
6:27 pm – 6:28 pm. – F-A-A ( B.G)

6:27 pm
6:28 pm.

F-A-A ( B.G)
F-B.H ( B.I)


I do believe that Liberty C is moving today back to Virginia.
It means much more than you can imagine for the End of this story.

I wish her, Aurelia, Leander, Jeron Azure, A Safe Journey.
Connecticut – Virginia.

10th to 5th and back to the 10th State.

I am now at 3065 Facebook Friends, if you notice, from the play yesterday, “Law Abiding Citizen. 1.37.40 minutes into the movie, code “12 155550642…”
That it did not stop at 64- so the code is not 64, but since Liberty C Line was the former rep of the World, and of the Sacred portal 56-506, then that makes it 42.

Many might have noted based on the public response how similar this is to that Book and Film “Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy’s opening scene”
And the meaning of Existence as 42.

6:42 pm right now.

But Being and Doing is 4+2=6.
Sixth Sense. 4 x2= 8.

Dina Diana was my last Facebook Friend last night.
DD is 44.
15 44 C-Town Supermarket.
44 is 1-8.
Arden Gemino is 18.
Link Connect 18 Alexander Grove.
A.H. 18 R.
See Sacred Portal 18. Honey Bee- Pollination.
18 R is Response.
20 18. T.R. Understanding Expression
T R U E.

Dina Diana means Judgement Day is Divine.
Divine Smile.

So it is not in any mortal person hands, but you do get to Vote Individually, for the Solution to your Future, but not the future of this world, planet, just you Destination-Fate.

6:51 pm.

I have played my part and role as Translator, Transmission, Truth-True.
Sixth Sense moved to Fact and did it with a play that goes against Infinite, Eternal, Divine, Natural Law.
The taking away of my sovereign rights of my own body, as well as my “Freedom, Liberty and Expression, Choice to make me decode this script for you in a mentality in which there is LAC-K and Need, Demand and Egotist, Selfish and Lazy Entitlement- none of which I agreed because I already understood the nature of this world and humanity age 7-8.

* I just went to make my coffee, the timer on the micro-wave was left at 54, My code age.

Now it is at 42.

Ah, that is the code of Law Abiding Citizen ( L.A.C / C.A.L)
It does end at 42.

Cecilia- 42.
Arden = 42.
SE.L.F.= 42

H.G.TT.G Meaning of Existence 42.

6 x3 is 18.

6×4= 24
But we did not stop at 6 4
but at 6-3 C A S.
Court CAS.E.K.
Twice yesterday.
K.E. S.A.C. K. Existence.
Clark Kent. Kael- “Voice of God”

Voice of The People is all a Lie.

3065 Facebook Friends
=14. N- A.D.
Alpha Dog, An example of the mentality of America’s Youth in the illusion of the 20-21st Century, and that was played out here for the last 13 months to 9-11.
“No way for this play” S.P 106. SaysThe Silver Surfer”, the true representative of Beautiful Youth.

You can not take away a person’s Free will and Choice of E-spirit, and yet it was done and allowed, so that you would get all the intel to rise.

7:17 pm
That is exactly how long I stayed in New York, the 11th state before being moved to this 5th State.
17.7 years. Q.G.
Quantum G=7-Gemino- Graceful Transformation- which took place for me personally in 2002, but since then it had been transformed into a personal abomination and nightmare- which the World People who so much had been sacrificed for, even the Breaking the Law of Self Sovereignty.
7:21 pm

7:22 pm
Very Good. V.G.
Amazing Grace. A.G.

7-23 pm.
G W. G.VV.

And despite that breaking of the law which holds all things and everything, everyone together and all the Haters, (Trolls) the Cruelty, the Big Mouths, Racism, superiority, deception, true evil, I have walked through that script to its conclusion here, and the result was the same as what the Law and Cause & Effect -Harmony had concluded.

7:26 pm.

After all that, the result was the same, as the original Idea Dream as well as in the Personal Nightmare I was given to live.

7:27 pm.
7:28 pm.

7-7 27 28.

Nothing Changed, all that was achieved was that you made it more of a nightmare- Terror- Terrorists as the Human Species who became, even more, self-entitled and Lazy and Selfish, the same crucifixion and torture, the same mob, but added was horrors inflicted on me personally I can not post, but which represented the sum total of cruelty seen and unseen people inflicted onto each other throughout time, till the abomination of the present we see now on T.V and Films shows, series Amazon -Netflix.
And worse than even that is the people and what they do to others, privately, with intent, and with the idea that they were not seen and would never get caught or have to answer for it.
The Delusion of that latter is so beyond words all I can say is Self Destruction. S.D= 23. W.5 E.

Why allow it to go so?
All which has been achieved is making what was already scheduled to become extinct, so much worse, that the word Evil- Cruelty lost its meaning and relevance, that is how bad it is and became. Increasing the horror, that mentality, that sense of Self Interest, greed indifference, and apathy until the Soul and Self, rose up to set its avatars up, and move them to the court where they would be judged by the ones within, Inside, and Outside.

7:40 pm

7:42 pm.

You know, while I was checking the micro-wave, I rolled myself a “rollie” the Filter I made of some carton suddenly started back at me it says 8:00 am.

What am I meant to do and understand by this?
I was Born at 8:00 pm.
8:00 a.m.

Because the Micro Wave, same as the micro-wave which moves and permeates everywhere, everything, everyone, is agreeing with my intel through its script of a T.V Film?

A Script of Liars and a Family who broke all the laws of Truth and True Existence, to force me into this Role without a choice to bring Everyone Home?

There is Infinite Consequences when you break the law, right to Nature Harmony.
N.H.- V. 22.

7:51 pm.

Human Beings interfere with each other’s Freedom, Liberty, Equality- right to Exist, but for that which is mimicking The Eternal and Divine E.D to do this, with the excuse of Saving a People a Planet who were and are no longer qualified to Exist, unless they evolve is a totally different thing.

7:56 pm.

After witnessing and being forced to participate in yesterday’s play of that Asterios Meteorite which Just missed the Earth, and the Extreme Indifference and Apathy of Humanities ingratitude to Divine Intervention, D.I.

7:59 pm.

And then business as usual, my disgust and contempt was not directed at Humanity- “Independence Day” I.D- after all this is who you really truly are, no it was with the Force as Energy which set this up.

8:01 pm.

8:02 pm.


That it would allow the continued misery, suffering, and incertitude of all. Just so the Billionaire Boys and Girl clubs who feel they have it all can continue with that delusion, illusion that their way of life will never change, as well as the poor, the middle class,
That as the drum and noisemakers can assert that nothing has changed, and those doing the work to bring change are worth nothing at all, not even the most basic courtesy of respect for devotion to a truly beautiful cause.
I am in the script 54, E.D. E.N.
And the lie 1965, 1966, I am 56, 55…

30 65 is where it stopped but it is aligned to Laura Walsh who is in perfect E Harmony.
So that means that before Liberty C left or leaves, we had to get all her sisters so the numeric code would include all in her code of 37.
1 37.50 Hours minutes, secs into the movie L.A.C.

Ah, well I have expressed enough to fill the script need for my expression.

Let us align the Two New Facebook Friends.

But let me ask you one question if you are all so indifferent to whether I live or die- leave my body, and are so indifferent to the suffering you gave me each day of my life while I was forced to fight for you, why on earth would I care if you live or die or suffer the consequence of your Judgment Day- something which you created yourself along with God? Jehova? Yahweh,? would it not make more sense, my doing everything to make you pay and suffer those consequences with interest?

Ugochi Vivian U.V. I.E.

Vanessa Dailey V.D. I.E.

U.V. V.D, U Double VV, at Delta 4.


UU V. D. I.E.

Double UU ( 1 42) DIE.

Ugochi means *”A user from Nigeria says the name Ugochi is of Nigerian origin and means “Literal meaning; ‘God’s eagle’. Figurative meaning; God’s honor/glory.”

Gods Eagle. G.E. (7 5)
God’s Honor- Glory. G.H.G ( 7 8 7)

Vivian *”English and French: from the personal name (Latin Vivianus, a derivative of vivus ‘living’, ‘alive’). The name was borne by a 5th-century bishop of Saintes, France, and was popular among the Normans, by whom it was introduced to England.”

Living, Alive. L.A.

Vanessa. *”Vanessa is a traditionally feminine name with all sorts of mythological roots. In Latin it can mean “of Venus,” the god of love; in Greek, however, it’s a reference to the mystic goddess Phanessa, who is Pandora’s daughter and bore a fascination for butterflies.

God of Love- Venus.

Pandora Daughter. Fascination with Butterflies.

*”by CK Evans · 1993 — Most American baby name books claim that the origin of the name Vanessa is a Greek word meaning ‘butterfly,’ ”

The Butterfly Effect. B.E. B.F.E
Laura Walsh Ripples.

8:33 pm.

Being 6-5.

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