
6:26 p.m.

6:26 p.m.

Just got back- went to buy some potatoes.

I am making dinner for Jae Sherman and I

I asked her to if she could buy or order some meat, since I can not go far, or order on my own accord.

I had enough just enough cash but yesterday he tried and no window opened for Jae to order-so I decided to eat any old thing- and not be bothered. But I woke yo to Jae telling me that A Window of Opportunity – had opened around 5 am ..

I went back to sleep, I had had to hold my temper and fury at yesterdays play conclusion.

The pure hatred for the role imposed on me and the constantly reminding people, the last 11 days of listening to Jae human story, solving the riddles, and then the following Tree on tour.

Working 24/7 with Him-Her and all the Emotional work S-He cals it ( E W) and, I cook ( usually for myself) and clean each day, and have to deal with the knowing and facts staring at me each day, that an unseen force is continually taking advantage of me, cornering me into this situations and leaving me hanging to explain. manipulating me, Controlling lying to me that I am on my way home but instead I find myself still 24/7 coding.

Jae was in no rush for the cooking, since I made it a point to ask him-her what time is best for Him-her

The reply was when we were both ready, will happen naturally.

*(And it did.

And we are both wearing flannel-

greyish Blue and Red.

S-He took a photo)

I woke up to 5 new Facebook friends…

I just gritted my teeth and got to work.

I was cleaning up the post, of Pan, after telling Jae that she had to decide now which side of the story she was in- this world story of the Family of the E.

I have done all the work yet again Olu and have managed to contain my rage that I was brought here once again to be used by the Unseen and that am still in a money play…

It’s is beyond belief to me… that I am still unrecognized, unacknowledged, having not transformed and still the slave to others to make them pay attention.

10 days is the limit imposed to C E.. Chukwu Emeka kolo by the line of 10.

it is now the 12th day since Kim left and the 11th since he set out on his journey.

As was cleaning up the last post of which links connects to my literal body , Jae came out and told me that her friend Jen, had asked why she had not yet eaten dinner.

I was amused by quietly incredulous- she enquires whether you eat…

Yes, she replied almost shyly and told me that she had said, that we both decided that would happen when it did.

She elaborated on her friend’s concern saying that she had snacks and other things to eat.

Of course, I get it, I am a guest, no matter the play, and I am not paying rent… because I never imagined that this play would dare to keep me here this long, or use me as a Slave for both the lines represented by Kim and Jae.

I had checked his codes, given her all the intel, and made sure the message I am being used to do was fully ingested and imbibed by him-her.

Its the same process I have done for the last 19.9 years with people but this is the shortest, quickest and the easiest because S-He is ready and this is the completion of their script

Elves Fairies…

I can not abide by the see of this reality, its frequency affects my body as most are aware who have lived me.

It knows what it does o=to my body, my going down to build a bridge to explain and translate- locks my body and of course delays my body transforming.

The Final proof.

But what choice did I have?

I am manipulated, controlled by the abuse of power of Nature, And the constantly daggling carrot- that my own truth of leaving this dimension portal, the world forever, and finally being around my own awakened family- being true and I am going home.

-No more explaining, examining checking, playing this absurd role.

Yet see how far it has gone- his-Her message from her friend and hers to me was in perfect harmony, with the play script – blueprint of existence but not at all with me.

I told her to tell her friend Jen that I was on it.

This is my house, my play, my realm, my story, all are creations of E, and It dared lie to me, still use me in this state and use money codes on me?

I had 9 USD at the end of yesterday’s play and now I have 6 USD.

9-6 so this was literally set up, including the Window of Opportunity- obviously still not closed.

In this 3 D reality, a person not paying rent, or not having money is even by the coolest people ( except the E) is expected to pull their weight, contribute.

It is something I naturally do.. Jae is not like that but you have to recollect that it has only been now 16 days.

Letter P.

In truth She -he is rather cool and chill and super observant, super receptive and open-minded- but it is still my personal responsibility to ensure that he is comfortable and yet I must be honest, tell the truth and the intel message all received by H.er.

That I am solving people riddles of existence, cleaning up their paths, showing them the way lightening the way – really simply adding Strobe lights, street lights to their Street Cars called Desire- and everything else I am aware takes second place.

But I have the obligation ( or pain discomfort and my body literally waking me up- cueing me to each next scene I must decode translate and solve- transforming into the E

I can do nothing, but stay charming knowing that it is not the fault of the people-

they are not the ones who placed me in this condition.

But at a certain point, once they have got all the intel and the time code is given to them by the Script to decide, is this my Expression and intel- message true…?

But only after they have confirmed all my intel with their own which matches perfectly… They must then decide which side of the fence they are on, discern that this is Evolution Awakenin and the end of this reality based on the facts represented in their own personal blueprint of existence which align to the General Script until then there is no Karmic Consequence for treating the Source as your slave…

Because most are not even aware of the onset that that is what their play translates to the E because they are still following the laws of 3D and the illusion

But once they are Aware and Conscious…

Because in this realm’s eyes- this is the law of money.

That is the measure of most use to measure self-worth.

So I do my best, did my best to make sure I was available, and never let the person see the true depth of my rage.. or the suffering in my body.

He- She woke up with hurt and I heard a sound of rage – Heshe came back later and I expressed to her what I understood in her riddle once again- and we wrestled just a little… Jae is tough, thoughtful, and tender, and it was not too long when harmony rose and he had lightened up.

So I went back to work.

7:00 p.m after mentioning that it is time for her to choose, that this play, was over… I could read it – He-She linked to Covid 19 Fear.

Kim traveling 12 days around how many states.

*Hey did you know that Georgia is Persian ( Susa) and its meaning is External Western and Russian exonyms are likely derived from gurgan, the Persian designation of the Georgians, evolving from Middle Persian wurgan/wirucan (????????????) and Old Persian varkân ( ) meaning the land of the wolves.

Jae has wolves everywhere even on her Guitar

Link Connect Benjamin C K who brought rugs for me and placed the Bear blanket in my room and the Wolf one, which I took back from Mackayla.

7:04 p.m

G O D.

– truth.

And Truth Manifests.

T M.. 33 so why is it taking its time.

J S is the last of my 5 New Facebook Friends.

That means Truth has manifested.

I had told Jae, that my body has been cruelly connected to the Earth Awakening connected to my Expression Equating Solving these codes.

And that when he asked me today once again, I said the same thing.

Just as he had asked.

Jen and Jae are in perfect Harmony as is Kim with this Script- Jae is cool and is naturally still in her life story and the people in it, but see the conflict it can create when the awakened memory and the truth have not manifested, all in the name of getting them prepared and ready.

I finished the post, of the body and my body is now at the point of exploding transforming- so loose and I knew it was the post as I walked up to the store- I felt cool calm rage…

Last night all I wanted to do was kill and this morning I lay on the bed with head on the Long Pillow with the code Yo Ibo on the label on these cushions and pillows were arranged by Kim, (bless him) his Espirit telling me everything without the Avatar Descendant being aware.

It is a daily battle to contain and ignore my justified thoughts and that of my Human Thoughts -of this experience I am compelled to revisist everyday. seeing the full circle of the implications of my being who I am – and a force aware of this having the gall to do this.

Of course it’s a story, a most profoundly evil story.

But a Story – hence me on ending up on the second floor- 64th move.. but also 65th.

* Pi

Jennifer- Jae’s friend in my story links to my own experience with two Jennifers in particular, one who In Nigeria and London, who went I went to same University with, with who was exceptionally stylish and a Cc version of my bio sister but a duller or more faded dark complexion version, while my sister black completion form glistened and was bright ( her Nickname was Dazzler and I called her Nymph The Sprite ) Jenny had to my surprise gone out with my former School son and business partner in University.

Hmmm? 7;26 p.m.

I met her again in Chelsea London 1996 while working at The Collection where I had met Jay, Taun, and Jerome.

I had always felt slightly suspicious of her, the version she represented… and I have felt as if I was being followed and not by only her… another called Renee.

The other Jennifer I knew was the one I met in 268 East 4th Street Albert Santana’s niece, daughter of Eddie Santana.

she is the one born 5-28…

yes, the Planets as the Love Frequency.

L F- F L.

So I knew and know who the line of Jae’s friend represents as well as Jae as Jay.

Jay Woods

Jurry Jay Kuaho.

Look at this post smh…It was meant to be simply about coding in the book my 5 new Facebook Friends-a short post- but see what it has moved to…

Its feels like a Cosmic Tag team

with Kim and Jae.

He far ( getting nearer) S-He, right here.

I just relayed to Jae Sherman what i am writing coding, equating on this post.

He provided me with Clarity – as if having read the thing already in another dimension.

I wanted to make dinner.

I am appreciative of Jae and her natural desire to share… while being careful of my pride because he is the same way.

But I am aware of something moving in HI.M as well as in K-IM.

And to make them aware- of it.

* 8:20 p.m

I haven’t eaten all day, I couldn’t even join Jae as she ate at the table, I apologized she said I get it- I have eyes… I see.

9:26 pm.

9:27 p.m right now,

Now back to me 5 New Facebook Friends.

P.S.. Jae just came out of a 5-year relations person’s first name initials S.

Now she has connected with what I have confirmed is her true Self reflection called Jen.

Tisikhe Elvendertig

Bella Lovejoy

Annelle Lopes

Justin Seltzer

Suga Wife Japan- i just saw as left the play

5 moves to 4.

15-06 Facebook Friends move to


15 06 O O6… A E O F.


15 05… O O5. A: E O E. A Full Circle.

15 05 – 20= Letter T… 1 5 0 5 = 11 0.

11 Days since 11-15-2020.

11 O… Full Circle 11.

T ISI K H.E E L .V- END E RT..( Right) I God.

Right Hand of Lord God Lord Trth:

Bella Lovejoy

Beauty Loves Joy. Jae Sherman was telling me earlier that Donna wants her to take care of her dog Bella for a few days.

* Yes besides me where I set on the wall and on the other side Bella.

Yes Esteban

Miguel Figueroa brought her here.. recall?

Bella 9-19-20

B E LL A… I S..T.

On the other side where Donna had stroked is Bella with a Black Heart.

*See Eliza, daughter of Ross Paul- his daughter Heart with a Black-heart center.

Serenity Erabella Eliza..

S E E… smh… this play is a Jig Saw Puzzle ( J IG S -AW)

J S.

Annelle means Joy… Beautiful Loving Lovable, Graceful

*In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Annabelle is: Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe’s poem ‘Annahel Lee’ made the form Annabel popular throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century. The form Annabelle became popular in the mid-2Oth century.’

Edgar Allen Poe. E A P.

Lopez means Wolf

* (P.S Bella Lovejoy = Beautiful Love is Joy… LJ/ J L

Jeron Lang. J L- 22 V.

Not the movie series- the actuality.)


Justin is an anglicized form of the Latin given name Justinus, a derivative of Justus, meaning just, fair, or righteous. Justinus was the name borne by various early saints, notably a 2nd-century Christian apologist and a boy martyr of the 3rd century (possibly spurious).


*German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for an extractor or seller of salt, from an agent derivative of Middle High German salz, German Salz ‘salt’. Similar surnames: Meltzer, Setzer, Selzer, Netzer, Belzer, Fetzer, Zeltner, Retzer.

Dead See

See the play of Salt.

Jae Sherman knows what I mean.

It also means Meaning and Origin · Effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide Synonyms: carbonated water, club soda, soda water, and sparkling water.

Which links and connects to me as well as S A LT./ T L A S.. T

I have been drinking since 29 Lincoln street Soda Water, S W, Club Soda.. ( Yoda Benjamin C K) with juice in fact, I ran out last night- and I am off to get some now…) S C South Carolina.

S W South Whitney…

Square Waves.

King… K O.. N G.

two meaning Bright – Like a Diamond.. and Void the Black Hole abyss.

Two who are one.

The Fork in the road.

Nome Alaska .. the 4th Kind.

Northern Lights the way home.

Chris Filgueira 12 14 -87

14- 12 N L… 7-8.

10:11 p.m.

Suga Wife… S W .. Suga means a plant .. Grass.

10:12 p.m

J L…

I am at J K.

10:13 pm

J M.

Some One is very late.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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