
6:25 P.M

6:25 P.M


Face Book E.


I have a new Facebook Friend Mica Toms

Mica means Humble and Is a form of the name Michah….Which means Who is as God..

It also refers to the prophet Micah and the prophecy of the Lords house with many rooms.

A prophecy which not only translates into the Story of the family of E..Equality Evolution but which also is my brother Booms Sons name Michah Nnamdi…

I knew literally when he was comming into the world as I relayed this to Tom Truman.

And it was Tom Truman whom I first told the news to….

There was an Espirit so close to me in Tom…

My brothers son born 2O11 is called Micah Nnamdi…. M N…

Time 7:O6 pm.

I literally recall paving the way for a special child entering the world first his daughter Akila…

Then Micah Nnamdi who I literally was part of the process not fully aware that this was to be my brothers Son.

Toms means Twins….

So welcome Mica Toms

Welcome to this exceedingly long end play of the Evolution of Consciousness played out on Facebook in New York City the streets and now in a Shelter in Bedford Green point….

Today I have recieved a 3O5 and 3O6 Facebook friend.

Code C.O E.

C.O. F


Code in the Play Consciousness Emeka…

Chris Franco..5+4=9.

* Something is going on…

I just came into Dunkin Donuts from the Shelter to post and a Grandmother and her little daughter were buying coffee and then suddenly walked up to me dropped Five dollars on the table saying she wished to buy me a coffee to wish me a happy Fathers Day.

I was so startled I just said thank you..

But there was no pride in me as I would have normally..

It is the Awakening.

Two ladies both Caucasian brunette and blond both bought walked up to me wishing me Happy Father’s Day..

I bought coffee at the Dunkin Donoughts where the girl there said the woman had asked her to ask me if she could buy me a coffee but said she was afraid I might take offense.

Why should I.

I do not look like a man who requires anyone’s charity…but I do very much appreciate the Love.

Just as Kieth gave me two new shirts today.

Then a younger woman turned as I realized thier was a piece of Hair in my coffee, affirmed this to the teller and when he commented on the amount of sugar I was putting into my coffee she turned on him in my defense and said It is because he is Sweet…

Licable sweet I should state not sweet as in nice..I do not look sweet…

But three generations of Women all Caucasian…

*not that it matters about race, but it is as if a point was being made…

My body is rising and I am somewhat apprehensive if this new script calls for my ascension transformation in a Shelter….

I will not be amused no matter how great a movie and story it all makes…

I really will not be amused.

But the bill for the coffee and donuts which the girl said there was a deal came to 3:76 USD.

Which means see the Awakening C: Sacred portal 76.

I just read what Nenad M. Djurdjevic posted and I looked at my Likes they were 118 the exact quote from Nenad in the Bible.

Then I looked at his quotes of N and saw again the harmony.

But not of the E Truth but once more human stories and of N (Not Nenad) playing God..

As I stated there is no God in the realm of E..

I am really quite fed up with this God play and the human stories I am being contained in and this Script in which truly it reeks of my Father Brother playing God and me directing his script…

* Another Caucasian guy who I noticed earlier at the shelter who looks Scandinavian who witnessed the whole thing with the lady who dropped 5 dollars for me (yes, I was very aware of the code 5 is E), and who I offered a donught.

Had been working on his computer, a young dude who no one would think he was living in a Shelter just paused in front of me in his way home..

He said that woman was nice wasn’t she.

I smiled.

I wrote what just transpired on my Facebook page he said laughing..

Its getting better he laughed as he walked away.

Has the Awakening begun?

It has been a long Journey.

I loathed this script though I can perhaps understand the logic of it but I can never forgive the role and Character imposed on me to play.

A writhing stoic but dignified as I could being proiving the Evolution of Consciousness is what raises the wind of change called Harmony.

What was so hard to concieve of that power of Truth and Love comming undercover as a man or woman or child.

What was so hard to concieve of a science and art of expression which makes sense?

Of a script which does not to humble but tell everyones story….

Of being a Scribe, a private I, an investigative reporter.

I never lied.

Not about Diane Sawyer or the publication of the journals nor my walking away from potential millions of dollars or about really sincerely wishing to do the outrageous role I was given to play the best of the intended role…

I do not begrudge Micha Nnamdi N.M

Line of Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel the script but I do begrudge the not taking into consideration humanity and the suffering and pain and violence of thier hurt at thier perceived absence of God and thier reverting to a Nature not even animal like in thier anger with God.

I never played God.

I am the Creator and I am a man

I do not put on airs but I am the best of what a man and human can be and worked at refining myself until I fully remembered my I D.

And for over TEN years I had to carry the knowledge affirmed outside of me again and again and again while having to experience what people say and did to the Beauty of Existence..

I had to eat so much shit .

But as you all can see, I did not swallow it.

I tasted it

Transformed it

And expressed it as its truth the Beautiful Truth.

And the Poison?

Ah that I turned into V.E.NOM..


All Ask A..


49 state..

The Bed I rest on in the Shelter Existential Death.

E D.


49 DI


As I stated I am not nice nor sweet unless you lick me and that means you desire me and if you desire me truly..

Know that I will come.

But to Cee me is to see yourself

Beautiful Heroic

Beautiful Pride..

And thus, you are of my Family of E

And together..

We will Rise.


Even your Governments wish now for the E to rise now that they have seen the Future…

Your future Exemplified…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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