means God…


E L.O..R.D…


Is fine for me…

I do not require to BELIEVE I am Home…

I require that I.KNOW.. I am home..

And so far, despite the Evidence Proof… E.P…


I am suitable Unimpressed….


7:56 p.m

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