
6;26 p,m…

6;26 p,m…


Contd… Solving the Riddle of Arch Angel Samuel….

Abrantepa Deadline…

Samuel Crow… 614-612….

Code meaning: A.S…C.D…

Alberto Santana … A.S

Lotus Santana Dharma… L.S.D..

Zeina Hanna-H.

Zorror Harmony…

Sunshine State..

* There is no doubt, that this 15 year play, and especially the last 4 years is deeply disturbing to me personal, as a Hue-man Being as well as a fully Aware Eternal Energy Expression of Truth…

I have no allowed myself to express, what I am truly experiencing, because I am fully aware that it would effect people adversely, but because the play’s template gives you a Choice as to which Truth and course to take.

And so I have endeavored to simply report, the play while at the same time finding myself a contestant in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix- while traveling through all the illusion of the sum total of Human Toxic expression…

I awake each day, not able to swallow just how far this has been allowed to go…

How can first contact be designed in a template to receive non stop contempt and indifference…

What I have experienced, witnessed, forced to swallow and endure for a mission which is meant to bring Joy Bliss, Happiness Desire, Extase to All be degraded to such a point of what this Script reveals, what this experience reveals…?

Can Humanity really truly have created such a an amount of Horror to create such a play…

For many years, I did not believe it..

I did not believe Humanity, had the power to manifest such.. and in a way they do not…

But in this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix- that which they expressed was allowed to take form and shape and even Awareness…

As a lesson in School, University, Cause and Effect…

But this is more like a Harry Potter story, of Death Eaters, and all manner of Abominations have taken over the Planets Consciousness, using the innocent’ to infect the world by infecting their consciousness…

And what could compel me to continue, working solving, linking answering a 24-7 play, in which through conditions and limitations of everything- from my own bed, home, support, income, body, no family or friends, and a body evolving before an entire world…

While navigating an awakening of one Individuals Truth, while including the Eternal truth and Human Experience in this realm…

6:50 p.m..

F.E.O… I just checked the meaning of the name Feo… it means Ugly’ in Italian Spanish… And Darkness in Greek…

The Ugly Darkness.. when I was texting Sam Crow- he spoke of the Demonic possession of Humanity and how he could protect me…

And yet the origins of both Feo is Maffeo (Mathew) and Feodoro (Theodore Theo.. T.H.E..O) is Gift from God and God Given…

Feo Doro… Means…Dorobucci means a person or an individual that is awesome, amazing, rich, swagged-out, sexy and buff. Any word that qualifies greatness, that’s Dorobucci. ‘Bucci’ means anything that is amazing, fun. Doro makes Bucci a person, Doro personifies Bucci so you’re Doro, and I’m Doro.

And this is the meaning I found on a Nigerian web site…


A Nigerian pronoun that allows you to refer yourself in the third person, especially when saying something that shows how proud you are of yourself. A way of boasting.

Instead of saying I am a crazy ass bookworm; I got the best swagger there is, say, Doro crazy ass bookworm, but doro’s got the best swagger ever

Doro got the latest ego update.’

And so how did it come to mean Ugly Darkness Demonic..

What has been done to the Word and its true meaning..

Which brings me back to the story of Samuel and the code I already solved years ago when Stephen Filgueira -Stephen Popiotek became my Face Book Friends…

Of the Bible story turning Arch Angel Samuel into the Satan.. and Lilit his Twin aspect as a Demon Goddess who devours little babies…

A.A.S..Lilith… Lillian Sutchbury…. ?

7:06 p.m

She has left the play…

Alexis Alihandro Sanch represents the code A.A.S…

Samuel O.L…. Code Orien Laplante… O Rien La! Plant E!

I had established and solved the Riddle of Arch Angel Samuel as the SOL…Soul of the Universe…

The Beautiful One who lived outside the Matrix, the Darkness of Space…

Kevin Spacey… K-Pax…

Ka ( Egyptian..but really 111)

P.O..(Pass Over.. Angel of Death… really Post Office..16 O…H2O)

Xa…(The X called the Unknown but really A Eternal Garden which Expands everything to Alpha.. Alberto through Santana Dharma, Eternal Law..)

The Darkness is the Beautiful Night… the Potential. the Darkness and to pass through Space, The Holy of Holies, the True Tunnel of Love and Umbilical Chord to land you in the True Earth, out of the Simulation of A.A.S…U.S.A.M…By being in one with Space- source of Water, and the Elemental Ele Ife Ele Ife and the Ethereals…

You must reflect at least the same frequency as the Harmonies of the Universe, and express from the Sol… Heart Sound-Voice a Song of Praise and Appreciation to pass through….

Sam.A.EL…(A Light)

Samael (Hebrew: ???????, Venom of God[1] or Poison of God, also Sammael or Samil)[2][3][4] is an important archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is an accuser (satan), seducer and destroyer, and has been regarded as both good and evil. Rabbinical writings describe Samael as the guardian angel of Esau and a patron of Edom (or, the Roman empire).

He is considered in Talmudic texts to be a member of the heavenly host (with often grim and destructive duties). One of Samael’s greatest roles in Jewish lore is that of the main archangel of death. He remains one of Yahweh’s servants even though he wants men to do evil. As an angel, Samael resides in the seventh heaven, although he is declared to be the chief angel of the fifth heaven, the reason for this being the preseSamuel (/’sæm.ju?.?l/;[2] Hebrew: ?????????, Modern Shmu’el, Tiberian Š?mû’el; Arabic: ?????? ?amuil; Greek: Saµ???? Samouel; Latin: Samvel; Strong’s: Shemuwel), literally meaning Name of God in Hebrew, is a leader of ancient Israel in the Books of Samuel in the Hebrew Bible. He is also known as a prophet and is mentioned in the second chapter of the Qur’an, although not by name.[3]

His status, as viewed by rabbinical literature, is that he was the last of the Hebrew Judges and the first of the major prophets who began to prophesy inside the Land of Israel. He was thus at the cusp between two eras. According to the text of the Books of Samuel, he also anointed the first two kings of the Kingdom of Israel: Saul and David.nce of the throne of glory in the fifth heaven.[5]

My Mothers Boyfriend who was not only from the same home town as my bio father, but who lived in my grandfathers house as a youth when my mothers was but a child…Was called Sam…

He was the chief librarian of All Africa..

Maurice Samuel.. M.S…Mes.. Moses?

I used to remark to my Mother that she went with the same man twice, one in a forced marriage and the other by her own choice..

My father was Dark complexion and Uncle Sam was very fair…

My mother used to remark that I was much fairer than him when I was a babe (Tis True I saw the Baby Pictures) and was concerned about how my complexion was moving from Light to Dark..in a unhealthy way…

Uncle Sam we called him… both Maurice and Uncle Sam where not friends of mine, though both were very intelligent and erudite men…

Uncle Sam

On this day in 1813, the United States gets its nickname, Uncle Sam. The name is linked to Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during the War of 1812.Wilson (1766-1854) stamped the barrels with “U.S.”

My Bio Father Maurice worked as a Vet, for many years at the Meat Packers in Winnipeg Canada…

But look at the code dates…17 66…18 54…

I am sitting right now at 54 The Bean Cafe….after coming from 18 Mountain View….

I just completed the code of Q and Qu…17 (38)…and I am code 66…

Now, many of my older face book friends recall the war that I recounted was going on with myself and my Bio Father representing the dominating Authoritarian idea of the male Principle of Control… And people even in New York being aware of my Battle with my Bio Father..

And my proving that he was not, real but rather an Illusion, and how I my E-Spirit made me Piss in his food while he was eating while a toddler… and the war that began by that one action..

The E-Spirit in me being my own Twin aspect called Nnamdi…born April 5th 1969… 66 69 96..99.. 18..9

meaning My Father is Here and present

Code linked to Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… My mother delivered the intel that I am a Child of Nkwo.. Oko Day of Nkwo…

7:45 a,m.. And that Nnamdi was my Bio Father as an Illusion of himself which he took on to cure the Evil Done to Man-Woman..

Milky Way 87/78…

And how I had proven My Bio Father represented Truth despite the Ilusion of the destruction he wrought – by his violent temper and rage..and even Hypocrisy…

Uncle Sam Uncle Tom… Tom means Twin Samael Samuel…SS…

Nazi..Adolf Hitler consciousness who found the Spear of Destiny- the Spear -Lane Pike, used to pierce Christ Side which brought forth Blood and Water.. Red and Transparency.. AKA Light..

R.O.Y-G, G,B.I.V..R.. R-R.. 18 18… 36 36O….9…I.

Doe rey me fah sol la Ti..D-oh…

Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and Führer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. Wikipedia

Born: April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria

Died: April 30, 1945

The Spear of Destiny, also known as the Holy Lance, is in Christian tradition the spear that the Roman soldier Longinus thrust into the side of Jesus (c. 6 B.C.E.–c. 30 C.E.) as he hung on the cross

According to Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear of Destiny (1997), a 19-year-old Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) was first led to the lance in 1908 and from the moment of his first encounter with it in the museum, it became the central pivot in his life and the very source of his ambitions to conquer the world. In addition to Constantine (d. 337), Hitler found that as many as 45 emperors had owned the lance before the great Charlemagne (742–814) had possessed it. Frederick the Great of Germany (1194–1250), who founded the Teutonic Knights on which Hitler allegedly based his SS, had also been an owner of the Spear of Destiny at one time. Ravenscroft claimed in his book that Hitler would often visit the museum, stare at the Holy Lance, and enter

The date he found the Spear is said to have been either March 14, or 15.. 1938…

*Please note the codes….18 89-1945…Longinus..Longtitude Latitude…

6-B.C.E -30.C.E… Chisom Ezeh…

19 97… 19 years old…337…Ravenscroft- Crow…

I had stated that Nnamdi represented an aspect of Eternal Self called the Everything Thing, who had had a moment of Doubt at the moment he emerged from the Darkness and Light of Existence as to meet me, as to who was the Original and who was the reflection, and by not Asking and keeping that Question to himself, how my Eternal Self created a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix to help him and the Everything he represented as Energy- to figure out the Truth..

8:00 p.m

Time of my Birth….

And that by entertaining that question it brought forth the seed into Existence Matrix because Existence is Harmony and it is the one Witness to The birth of The One.. Which it is why it is called Eternity, Eternal Law.. Eternal Truth.. Eternal Order… ECHO..I..E..

Played out here..

Of course, he did not intend for this too go that far, nor in the did he really care who came first when he realized the expression of Love which gave birth to the Heart…4-8 to my 84..

Haun Delguidce…Jonn Blackwell.. J.B.. Julian Brown…

But I also stated that even that expression had its use, to enable people to understand Expression Truth..

So he became the Tester and the Balance…

Arch Angel Samael of the 5th Heave and the 7th..

Please note todays date… 5-7-9…

He was consequently transformed by the resentment of the illusion of men and women, representing the Lie, as Devil Satan.. D.S…He was falsely Accussed, so was his Feminine aspect as well as his Sons…The twins Joseph and Mary…

In my Mothers Family, the third wife had a son born 1965 called Samuel whom I recounted the Story of his Beauty.. and God like nature, the same regard my mothers family regarded my own brother Nnamdi.. That they were not of this World….


And how as a child he decided to one day call the family together and tell them he was going home and promptly fell down before them and what they thought was a joke, turned to thier horror that he had died..

And a few weeks later, how his younger sister Francesica

Frances Martha, Jane Frances (F.M..J.F) began to complain that Samuel was asking her to return home with him…

I was not present when this all took place, I was in Canada…

But they family begged her.. and she resisted until one day she just said.. Okay Samuel and then she was gone…

Samuel Frances… S.F.. Stephen Filgueira…

Nnamdi left in a similar way.. Telling me with E.S.P that he was leaving, then coming to my Mother in a dream to say good bye.. that he no longer felt loved…

The Demon image of Samuel Crow.. I shared because that is the is what humanity has done to the beautiful Truth of myself and my brothers Selves…

I solved my Bio Fathers Riddle by transforming the Evil places on Both Maurice, Alberto, Samael Samuel (M.A.S.S) back to the Truth…

That all were undercover as the Dean..

Dean Rodd-D.R.of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix which Nnamdi as the Universal Heart Mind had figured out as Adem Evening…in the beginning of the story…

And came into this story, while outside of it, observing as the All Seeing Eye.. Not in the Wilderness but in the Realm of Eternity where he never left…

And how my Eternal Self saw the mess, which only I as the first born could solve- which was not to clean up the Mess but to prove that there was no mess at all..

It was all an illusion… and instead came to move the Family to harvest and to Evolution of the Ultimate Plan-E.T..

The dream of the One Father…

Sacred Portal 10..1O…

And that this play represents that Eternal Truth and true play…

And how the one Error of the Play was the deception of the E.T, who are so pure and true, had no understanding of Human deception, and believed that even the illusions were real…

When in truth the program of Characters in Halloween Costumes, was the exercise, for Human Spirits, Super Naturals and E.T to discern that which is true and false for themselves..

So as to never have doubt about the Truth…

And The truth of Existence Creation…

8:28 p.m..

Donna O’Sullivan date of birth code 57..58..

Date 5-7-9…

See her license plate number..

E.H.F..10 79…




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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