
6:20 pm. – Will you look at tha

6:20 pm.

Will you look at that- the Time.

I wish to explain something…
It just came to me after Kim Arthur Hinds Jr went out, so in a way the All he represents, you have to thank for this.

You will note that, I have not yet do what I had intended to do, which was lay down…
But let me first bring to you attention the play.

Do you recall my posts about Gerald whom I knew with Christian in France 1996, near Le Man, – Poille Sur Vegre?
The Portraits Within, I did of three people and him.
Christian, Gerald and Pierro.
C G P.

If you recall, the portrait I did of Gerald * Gerald James G J.

* Code Karolin Stahl Gale
Kathleen Jordan.
Merge K S G with K J.

K.K S G-J.

Okay, in the portrait I did of Gerald I spoke of painting him like a Chevalier Don Quioxte charcter riding a large horse, a smile on his face as he gazed at the world and a tear falling ‘Drip Drip’ into a Golden Fish Bowl as his view of the World with one lone Gold Fish swimming alone.
Now, link to I am now at 1709 Facebook Friends.

C G P and mine E, or me as Chukwuemeka


No link to a share posted by Liberty of her travelling for a week and offering the sale of her 3 Gold Fish.
G F. 7 6.

She lives at 900 South Road with her family.
So she will not be there at 900 south road as in 9, for the week.

Now recollect the connection I made between Gerald and Kim.
G K.
/K G. Knox Gemino.
Gemini means Twins- Ying Yang.

There are 3 Fish she is letting go off for Free.
Recollect the paintings in her home painted by her mother, where I sat under and slept besides?
Her mother and June, Chris Gemino’s- Arden and Aurelia Aurelia ( 67 Soul (67) share her grandmother initials as B J.

There is a red B.J’s Supermarket pamphlet with the number 35 on it, is mainly red, with white and blue.
35 USD is on it sitting on the Micro Wave.
The painting was done in 1996 and a few months later I moved back to London.
France London,
Lyons France. intel from Liberty yesterday.

I was just about to say Geezeus the Game Play

I turned at saw it is 6;42 pm and now just turned 6:43 pm.

It means I attained 9 or 17O9 Face book friends with the 9th person Kathleen Jordan
K J as in Kim John, Kim Jeron.
Right here at 219-217 South Whitney.

Liberty on the other hand will be gone for a week,
So Q at O ( aligns to who and where?
Yes, the former renter of this Quest Room Q was a person called Que.
Not Queen
QUE. in me is E N.and my mother O.C.

Q U E -EN C O./ N C E.O.

EN is 19 S and A.I.

Q U E . EN=S. -AI.
QUES TI ON The Queens.

Q U E S T.

A Knight Questing.

My Mother suspecting that I my absence from the age 21 when I last saw her, was my being her knight in shinning Armour.

Most of the people now rising and appearing on my page are flowing with frequency my mother represented as my first Little Sister – Harmony, the one who was with me in the Library of Existence in the Eternal begining, who would eventually have to come down guided by her big brother we shall call “CHUKWU”
= 87.

She had to do the same journey jer two other selves in male form had done before, she had to come into a story, called Time and move through all aspects of her Self as her brothers to finally complete as Woman.”My Name is Woman “SA.ID” she.
But only by completing 45=9. Full Circle of the two sides of the mirror 45 54 is 9, 9 9=18
18 Alexander Grove. A G.
then complete here story full circle at 18 +9 here male female balanced and then as Woman Wu-man.

See Jake the name of Britt Brat dog.
Now most of my older Facebook friends will recall Dawn Chimento and her dog Jake as well at Marina Buruini home in 2010, how I met her massues friend who said she felt power wings on my back and whispered to me about the “captivity” of her brother.
She had a Golden Retriever G R- Golden Ratio who saw me recognized me and went insane with Joy.

See her comment “I never beg”
J A.K.E./ E.K A J. Arden Jeron.

So once she did the journy 3 time 9 9 9 -I C
18+9= 27.

My mother appeared almost immediatly to me in a vision as I lay on the bed in the Ground Floor where Aurelia had been born.

999 is I C ( 9-3/ 3 9)

18+9 = 27.
Add 100%= 127.

That is the time I was forced up today, to come to facebook, 1:27 pm
See sacred portal 27. and then Pan 100 MUSIC/ C I. SUM- Total.

10 x 10= 100. +27.


7:12 pm right now
/1:27 pm starting point.

She had to be all things DOG she was moving him, she did not become an actual Dog- this is the Matrix, none of this is actually real,
G F D.
G Fifth Dimension

Gold Fish.
GOD TRUTH- Loyalty.

No matter how pissed I may get at the character Liberty plays, she is still Loyal.

And so now we move the The Truth.
And Truth Manifests.
T M- 20 13= 33.

33=3 9.
I am not in the Matrix despite by Playing her son and Guide Father.
And yes, Jessica Knight her Knight in shinning armour while She played my Guide Mother, G M
Yes at the FAIR.
From Fair Field to 900 South Road- I Jumped Lept from 3-17 -319- Jesse Quan.
C Q, C .AG. -C-S, C A I
Said means “Happiness”

“I just want to be Happy no matter I do in Life”
Arden Gemino age 16.

I had Quantum lept at a code Liberty had blurted out 56min 56 secs.
To the 5th Dimension using sixth sense.
56 56
1 1
11 11
My Mother left this play on 2-22-2020.

2 2 2 is 6-7. 2/2=1.

7:26 pm.

27 B.G.
Being Grace.
Beauty =GOD.
Beautiful Truth.
B’Eau Te!
FL. O W I N G.
Harr Wing Ton-e.
Not a number or in the Matrix anymore.

9 become I.
I D.
The one who holds my Identity in Delta- Episolon
9 in Latin is

Latin Numbers 1-100 Posted by kunthra on Mar 24, 2010 in Latin Language
Number Latin numerals

7 VII septem
8 VIII oct?
9 IX novem”

9 is I.X Factor and November.
me 11 28. = 39.

This is wanted to say, it is that people do not realize that I am not claiming to be The Source, or The Creator, rather than I sensed it and by the the time I was 18 I suspected and by 24, 25 I knew.

I mean I woke myself up to full memory, so by the time it was, 2004, and then 2005 in Hells Kicthen, I had no iota of doubt or question as to who am, and when memory raised in you through something you already knew and then is translated in to the language meaning that which really always had been “I am I”

Its like Amensia or a Fog, lifting you become that very being you once where, with all the dignity, beautiful pride, majesty of all it correlated in this realm of carbon paper, carbon copy, energy signature translated from coal to Diamond clarity.

The difficulty of having now Power to make things instantly manifest, stunned me and worse I had all the memory, full, but could not be myself because you did not recognize me in this guise but most importantly with out to manifest my Power.
I was stuck in a script full awakened memory.
Observing through the screen and the mirror all the attrubtes form into words repesented in you name.
But I could not talk to you the way I normally would because you at first no clue as to who I was, am but as i moved through script observing how my own efforts to come down into a level where I could be understood by you, the illusion was that instead of looking at what I was conveying.

7:43 pm.


It was more, yes like crabs in a barrel, the more you understood, the more the outrage, because my power to manifest was curtailed to a point, so slow, so devious.

And to be honest, the point was not my physical appearance, or that I did not power at my command as a Djinn, Genie, but rather you were being show an example of how To rise to a Creator God.
Via also understanding the nature of being in existence.

And that as your prophecies, common sense, and information around you at the state of the view and interaction with the world and people.
No one safe.
That this was your last chance.

I have to stop now, that was alot.

7:48 pm.

You see, they made me do it as a man, and that should have been enough.

7:49 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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