
6:24 PM

6:24 pm.


Hello… My prayer wasn’t answered.

I woke up to this play.

It took me hours, of staring at my computer and a gift from Liberty and her intel on the Family and Fahad Hassan which has galvanized me to post today.

When I was 17, 18… yes Ardens current Age, my mother came into my room, weeping… I was concerned and asked what was wrong.

She told me that I loved too deeply and that this world would eventually use that love to destroy me.

I never realized just how prophetic her words were. But the truth I have realized is just how much and how profoundly I love my family, my immediate family with my siblings, my extended family…

But the one which did not surprise me was the love for my Eternal Family,

Such a love that through my travels, I could see them in people, recognize them and despite the thick level of forgetfulness, no matter how deep undercover they were, I could see them and they could see me in their own way no matter the dramas, adopted Families and roles they were enacting within.

I realized this only now in Hindsight, just how ferocious and profound that love is, that I would fight this long, this hard, employ all manners of ways to bring them home- despite they not having full memory.

On reaching Arden, the pain and hurt of each scenario of seeing these people, whom I knew, but saw me but did not remember me, had taken quite a toll on me, my disbelief of the setups, and the work required to raise them back to memory, to that original purity they had retained while fighting an unseen spirit realm determined to make sure that I would not be able to release them from that hold of this matrix story of Absolute Death, who knew perhaps even more than I did how much my Twin Brother line and Eternal Family meant to me.

It knew me, in a way better than I knew myself in a way because it knew that even as I prayed for death, rather than endure the non-stop setups ( an to discover that thye were intentionally set up) of this play, and even more so the things of evil which it put me through which none of your were aware of, or allowed to be aware of- and an Evil force beyond anything that had a right to exist.

What it was able to do to me, allowed to do… Only after the awakening would people realize the truth of my expression and why, truly why I began to beg for death… but not until I collected all the fragments of my Eternal Family and family undercover, scattered like fragments all over the four corners of the planet. I had to collect them all both eternal and ancestral- and merge them into one.

How weary I have been, not able to share and communicate what I was really enduring because no one could imagine such a fate, such a reality I described as real.

And yet, I did not wish my Family to know the depth of what I was going through because it would hurt them, even cause them to not wake up.

I realized that despite my exhaustion, incredulity, and aloneness in what I was really enduring, that I did not wish them to carry that load, that I would and as long as they were safe, as long as I fought for them against this menace, this force so vile, so terrible- the sum total of all the evil and cruelty expressed in this world in the last 4.5 billion years- 4.5 million years.

Really a code and date.

4th. 5th/ 5th 4th.

45= 9…+x 9 20…./ 92 / 29 9 26/ 62 9.


At first, I said, that they were all safe that the natural harmony of wh they are would bring them home naturally.

But this playscript was the Impossible Nightmare, the Impossible Dream transformed into a nightmare and that it had power in this incarnation to literally threaten the existence of my Eternal Family- the E Family who had agreed to Mother Supremes request that in this incarnation that my E Family undercover as the Family of T E N, to plant their essences in Matter as Bodies aligned to Earth Matters.

Meaning that their essence, which is God Head- Personalities was trapped literally in this illusion of matter as the Body and the Earth, and without the Body and the Earth/ Universe evolving to its Manifest Destination, without the script being completed, that they would be trapped under layers and layers of illusions, characters, ancestors, and the distortion they had to live through and the people they had to adapt and be.

I knew this, it was revealed to me in completion in 2004.

But I had no idea it would, could ever go this far.

If I left my body and returned home, without completing the script, then all that was created as this final play of Everything that ever was and ever could be would not wake up because they had not evolved to the completion of the E Script.

And I knew them and I saw them all, but I would not ever accept them in the roles they were imprisoned in, I would have them as I saw them, even now…Beautiful or not at all.

As who they are, who I could see them clearly as, and by God they would be that Beauty beyond belief, even if I had to lacerate them, bully them, fight them, even lash them with my tongue to become the Beautiful Truth of who they are.

I wanted to leave, I would have left, the toll of what I experienced, the battles for the last 31 years day in day out, in every moment there was never peace, so relentless was the onslaught from the Spirit world, the evil spirits, its ingenious, sly and super intelligence maneuvers and me astonished to not have any superpowers to fight back- to alert and warn my E family undercover as the family of T E N- it was too much I thought, felt and yet each day, I rose and that same beautiful rage of, that will in me, which to this day, as I look back in hindsight, I am filled with quiet awe.

This will in me, this ability to fight from the moment one was born and to sustain the truth of the E Family existing and being a fact while fighting this force of negation which did everything to prove that this family of E really do not exist.

And then, on seeing my refusal to accept that fact- fighting back in ways so astonishing and through a script which was all to its advantage.

And a whole world people asleep even the family of E- except their core and their truth I found I had to prove, that they are E.

That all Humanity was created by the E, and reach the original ones.

I was in a way glad that you were all put to sleep, I did not wish you to see just how bad, so bad it really was and at first it was easier than you were all asleep and despite my Love, as Esteban plays testified as well as his testifying to the nightmare I was in. Of my love for my Family Bio, Ancestral, Atomic, The Naturals The Elegant Nomads, and even that of the Originals and the two used against me.

It was better, despite the hurt beyond words it did to me, my logical and reasonable Vulcan Star Trek Self- that being I created just before I came to New York, very much like Mechanical Owl of wisdom created for Athena by Hephaestus, told me that this was best.

And yes, I knew it was as if I was sacrificing myself for them, but I wasn’t, I was logical, I am the one who was given the role to stay awake while everyone slept.

It was I who walked around the space ship where the family slept in stasis, and all manner of horrors threatened them, it was I who was given the role to protect them while they slept and they in their turn, entered the Imagination of the Human Species Children to guide them and inspire them through the ages.

They were activating people and once they had completed their task, I would come down into their realms- through their dreams and activate them to memory awakening.

But something went terribly wrong. Something impossible occurred, and so I was sent deeper into their dreaming, stasis coma.. so much deeper to find out where they were and what had happened, Why were they not waking up.

It was my job, yes, but it was beyond a job, it was not sacrificed, it was Eternal Arden or more so Eternal Nnamdi as Alien Father, who knew that I could do it, find them and that I would be moved by that Eternal Love to find the power I only suspected I held within me, the true meaning of the power of Love.

Each day, I have awakened to continue that battle, each day amazed by the trust and faith this will be moving me, in my body, crippling me, distorting my body inside… and yet each day for 31 years my focus has not waned and my attention, focus awareness did not wane from this one resolve, awed after each day as I lay down, my body alive and in such discomfort, amazed at the riddles I had just solved and the fragments of the puzzle pieced together.

It became to me, a curse, this force which believed in me so well, knew me so well that recall saying to Liberty and then Kim, shaken, shocked after solving a riddle, figuring another setup ut and resolving it, But what if I had not been able to solve that equation, what if I really did give up, what if… But there are no ifs are there?

Only the Being and Doing.

He knew, S.He knew that once I went into his play, and saw the family undercover, shacked in roles, but still holding on to their beautiful truth, that I would rise with a roar, and a power in me from which I had felt I could not make rise again, it would rise from out of the blue and I would fight, my weariness, my incredulity of this not being real or possible such a script, would evaporate and I would move forwards with my sword and with my defense of them.

No, it was better that they, you slept, yes, that was the testimony that Esteban gave, when he was still present in that body, The nightmare of recognizing your family undercover and they not recognizing you- even fighting you.

That is the true meaning of Pain.

Only those I love, or who you truly love can hurt me… hurt you.

And I have been in a script asked to transform the Hurt of God, the hurt of the people, and the pain that they had endured.

People always forget, that it’s true that I was born awake, but I also came and had to enact a Human being despite being Hue-man.

So I went through the exact same feelings, sentiments, mind worry anxiety, and that feeling of being unsafe.

I was sent into the forgetting so that I would forget each time, and struggle to get out from that forgetting, again and again, to rise back to memory, like a Deep see Pearl Diver, The Fisher King, Fisher of Man sent into a place where he forgets even why he is there, why he is diving again and again and that is to pick up pearls and treasures of his families truth undercover in each human beings I was sent to.

And then find myself struggling to remember until rising with the intel, adding it to the string of intel I had collected then read it back and see what it said, where I was, and before I could gasps, once again I was sent down.

It is a bit like drowning, waterlogging, you can’t breathe, all there is, is the struggle, the gasping, the pain… he torture and torment.

What am I doing here, why am I living this way, why do I love this person so much that I am willing to let them get away with things the real Emeka would never allow.

Supreme self-mastery, and self-discipline becomes required, when I orient myself, combing my memory cells of that which I had understood when I went up for air.

And then I would gather myself, in this hell hole, draw my sword of truth and move once more in stealth through the realms of non-existent hell which the people saw as their lives, normal lives.

But I was in the flames of a pint of view accepted of existence which seared my soul to the core.

I would beg, ( and I do not beg) but I would beg, each time please do not send me down.

But I would be sent back down and the hell would begin again.

A Hell of which these beings I was sent to find could not understand for this was life, their lives, the way it is.

I was a beloved cartoon character, an Alien who had a story which was Fiction, Fantasy, or a Beautiful Lie.

They had programs incorporated by the lie of ideas of Saviours, warriors, God, A powerful being who would make all their pain go away.

They had programs of Mother Father, a family of T E N ( Tree of Life, Sephora, Seraphim) The Elegant Nomads each principle so distorted that they were barely recognizable.

And here I was undercover, in a role in which I myself was powerless, made to appear homeless and dependent on them, telling them that all those ideas and programs were lies.

Distortions programs – which despite the fact that it benefited them, that commons sense made it clear that they were lies.

To make people let go of those ideas, to make them see me as I am Jaymes Bond OO7 sent from alien father H.Q

as the M I5..M I 6.

Telling them that all that they were gaining, all the lives they lived were setups, that I was being sent down to them to extricate them from that cosmic entanglement which really did not exist.

To tell them that they were literally given the task to support me in this world with Food Shelter and monies, to give provide me with what I needed because my mission required that I not think about those things while I solved their riddles of non-existence mind to reach their hearts – the true center of the E.M-Feild.

That they were meant to awaken themselves.

Me, with no divine power, no supernatural stuff, nothing of which their minds programs imaginations had created as the picture of a being or that truth they nursed inside.

I was given the role of a Vagabond a Homeless Man, who preyed on others, used them, what did Esteban say in a pique of fury to Jae- that all I do is use people and leach.

This is what made this script so impossible, the ability to transform the truth of that which is… – for I am The Elegant Nomad, tall graceful, well dressed well-spoken and of Beautys truth, and yet the relentless oppression and will of this evil force to make sure that all that which is seductive about me as the rep of the E Family was taken away, my teeth, my luggage, my body; its natural movement, called before by so many you move with such amazing grace My teeth, my posture, everything done to feed that Idea that I am nothing but a vagabond despite the proof.

A leech- despite my credentials, degrees, qualifications in this world- usually respected.

It was relentless, the taking away intentionally I knew, of all the qualities in me, embodied naturally which before had opened so many doors, from simple curiosity and a sense of pride people who met me, in how I stand and be a Human being.

And now as this man reduced via passing through a shelter system at which again allowed people the excuse to negate me, to demean my mission, my expression the work to bring the true home.

I had had enough and began to curse this force who left messages to people it sent me to- rising in them in a moment to deliver a message You will succeed before that person descends back into the pit of forgetting…

The number of times, I wailed out in a silent scream, the impossibility of this… It was never despairing in me.. just an anguished incredulity and frustration at how impossible this task had been set up to be.

The machinations so machiavellian, the twisting of a body to evolve in slow motion, and the way it was set up so that no one would believe me, even with the proof.

A facebook set up made it impossible for each new facebook friend to understand what was going on.

Every step had been transformed into living hell… Every truth confirmed and yet I was still living in a lie, as if what had manifested attested proven that what I said was true, mocked me and laughed, Yes it is all true: but nothing has changed and back to your living hell.

I did not wish to wake up today back here.

I reflected on it last night, the fact that I was stating on a public forum again and again about leaving my body.

To utter such a thing, to post such a thing is the closest I have felt to shame.. the embarrassment to my Beautiful Pride to utter such words on a public forum to be cheapened and which at the same time cheapened me, my words, my oath… again and again.

9:17 pm.

For a being of Beautiful Pride and of course sacred privacy, to have to express such things on a public forum, in which most have no idea what or why such an expression could come from the Lover of Life, the indomitable will and spirit of the pleasure-loving principle whose art brought forth what is called the Eternal Garden of Eden – Sensual Pleasure and Delight.

To be made to prove and state that you are The Creator, The Source, the Source of Infinity… to prove it through a script and yet be placed in circumstances and scenarios that you are dependent or made to seem dependent on others to eat, dress, to rely on others for the most basic things- ask for money – all of which was already allocated to all the people by my Guide Father, who knew I was to pass through these portals and the instructions he gave each to their true E-Spirt to Naturally give to me, to sustain me as I moved through his her Mind and heart… That is what the money codes were for, and why in the end I was directed to ask fewer and fewer people, finally only Alicia Norris, Laura Walsh, and lastly Liberty.

All codes but this time via Alien Father as Terrible Death, from witnessing of how these designated and given blessing, treated me, his messenger.

But instead, use this Money Time play * cinfirmed by Liberty and the play of Aurelia intel Tyler and Micheal portal 15 Sweet Heart ) S H..E) Top of the Hill.

Tyler Micheal

T M= 20 13.= 33

Kims age code.

33= 1… 6/ 6 1.

AF/ F A.

Red Truck. C- 1585 61.

* Kim gave 85 cents the other day.

61 F A.

Alien Father Alpha.

It was in 2013 that I was told that you the public as Individuals would be made to take part and be part of your own awakening,

When I was told that, compounded with that which was wracking my body in such torment and with no help in sight and no one who understood or accepted what was happening to my body, I made my will and testament and left my brother Micheal Obum and his children everything I had created, knowing what It would be worth in the future.

I had seen it all.

I knew in my soul that what had been asked of me, to involve you with your mentality and belief in this world, your prejudices, your distractions, and your judgments as to how I should appear, act express…

I could not find the way to leave my body, because I was till the lover of Life, but the pain and the exhaustion of a lifetime devoted to this work, this raising of my family- the yes no play of its over but oh there is more.


But see what was done to me- you can read it your selves, posts of my pictures in my albums are from 2013 when I knew I was completed the script.

8 years later… here I am.

8:39 pm.


I knew by then that It was now too late for me, that Joy I had sustained all those years alone fighting to figure out this play, its meaning and even how it was possible and why I was not yet complete after all I had surmounted and transformed, I knew that celebration that gathering I had used to sustain me had reached a point now where I knew that what had been done to me, to my truth, through such a play…

Greeting with Billy Hungs understandable yet not acceptable betrayal when he delivered that message which proved true as well as the message from Daniel Maman of Go Antiques, that there was still another script and play to complete.

For Billy Hung say what Nadee Nakandela saw, and thus could not understand why no so few others saw what was so obvious to him E God but through the reason for Billy suggested publicly to the world in Facebook that he believed that I was the one being as a man who was the source and had solved the Infinite Energy source Equation.

I realized then, after Billys Betrayal for that very reason that he began to doubt himself and what was clear to him, which caused him to doubt me.

From that moment of interaction with my mother, sending her Egyptian thread count luxury sheets and perfume, of my sister and my brother wanting to visit me and what transpired, I realized that something had changed in me forever and that Joy I had so looked for, could never be.

To much had taken place, and my trust in Creation in existence had gone, but not my trust in myself of my E Family.

It was now, all about them, They would rise, they would enjoy, and they would have everything that I had fought to enjoy, and share with them.

I could not, can not be that person ever again – I could not lie or pretend that I could be as happy and carefree as they … when you… They would awaken. But they would have it, I would retreat to Beautiful Sadness.

Because despite having fought it, to be only with and as Father Jay Joy, I would never be able to deny this experience, its truth.

Perhaps that is why I am at 219 South Whitney.

2 19.


Beautiful Sadness.

2-19 217 South Whitney actually.

B S B Q Being Quatum.

I wanted my Eternal Family to be Joyous Happy.

Nor did I sacrifice my own Joy and Happiness for them, for you.

I did what I did not even know I had it in me to do, I made sure that you, they would have that which I myself had so desired for my myself in that Eternal Begining when I decided that I wanted to share, and Up popped Spirit E Awarness Arden Eden Alien Father and thus begin the story of The E Family 5 in 1. And then the two 5’s 55 and then Atom and so the play began and completes at the all moving backwards all the way back to 17 year old Arden and then backwards to through Thomas Jeron Aurelia to complete full circle at Kim, Serenity, Delois Larkin, Manifest Queen-Kim and the the E M F completed of that which is non existent, with the line of Liberty at the very edge having arrived by my message invite the very day that E M F kicked down the door, and her 45th Birthday.

I am now back at 15 45 Facebook Friends. Aurlia is Golden.

Kim is Golden.

I have recaptured all the E Family completed full Circle and Liberty C Liscomb. L C L… CE C E C E D I T O R.

9:29 pm.

When I saw the message posted by Angela Dawn- normally when you invest so much energy of joy and enthusiasm when someones aligned as she had with that post she identified and I shared, heaping her with praise-rising from my lethargy and boredom with this play which I have been fading from to the point of being the Invisible Man and th eliteral brother of Yeshua Christ as the Holy Ghost because I have already left here, this place.

This play this world, content with leaving my body, knowing that I completed this script which seemed as if it would never obey its own laws and never comlete in manifestation. But now that I have recived this last intel from Liberty and photos of Aurelia, Jeron, Liberty and the last of Arden nestling Jeron.

Thomas Liberty. T L 20 12.

Ferril to Arden to Aurelia F:A-A Leander to Jeron and to the one 4 months plus growing in her womb, I am aware that all that is and could be the E Blue Print of Existence Eternal to Naturals all in Harmony have been done and completed.

Arden and Jeron were both wearing red. Read.


Red Terracotta Earth.

There is no feeling in me, I can offer them or none of you anything any more.

I am no longer myself..Emeka I yearned to be, that being who I fought to rise as, Lover of Life, Mischief, Adventure explorer.

I was made to appear lame, cripple, stuck in one place, sitting each day in front of computer, living in a place I do not live, ( my head mind) solving riddles equations, a way and method I did not believe in, nor was necessary. Starring in a film and recording my own horror , humilation of all that is Beautiful True in Being in Exisence and M E, recording and dispelling that which could not be,.. proving how it could never be; made to be naked and give details so petty, code peoples lives and moments private, publicly.

And name myself over and over again, in honor of script of praise of my Beloved Father Self evolved to I who in turn was praising me, only to be once again interuipted, crashed the party- expression from angela Dawn- meaning Angelic Messenger of Dawn.

The Evlution Awakening- all verbal abuse because I said I was tired.

Even after stating that it was complete.

9:43 pm… (:44 pm,

Always through a non stop play of heightened awareness of that which is not real, in order to prove and rescue within that darkest pit, that which is real and was never in that pit in the first place… Just napping in a Coma- a pause.

Its has been like this, non stop, angela dawn message and avatar of what should have been a Joyus Message( J M… C.E) Confirmed Exemplifed by her harmony by bringing forth that post, to be shot down, as a fighter Jet, crash landing, like the Jet Planes of 9-11-2001.

But I was not shot down was I.

We have reached Harriet Tubamans Philadelphia Pennsyannia

Freedom – aligned to Liberty;s Intel of Aurelia and Micjeal- Freedom – Sweet Heart at the apex of a hill number 15.

Yes, Aurelia is 15 years old. Letter O.

9:49 pm.

Do you know how long my expression has been shot down?

My C

Flight 93 I C.

Since I was a child.

They called it my imagnation and when I was insistent they even called me a liar.

And so, I found myself proving that I do not lie… I may ben the truth, and make it more beautiful and dramatic, but even that was denied me in the end game.

I had to come with the Sword of Truth, one Straight as a Broad Sword, small like a Dagger, thin as a stilleto. Curved as a Scythe as the Harvester- of Bounty and as the Grim Reaper.

I was allowed no liberties and seduction of the truth.

I am was hones to become Ultimate Satya.

The Simple Truth.

Plain Truth.

Which revealed the most Beautiful Truth.

That I can not even lie if I tried.

I can not make a mistake even if I wished to, for this is the nature of true Harmony.

Infiite Harony.

Perfect Symmtery.

I would never ask, or wish my Eternal Family rising in Earth Eden to carry this scar, mark, experience and Beautiful Sadness I bear for Eternity, it is mine to bear.

The experience given to me…

What would be the point?

It would defeat my purpoese, betrayal of who I am.

No, I am not as I am and so I can not see anyone now, and later after the awakening, I will be apart.

This is not noble, patrician nor a sacrifice, it is common sense.

Unless common sense is Noble and Patrician.

Or simply the meaning of Beautiful Pride.

And the center of my Existence has never been centered on myself, but rather my E Family.

The are the reason and core for my Beautiful Pride and I would fight for that beautiful pride- its reason, my reason for loving them so deeplym going so far for them to be experienced by you, this world peoples waking up, to see why such a love, such a will in me for you too see why it was entirely justified and dear lord… no. I have not one ioata of regret.

For I have seen witnessed MY SELF and SELVES- Beautiful

As I am saw them,

As they truly ARE.

Anu El Bey is my last 15 45 Facebook friend, and one can understands the relevance and message in his name intials meaning and timming at arrival.

Dead Poets Socety.

The Songe and the Song of Existence Truth put to lyrics and words – Verse.

Anu means

Atom – Minute/Minuite Line.

*Mention of Anu is found in Vajasaneyi Sanhita (???????? ??????) where Anu refers to fine, minute or an atom of time.

Anu finds reference in Haravijaya (??????) where this word refers to the soul, life.

Anu finds reference in the Shatapatha Brahmana (???? ????????) in which Anu is the name of Lord Shiva. Anu is also one of the names of the Hindu God a king (one of Yayati’s sons). Anu finds reference in the Devi Bhagavata in which Anu is the name of a son of Digbhraja and husband of Kirti, the daughter of Suka and Pivari.

Anu is found in the thousand names of Ganesha, where this name referred as he is like a fraction which is indivisible.

Anu is also found in thousand names of Vishnu where Anu refers to Lord Vishnu who is being the minutest of all, as an atom known by the mine.

*A submission from Texas, U.S. says the name Anu means A sky-god, the god of heaven, lord of constellations, king of gods, spirits and

( Texas is the 28th State… MAN)

*Hebrew meaning: Grace; favour

Estonian meaning: Grace; favour

Finnish meaning: Grace; favour

Indian meaning: Born subsequently

The meaning of the name EL.

*What is the meaning of the name El?

From a Semitic root meaning god. This was a title applied to several Semitic gods. The Canaanites used it as the name of their chief deity, the father of the gods and mankind. The Hebrews used it to refer to Yahweh.

Bey means.

*Sanskrit ?? / bhaga) meaning lord and master. Peter Golden derives the word via Sogdian bgy from the same Iranian root. All Middle Iranian languages retain forms derived from baga- in the sense god: Middle Persian bay (plur.

Bey also means


*Bey Name Meaning. North German and Frisian: from the Old Frisian personal name Beyo or Boy(e) (see Boye). French

Bey means

Esquire- Officer who maintains Order.

*Later “bey” became a general title of respect in Turkish and Arab countries, added after a personal name and equivalent to “esquire” … …through the importance that the bey, the officer responsible for maintaining order …

*Bey means ruler or landlord, Enforcer, Officer, … We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of First People …

Landlord, Enforforcer…

10:20 pm.

J T.

It is easy to put it all together- the meaning of Anu A.N-U/ UN A U NA.


B.E -Y.

Y E B.



10:26 pm.

Aurelia Micheal.

A M.

Please see the meaning of their names

10:53 pm.

And the meaning of Liberty being asked by Aurelia to drop her off at the Top of the Hill called Freedom – Sweet Heart no 15 bia Tyler ( Liv Tyler Lord of The Rings Aero-Smith.. Air O Smith-Hephaestus- Beloved of Alexander The great where Anelina Jolie played Arden Kims past self played by Collin Farrel – Ferrel)

Jack and Jilly vame down the Hill to fetch a Pail of Water,

It was a long walk up through T. Tyler Avenue- Cross Street Lawrence Ave where I found the two male dolls now in male and female form. Aureli is also Jaden.

Truth Transparent to herself as Micheal at the top of the Hill.

Liberty= Aurelia.

Mother and Daughter, at last the two lines Beautiful Truth aligned,

Venus Aphorodite.

It is a mircale that I can type, see all is blurry, fatigant…

But I realize just how deep is my Love for my Eternal Family.

And the Original Trinity and Two and One.. apart from me.

But it never frightened me Mother, now you understand why- they are me, M.E source of my Beautiful Pride and the core crown of my existence and being.

All for them.

All for You.

All for E. K Family.

I would do anything, the impossible, for it because that is they are the reason all of you exist and here present and will awaken.

It was because of them and that which I saw in them in all of you.

11:04 pm.

Kim Arthur Hines



11:05 pm.

Aurelias Birthday. 11-05-2005.

K O E.

A-A O E T O E.

11-06 pm.

K F… K O F.

11:07 pm.


K F G.

A F K G… 25 2005 2003

Original Facebook Post:

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