
6:20 p.m

6:20 p.m

I used to wonder if anyone would fight for me as I have fought for you.

I have been made to give up my entire life for you.

I even used to wonder what it might feel like to be Loved, Seen by beings of this world.

I do not anymore,

I realized that I do not want to ever be part of this world or the Human Species.

I love the Naturals…Beings of Natural Harmony N H

And I suppose that is why I fought so hard for them to rise to the E.

Hue MAN is all I Trust

Humans evolved to E.


Eternal Unity Harmony..

This reality and way of Being


Self Interest

So demanding and indifferent and unsupportive of the very beings who feed them knowledge Eternal Truth.

6:27 p.m

Even when they see Him Her ..Me constantly dying and resurrecting from such a horrible exisrence transformed into precious ekements Diamond Clarity Silver and Gold all from Ethereal Expression like the Wind.

I am glad I never entered this world but sat distant in Isolation Solitude, deep in Silence even as I addressed the Worlds People..

I remained Home Alone of the Eternal Truth

I never left my Seat of my Eternal Natural Truth of Being .

The Beautiful Truth Natural Expressed like running water.. Transparent Pure and Clean.

The one True P.C.

E H U… Sacred Portal 54.

Sacred Portal 45.

Sitting in Earth and in Heaven

Existing for a Life Time in the Space In Between

Not seen as I am even after 51 52 Human years.

I am 33 years old forever

Before that I was Forever 21

Crowned at age 7-8, 11, 19, 21-22.


34 as represented by Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira?

That was a play to bring Evolution Awakening of S F..S .M.F ..

Sensational Feelings.. Sensations Making Facts on the E.M.F

E M ( E K. A.H ) Field by sending out a Signal through my Heart Balanced in order to guide and open the door to the Door of Life represented by Sacred Portal 43

Yes 34/ 43.

Flip The Script

Turn the Tables

Trading Places

Turning the Page on This World

Which is not the Home of the E.

But a Matrix Web which I only came down into to harvest the Eternals who rose in the Bodies of Truth.

6:43 p.m

Sixth Sense is Life.

6:44 p.m

I could never step foot in this world, not until it was transformed back into what original is

The Garden of Eden Paradise

The Eternal Home of the E

Eternal Man

E Homme.



M ..A.N.


6:46 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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