
6:18 pm. – F R. A N C.E – F A I…

6:18 pm.
F R. A N C.E
F A I… R F I E.LD.

But of course!
( Slapping my head)

Kim is in the bathroom all in Black, he heard my summons with ESP, or at least that this invasion is all about what he represents.
It’s obvious in the last post.
Those who can sense the Unspoken but the coding of themselves via a Facebook interface.

Nnamdi to Arden now see the Time code above- Ferril Rielly ( see name meaning) F R to Frank Robert via Richard. RICH ARDEN Kim means Gold. Sun Rays.
6 18= 24= 6.

F Fact = Being and Doing+Doing and Being and he did do, he took advantage of a situation he did not create and I responded because he was doing what no one else did, truly pay attention, and offer respect and devotion.

He came out of the bathroom and as if with ESP he responded to what I had been responding to my unspoken wavelength, with a confirmation.
He said that he was with * African women in full gear and the one wearing pink was acting unusually attentively at him.

U V.


Anenechukwu Nwaeke Ibezim
A N I./ I N A
But of course, he looked so familiar and I could not help smiling and comparing his play of Live “The problems is how we bury our Dead”

6;33 pm
With Kim Arthur Hinds Jr his Live.

Well before I end this diatribe of the I and the Original E pleading Kim’s case…* Funny Kamora H came into my mind today and her link to my Grandmother Lucy, I almost contacted her, and said wait, wait a sec.

But before I go on there is something I want to mention.

What part of me saying that I am not of your world, or that I am an E.T.A
Extra-Terrestrial Alien do you not understand?

That I have been coding the End of this reality do you not understand?

That which is happening in Paris, where the Statue of Liberty came from is in Perfect Harmony.
What part of the same experience you gave me, will be given back to you did you not understand?

What part of the large black cat’s bowl which I found here, and belonged to this household before I arrived with the code MEOW on it Sacred Portal 59 and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr all in Black- 59 he escapes to 95 and now it would appear to I E as an Example when he now is confirmed to transform.

6:41 pm.
Not 6- 40 as Sacred Portal Africa Pangea.
But Sacred Portal Elu, and not Eleguah which belongs to Erick Ebright and his best friend Robert Coffee whom I released, did you not understand?
Time Travel is what Erik Ebright was all about and his then friend Izzy was speaking about Kolo to Erik the moment I arrived. and then to Erik Esposito bed 009 when I returned and me, at bed 00 7. Go back and read our play.
9 7/ 7 9.

The truth of I have no interest in your world affairs because I am not of it, and the only part of it that I as Hueman is part of does not yet fully here yet ( they are late) Natural Expression which created Eden Paradise here as my Grandmother, and little sister Harmony reported to me via my aunt Julie Azuka translating.

6:50 pm


I know exactly who he is, in the Umeano Family Lore he was called Samuel Umeano who left this world voluntarily when he was still a boy and later called his sister Frances to follow suit which she did.

F U.
25 1 42.
25 43.

See the Sacred Portal 25 and 43.
Y. D C. David Cecilia.
B E D. C
My Mother Bed.
Egyptian Count Gift
Perfume I sent from the “Holy of Holies” when I lived in Queen Kew Gardens.
Q- K G. 17 11-7/ 7-11 at Q. Quantum

25+43= 68.
David “Roman” Nicholas
11-22-19 68.
Sacred Portal 68 “Mothers Milk of Human Kindness”
69 “Breath I am Breath UME-A.NO.”

6:59 pm
Waiting to finish his equation aligned in Perfect timing to Libertys play of indecisions indeciveness ( feigning it)
7:00 pm
Gemino Line.
My Mother called then Black Italians- that Italians were Brown Italians as we are. We are not Black are we, we are Brown.
Emilia Brown
Dylan Brown

It always used to disturb me that imprecise application, same thing as White People- they are not white, did you ever hear the poem about how on earth could they call afro people “colored people” when they are the ones who blush, turn green when they are sick, Purble to black when bruised, turn tan to deep brown in the sun, are Pale to Brown…and the conclusion of the poem “How can you call me Colored?

The same thing with describing things, I wrote about it in Paris in 3 essays “A Man who happens to be Black.. really Brown.

Chris and Liberty went to Brown University
Some embrace their ancestry and others denies it.

I am not of your world, I made it clear when I left Libertys home in a post that day, That I had activated the Bomb.

I and I I only have disgust for your world and its affairs government, after all these eons all this plague right to Aids, and you still haven’t figured out why you began to be decimated by world plays of plagues.

*”The ‘Black Death’ of Europe in 1347 to 1352

The Black Death of 1347 was the first major European outbreak of the second great plague pandemic that occurred over the 14th to 18th centuries. In 1346 it was known in the European seaports that a plague epidemic was present in the East. In 1347 the plague was brought to the Crimea from Asia Minor by the Tartar armies of Khan Janibeg, who had laid siege to the town of Kaffa (now Feodosya in Ukraine), a Genoese trading town on the shores of the Black Sea. The siege of the Tartars was unsuccessful and before they left, from a description by Gabriel de Mussis from Piacenza, in revenge they catapulted over the walls of Kaffa corpses of people who had died from the Black Death. In panic, the Genoese traders fled in galleys with ‘sickness clinging to their bones’ to Constantinople and across the Mediterranean to Messina, Sicily, where the great pandemic of Europe started. By 1348 it had reached Marseille, Paris, and Germany, then Spain, England and Norway in 1349, and eastern Europe in 1350. The Tartars left Kaffa and carried the plague away with them spreading it further to Russia and India.17″

13 48, 49 and 50…

Black Death?
Black Plague?
Being Doing?
Beautiful Pride.

Black People brought disease via the Slave ships.

Caused by Rats in the Sewage system?

S T A R/ R. AT. S
Star E as Arden Morgan now Robert Stephan. R S.

7:21 pm


(You held me up to add these two Line in The Hindsight play.
7:22 pm
G V…
7:23 pm
Evolution of Consciousness
4 Star *E.
You know the Asrerix- Star button on the Mother Board is actually number 8.

My 2:13 a.m post on my page early this morning M B.

4 Star General.
So you admit you were cheating Harmony, took a risk and broke Eternal Law, and felt that I could bear the consequences of your ‘beautiful deception” for a good cause?

Kim can rise and transform but not you… Ever.

7:28 pm.

So, no, it is not a Human Play, and I felt that I made that perfectly clear.
When I said Pure Hatred … I meant it, I have never used those words on anyone or anything in my entire life until recently here.

Let Beauty Rise, but I do not care about your intentions or that you were once E of the TEN.
You broke the Eternal Law which was set up for a good reason why two energies can not occupy the same place.
You used Evil not even yet of this world.
And I have endured the consequences and do not be fooled by my smiling face it is Hell almost beyond endurance.

7:33 pm.
You will never come home to Eden.
The Link and Connection to 8 O 8 with E 6th sense is broken no 7-8, You will remain at 7 and all your lines powers will be cut of ESP and you can be an ordinary human and stay loyal to them
Learn to Work.
Learn Effort.
Ease is taken from you as well as the Laurel and Crown, I warned you two days ago, that does not bring me back to this play.

I mean every word I say.

Harmony is left behind my be by my E- Manual confirming that E Harmony was here as confirmed by Andrey Klebanov- KLE BA. NOV-EMBER. Flame.

7:40 pm.

Now back to this coding

Iyrs Leonel Villareal I.L.
Melanie Suzanne. M.S

Tammy Sisemore T S
Anenechukwu Nwaeke Ibezim A I N

As I stated so many times, I was made to teach you the Alien Extra Terrestrial Language Consciousness as Eternal Law of Transparency Supremacy which even in the feminine code is aligned to Tammy Sisemore so, even in this very, very late play, your late and have only brough Pain Suffering and Misery to me personally who does not acknowledge suffering or Pain Misery as real, because I am the Sunshine state and in this play, I had to acknowledge my suffering and pain as real but not Misery, since only Harmony Unity could have programed all this to her Self representation and not her brother, elder brother its source. A I.S.
A I D S.
And it brought the illness represented as Agape perverted as the play of two Men, Man and Boy- is Youth.
and now worse to Pedophilia.

David was raped as a child by a priest right there with his parents present in the next room- in a Church.

4 Star General my Arse, all you succeeded in doing is making an ass of yourself, taking Love for granted.
And prolonged suffering and misery in this world and making me appear like the Boy- Man who cried, Wolf.

I am the source of Beautiful Pride, not you, who was but a story as Plan B.
When this time around there was only Plan A-B B-A.

Father of Infinity S P 147 A. B A 17, 1717.

7:59 pm.

Anenechukwu Nwaeke Ibezim

*”/Ana-ene-chukwu/ Gender: m. lit: We focus on Chukwu. imp: Hope on God”

Hope In God.. well, it can’t be that, since the Alicia Hopi Chief White Eagle play.

So I will break it down into two words Anene and Chukwu
A C.


*”Meaning: “Let’s look up to God.

That is better, God is The Truth Full Circle T.O. 2015= 35

*”Chukwu is the supreme being of Igbo spirituality. … Linguistic studies suggest that the name “Chukwu” is a portmanteau of the Igbo words “chi” (“spiritual being”) and “ukwu” (“great in size”).”

Supreme Being.
Great Man- Great Vast in size would be His E M F or sphere of influence.

8:19 pm
H S.
I S.

Nwaeke NWA-E.K-E

*”Nweke has its origins in the African-Igbo language and it is used largely in Igbo. The name Nweke means ‘boy born on Eke’. See also the related form, Okeke (Igbo). See also the related category igbo.”

Boy born on Eke Market Day.

Eke means “Python”

Interesting my mother said I was born on Nkwo market day as in Oko Nkwo- rep Ikenna Okonkwo Okonkwo and yet I am also in the EKE play. E N. N E.VV N E W. S.

I believe the date of birth of Adam- Joe Farler confirms the E K E.

8:26 pm. ( Ah Ha!)

Ibezim means *”Influencer, Freedom Lover, Charisma.”

Influencer, Freedom Lover, Charisma.

I, F L, C.

8:29 pm.


*”The name is derived from the Latin words “istunus” or “iustus”, which means “just”. … African Names Categories. African Baby Names.”

Just Justice- Fair.

*”What does ibezim mean?
Normally, people with the name Ibezim are energetic, courageous and determined.”

Energetic Courageous, Determined,


Tammy Sisemore

Tammy means *”Origin. Word/name. Hebrew or Greek via Aramaic. Meaning. “palm tree” or “twin”

Palm Tree. PT.
Twin- TWO. In One.

*”Tammy as a girl’s name is of English origin and is a short form Tamara meaning “date palm”. JUMP TO: Famous Tammys; Popularity Trend Chart; Related Baby Names …”

Date Palm,

rep Jules Palmer

*”A user from Maryland, U.S. says the name Tammy is of Hebrew origin and means “Gift of God”. A user from Barbados says the name Tammy means “Gift from god”.

Gift From God. G F G.

* ( It is like I am working and the U,N. United Nations as a Translator- the model Al Santana used to create the perimetry of his Garden

*”Girl name origins & meanings · Hebrew : Perfect one · Greek : Twin …”

Of the twins 88 “you are the Perfect One= P.O.
16 6 = 22.
Twenty USD code 220 and J B. 9 18… B

8:43 pm

Sacred Portal 88 ( Still) and 92.

Sisemore. *”English: from Old French sis ‘six’ + mars, plural of mar ‘mark’ (a coin), a nickname probably of anecdotal origin.

Six Mark ( Coin) yesterday’s play.

Do you know, how far this play went, I checked my teeth yesterday the bottom I have nearly all my teeth, but on the upper, there are only 6 teeth left..
And the coins on my desk, the play with Alicia Norris-Morris.

*”This place-name was originally derived from the Old Norwegian Brekka meaning hillside or slope and the Old Danish personal name Skar. Therefore the original …”

Hill Side H S.
Park Slope with Sky Oak Speaker whose mother was a Hippy and gave him an American Indian Name. A.I.N.

*”A submission from Virginia, U.S. says the name Sizemore means “Great man” and is of English origin. Search for more names by meaning. Submit the origin and/or …”

Great Man. G.M.

*I swear I just heard my sister voice soy to me “You’re a Great Man,”

9:11 pm.

While I was posting this at Sis, my Internet went off, I looked to Jae Sherman in her room- I knew it was not her, I knew it was something moving through her, I had checked enough, but I was also aware was it a play to break my vow that she should not speak to me ever- Negative Expression- but she came out and explained as I was thinking that and I knew because the beast did not roar through me,
But I am my Sister so who was this imposter able to move through a person to this level Maurice Morris Expression Nnamdi. M M E N.

I knew it was Her-I AM who had done this but the quiet horror of it, I had seen it from almost the first day, and mentioned it over and over, that you are being used.

But I saw the agreement to be used too.

9:18 pm

20 USD “220” V O. V F- Fritz Venniqe and my bio sister were Facebook Friends- and something was moving here.

9:19 pm

S P 45.= 9/ E D= I.

9:20 pm
I twenty 4 4 4 4 4; 5 4’s ED EN.T

E DENT Not E wears Dentures.
Nothing False about my brother even to his body, everything Natural.

Meaning of the name Melanie

*”Melanie is a feminine given name derived from the Greek ??????? (melania), “blackness” and that from ????? (melas), meaning “dark”. Borne in its Latin form by two saints: Melania the Elder and her granddaughter Melania the Younger, the name was introduced to England by the Normans in its French form Melanie.”

Blackness- Darkness.
Jonn D. Jon Blackwell born 8-1964

*”Melanie is derived from the Greek melas meaning black, in reference to the Greek goddess who mourned all winter for the return of spring. Melanie Name Origin: …”

My Sister, morning Nnamdi and I, Arden both born in Spring, I was born in Autumn.

*”In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Melanie is: The black one. Dark. Famous Bearer: A character in Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone with the Wind’.

The Black One.

Melony Numerology Analysis; Loyal, Strong, Prescient, Perfectionist, Proud, Fearless.”

Loyal Strong, Prescient Perfectionist, Proud Fearless… Yes, that is Her as My Bio Fathers truth.


*”Susanne means “rose” or “lily” (from Hebrew “shoshaná/???????????”) and ultimately derived from Egyptian “sšn” meaning “lotus”.

Rose Lily. R L.

Arden and yes Jonny Pepp’s Depths- Daughter
Left Right
A J. Lotus Santana.

*”Hebrew Baby Names Meaning: In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Susanne is: Graceful lily. American Baby Names Meaning: In American Baby Names the …”

Graceful Lily. G L. 7 12= 19 84-103.

9:41 pm.

*”Susan is a feminine given name, from Persian “lily flower”, from Egyptian sšn and Coptic shoshen meaning “lotus flower”, from Hebrew Shoshana meaning “lily …
Meaning: Lily, Pure, ?Lotus flower”

L F.
L P. L F. L.F.

*”This was derived from the Hebrew word ???????? (shoshan) meaning “lily” (in modern Hebrew this also means “rose”). …


9:43 p.m


I R – Y.S

*”The name Irys is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Colorful, Rainbow.”

Colorful Rainbow. C R.

The Story of Colors 2000

Istanbul Turkey.
IT 9 20.

Ferrill Aurelia.
Kolo- Circle Round.

*”[ 2 syll. i-ris, ir-is ] The baby girl name Iris is pronounced in English as AY-RihS or in Dutch and German as IY-RihS †. Iris is of Old Greek origin. It is used mainly in Dutch, English, and German. It is derived literally from the word iris with the meaning ‘rainbow’. The name was borne in Greek mythology by the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. Iris is also a genus of flowering plants named after the rainbow. The first name was adopted by English speakers in the 16th century as a flower name, and also in reference to the sphincter around the pupil of the eye, which is named for its myriad of colors. The first name later enjoyed an increase in use during the late 19th century vogue for flower and plant names.”

It surrounds the Pupil.
The flowering of Cee Sight.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr sent me a message saying when he arrived at work a person was wearing a T-Shirt or top with the word “Hind” So yes now he is at C.I as Himself, not me.


*”Leonel means “little lion” (from ancient Greek “léon/????” or Latin “leo” = lion).

Little Lion.
Shrikant Lion

Lion King.

Yes, she is a Leo as is Stephen Esteban M F who I had noted over and over again his carrying the code 7-28 over and over again, my sister.

*”Spanish Baby Names Meaning: In Spanish Baby Names the meaning of the name Leonel is: Young lion. American Baby Names Meaning: In American Baby Names the …”

Young Lion.

9:59 pm

*”A submission from California, U.S. says the name Leonel means “A male ‘ nice, lovable, adorable, friendly, Honorable, and brave as a lion'”. A user from Nebraska …”

A Male.
Nice, lovable Adorable Friendly
as Brave as a Lion.

Richard Lion Heart.


*”Spanish: habitational name from any of several places named Villar(r)eal, from Spanish villa ‘(outlying) farmstead’, ‘(dependent) settlement’ + real ‘royal’ (Latin regalis), as for example Villarreal de San Carlos in Cáceres.”

Outlying Villa, A Royal Farmstead
as in Windsor – Balmoral
Camp David.

10:11 pm

*”Noble surnames, such as Villarreal, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people. The original bearer of the name Villarreal, which is a local …”

Barcelona, Figures Spain
Ignatio Betty. 1991.

*”(Spanish) One who came from Villareal (the royal estate), the name of several places in Spain. — Dictionary of American Family Names (1956) by Elsdon Coles …”

From the Royal Estates of Spain. * Yes, I do recall celebrating my 23rd Birthday there in Barcelona with all the family and all sons, like my bio Fathers Family and the Father giving me a gold and Yellow paper crown and my being suspicious by all the fuss, “my crowning “seemed to cause.

*”According to a user from Maryland, U.S., the name Villarreal is of Spanish origin and means “Royal Town”. According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name …”

Royal Town,
R T.

*”Etymology — Etymology[edit] … Both the Castilian Spanish Villarreal and Valencian Vila-real are cognates meaning ‘Royal Village’, due to the city’s …”

Royal Village.
R V.

It Real.

10:20 pm

J T.
John Thomas.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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